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To answer your question without a passive aggressive remark or snide comment, those who hold this belief feel that racism can only exist when there is a power dynamic that oppresses the afflicted race. Because historically white populations in the Western world have oppressed people of color, these people feel that they cannot be victims of racism when they are the targets of race based hatred because of that power dynamic. It's obviously a load of shit though, as the definition of racism doesn't include anything about power dynamics, or history of oppression. It's purely hatred of one based on the color of their skin. EDIT: God Damn people, I'm not saying that's the end all definition of racism, it's obviously a simplified concept to address OP's specific question. I don't feel like dealing with pedantic comments about 'tHat ISN'T THE aCHHHtUaL DEfiNITiOn of rACisM!!!', like seriously we get it, you're pedantic. I'm addressing the issue of whether or not there needs to be a power dynamic, I don't need to bat 1,000 on the technical and legal definition of racism.


You gave the best, most precise, and unbiased answer. Take my upvote.


You gave the best, most precise, and unbiased reply. Take my upvote.


I would argue even if that's the definition if you want to be pedantic, it's not the one that matters. Nobody is trying to change your racist uncle because he hates people of color. It's the systems in place that keep the power dynamic running and well oiled that are the target of this social issue. Honestly if you get to the root of most modern racial tensions it has to do with the systems in place that cause other grievances that the victims then seek someone easy to blame, such as the economy. So honestly a top down view of the subject cannot ignore how this factors in. Everyone can have a "preference" that is personal and individual. The oppressed can ignore that one guy. It's the interwoven edifices of society that cannot be ignored and what is truly evil on an existential magnitude.


You’re talking about the difference between “racism” and “institutional racism” or “systemic racism”. The plain definition of “racism” makes no mention of institutions or systems. People are trying to make it so that institutional/systemic racism is the only type of racism, but that isn’t true at all.


Because they're racist. EDIT: The people who think only whites can be racist.


Do you mean to say white people are all racist or do you mean to say that folks who say the latter are racist?


I mean to say that people who think only white people can be racist are ironically, racist themselves.


Probably because white people (at least in the US) are the majority race. But anyone can be racist regardless of color. Unfortunately, it's a learned behavior.


There are regions even in America where white people can find themselves outnumbered on a local level though.


Can confirm. Lived in a small, Native American based town called Pembroke in North Carolina. There was a running joke that it was the only town in america where you wouldn’t get hired because you were white.


Grew up in a similar town in Michigan. The majority of the meaningful jobs available were from Native American businesses and as you can guess, they would have to be absolutely desperate to hire anyone that isn’t Native otherwise there was no chance they’d hire you if you were white


I grew up in the PNW. My ex got turned down for a job because they felt obligated to hire a black man and a white woman over the two white men to avoid sexist and racist hiring practices.


I grew up in a Natuve American town in Oklahoma and got bullied and beat up by a certain Native kid because I had blond hair and blue eyes. I didn't have a card back then but I just recently found my biological father and it turns out, the kid who used to beat me up is probably my cousin lol...


Every human is a distant cousin, so all violence against people is violence against your family.


Lmao, nice. Mines the opposite story- got told I was native growing up, took a DNA test and I’m all European- like 40ish percent german, 20% Eastern Europe. The real surprise was the 10% Ashkenazi Jewish… still not sure where that comes from. Mailman?


It doesn’t matter if you are out numbered locally or outnumbered on the global scale. You are white and are guilty of everything all the other white people did. And you must repent! Lol sure whatever


Just for saying that now means this is a racist sub


If you go back in history and everyone wants to learn, white people were the first to be in slaved by people of color for thousands of years. White people were also the first to start ending slavery. Right now, there are more slaves in Africa than ever in the USA, but no one ever really wants to talk about that. Today, it seems people are seeing racism under every rock. Understanding the meaning of racism helps a lot as well. The meaning has been watered down so much, it has no meaning in 2023.


I don’t know if we can ever claim who was the first slaves. It’s been around since before recorded history. But yea the word slave is named after Slavs…. White people


we have absolutely no reason to think that slavery was invented *after* white people, let alone by them. That said, as a native north easterner, I fully support giving white southerners shit over slavery and racism. /S and anyone with confederate flag gear. especially northerners. WTF is that about? Edit: added an /S. can everyone calm down now?


>I fully support giving white southerners shit over slavery and racism Why? No white southerners that exist today had anything to do with slavery. This concept of punishing people for the transgressions of their long-dead ancestors is asinine.


The first evidence of chattle alavery is in Sumeria 3500 years ago, but in other places it is thought that slavery was a hereditary status in hunter gatherer tribes, and may date back 5-7k years.


This is certainly the attitude.


If you are low income white kid in Tucson AZ, at least 15 years ago, you could expect to get tormented by other kids because of your skin color while the adults watched. To date, that school was my only encounter with true racism, but don't worry, I was still told that I was privileged in college despite my less than privileged life up until that point.


That's a pretty absurd standard. The Indians were the majority race in India during the British Empire. Yet no one would say the British couldn't be racist against Indians.


Fun fact, the first recorded usage of the term "racism" is in relation to colonizing the Native Americans. It was argued that it would be "racist" to deny them a white education. It's funny how things change over time.


I can one up you: hilariously the word "xenophobe" was first heavily employed by the British against Indians who objected to their new colonial governments.


Definitely taught. See a bunch of little kids playing together. They don't know how to be racist. They don't care. They just want to play with the other little kids


Statistically this is incorrect globally, and while people of European descent remain the plurality in the US, they will become the minority within this decade.


We are not the majority race any longer lol.


I'd argue the opposite, it's not learned it's natural. You have to be taught to think otherwise. Naturally all people start with tribalism.


I probably would have agreed until I had kids. Granted, mine are preschool/kindergarten, but they truly don't care (or even seem to notice) about skin color.


I think this has more to do with the parents, and how they treat other people of different ethnicities. More and more modern parents are less likely to be racist, and so the kids learn and emulate that.


They're developing a different tribe, not based on stupid traits like skin color, but hopefully positive character traits.


Something happens in middle school. Cliques form, childhood friendships end and you watch a lot of the 'innocence' disappear. At least that's what I saw happen with my son and the other children in his class.


Tribalism comes naturally, tribal signifiers are learned. Skin color is one possibility among many.


Because some people are really fucking stupid




I hate everyone equally too


I don't. I find all of you mother fuckers taste quite good.


Agreed, the biggest problem in our world isn't global warming / climate change, or pollution...it's people...people are the reason the world is all kinds of fucked.


Damn... its been a while since I've seen the word "Ignant" in text


I was just transported back to high school. Holy moly


Equal hatred opportunity


Because people use the same word to mean many different things. The colloquial use of the word racism means race based discrimination. When I was taking sociology classes, race based discrimination was required for racism, but was not the end all factor. Racism had to be systemic. So in that instance, in the united states as a whole, only white people could be racist, because they were the group that was perpetuating the system that they benefitted from, while other races were being oppressed. In short, words mean different things in different contexts, and people are not good at context, and only hear based on their own context. The people who believe this aren't wrong, as long as they understand Racism in that context. Just like the people who say anyone can be racist regardless of skin color. They also aren't wrong, but it's based on the context that racism means race based discrimination.


This answer is way too far down. It's the right answer and very well stated.


The only people who think that are clearly racist.


Because they are racist themselves.


Ironic isn't it. I love when people declare a massive group of people is inferior, lacking morals, etc etc, but somehow think that isn't racist, because they belong to a different group. It's like, bro, that's literally the definition


They’re operating under a proposed redefinition, but they forgot it’s just a proposal…


The very idea is pretty Orwellian - whatever we call it, the reality is if you treat people worse due to their race you are a gross piece of shit.


Tbf I believe racists are inferior, lack morals, empathy, etc....


To be fair there seems to be different definitions of it. And the main one people who have this argument use is that racism is the systemic oppression of certain people based on race. And they think because white people have always held positions of power throughout society, in the West anyways, that means only they can be racist Some even have an alternate term for it, racial prejudice. My thing is, whatever you call it, if you Judge or treat someone differently based on race alone and nothing else, that's racism. And even if you want to call it something else it's just as bad. It's pretty simple, just don't be an asshole


The word they're thinking of is oppression, which in fairness goes hand in hand with racism, but isn't necessary for racism to exist.


Yep. There’s a difference between “I don’t like x race” racism and “x race has been systematically discriminated against and there are ramifications in the current day even if those policies changed 50-100-200 years ago.


If you make it so only one group can be the bad guy, then you can do whatever you want if you aren't a part of that group, you're free from social consequences.


So when you end up killing said group, it's justice or revenge, not racism.


I've heard the phrase, "oppressors can't be oppressed" many times. A growing faction of people have created their own personal brand of racism. The internet allows likeminded people to meet up more easily and for you to say most anything without any negative repercussions.


Your point is true for some but lots of peopel It's because people are confused terminology and unable to understand the difference between racism and systemic racism. White people are unable to experience systemic racism because they were never laws that prevented them from owning property, education and othere literal laws that people of colored experienced. Racism and systemic racism are 2 completely different things that for some reason people cannot or chose not to recognize.


>It's because people are confused terminology and unable to understand the difference between racism and systemic racism. Very good point. I'd argue that is an intended feature rather than a bug. I'm a millennial and I remember when racial bias, racial prejudice, and racism (inferior vs superior) were all different things. The goal posts moved. Today, racism is a broad umbrella for everything that doesn't have the desired outcome in any way no matter the reason. I think this is problematic as it waters down what real racism used to be. The term used to carry weight, but now it gets brushed off and rightfully so.


>the term used to carry weight Which was the initial point/gain in watering down the use - being branded a racist is culturally a \*very\* bad thing. (Which begs the question of how racist a culture is if being branded a racist is a career-killer for everyone but the already wildly powerful.) That attitude towards *actual* racisim was used as a bludgeon against anything the left didn't like and involved people of color. Just call it racisit, and you win the argument. And post George Floyd, people lost their fucking minds and went along with it while sending morons like Robin DiAngelo up the bestsellers list and posting black squares on instagram all to eventually accomplish... nothing.


Irish, Italians, that nets you a large portion of white people in the US. Didn’t have it as bad as black people or Indians, but it was still systemic persecution based on ethnicity.


The funny thing is ironically under there definition they would be the racists because if you can call out your "oppressors" then you aren't oppressed and if your oppressors can't call you out then they are the oppressed


"White people" were never oppressors, though. A very small minority of them was the oppressor, and the rest of white people were simply more privileged compared to non-whites. A whole ethnic group can't be an oppressor, because the majority of people regardless of race are oppressed by some kind of ruling class.


Everyone of every color can be racist. No exceptions.


the honest answer is they are retarded. saying only x race can be anything. is literally the definition of racism.


If you actually want a legitimate answer to this question, it's because there isn't one objective, universally accepted definition of "racism," and different people define the word differently. Many people (including seemingly you and many of the comments below) define "racism" as something like "negative prejudice based on race," and it is of course possible for people of other races to be prejudiced against white people because of their race. However, a large number of other people (including some but not all people in social science academia) instead define "racism" as something like "leveraging a history of racial oppression and systemic power structures against a member of the race that is disadvantaged by those things." And when using that definition of racism, its reasonable to say that you cannot be "racist" against white people because their is no history of white racial oppression in the western world and systemic power structures generally do not disadvantage white people because of their race. So its usually a disagreement of semantics rather than a genuine disagreement about society. If you ask people who say it's possible to be racist against white people whether they think other races are historically oppressed and systemically disadvantaged compared to white people, many of them will say "yes." Conversely, if you ask people who say it isn't possible to be racist against white people whether its possible to be negatively prejudiced towards white people because of their race, they'll also usually say "yes." The primary thing they disagree on is just the definition of the word "racism," and that's something there is no correct answer to because language is fluid and the meaning of words is just set by common agreement.


Because they themselves are racist.


Because they’re probably not very bright


Also because it allows them to be racist without being labeled as such. I've literally never heard something not racist being associated with the sentence "black people can't be racist"


Because they are racist and they are looking for a reason to justify their racism.


Biracial person here. When I was growing up in the 80’s, I quickly realized everyone was racist. Just learned to enjoy people’s company at school but then keep to myself. Too much discomfort being with a group away from school.


Some people believe there is a power dynamic. But IMO we are either equal or not. So racism can be had by all colors. When I was in Japan. They were SUPER racist there. Matter a fact my wife's mother committee suicide because of the racism of the culture. Her father is black and her mom Japanese.


That’s exactly my point, as I have seen Asians, Hispanics, blacks being racist to others all my life with no problem or consequences, I’m Hispanic myself so I know what I’m talking about.


Because they’re indoctrinated idiots being manipulated by those in power to achieve more money, power and control. The key to their plan is to use race and radical gender ideology to divide and conquer. It’s working like a charm.


As a black dude, it’s because the social media/internet understanding was changed from the dictionary definition (prejudice based on race) to the sociological description (prejudice based on race from someone with societal advantages based on race)


Because some people think the only way to be racist is to have the power to oppress others. What they fail to realize is that they’re describing *systemic* racism. The word “Systemic” is there for a reason. it’s a specific form of racism. It’s institutionalized. It’s not the *only* form of racism. I’ve seen many black people say they can be prejudiced instead of racist, but racism is a *type* of prejudice. Racial prejudice= racist. Gendered prejudice = sexist and so on. You can harbor hostile opinions about another race without ever acting on them or making those opinions known, and you’d still be racist. Racism is a mindset, it’s not always about what someone is capable of.


This is the only right answer.


Because that's what they were told. It's not an effective means of political division to solidify the minority vote to say that minorities are racists. It's all about convincing minorities you will save them from the evil white man so they vote for you. It's manufactured racism.


Because, regardless of their color, they have internalized white supremacy and believe that since white people are "at the top" they have all the institutional power, and therefore no other racial group can engage in the "true racism" of white people. They are wrong of course, but it is still a pretty popular view.


I hate this point and how often it’s regurgitated. White people are seen “at the top” socially because that’s how they’re treated. It’s not internalized white supremacy to acknowledge that. It would be internalized white supremacy if you believed that it goes beyond social parameters or believed this result is inherent


As far as I have been able to tell, the people who genuinely think and believe this do so because they think that racism separates itself from normal bigotry and discrimination by being systemic and founded on privilege (I think). Basically they think that racism is built into society to keep people of color as second class citizens, treat them poorly, and squeeze as much from them as possible while also creating an inherent bias towards white people, making their lives easier, keeping as much wealth as possible in white families, etc. This is where the whole “only white people can be racist” thing comes from. The people who feel this way understand that racial discrimination can be done by anyone, but they believe racism is a societal institution and therefore only the people contributing to and responsible for it can be “racist.”


Because they are racist and want an excuse.


Its because they are stupid.


I was in foster care in Jacksonville, IL-a predominantly black area. I’m white. I was in 2nd grade. Got beat up weekly for being white. I don’t hold animosity to an entire race of people.


Because they are stupid I guess. Anyone can be racist. Only about 15% of the worlds population is "white". White people are a minority except in a handful of countries.


Most people don't even realize that Caucasians are the global minority. The global population is approximately 8 billion people. If you were to collect the census reports from all countries, and add up the total number of people who identify as Caucasian, you would find that out of 8 billion people, approximately 500 million people are white. Now....who are the real minority?


Because Universities are churning out brainwashed clones like there is no tomorrow.


Because they're stupid and the TV owns their brain.


Because they are racist to whites


Because people that say that are racist.


Because they’re racist towards white people. We’ve worked so hard to accept other races and cultures, but nowadays people think that it’s okay to be racist towards white people as retribution for the racism white people perpetuated in the past. An eye for an eye makes the world go blind though, being racist in the present does not make the racism of the past better, it’s just causing more racism.


Because their own racism blinds them.


It’s called unedumacated. Too much time , not enough purpose. Bottom of the barrel of humanity festering and collecting on social media. It’s not really real. It’s all the people who will never amount to micro dick in life. Loud and angry, still no value. Being a good person has nothing to do with skin colour.


Because everyone is racist


Because people that believe that are…. Wait for it… racist


Serious answer: the idea has to do with power imbalances: that racism isn't racism simply because you don't like another race. Racism also requires that the other race be "repressed" or disadvantaged as a result of this dislike. And given that white people are generally higher on the socio-economic scale, or so the theory goes, only white people can be racist as every other race has been disadvantaged--as witnessed by the fact that every other race is at a socio-economic disadvantage. ---- No, I personally do not buy it, and yes, there are counter-examples, such as the Chinese who were brought to California as 'coolies'--discriminated against and practically enslaved in the 1800's to build the railroads--who are now doing very well, socio-economically speaking. Or the Japanese who were literally thrown into concentration camps in California--whose children are doing fairly well. Or the Jews who were literally being exterminated during World War II, whose children in the United States are also doing pretty well, socio-economically speaking. But that's the theory, and it derives from the philosophical ideas of [Critical Theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theory), from which we get [Critical Race Theory.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory) > A critical theory is any approach to humanities and social philosophy that focuses on society and culture to attempt to reveal, critique, and challenge power structures. With roots in sociology and literary criticism, it argues that social problems stem more from social structures and cultural assumptions rather than from individuals. So "I hate whites" is not racist (in this framework) because it does not re-enforce the social structures which supposedly prevent blacks from attaining socio-economic equivalence--while "I hate blacks" does.


Cuz they're fxcking stupid and love playing the victim


When people try to say it’s systemic at administrative levels, I like to point out that, here in Chicago, every meaningful position of power in our city’s government has been held by black people for the past two administrations. That isn’t a dig or an attempt at a controversial statement, it’s a fact. Also, as a Latino, it’s pretty annoying among both ours and Asians’ communities that race is often made into a literal black & white issue, as though the rest of us don’t exist in the conversation. Yet, when you ask us, most victims of targeted racial abuse have experienced it at the hands of black people rather than whites, but the excuse given for why it isn’t true racism is based on a claim of a lack of power dynamics, which I ultimately feel downplays the reality. Sort of like how women in the UK can’t be tried for rape, because over there rape is, apparently, only a thing when the perpetrator penetrates the victim (aka, having a penis is the only way you can be a rapist, much like how here in the States you can, apparently, only be racist if you’re whites. Both statements are equally stupid)


The reason is cuz people think that there needs to be a power indifference for racism to exist. In the pass white people oppressed minorities. But I disagree with that line of thinking. EVERYONE regardless of race was oppressed throughout history. It's just more well taught and documented that it was white people doing all the oppression.


it’s because they conflate racism with systemic racism. it’s true that in america only white people benefit from systemic racism. but that’s not the same thing as just ordinary, street level disliking a race for no other reason than being different. that’s still racist no matter who does it.


Because you can come up with almost any kind of extreme take on a subject and there's bound to be "some people" who legit believe it. The question is who are these "some people" and why do we care what they think?


Because there stupid


when i moved to Boston, I experienced more anti white racism than i ever thought was possible.


I think cause people are dumb, only listen to one side of everything and blind themselves to any and all new information. They pigeon hole themselves into one way of thinking and don’t bother listening to anything else.


Coz they’ve never seen a black person pull their eyes to the sides and do an impression of an Asian person. AND THEY HAVENT TRAVELLED THE WORLD.


I once had someone that believed that look up the definition and they were not happy. First recorded use was by American brigadier general Henry Pratt who founded the Indian schools. It wasn't created to describe white people, but by white people to describe segregating other peoples from culture and progress. Treating them as inferior. These people confuse institutional racism for racism. It allows them to feel superior, and therefore racist, without the guilt.


I would honestly say it’s the media fault




I have personally intervened to stop a black male from violence against an Asian female myself .


Because they read a book that agrees with own personal their racism.


The only people who think that are the coddled ones who have never gone to another country, especially in Asia. Racism against white people or other people than the cultural norm is so open and readily apparent. You think an offhanded comment here or there is bad in the US? You have seen nothing!


Charles Barkley says black people can be very racist


The belief that only white people can be racist is a perspective associated with certain discussions around racism and privilege. It stems from the idea that racism isn't just about individual prejudice but also about systemic power imbalances. Proponents of this perspective argue that in many societies, historically and presently, white people have held positions of power and privilege, while people of color have often been marginalized and oppressed. From this viewpoint, racism is seen as a system of advantage and disadvantage, where racism against white individuals is considered less impactful due to the overall societal power dynamics. It's essential to note that this perspective isn't universally held, and there are various viewpoints on the nature of racism. Some argue that racism can be found in any racial or ethnic group, while others emphasize the importance of addressing systemic racism and privilege. The debate on this topic is complex and often influenced by social, cultural, and academic contexts. It's important to engage in respectful and informed discussions when addressing these issues.


Lost count of how many times I've been called racist because I'm white. Just about every single one of them were off their fucking rocker.


Because they define racism to mean prejudice + power, but specifically vague institutional power, so poor white people can still be racist even towards wealthier non-whites. That's the theory, but in reality it's more like these people have a racial hierarchy in their minds where the less developed your people's homeland is, the less capable you are of racism, and vice versa.




It breaks down way before needing to use examples like LeBron James and Oprah. The only people who have what I would consider “power” over another person - police, judges, hiring managers, loan officers and possibly a few other professions where deciding the fate of another person is part of the job. I’d wager ~99% of people don’t work in these jobs, and the people who do aren’t all white either. And if the people in those roles with power over someone else are racist, it’s because they are racist individuals, and not because of some vague “systemic racism” where racism is built into the role.


Yeah, it’s funny how folks feel the need to fine tune the definition when other folks begin to turn their attention to *their* racism.


Because they are probably racist


They want more than equality, so they take the simple definition of what racism is, and they do some fucking mental gymnastics with it.


Because they want to be able to treat other people badly while being protected themselves from the very behavior they want to heap on others. "Don't steal from me, but I can steal from you all I want because and ."


I used to work for this Chinese company and their were some straight up racist fuckers there. They looked down on Americans and it wasn’t terribly subtle.


Its because they are stupid.


I’m from Pakistan and when I was in car and real estate sales I went above and beyond to avoid my own people as customers because the vast majority are too cheap despite being very well off and will nickle and dime you to death and the Asians were that way as well so I constantly saw Asian and South Asian salespeople avoid their own.


Because in the US, we have very specific history of white supremacy enforced against African Americans. For simplicity, we refer to that as racism, although it's obviously not true on an absolute, literal level. George Jefferson hates white people, but his "racism" hasn't been codified into laws. It doesn't impact huge parts of our policy and social conditions. It's frustrating to be trying to have an intelligent discussion about curtailing white supremecy in America when soft-brained people chime in with "anybody can be racist." True literally, but a totally different topic.


Because it benefits them politically while giving them cover to do racist things.


I think that by definition, a racist is characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized, defines the answer.


Some people have different definitions for what it means to be racist. Most people think hate in any direction along racial lines is racist. Others think only white people can really be racist because white people benefit from systemic and ingrained power structures and racism towards white people from other groups generally don't have any meaningful impact on a white persons quality of life. I fall into the first camp, racism is racism no matter who you are - but I can empathize with the second group.


People also think bigotry is racism.


It's because some people don't know what racism actually is and created their own specialized definition to excuse their behavior.


Anyone can be racist. Racism stems from either thinking that you’re better than everyone or that everyone besides one group is worse than your group. You can even be racist towards your own race/culture.


Because people want to come off as progressive even though they are just parroting things on the internet.


Technically, the word racists suggests institutional power, so in the west, white people can be discriminated against or prejudged, but not technically be racists against. It's silly word play, but yeah that's why. I agree with the definition version but it's obvious people of other races can unfairly hate white people.


Because they define "racism" as a structural, collective thing, and in the US, only white people have a history of being structurally racist.


Because media saturation has created and fostered this false belief.


They’ve never really traveled 🙂


Those “some people” are ignorant.


The people who assume that are racist


Because they’re not white.


I’m not racist, I hate everybody equally.


Because it's a way for them to excuse their own racism.


Some people believe the earth is flat. Who the hell knows why some people are that dumb. I have no way to explain it


I have a coworker that thinks this way without realizing he’s racist himself. He literally says “it’s cuz I’m black that they treat me like this” I asked my bf (who is also black) about what he thinks and he agrees that he’s playing victim while also being racist towards others. It’s so draining to work around him. he complains about work but does literally nothing. he goes to the restroom every hour. spends most of his time on his phone. doesn't help us with work. its draining. so yeah it applies to anyone


Obligatory Avenue Q "Everyone's a Little Bit Racist" https://youtu.be/RovF1zsDoeM?si=Ae_JLdfuulKLFck2


Because they're leftist retards.


They conflate *systemic* racism with racism generally. Systemic racism requires that the racial prejudice be encoded into the structure of society, and can only really be accomplished by the dominant social group. The United States, which most modern racial dialogue is focused around, has historically never had African Americans as a dominant social group and as such there is no basis for *systemic* racism against them. The same can be said for Native Americans and Asians. Thus, the only perpetrators of *systemic* racism in the USA are White. However, racism by itself, that being discriminatory behavior and opinions based on race, is regularly perpetrated by individuals of all races, and in fact includes the statement that, "only white people can be racist," as being inherently racist itself.


In my experience white people are the least racists


Because they are ignoranuses.


Generally either: a) They are racist themselves b) They are an idiot c) They are talking about “systemic racism” and and just having a philosophical masturbatory moment instead of actually engaging And these are not mutually exclusive


Only racists think that only white people are capable of racism.


Because it can be used to justify the racism by other races.


Mr. Google can answer this very easily. Define these words. Racist- predjudice- bias- racism - discrimination Add this term - racially insensitive.


Because they are racist


Because they're stupid


The irony is that Caucasians globally are the smallest minority at 12% and dropping down to 9%. By 2050, only 9 out of 100 people will be Caucasian.


That's something either said by the gullible or straight up racists themselves. All humans are capable of racism, just like all humans are capable of doing away with the filthy practice. But some people will do anything to protect their own bias.


Some people forgot that interpersonal racism and institutional racism are modifier words that alter the existing one. Like tall woman and short woman. Both women and unique in their own way. Institutional racism (or systemic racism) is about underlying power dynamics within society that don’t require any sense of hate or internal prejudice but never the less create racist outcomes. Interpersonal racism is born from either hate or supremicist opinions.


I, a white dude, have been told by a black chick that because racism is from the superior race to the inferior race that she can never be racist, only I can. Which then begs the question: isn’t she the racist one for proclaiming that blacks are an inferior race?


It's pop sociology bs where people treat institutional racism and racism in general as the same thing.


Because they themselves are racist, and it suits their bias to generalize all white people as shitty humans.


Mostly the same reason people can’t see the consequences their actions will have twenty seconds into the future. Everyone would benefit from taking a step back and coming to the realization that the way they interface with reality is unique to them and everyone else’s is different.


Stupidity mostly, but also entitlement. Semantics is a difficult subject for some. You can even show them the definition of racism and they'll use their own definition regardless. So yea


Because they’re racist. (“They” being the one who thinks only other people can be racist.)


[Everyone's a little bit racist](https://youtu.be/D8FtsHfos-c?feature=shared)


Those people haven't travelled much if at all.


Most people don’t think like that. Or, at least I’d hope so.


Because overly privileged white women with blue hair decided that for some reason.


bc many people are a bunch of brain washed SJW racists ... yes the people trying to fight racism with racist ideas towards white people.


The people that See racism everywhere & scream racism at literally everything are the BIGGEST RACISTS!


Because they themselves are racist.


Because theyve had the most power in places like America and Europe, i disagree with the sentiment that only white people can be racist but this is why


They never saw how Chinese people treat Koreans, or how Italians treat Hungarians


Well I usually see that sentiment among people who are in fact racist toward white people lol. So because they are racist


Because bigots always try to excuse their own behavior.


Because they are stupid.


Yeah, lots of racist people that aren’t white.


1. History. Mainly just from the colonial time and forward. 2. If referring to the US, bc that's who it mainly comes from. Caucasian is the dominant race and since that number is dropping, there will be those that give in to fear and paranoia. Any race can be racist though.


Because they are racists. It's that simple.


Because the individuals making that claim are doing it on the premise that racism is systematic in construct, and are failing to recognize that racism can occur on an interpersonal level with any race. Racism is not only systematic.


Because those people are racist


But apparently black people can be racist and blame white people


Because they are racist against white people


I'm afro-latina (Puerto Rican). I've seen so much more racism within my culture it's insane. I don't buy into the whole that all white people are racist and that black people cannot be racist but only prejudiced. This idea came from TikTok and it's crazy how people have run with it.


Humans are tribalistic animals, which means all races can be racist. And some among all races ARE.


And why are they convinced everything white people do is racially motivated?


Well….. those “some people”, are stupid mf’s.


I stopped listening to a podcast because one of the hosts said this. Of course other people besides white people can be racist. I'm a lefty but that's just so ridiculous and dumb that it's crazy.


They are coping or just plain ignorant. They have also never left the country.


People often fail to differentiate between personal and institutional racism. A minority can absolutely be racist, look at some of the shit Malcom X believed as part of the Nation of Islam. Pure racism. But if that group lacks political leverage to enact policy based on their racism, then all they can do is discriminate as small groups. White people hold the vast majority of political power in the US, and many, many of them were racist in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, etc. Those institutional policies at the state and federal level are deeply entrenched institutional racism. You can be a completely egalitarian public servant, but be working in an inherently unfair system with no ability to change it.


Depends on the definition


I think they’re exaggerating because they go pro at much higher rates, like when people say only black people can play basketball.


Because they themselves are racists. Also HOLY SHIT you got over 2,000 replies???


Because they care more about semantics than colloquial usage 🤷‍♂️


Because they are racist.


Because some people are just plain stupid honestly


Because they don’t know what racism really is.