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* Archives of this link: 1. [archive.org Wayback Machine](https://web.archive.org/web/99991231235959/https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/); 2. [archive.today](https://archive.today/newest/https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/) * A live version of this link, without clutter: [12ft.io](https://12ft.io/https://www.thepublica.com/germany-woman-convicted-of-offending-migrant-gang-rapists-receives-longer-prison-sentence-than-the-rapists/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/stupidpol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> However, despite DNA and WhatsApp evidence, eight of the nine men convicted walked free with probation and spent no time in prison at all. The ninth was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison without parole. What! How the fuck does that happen? Any Germans know what happened with this?


I'd like to know too. I'm hoping they were deported or something at least


They were tried as juveniles. They are now 20-23 years old, the attack took place in 2020. You're an adult at the age of 18, but it's at the discretion of the judge basically. And these migrant youth mature so slowly, they are basically innocent children much longer (hint: I'm betting my ass all of them had something on their record already).


That makes slightly more sense but in what world does it make sense to give them parole even as juveniles.


Many countries have criminal codes that cannot prosecute youth under a certain age or requires reduced sentencing or alternative treatments. Most of the time it's fine, but occasionally it puts everyone in a bad situation.


Even then you can still deport them or something


Were they are least real juveniles and not "juveniles" with beards longer than my forearm?


The hard right newspaper leaves out, that these 9 people who only got probation were minors at the time of the crime. And the videos were deleted before they were ever reviewed in court


Its still absurd to give probation for that.


Yes it is


> The hard right newspaper leaves out, that these 9 people who only got probation were minors at the time of the crime In many jurisdictions minors can answer for crimes as serious as that. And secondly I suppose the actual age of some of those people might be questionable.


In the uk, the bulger case is an example where minors can be tried as adults in extreme circumstances.


>Disturbingly, her assailants had begun inviting other men to rape her via their chat groups, gleefully sharing the news that there was an isolated teenage girl in the dark park with no potential witnesses. >The child was attacked a third time by a single man, and then a fourth time by three more men, who dragged her into a bush and sexually assaulted her. >Finally, the child managed to break away and ran, though pursued by her rapists. Eventually, she came across people who recognized her traumatized state and immediately called the police. >A total of 11 men were initially charged, but two were acquitted quickly due to a lack of DNA evidence. The sperm of nine of the men, however, had been successfully recovered from the girl’s body. !!!


The one thing I’ll give America is that this kind of shit would never fly here.




But like, imagine what would happen if that guy got deferred adjudication.


Yeah fair enough. Or the victim jailed for calling him a name. Just saying the usa is closer than you may think to this


Thankfully the US has very strong constitutional protections of free speech (for now at least).


We are definitely trending that way, but I hope that we wouldn’t stand for shit that far beyond the pale.


>The sperm of nine of the men, however, had been successfully recovered from the girl’s body. You know there's a reason people don't go "what an unthinkable crime!" when these groups do this


Why is the right rising?????? We will never know.


**Impossible** to say


How could this have happened?!


In Hamburg (where this happened) at the most recent EU elections, the Greens got the majority of the votes (just like in Berlin and a few other larger cities). The Greens are a bit different than in the US, being the most neoliberal party of them all (only topped off by recently formed Volt maybe). Most people tend to ignore this shit until they are personally affected. At which point it might be too late.


They were taught that way, individualism and all. In the east they collectively responded to immigration problems by voting AfD and neoliberal economic problems by voting Die Linke, both of which have a stronghold in the east


One day, for no reason at all...


The liberal establishment is deliberately fomenting social division and rise of the cultural right, to distract from their own deep racism, total incompetence, and commitment to the ownership class, and to virtue signal against, casting themselves, the real descendants of nazi genocidaires, as wholesome.


The actual effect is going to be more like how Clinton's pied piper strategy *actually* played out for her


Which is what, exactly? "skip"/not get her "turn". Gee, such pwnage, she merely gets to live out her days with all the treats/rewards without any of the pesky responsibility...


Create a whole movement against her beliefs that wins


What movement? When was the shitlib world order dismantled? Are you retarded?




Wow. All of a sudden I support assisted suicide.


Well put.


Because they care so much about protecting women and this would never have happened under a right government (Germany has been run by a center right government for the last 20 years btw). /s


how did the center right party's immigration policy differ from the mainstream left parties' immigration policies?


Significantly. Or were you expecting me to say they were the same cause that's what you've been told or just assumed? You could do your own research sometimes.


The rapists were identified as a Pole, an Egyptian, a Libyan, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Armenian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin What a diverse band of criminals normally they don't see eye to eye perhaps degeneracy unites them


I take back every bad thing I've said about Hollywood movies having racially diverse bands of criminals.


Saw a video of a Jamaican and Hindu in traditional garb waving a knife at a guy the other day that felt farcical.


So a Pole, an Egyptian, a Kuwaiti, an Iranian, an Afghan, a Syrian, and a Montenegrin walk into a bar


Unfortunately the till was locked.


You’re not funny


A woman has to walk the rest of her life knowing that she got raped by the Burger King Kids Club. That's a surreal experience.


> A woman has to walk the rest of her life knowing that she got raped by the Burger King Kids Club holy lmao


they could as well has been wolfgang, anders and preben from austria, sweden and denmark!


I thought this was a right wing myth? Next you’ll tell me no go zones are real. /s(?)


I don't get Euros, in the one hand, they tend to be more xenophobic than Americans. On the other hand, their laws (which somehow haven't been changed) allow stupid shit like this to happen.


This is the shit I show people when they want to abolish mandatory minimum sentencing and free speech. No, the judge should not just get free-fucking-reign to arbitrarily and capriciously do whatever the fuck they want. That undermines the entire purpose of the legislative branch. Why even have a lawmaking body if judges can just do literally what-fucking-ever based off their feels and vibes that day? I'd rather have mandatory minimum sentencing for certain crimes so even judges who are Highly Regarded can't just let people walk.


Exactly. And I'll even argue, though the crimes that get mandatory minimums are much less likely to be committed by the rich, besides sex crimes, it also serves to prevent the rich who do commit (some) crimes from buying their way into lower sentences. Though the double edged sword is it also means that the wealthy/certian groups more sympathetic to juries are less likely to be convicted at all, with their (expensive) lawyers often making them out to be too delicate for the "overly harsh" mandatory sentences as a reason to let them off scot free. Though at that point, it would be a bucking of justice either way.


I can fully understand the logic behind your reaction and the justification for your outlook but you know as well as I do that hard and fast rules like mandatory minimums, which might have positive intent behind them, always, and I mean always end up adding weight to the sledgehammer that's aimed directly at all non-rich (i.e., you, me and 99 percent of us) Americans facing our justice system. Maybe for some of the more heinous crimes there should be review boards or something but it just seems there's never any way to escape our two-tiered system and every new idea or attempt at so-called deterrence becomes just another way to absolutely obliterate middle and working-class people who might make a dumb mistake or run afoul of the law, even in non-violent low-level crimes. Sucks man


Part of this is that there are just very few rich people gang raping people in public parks. But I wouldn't be against adding mandatory minimums to crimes the rich do or even making mandatory minimums for the rich. Like if your net worth is over 5 million there is a five year sentence for underpaying on taxes or something similar.


There are crimes rich people commit that actually hurt people, but I don't think years in prison for victimless crimes makes a lot of sense. Better to make them do community service or something.


It's not about deterrence. Deterrence doesn't work. People will point at studies showing mandatory minimums not reducing crime rates and that's true. But that's not THE GOAL of mandatory minimums. Mandatory minimums is all about getting pieces of shit who by all rights should be locked away from society, locked away from society, without activist bleeding heart judges getting in the way. Impulsive shitbags who do crimes are going to do crimes regardless of mandatory minimums. The benefit of mandatory minimums: we can keep the impulsive shitbags segregated from normal-people-society by putting them in this giant adult timeout center called Jail for longer periods of time. Without mandatory minimums you get bleeding heart judges who will keep letting repeat offenders and people who really shouldn't be able to live in society walk over and over and over again until they kill someone. And then even after they kill someone, they'll still give them 3 years and a slap on the wrist "because he was really just a good kid who was misunderstood" fuck that.


Because their leaders and government members are turbo libs (largely due to American occupation) and deliberately don't do anything about it.


peak enrichment


This shit is fucking infuriating. I haven’t read an article that made me this mad in a long time. And people wonder why right wing groups are growing in popularity world wide. Fucking unbelievable.


and suddenly anti-migrant political parties are becoming more popular. It's a mystery.


For the things I want to say in response to this would get me life in German prison


>A 20-year-old woman in Hamburg, Germany, has been sent to prison after making “hateful” remarks towards a migrant who was involved in the gang rape of a child. The woman is just one of 140 peoplebeing investigated for making “harmful comments” towards the rapists. The horrific assault took place in 2020, and involved multiple groups of migrant men independently attacking a 14-year-old girl in Hamburg’s Stadtpark over the course of one night. The park had become a popular hang-out spot for youth during the COVID-19 lockdowns, and the girl had been there drinking with her friends. But they became scattered after police swept the park and broke up groups while enforcing social distancing measures. Confused and alone, the girl was defenseless against the first mob of four predators.  Anarcho-tyranny


Honestly, before reading this I thought the woman must have made racist or xenophobic remarks, which obviously shouldn't carry more consequence than a literal rape but which I still wouldn't want to encourage - individuals' despicable actions should not be generalized to their entire national/ethnic groups. However, how does calling a rapist a "dishonorable rapist pig" get you thrown in jail? Germany, what the fuck?


> Germany, what the fuck? Pretty sure this is their official tourism slogan.


Because it's insulting to German authorities


Feeling the urge to start mohommadposting again




>racist or xenophobic remarks, which obviously shouldn't carry more consequence than a literal rape but which I still wouldn't want to encourage what i'm hearing you say is that you're ok with criminalizing speech. not cool.


This is exactly why words shouldn’t be policed, the slippery slope of speech restriction is a straight line to authoritarian control and removing the right to protest or petition the government.


What an anarchist


Hear whatever you want, Freud.


Reading comprehension is bourgeois apparently


She was not merely insulting but threatening.


Oh no, how will the poor rapists recover? Tbh if she or her family did something (they won't), I don't think anyone would shed a single tear.


Not sure what you think you respond to. I gave factual information to Angloids. Threats are illegal in Mormonstan as well buddy, I gave no moral judgement about anything.


I mean, the article is implying the victim is lying, isn't it


What are you talking about, mate?


If the article says there was no gang rape and the girl instead consented in a drunken state, that directly contradicts her claims of being gang raped and dragged into a bush


The OP article clearly did not to this. I did not post any further article. It is also irelevant to my comment, which was about not-involved woman (in terms of the rape four years ago) who was sentenced to two days of jail in the title. I merely pointed out to the American brained ones, that this woman was not thrown into prison because she was merely insulting anyone.


Oh right. The second article you posted claims however that gang rape never happened however. And that's what I was responding to


And then one day, for no reason at all, people voted Hitler into power.


It’s a mystery!!!


did you not see it coming?


It's almost as if "they" want this to happen again.




Why AFD has 16 percent. It must be that voters are stupid, right?


>Videos of the first and third rapes had been recorded and shared by the assailants to contacts through WhatsApp They literally *filmed themselves doing it* and they still walked. No matter how lenient you intend to be on migrants, how the fuck does that happen?


Because the videos were deleted and never reviewed in court


Anyone with a clue of how technology works knows these stupid ass migrants aren't smart enough to delete them unrecoverably, and delete them from whatsapp servers as well. The corrupt, illegitimate German justice system is undoubtedly lying, either pretending they were deleted or deleting the videos themselves. They know if they were ever released it would cause white people riots.


My country is going to shit...


Shouldn't need to be said but, I'm no racist or xenophobe, and even though Le Reddit likes to characterize the Germans as betas and wusses - **I am still seriously kind of shocked that horrible, but potentially somewhat sympathetic, ultra nationalist movements haven't gained much more ground in areas where this shit happens.** And with the 14 year old victim incident in particular, sadly, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if tomorrow I opened the news and read about there being organized roving gangs of native born Germans literally running wild with pogroms and lynchings until their government was forced to take back it's monopoly on sanctioned violence and actually do something about the root cause of such an inhumane, anti-social, and grotesque crime against a little girl (re: the 12-year-old girl who was torturously GANG RAPED BY 11 DUDES, *nine of whom left their sperm which was "later able to be extracted from the young girl"*. **Had to shudder-vomit just typing that last bit as my entire fucking soul still shakes with rage** Anybody have any deeper insights (more nuanced than the typical and overdone "immigrants bad, Germans pussies" takes) into the mechanisms of power, idpol wars, and social zeitgeist at play that allow for such wretched crimes to keep occurring? And why none of the populace have decided to take matters into their own hands? Am I just too ignorant of German politics and people? I've read that their governments are known for being heavy-handed and particularly and rightfully so when it comes to stomping out group violence, but (although I'd never personally advocate for it) it does seem like eventually a line would be crossed and sheer reactionary, rage-blinded hatred would take over despite potential consequences. I mean, based solely upon the most primal, animalistic human instincts, these kinds of monstrosities taking place in their own backyards / parks are precisely what you would expect to cause citizens to want to go to literal war over, rather than some mean tweets/accurate WhatsApp comments. So what gives?


Yeah but if they say something they might get called racist. Fair grounds for allowing the crimes to continue imo


Right wing groups have been caught over exaggerating and lying about migrant crimes so many times since 2014/15, you start to take reports about something this horrible with a huge grain of salt. Germans also have a strong delusion about how all kinds of fucked up things "could never happen here, we have rule of law". Combine that with liberal media being uncomfortable running these kinds of stories, and many libs wanting them to remain low profile because they would "play into the hands of the AfD", and you have a perfect storm for collectively looking the other way. And now even if liberal and socdem parties claim they see the problem and want to address it, people don't believe them. Plus their more r-slurred voters decry them for supporting right-wing racist policies etc.


Wild. Sounds like a heartbreaking shitshow of a confluence of events. And it really sucks when you realize that most of the people who would claim to want to do something about it, whether left or right wing, are more inclined to turn such a tragedy into a political football.


And then they stand Pikachu-eyed when right wing parties come to power.


Guilt (especially mixed with fear and self-hatred) can make individuals, and apparently societies, act very irrationally. It’s as if the Germans have chosen self-humiliation to atone for their sins. Over-correcting for the wrong doings of the past is a common thread in the West. At the very least the peasants get the stray bullets while the governing bodies save face in the public view. So maybe the Germans in power really are the smart ones.


Not surprising at this point sadly.


Germany why 😢


America is fucking stupid but it isnt this stupid


Someone needs to tell her of Germany's greatest hero: JStark and his FGC9


It’s sickening that the justice system can’t give these people the punishment they deserve.


I thank my ancestors for leaving 100 years ago.


Because of what I'm about to write, I want it made clear that I am in no way defending or sympathetic to the scumbags in this article. However, the title and reporting is intentionally provocative and dishonest, and skimming through the rest of this new site, it's obviously engaged in ragebait farming. That seemingly every article is Culture Wars shock material really puts into question whether this site, [founded by 'two YouTubers', was truly 'founded in the hopes of offering a more neutral alternative to today’s many biased media companies and outlets'.](https://www.thepublica.com/about-us/) I would be suspicious of their reportage.


Is it unfactual though?


I don't know because I haven't looked at this before, but I don't trust them to be factual. This is a very obviously biased source that is trying to push a specific agenda and these type of stories usually make alot more sense when you actually dig into the facts of the primary sources eg. documents, decisions, etc.


It leaves out that the 9 people who only received probation were minors at the time of the crime. And the supposed videos were deleted before they were ever reviewed in court


The story specifically mentions (more than once) that the videos were deleted before they could be reviewed in court. You should perhaps bring a little more attention to your reading. Especially if you're going to speak out critically about the article.


Fair enough, but I also think people like that are the only ones who would ever even report on something like this. In the land of the blind the reporter with one eye is king


I highly doubt this English only website is doing any original German language investigations. In fact, everything here has been already reported elsewhere.


This is absolutely insane. Any Euros here think this could impact elections?


Only German rapists in Germany! It's full, there's enough German rapists.


can you provide a real source ?


I advise everyone to spend 2 minutes reading [this](https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/panorama/kriminalitaet/vergewaltigung-hamburg-stadtpark-richter-urteil-100.html) and [this](https://www.mopo.de/hamburg/hoecke-hass-und-fake-news-hamburger-richterin-ueber-zeit-nach-vergewaltigungs-urteil/) article before loud-mouthing without the tiniest idea of what this is even really about, since the article linked in the post is a truth-twisting sensationalist hit piece


>The chamber suspended the youth sentences of one to two years for eight defendants on probation or so-called preliminary probation. Only one 19-year-old received a harsher sentence Not much better, they should be given at least 20 years for this


Did you read the second article I linked?


>She led one of the most highly regarded proceedings in recent years hmmmmmm So your point is that none of this happened and gang rape / dragging into bushes was entirely made up? How? Didn't the girl herself say that this happened?




wtf. Did you read the article? You clearly didn't. First, they *were* successfully convicted. They were found guilty of the rape. And the sentence was probation. i.e. no jail time. Second, how the fuck do you contend there's any possibility of them not being involved if their semen was collected from the victim? They collected the DNA of 9 of the rapists from the victim. Are you saying that the child may have consented to having sex with a dozen migrants in one night? Please explain. BTW you come across as a complete dunce when you open your comment with "herp derp did no one read the article" and then proceed to demonstrate that **you yourself** either didn't read the article or, have the reading comprehension of a retarded child. Do better.