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This strikes me as not a gender divide, but a worsening issue in US society, where people dismiss the entire value and worth of other human beings, if they don't agree 100% on political and social issues. I have so many relationships with people who are mostly good and kind people, but have at least one idiotic, bigoted or mean political or social opinion, and they are mostly valuable relationships that I enjoy maintaining. And sometimes it takes a little work to navigate but I don't want to just stop talking to them completely. But I feel like if I was 23 years old right now and grew up in this social environment, I would be way more likely to say "fuck 'em" and not work on maintaining contact with them. People treat their social lives like Insta accounts. If they say something stupid, block.


It's the death of intellectual charity and tolerance


Yeah, the "pro-tolerance" mainstream left is very intolerant to anyone who thinks differently. Diversity doesn't include diversity of thought.


It’s the death of reason and morality.


This girl I was fucking with ended her 4 year old friendship because the dude voted wrong lmao


59% of these young women wouldn’t date someone if they voted for the opposite party. So where does that leave me with the Gen Z ladies as a soon to be three time Jill Stein voter?


>Say they wouldn't date This is usually the same anti-white asian chic with a white bf. Stated vs revealed preferences are where most of these things fail plus the obvious rule of being attractive.


Much like the far-right, these sorts of turbo-libs are obsessed with justifying and rationalizing race and hierarchy, and come to the analogous conclusion that university-educated white men—especially those in certain high-status professions (law, tech, finance, consulting, etc.)—represent a higher form of humanity than the rest. I work in science academia and the amount of racist vitriol they spew without any open pushback is absurd.


Woke hypergamy


Their mindset would lead them to see men of color as objects of pity rather than lust, whereas white men would be aspirational goals


I have a university degree. Some people who come out of academia are pretty stupid, and some university-educated people actively make the world a worse place. So much for them being a higher form of humanity.


It’s hotter when it’s forbidden.


The difference is that with the dating apps that now so many people use you can filter out whoever you want before you even see them, like they don't even exist. Their preferences may never be revealed unless they go outside and talk to people.


Dude women lie lol. Just an example, I had a gender studies major friend dating and almost marrying the most gun loving, Trump supporter. The guy was as pro life as you can and when you asked her about it she would make a billion excuses 🤣


Oh, almost like Romeo and Juliette... How brave!


I bet that Trump supporter guy didn't forget steps 1 & 2, namely: Step 1: be attractive Step 2: don't be unattractive And note that "owning a gun" and "being masculine" IS attractive to most women. Look at what women do, not what they say.


A country boy will munch it down like it’s watermelon


Never listen to what women say, look at what they do.


Whenever women say "I want a man who is X", what they mean is "I want a man who is attractive, and who ideally also is X." And the awkward truth is that a lot of men who REALLY don't fit into what women say they want, actually check the "attractive" box pretty well. For example, a masculine right-wing man might be more attractive to a woman than a not very masculine left-wing man, even if that left-wing man checks the nice-to-have boxes such as being left-wing. Yeah it's great that someone checks the nice-to-have boxes such as "being left-wing", but they forgot the essential step of "be attractive." And for that... hit the gym, own a gun, be masculine, do some martial arts or boxing, etc.


It's pretty simple- if you're attractive and somewhat charismatic, you've got the 'I can fix him' hook. If you aren't attractive, then nobody will care enough to want to fix you. My only hot-ish take is that this isn't unique to women either, men just state their preferences more in terms of specific looks or desired behaviors, but they'll compromise (sometimes pretty openly) for someone hot enough.


> My only hot-ish take is that this isn't unique to women either, men just state their preferences more in terms of specific looks or desired behaviors, They also tend to have a wider range of looks they are okay with as well.


True -- but at least men acknowledge that they highly value hotness in the woman. Men have also joked about the "crazy - hotness" scale, where men tolerate a little craziness if the woman is a little hot, and a lot of craziness if the woman is very hot. Which is again men riffing on the idea that guys will tolerate a lot in a hot enough woman. I have no problem with women just wanting attractive guys, but it'd be nice if they would just say so, instead of pretending that they want kind, emotionally open men and then choosing hot guys over kind guys. This would be better for women too, because then men would know they need to hit the gym.


A third party vote is a vote for fascism racism and death camps in America. What the fuck is wrong with you. (Said no one in the real world, there’s no way 59% actually think this way. Also in your case you’ll get head constantly so wear that proudly)


> (Said no one in the real world Oh I fucking wish


A vote for third party is a vote for humanicide!


Just accept that we’re old and out of touch


I was old and out of touch before I hit 30 lmao.


The white man's whore strikes again.


Jarvis, bring up the most racist man alive picture.


unbathed granola chicks at Burning Man


They mean Republicans half of them wouldn't know what to do with a principled Green voter and a leftwing critique of the Democrats. the other half would say a vote for her is a vote for Trump.


non voters win again


Would you date a maga person?


It leaves you where you always were, masturbating in the corner like an old creep.


It's total BS. They would 100% rather date a right wing Chad over an average leftist guy. 


Hasn’t this same article been written like ten billion times by now?


I stopped following the daily news generally 4/5 years ago (after being a news addict for 4) for this reason. Very quickly you realize most media is the literal same shit over and over, fucking groundhog day for years and even decades. It's what pisses me off about internal Leftist debates and all the ink spilled on them, they're the same debates since over 100 years ago. Even the idpol shit is mostly the same with only the trans issue being relatively new. Yes things have changed, the conditions have changed and tech has created a new world. But that's layered on top of a huge pile of old shit that people keep treating as unsettled. 


That stat is way too high anecdotally. As long as you’re not slinging slurs 24/7 these chicks don’t give a fuck. I’d say the number is more like 25%, and the vast majority of those are influenced due to the abortion debate.


How high of a power level can you show and still be okay in your experience?


Like a lot of things in life it depends on how tall and hot you are my friends brother is 6'4 and good looking and can still occasionally rant about things like white replacement or full on slurs and still gets laid.


Yeah, the never mentioned beauty/desirability privilege (it’s bad for women and men). Also it’s probably another internet vs. reality type thing- women/girls aren’t as judgmental in real life unless you’re super ugly or totally socially awkward and idiotic (like I am)


There's also the confidence factor. I often hear that's like the biggest one.


They're usually just as judgemental, they just don't explicitly state what they're judging you for in real life


You can tell I don’t talk to women in a romantic way in real life lol


Gen z isn’t having sex


They have less sex, but also, the sex in gen Z is incredibly lopsidedly distributed. Chads are drowning in more vagina than ever, due to things like Tinder. I can't easily find it, but I recall reading that the gini coefficient (a measure of inequality) indicated that sex was more unevenly distributed than money nowadays. Take that with a grain of salt, but it's at least funny to think about, if you think the decline of society is funny.


I think that this gendered political divide is caused by this, but then it’s kind of funny for people to ask as they did above something like “so can you be based and still get pussy if your gen z?” while also ignoring they’re having like less sex than any generation ever and that’s why the men are becoming reactionary in the first place. I think the problem people are going to find though is while the right isn’t afraid to talk about this (and are exploiting the vacuum left by the left’s aversion to even discussing this because of the implications), their solutions aren’t workable. You can’t put a genie back in a bottle. They’re not bringing back religion and they’re not going to bring back the societal arrangements of women principally being financially dependent on men.


The right isn't the solution, but at least the right isn't actively making this particular topic worse. Every single day the left is pushing more diversity quotas, more anti-male discrimination, etc. The right isn't doing that. Admittedly there's a lot to criticize about the right, but on this particular issue they're the lesser of two evils.


It's not all that. I don't think financial dependency has much to do with it. And I think while the decline of religion is a big factor but not in the way that many on the right way, I think the primary issues here are the moving of most social groups and community towards either the internet or heavily corporatized and commercialized Venus rather than more "organic" community organization like Church or functions or whatever. When you had everyone in town going to the same building where you marry people to listen to a boring lecture every week naturally the eyes of the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes will wander and social opportunities for, let's say relationships, were "easier" for the average person to get because they were not wholly reliant on having to bootstrap their own sex life and the community would often find those who were single and try to "encourage" them to get together with each other. Of course situations like this where everyone knows everyone in the community do make casual sex a lot harder. Today with the shift towards online dating and all that I think basically if you want sex, even if you aren't super attractive or in the top percentile, it's still not that hard to get but, you have to treat it like a crappy job search and basically "bootstrap" yourself into getting a competitive resume and all that shit. As well as having enough motivation and "grit" to push through all the rejections you'll get. It's pretty garbage but it's either put up with that shit or be lonely. So I think it self selects out the people who are basically waiting for life to happen to them rather than the people who are actively looking and willing to put up with shit to get what they want. P


I don't know if church would even work if people still went to it. Talking to the religious people I know their are lots of single women at church because women tend to be more religious/spiritual in general the problem is most of them are too old for the guys preference, have kids, or have an absurd body count all the while few of them have actual genuine Christian beliefs so the single guys have zero interest in them. The reformed harlot/village bicycle hitting 35-45 and suddenly becoming born again is basically a stereotype at this point and most of the guys see right through it wanting someone with genuine faith and morals like they believe they have.


Yeah that sounds like modern church to me. I think the value of the church as a social venue is greatly diminished when it isn't simply the "village church" or whatever that everyone in town goes to and knows everyone there. One problem I think happened I noticed was that the churches in the 1990's were noticing the drop in attendance and correctly assumed it was because people could get entertainment elsewhere and were of course choosing better options for entertainment than church. I think a bunch of churches tried to compete though on the entertainment department, there were all those cringe youth groups and shit. And it's like, you know how Christian movies like invariably suck. Like who cares about the message I'll watch some movies with a message I disagree with if it's competently made, but like why the fuck would I go spend Sunday at a Church for crappy live hippie music about Jesus when I could just go to a bar and get better music, and better fellowship with other Christians even? This is partly why I think you're seeing some popularity return to all latin masses or whatever, like it's always seemed totally stupid to me to modernize the Church because there's tons of "modern" options out there that do shit way better than a church ever can. Like if I want to go listen to some crappy self help "you're beautiful just the way you are" whatever type stuff there's loads of options.


> Yeah that sounds like modern church to me. I think the value of the church as a social venue is greatly diminished when it isn't simply the "village church" or whatever that everyone in town goes to and knows everyone there. You might be on to something with this back in the day a lot of socialization happened through the church or with people you knew from church but that has quickly gone away. Their is just somehow less socialization because it isn't really used as a third place anymore and people are too busy working or dealing with day to day stuff now that both parents are working and men are more involved with raising kids so people can't socialize like they used to. It instead has just become a place you go on Sunday to listen to a lecture then leave.


> They’re not bringing back religion and they’re not going to bring back the societal arrangements of women principally being financially dependent on men. Iran 1979


i'm sorry did you just assume my proclivity without my consent?


My boyfriend is 6'4", blue eyed,  and stacked, can confirm I don't give a shit about what he says 


I fucked him first.


Whatever isms you display have to be tasteful and educated


IMHO, it's complicated. Women, not all of course but a good number, I think are very much attracted to men they see a decisive and for lack of a better word "strong" they aren't attracted to men that they are as douches. Now while the stereotype of the conservative male in liberal circles tends to be this kind of Crowderesque stereotypical douche type, the stereotypes in conservative circles are flipped and you've got the victorian gentleman as the ideal "man" that dotes on the woman, doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, basically does whatever the woman wants. If a woman meets this kind of strong opinionated but otherwise non-doochy devoted conservative male type it's common for them to change their politics if they weren't strongly rooted in the first place. It's the general origin story for the conservative Karen stereotype imho. Because the same person who is going to go picket at colleges and scream for whatever the current cause is is easily swept up in the conservative version of that once she hits more middle age and her peers are no longer young college types and are instead family types. Me I can't really imagine politics being relevant in interpersonal relationships, at least not 24/7 cable news nonsense politics. If how your partner votes is something that causes strife in your relationship and is anything more than a topic of conversation from time to time it's time to take a step back and look at yourself and how you are letting other people talk bullshit effect your personal relationships, and just chill out and accept the way of the grill.


People have tested this: you can be an open neo-nazi with swastika tattoos if you're attractive enough, or a child rapist


Yep. Also, serial killers have women lining up to date them.


God those fishing experiments are always depressing as fuck.


I call stuff gay and r*tarded 365 days a year and my wife has not left me yet 


Pretty different from something like the n-word or t-word though. People tend to be fine with g@y and r3t@rd as long as you are using them as general insults rather than specific slurs against gay and mentally disabled people


What's the t-word?


There's a level of hotness where some (not all) women will tolerate anything, including slurs 24/7. See: [https://cheezburger.com/3017733/guy-conducts-twisted-experiment-on-tinder-as-fake-child-rapist-and-gets-horrifying-results](https://cheezburger.com/3017733/guy-conducts-twisted-experiment-on-tinder-as-fake-child-rapist-and-gets-horrifying-results) [https://www.distractify.com/trending/2018/09/12/Z25CUDI/fake-hot-tinder-dude-criminal](https://www.distractify.com/trending/2018/09/12/Z25CUDI/fake-hot-tinder-dude-criminal)


I’d imagine it varies by region quite a lot.


The poll doesn't specify how many views before a person becomes undatable, just someone of the opposing view. In practice if you don't disagree over 100% of political beliefs, which is how this survey could be interpreted, then yeah it's possible the results are true. Useless, but true.


In fifty years "Democrat" and "Republican" are going to be ethnic groups, the same way the Serbs split up on religious lines.


Wall to wall, house to house, hood to hood fightin and dyin’.


Perhaps. But at the same time, the *majority* of the country does not align itself this way, even though to all-powerful media makes it seem like an outsized number of people do. Really it is two political minorities controlling the lives of an apolitical majority.


You should make this into a post. But yeah the segregation is really getting into two different worlds.


The rural urban divide is pretty absurd people have been writing books about it since the early 2000s and it has only gotten worse since then.


Essentially [pillarization](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pillarisation)


Nah. Despite what women loudly proclaim, the actual reality is that tons of (not all) women will date hot guys, no matter their beliefs. And there's hot guys on the right and there's a [smaller ](https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2018/jan/31/hunky-tory-attractive-people-more-likely-to-be-rightwing-study-finds)but not insignificant number of hot guys on the left.


Has anyone done a genetic study on closeness within whites of each party vs whites between parties?  On that note, given the way Euro immigration happened, is it possible the conservative vs liberal divide overlaps with the German vs Italian heritage? Given Germans tended to become rural while Italians tended to become urban? (Plus all the other groups but afaik these were the largest Euro groups in the US). 


White protestant descendants are more likely to be Republicans. To this day white catholic immigrants are much more likely to be democratic.


What about the Ir*sh and Polxs?


Urban afaik, so mixed in with the Italians and remaining Anglos. Given population distributions, I think it's likelier that the genetic/heritage divide is Germans vs everyone else. The German Origin Party vs All Demographics Party


We never should have let in those swarthy G*rmxns.


I doubt American society will still exist in 50 years. It’ll be a handful of survivors in a wasteland.


> Men need to better understand why women in our generation have shifted, but we don’t know how without being criticized. Nice blaming the men jee I wonder why they are against you if even in this article you act like this. Then later in the article the author says this. > My only advice to my age cohort is to listen more and judge less. Most people don’t disagree with you because they are evil; they disagree with you because they view the world differently.


Women have issues => it's mens fault and men need to help them Men have issues => it's mens fault and men need to help them


The second part isn’t even that true- most guys I know are either consumed by their own lives or are more interested in protecting women from those guys who have issues, because they’re creeps and incels and all that so they’re threatening (I’ve had firsthand experience with that)


Well, what I wrote was from the point of view of what women might say. If you tell a woman that men are struggling, she'll likely say: men need to help men. But you're right that in reality, most men aren't interested in helping men, except if there's a specific reason to do so.


Remember if men have issues then it’s their own fault and they’re intrinsically bad! (tsk tsk tsk). Oh and basically anything that is pretty much traditional masculinity is okay IRL but anything else is either male feminist or incel, no matter how much we decry traditional masculinity


Boiling hot take incoming but I don't think there's anything wrong with liking men who have more traditional or stereotypical masculine traits as long as you're upfront about it and you understand the importance of turning down people you're not interested in politely. Basically, just ask yourself how you would rather have someone turn you down if they weren't interested in you and then apply that logic if someone you're not interested in hits on you.


We're gonna be South Korea by 2024.


0.9 birthrate ?


With borders being as wide open as they are, and with immigrant birthrates being typically high, it's unlikely that US birth rates will go to South Korean levels.


nah, we aren't nearly as fucked as the East Asian countries are.


Why are they so obsessed with Gen Z turning """right wing""" (as if dems are not right wing themselves) when [it is literally not happening for people who actually vote](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2024/04/09/age-generational-cohorts-and-party-identification/).


Any mention of “-wing” in mainstream media today has to be taken as being purely and solely cultural. If you take the traditional use of the terms then the argument makes no sense since the Ds are right on everything but culture 


And "far right" often just means a person who has the cultural views of 10 years ago.


Yep, but also let’s be honest a lot of the far right is also very right wing economically (deregulation, tax cuts, dismantling public spending, etc). 


The plastic coathanger with blood on it 🤦‍♂️


All this research about microplastic levels in the penis, but has anyone checked on the plastic levels in the vagina?


100% silicone in my experience


this retard doesn't want cervical cancer


The coathanger argument for abortion is the same as the suicide argument for trans people, it's a "give me what I want or I'll hurt myself" attempt at blackmail.


On top of that, the coathanger argument suffers from the classic problem that it's an argument that appeals to the own side but not to the other side. After all, the own pro-abortion side roughly speaking prioritizes the woman's wellbeing over the baby's life. So to them, the coat hanger argument is solid. But the anti-abortion side roughly speaking prioritizes the baby's life over the woman's wellbeing. So from their point of view, the coat hanger argument is "if you don't let me kill my baby conveniently in a clinic, then there's a chance I'll kill my own baby with a coathanger, and I might wound or kill myself in the process." But to the anti-abortion side, that still sounds like less chance of child murder. Plus anti-abortion people probably won't be too sympathetic that a child murderer might wound or kill herself.


I don't get how the pro abortion side went from "safe, legal, rare" which at the least treated it as a "necessary evil" to the modern "women's rights" and "shout your abortion" shit. What we do or don't consider murder as a society is an important issue but it gets ignored in favor of "fighting oppression by the patriarchy" (despite around half of all women being pro life and half of the lives pro lifers want to save are girls). Sometimes you'll have some people somewhat acknowledge the murder argument but then declare the murder of some people is acceptable for the well being of others which opens a huge can of worms if that same logic is applied to any other topic or situation.


Most women today do not shout about their abortion. It’s still a personal tragedy that affects them for many years afterwards. I don’t know a single woman who had an abortion who was happy afterwards about it.


Well, people didn't have meaning in their lives, so they cast themselves as the hero and the "other" as the evil villain that must be defeated.


Yet again we abandoned religion only to invent it yet again only in a different form.


Yeah, not to mention that some people treat science as religion nowadays. "You must believe The Science!" "You sinner, you speak out against The Science!"


I mean yes, but it only works with a *metal* coathanger you can actually poke yourself with


Given the nature of female attempts, statistically, that seems oddly apropos.


Dudes continue to rock even in the most unexpected places


>tfw trans women can't given themselves coathanger abortions


Somehow I think that if a man said "make divorce court more fair or I'll kill myself", the mainstream left wouldn't give him much sympathy.


Gotta admit, noticed they dropped the "abortion numbers won't meaningfully change, it'll just become riskier and create a huge black market, if not become MORE common" line for the "how are we going to deal with this surplus of poor (sometimes straight up specifying minority) babies because of Roe v Wade being overturned" one pretty quick.


Both things are supported by material evidence (trans people commit suicide at extremely high rates because of a lack of legislative and social support for their existence, and extremely unsafe abortions proliferate in areas where it's illegal or discouraged socially) Let's not become a fucking third world country and give in to cruelty, just because we're (correctly) mad about the stupider forms of ID politics. That's going too far in the other direction


There is no evidence for the trans one and the abortion one is them being stupid enough to try a makeshift abortion. It's not cruelty, you're just too into the current liberal dogma.  Real empathy is providing medical help to people with gender dysphoria to accept their own bodies, not mutilate themselves and becoming dependent on drugs that destroy their bodies.  Real empathy is providing help to pregnant women before and after their child's birth, not assisting in them murdering their infant.  I also find it funny how some libs talk about racism but then use the term 3rd world country as a moral insult, as an equivalent of barbarian. 


This, as global south denizen i can confirm. And no, we don't hate you because your freedom.


> Real empathy is providing medical help to people with gender dysphoria to accept their own bodies, not mutilate themselves and becoming dependent on drugs that destroy their bodies. Those are good ideals, but those things aren't happening on a broad scale around the corner any time soon, so trans protections are like a tourniquet to a gaping wound. Just like socialism is the ideal in the economic sphere, but we still push for material social programs under capitalism that ease the daily grind of capitalism so people don't die in the meantime >I also find it funny how some libs Please go through my post history and find anything that would position me as a liberal >talk about racism but then use the term 3rd world country as a moral insult, as an equivalent of barbarian. I didn't mean it as a moral insult to the citizens, I meant it in the sense of the governments in third world countries that exploit the financial situation created by the west and impose severe social restrictions


There's a level of trans help that I agree with, but beyond a certain point I think trans "help" starts hurting more people than it actually helps. After all, if you push the trans message too hard, you'll convince tomboys or gay kids that they're trans when they're not. And offering irreversible surgery (yes, irreversible) to teenagers obviously can lead to people mutilating themselves and regretting it for the rest of their lives. I know that there's highly politically motivated people who are eager to pump out research and statistics that indicate that trans help is great & practically no one detransitions. But I tend not to trust research if the mainstream ideology REALLY wants to conclude X (trans help is great), and if any research that shows the opposite (trans help isn't great) probably wouldn't get published for being "harmful."




>I don't think this is a thing, in any great numbers. I think, like with most right-wing social talking points, there are like a handful of isolated cases where this happened The NHS reported that 90% of kids who believe they are trans don't pursue transition when they're of an older age. With tras pushing self-id as the only requirement and US healthcare being so appallingly backwards, how is it wrong to extrapolate that those numbers will increase?


> The NHS reported that 90% of kids who believe they are trans don't pursue transition when they're of an older age. That statistic comes from the Daily Signal, a right-wing rag owned by the Heritage Foundation, which cites an NHS report [but distorts what it says.](https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/10/24/uks-national-health-service-finds-most-youths-identifying-trans-are-going-transient-phase-biden-pushes-trans-surgeries-kids/) [This peer-reviewed study](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20221020/Vast-majority-of-people-with-gender-dysphoria-continue-using-gender-affirming-hormone-treatment.aspx) says that the 'vast majority' of those treated before puberty continue to use transitioning hormones after reaching adulthood.


>That statistic comes from the Daily Signal, a right-wing rag owned by the Heritage Foundation, which cites an NHS report [but distorts what it says.](https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/10/24/uks-national-health-service-finds-most-youths-identifying-trans-are-going-transient-phase-biden-pushes-trans-surgeries-kids/) I can't find the figure, but "majority" was what the NHS stated itself after a commissioned review: [https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/interim-report/](https://cass.independent-review.uk/home/publications/interim-report/) > [This peer-reviewed study](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20221020/Vast-majority-of-people-with-gender-dysphoria-continue-using-gender-affirming-hormone-treatment.aspx) says that the 'vast majority' of those treated before puberty continue to use transitioning hormones after reaching adulthood. That's when they're actually on treatment and you're ignoring the institutional under-reporting of detrans patients.


Those governments aren't passing these social policies their people don't want. Generally, social liberal policies have been imposed on the people against their will more often than the other way around. 


I can’t see why as communists we would oppose abortion.


What the skipidi


That’s Gen Alpha I think, that and sticking out your gyatt for the rizzler and fanum tax and all that


In Ohio


Youppers take another W.


classic boomer mistake


*Skibidi bop Ohio rizz* *Your ass is full of jizz*




Some would argue that it's already ongoing.


Begun the genders wars have


That was some bad writing.


Good. Mandatory homofascism for all.


Hell yeah bröther


see I'm actually curious about a meaningful study of what % of men and women are communists, not pointless mental masturbation of whether they support team capital red or team capital blue


Most Americans either don’t know what Socialism is or think it’s social democracy or totalitarianism. I doubt even 5% are genuine socialists.


Weird framing, I think this divide spans the whole age range really. We are just generally much more politically polarized than we have been in a long time, so of course any given generation will show the same.  And regarding dating, yeah dude the chick you want to bone doesn’t want to bone you if you support taking away the emergency option if things go awry. Holy shit the prejudice!!! This is THE reason gen z women are so overwhelmingly pro Democrat, because economically gen z is further left than the Democratic Party and in foreign policy.  I think the biggest issue I’ve seen when it comes to this age group is that they have no game. Straight up, zero fucking game. The left is a bunch of awkward whiny dweebs, and the right is a bunch of awkward whiny dweebs. I’m sorry but you can’t blame politics when your personality makes you unfuckable. 


The reason people like us have no game, especially guys, is because no one cared about our self esteem/confidence and everyone just thinks we’ll figure everything out on our own, including social skills. And then there’s a lot more things


Nah dude it’s attitude. You guys grew up even more coddled than millennials, and you did so in an environment even more conducive to self teaching how to be social. You literally have everything you need at your fingertips to have game, but you don’t do anything about it. Noone sat millennials down and taught them how to be social, we all had to learn that shit (like every generation really). I myself was a super dweeb, but did something about it. I went from being too sweaty and eating my words anytime I interacted with a woman, to having a rich dating life (serious and casual) and getting married.   when it comes to just this thing (romance, dating, etc) you can literally actively improve this aspect of your life assuming you’re just a normal dude without any crazy physical/mental issues.    Generations change but (I’m assuming you’re straight) women largely still find the same things attractive: confidence, having a baseline of fitness, being funny, being charming, etc. And trust me dude, if I can figure it out, you can figure it out. Just don’t fall into the pickup artist crap. If you can manage to be a charming, funny guy, without a deformity, you can get some romance in your life. Wallowing in self pity about the world betraying you doesn’t make any sense in this context; now if you were talking about gen Z’s prospects of homeownership then yeah you’d have a point 


How the fuck do you learn that?


As I said, I’m a nerd so studying. Plenty of psychology books on attraction, romance, etc. And of course good old fashioned observation, look around you, identify the guys who are very successful with women, identify how they are different from those who are unsuccessful. But to list the big parts for ya: - they’re confident  - they don’t take themselves or anything too seriously - at the same time they are passionate about some things, and will not be pushed over on these issues - they’re funny - they’re competent (at something, the specific thing actually doesn’t matter too much.)  - they have a baseline of fitness and health (you don’t need a six pack, but get rid of the one pack) - they take care off their appearance (you don’t need to wear designer shit, but just look presentable with well fitting clothes) - they’re kind, helpful, and make people feel good/happy when around them - they respect women and don’t treat them as meat to fuck or collect - success. not necessarily being a rich CEO, but more being competent and respected in what you do. This one isn’t as important in getting a one night stand, but can matter as you move towards a relationship as you get older.  - specific things that are relevant to the kind of woman you’re into will change the specifics of the above, but not to the degree you may imagine. That said to a certain extent you will have more success with preppy girls if you’re more preppy, hipster women if you’re more hipster, etc. But at the same time the core bits really go far in all types of women, I’m the furthest thing from a preppy frat bro but went through a blonde sorority girl phase while being the polar opposite haha.  - respect and knowing when to move on. Sometimes a woman just doesn’t like you , you’re incompatible, etc. Accept it and move on. In other words don’t be a creep.  This list is the ideal, but getting even just a few down (confidence being the most crucial) can take you a long way.  And I’ll repeat my warning above: DO NOT fall into the pickup artist crap. That shit works by manipulation and essentially exploiting insecurities that many women have. It may work to get you laid, but you will not have a happy, healthy, long term relationship and partnership by thinking in that way. Women are your equals, respect them.  I can’t stress enough how much of an impossibility this seemed for me when I was younger. I’d lose my ability to speak and swear profusely anytime I was even around a woman I was into or women in general. You can do this. 


I'm 37 now and I believe that I have most of these points down. But I am also very socially awkward. And thus, no success with women.


If you had them down, you wouldn’t be socially awkward. Idk what to tell ya dude, you’re still young, could turn it around. But something tells me you get some sort of satisfaction from your position. Something something psychoanalysis 


>If you had them down, you wouldn’t be socially awkward. Not true. You can have all these things and still be socially awkward.


You cannot be confident, funny, and charming while being socially awkward. They are mutually exclusive. Being seen as socially adept is really another term for being those three (I’ll give you that funny isn’t a requirement)


So what can you do to be socially adept?


The only sane take.


Not much point in gaming anybody when the girls are all fat as hell.


This is the type of ego-preserving comment of a man who has no game. Plenty of attractive, fit, and healthy women around. If anything gen-z has more of them than prior generations since fitness is cool now and women aren’t afraid to hit the gym. 


A passing glance at statistics, a browse around any dating site, or just looking up and around will show you the average American woman is, in fact, fat as hell. [I'll accept your apology.](https://i.imgur.com/orMyJhQ.png)


My strategy here was just be a felon, can't vote anyway.


Mandated grill pill


What gets me is that this polarization is occurring simultaneous to the distinction between liberal and conservative becoming completely incoherent. What does it mean to be liberal in the 2020s? You really love and trust pharmaceutical companies, you want to ban free speech, you think it's good to arm white nationalists in Ukraine, you love racial segregation, and you think males should be housed in women's prisons. These are all absolutely mainstream Democrat positions now and I don't see how they can be mapped on an abstract understanding of liberalism or leftism in any sane manner. Really abortion is probably the one issue where you'll find clear, substantial differences between those identifying as conservative vs. liberal. All the rest is meaningless bullshit like the racial makeup of the cast of a new Star Wars.


In the image: "Reproductive freedom for all." Oh, she's in favor of male abortion / financial abortion?




All they're doing is making young men less motivated to fight. What are they fighting for, a bunch of shrews who will hate them no matter what? To come home and still not get laid? And then get nagged at for their "toxic masculinity?" If this is state polarization it's certainly not for war.


We all know the guys who seemingly have no political opinions around their girlfriends/wives but do when they aren't around.


Fuck them fascists.