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Always wore a hat Now that my hair's thinning it just fits better than ever


My hat-size is 7 &7-eighths. You can imagine how hard it is to find hats that fit me. So, I panic, if I misplace it. The ridicule only subsided, after highschool.😣


Yes. I have a receding hairline that I sorta hide with a hat. Not why I originally started wearing a hat, though. I just liked the way it looked. Now the hat has two purposes.


Overheard coworkers saying, "THATs why he wears a hat!" Shortly after the first time they seen me without one.


I've had four skin cancers removed. I wear a hat all the time


That'll help you get your mind right for sure.


Awesome to hear you beat your foreskin cancer!


>you beat your foreskin 😏 >cancer! 🙁


And he'll never have another thanks to the hat.




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Four (4), NOT "fore"; big difference.


I'm happy to hear that you survived such an intense onslaught of the disease. I'll include you in my daily Rosary.


You can not petition the Lord with prayer! -Jim Morrison


Hat will make it worse just syk


It's destiny, hat or no hat. My father and all my uncles have receding hairlines.


Not what I said but ok


You said the hat would make the receding hairline worse. I said that doesn't matter because it's going to happen anyway. But ok


I'm a mechanic, so I wear a hat for safety. I hit my hat on something before my head. It'll save the dome in the automotive world


as a very tall person, this is exactly why i wear a hat


Like catching fish in your hat? I'm sure at least *one* hillbilly has done it before, but I don't know how popular it is.


kinda was at one point. Now I shave my head so I wear hats to protect my head from the sun or just for style and a beanie in the winter when its cold.


I never knew how cold I'd be without hair. I keep some kind of hat within quick access wherever I am now.


My dad was diagnosed with cancer last year and my mom had friends give her advice to help him keep his hair because they had no idea he was already bald due to him consistently wearing a hat


I used to work in a small village in Somerset and used to always go to a small family run barber in a town close to me. The father, the two sons and the daughter all cut hair there. They all cut my hair at one point or another over 4 years, I had a fade on the back and sides and a bit longer on the top that I waxed up messy. They were amazing (and still are) until I changed jobs and moved back to my home town for a 9-5. This was the point at which I encountered a problem! I sat in the chair of the 'London town barbers' shop and asked for the same cut I got in the last barbers shop, when he finished the new barber picked up a mirror and showed me the back of my head revealing about a 3/4 cm bald patch on the back of my head!! I was shocked because I had never seen this before and it had clearly been there for a while! The guys at the family barbers had been cutting my hair to cover up my bald patch and never mentioned it to me, but clearly discussed it between themselves, the legends! It must have worked too because no one even mentioned anything to me before I moved home (or maybe the noticed and just didn't say anything), but I immediately got told after the new hair cut. I now shave my head! TLDR: small town family run barbers shop failed to send hair cut records to new barbers in time leading to shocking revelation of a bald spot


Initially I wore one cause my hair was long and the hat kinda clamped it out of my face. Now it's more for fashion/shade/heat. I have a Panama Hat for warm weather and a Coonskin Cap for cold. It doesn't hurt that my receding hairline is less visible though 😅


There are several men in the comments who relate to you, using a hat instead of a hair tie to hold back their long hair. I think it's charming. If I were a man with long hair I would also wear a hat, and pretend to be Sam Sulek for a confidence boost at the gym.


I have a habit of pulling my hat off to flip my hair back and adjust the cap fit before heavy lifts. It adds +5 strength every time.


I don't wear a hat, but my dad almost always does when he's working outside (but not when he's outside and dressed nicely). Yes, he's bald, but that's not why he wears a hat. He works outdoors most of the time, so wearing a hat helps with cold in the winter and prevents sunstroke in summer, not to mention that the skin on your head is thinner and thus gets sunburn easier, a hat prevents that. And I guess he just likes wearing a hat.


I have a 11/10 hairline (never moved up a single mm) and i like to wear a hat a lot cause having the sun on my face is bs. I keep my hats tipped back or take them off briefly sometimes just to show that I’m not hiding baldness lol


oh I have hairline... its the density.. you could settle a fucking encampment in there between the hair on the top surface of my skull.. at the same time, the three sides of my skull, hair so dense that sweat has a difficult time rolling down when I yeet my tounge with spicy food. So I shaved all of it and pulled up the hat.. realized it looks much better without the side and back hair.. so kept the look...


As an old fart who now wears a hat religiously, it doesn't have to do with my hairline at all. I've been bald for decades, and stopped caring ages ago. It's about sun protection, especially for the eyes. A lot of people around here are walking around all summer, no hat, no sunglasses, just squinting like cretins. Guess what? Sunlight damages your eyes, just like it damages everything else. Sunglasses. Hat. Preferably with a wide brim in summer. Protect your eyes. Places like New Zealand are very aware of this and push sunglasses, hats and sunscreen on their populace. But there's so many countries that are completely oblivious to it, and people are walking around with skin like a catcher's mitt and eyes turning yellow. Even in winter, just because it's cold doesn't mean there's no UV hammering your retinas on s sunny day.


I wear a hat because I’d prefer to not get skin cancer lol. I happen to also be bald but I’m not trying to hide anything. You’ll know soon enough when I take it off 😂


My hairline is fine, but I typically wear hats on days I don't want to or don't have the time to brush my hair.


As a woman with hair who always wears a hat… people assume I’m bald.


My wife and kids say I have perfect hair and that I could be a hair model. It’s all silver and really full. Too bad I’m ugly lol. Anyways, I’ve worn a hat almost every day since 1985.


I never really liked to wear a hat all the time except in the winter. But when I lost my hair after chemo, the world is a lot colder without hair. And I definitely don’t want to sunburn on top of my head. I also have stopped wearing baseball hats with the trucker strap in the back because I don’t want an upside down half circle on the back of my head. So now wear a fitted baseball hat or Irish cap or a bucket hat if I am swimming or working outside.


I have perfect hair even at 35. I used to wear a hat a lot, until someone made fun of me for balding. I was like "What? Hahaha!" Now I don't wear a hat as much now, gotta show off that hair lol.


I work on a medical research campus. Within our clean areas, the only head covers allowed are for medical, religious/cultural, or task related like hardhats and other PPE. The reasoning is that hats are not only rarely if ever washed but are nigh impossible to sterilize. Our research saves lives and we work very hard to avoid cross-contamination. At a construction project kickoff meeting our no-hats restriction was pointed out. One of the boomer contractors with a white circle beard clearly did not like that restriction and was trying to get out of it. As my department's project manager I said in no uncertain terms that it was required to work inside our facilities, no exceptions beyond what I listed. Period. His face turned red and I thought he was going to stroke out on me, but he kept quiet and walked out under his own power. Such a weird flex. No one cares about your bald spot. Maybe I should have said he could wear a head covering if he converted to Sikhism.


Yes. I'm not sure if it's intentionally done, but I've had guys show up who were just about bald. Two of the guys were nearly unrecognizable without the hats.


Does hair loss ever look attractive? I wear a hat for the same reason that some women wear makeup. To cover flaws.


I once briefly dated someone who wouldn't take his hat off until we'd turned out the lights. I can't speak for everyone, but personally I find an otherwise naked man in a hat significantly less attractive than a bald/balding/thinning guy.


No but bald sure does


What's hatfishing? It's not two words?


Personally I prefer farmed hats.


Only if it's sustainable and cruelty free.


I believe the op is talking about bald or balding men wearing hats to look unbald


My first thought was, like, a new TikTok trend involving stealing strangers hats off their heads out in public for the alleged LOLz. So we're not living in the darkest universe... yet.


I wear a hat but my hair is immaculate I just don’t want that shit in my face


I did the same thing when I had long hair. Mines not immaculate though.


I wear hats to work but that’s mainly me having to be there at 4:30 in the morning. Not getting up any earlier to mess with my hair.


Yes it's real* I wear a hat because I like the hat. Also many men deal with receding hairlines and are self conscious about it, particularly if it starts in your 20's. Wearing a hat ends up being part copium part habit, not about improving his you look to others but being comfortable in how you look for yourself.


Been shaving my head for years...but at 6000 feet altitude and the UV index on "fry" most days I wear a hat to keep from cooking my head.


I always wear a hat. Not because I care about being bald, if I could be fully bald that'd be nice. But because my hair grows fast where it does grow, and I can't be bothered shaving my head that often.


I'm seeing some common denominator here - people were wearing hats often *before* getting the receding hairline. Is it causal in nature?




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I wear a hat because I have longer hair and don't want to do it unless I'm going out with my girlfriend


I keep my hair really short and my skin is pretty light, so I get sunburnt without a hat. I also like to accessorize though, so I have a cap for every situation.


I wear a hat (baseball caps) often. I have a VERY full head of hair at age 51. I both like the look, and the convenience of not having to manage my hair constantly on a windy day. The visor is nice too in the sun.




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i wear hats for the opposite reason. i have very thick, long hair, and wearing hats helps keep it out of my face


My redneck credential in a new and very white-bread town. I may not have my horses any longer, but I can sure wear a ballcap and think about the goodoldays.


I wear a hat to hide my bedhead.




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I wear a hat with a brim to block the sun, not too picky about how it looks.


Been wearing hats for years for warmth in the winter time and sun protection in summer. I like the look and benefits and still have most of my hair.


im a hat guy, full hair down to my lower back, i like look and usefulness


My hair is thin, but I generally enjoy wearing hats, it makes me comfortable, I don’t have to worry about my hair being messed up and not knowing it. It’s just basically a comfort thing like blue jeans. It’s what I’m comfortable in and I don’t care.


My dad used to work at KFC in the 90s and always wore a hat. It was part of the uniform. He was always bald. One time we went to company shindig and every person there was shocked he was bald.


I played baseball as a kid and it was normal for us to wear our team’s hat during the week when we were out in the neighborhood. I just kinda got used to wearing one all the time and eventually preferred to wear one.




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I have really thick hair and a great hairline. I wear a hat all day at work to stop the sweat and i like the look so i wear a hat everytime i leave my house


Inside? No, never. Outside? Generaly to often yes. and when it's yes it's one of my [bucket hats](https://www.patagonia.com/dw/image/v2/BDJB_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-patagonia-master/default/dw8ada95aa/images/hi-res/29157_MJVK.jpg?sw=768&sh=768&sfrm=png&q=95&bgcolor=f5f5f5) and never a basball cap. That's just how it is. ¯\\\_( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ)\_/¯


Have always worn a hat. Yes it's real. My hair isn't what it used to be but I also had brain surgery which has left a rather massive scar on my head which is slowly becoming more and more exposed. If it's cold out it turns bright purple, and I live in Canada so it gets cold every now and then. I could care less about my hair, it's more so self conscious of a scar. Do women care? Not all. Just own up to your hairline and keep it short so it doesn't look like you're grasping at straws doing whatever you can to mask it. I've seen women's dating profiles saying they won't respond to messages if all their pictures involve hats and they don't want to be hatfished. If that's the case, ask to see a picture of their mother so you know what kind of genes she has and how far she could end up. Looks only go so far.


I'm pretty sure seeing my head without a hat would make some people vomit. Had brain surgery a few years ago, and I'm still missing a hefty chunk of skull. It's.... very evident.


I don't know if anyone goes hunting them with a net or rod and reel, but hatfish are real: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platax_batavianus


Not me but I know a guy who was balding, he always wore a hat and let the reminder of his hair stick out, made him look 10 years younger.


I have a nice straw Panama I wear because the sun and I were never friends on the best of days, but since the chemo took my hair and the other cancer drugs make my skin even more sensitive to direct sun, it's a survival thing.


Sometimes people just wear hats




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I wear my hat during sex so I don't consider it deception.


I have trouble finding hats unless I buy a Stetson they fit perfectly I don't know how they do it but they always fit perfect.




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"hatfishing" my brother in christ like 90% of fashion is just using clothes to compensate for body type in one way or another. You sound like those dudes who think makeup is "dishonest"


I mean I'm trans so my hairline is ostensibly higher than it should be, but mostly I wear a hat because it's a witch hat that I made and I just dress Like That™.


I'm a transfem with thinning hair, so I have a *lot* of headgear. I'm pretty open about my condition though and I do bare my head on days when I feel confident and it's not bothering me.


Yes. And a lot of women's breasts sag without a bra. And some people where long shirts because they don't like how their arms look. And how many people have dentures or implants to hide missing teeth? And what is makeup for again? People do a lot of things to make themselves look better, often just for their own satisfaction, to improve the view in the mirror. Why is there particular shame about baldness?