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OnlyFans is definitely the minority. Most women do not sell nudes of themselves on the internet.


Only Fans is a professional service, and is in no way representative of women in general. This is like asking if most men are good at hockey, because there are a lot of good hockey players in the National Hockey League.


I've never played hockey in my life, but given that I'm a man, I'm sure I'm good at hockey


The onlyfans models you see are not representative of anything. Not even onlyfans models. You know how pretty much everyone says they are in the top .01% or whatever of accounts on there? They could be full of shit, sure, but I believe them. For every person you see selling pics of their butthole for $5 dollars a pop, there are another 10,000 people TRYING to sell cheap pics of their buttholes, only no one is buying. From what I've seen, most of them aren't even promiscuous. If they are doing content with a male, a lot of the time it's a boyfriend or husband. And a lot of the time they aren't even doing male-female content, it's just a bunch of barely-more-risque-than-instagram pictures by themself or with some other solo female. And a lot of THOSE pictures/videos, they don't even look that into it. Because, surprise surprise, they aren't actually good actors because they aren't actually actors, and they don't look into it because they aren't into it. They just want money. TL;DR: The stuff you see online is not representative of reality.




No, but I'm sure the high paid ones are.


“Attractive women” are not a monolith. Weird, I know, but it turns out people actually vary from person to person and are not all the same.


Blasphemy! Take it back or face the consequences!




OP probably just means are women who are capable of having sex whenever they want promiscuous. This seems like a fair question.


I know you mean well, but not only is that a boring answer that could apply to absolutely any human quality, it is also not really true. given specific circumstances, humans will fall into predictable patterns. Its a consequence of all being the same species of animal. I mean, you are right that "attractive" is too broad a category to make any judgments on, but given a few more qualifiers, you can easily start mapping out behavioral patterns.


Define "promiscuous." Is it more than 1?


Anyone sleeping with anyone other than me is a slut /s


TIL I’m a slut 😈 


We can change that 😉


Te he he 


The defining characteristic of OF women isn't promiscuity, it's gullibility and desperation. They're in it for the money, or rather for the vain hope that the money will someday materialise and "the grind" will finally start to pay off.


Onlyfans is definitely a minority of women. Sex work requires a certain mentality that most people in general don’t have. Most women simply aren’t comfortable showing themselves naked or in explicit situations to millions of men on the internet regardless of their attractiveness. As for promiscuity it varies from person to person. Idk what you want to hear. I’ve met some attractive women who were huge party girls and were definitely promiscuous. I’ve met some who were more conservative when it came to sex and only had sex in very serious relationships. I’ve met some who weren’t necessarily prudish about sex but had extremely high standards that most men did not live up to and therefore had a low number of partners by default. It varies too greatly to make a blanket statement about attractive women in general.


I'm betting most onlyfans women aren't promiscuous at all. They make content by themselves or with a SO


Attractive women are less likely to be promiscuous because they have even higher standards and not all OF girls are attractive 


I was cute and boys were easy 🤷‍♀️




True or not, if true, good for you. If dudes are dumb enough to let you take advantage of them, then milk it for all you can


That’s mean. I wasn’t out to hurt or use anyone. It was fun.


Oh, did not mean it like that at all. I’m sorry. All I’m saying is that IF it went down that way, you’d still be in the right. But from what you said, it’s two people looking for fun. And that’s cool as well


Many things that hurt people and society are fun.


I’m sorry, are you implying that I hurt people? Or hurt society? I’m so confused and I’d appreciate an explanation.


I'm implying that simply because something was fun and you were not trying to hurt people doesn't mean you didn't hurt people. And yes, my view is that this type of sex work does hurt people by damaging society.


“This type of sex work” lol wut


Is there any other area of society where you would congratulate someone for taking advantage of people? I don't know why people support this behaviour.


Really? Absolutely. If you let yourself get taken, you deserve what you get. Life is tough, some people have ill intentions. It’s up to you to not be a dumbass Edit: I don’t “support” it. But it’s life. It’s useless fighting it. I just have to be one of those few that don’t allow the fact that I’m attracted to some girl dictate my behavior. A lot of things in life you see people crying about, is their own doing. Were the people that did it out of line? Absolutely. But it would only work if the “victim” allowed it


So you basically think it's old people's fault when they get scammed. They deserve what they got for losing their savings.


Who’s getting scammed my dude? Do you think every sex act has a winner and a loser?


Uhhh, yeah. My aunt turns 70 next week. There’s no way in hell she’d fall for that shit. Live and learn. Those old people never learned Again, obviously the perpetrators are people that deserve hell, but, ultimately, it’s on the people who are willing victims


AFAIK attractive women are less promiscuous than anybody else, although Its really a cultural thing. Attractive women of higher class are much more affected by reputation, so even though they get more chances to have adventures and have sex, they are more sensitive to being labeled a slut. Attractive women also get more partners, so they will have an easier time of finding a mate to settle with. If they are poor, though, its probably the opposite. If you don't care about your reputation, you will jump on every good time that comes you way. This is also where the rumor of bigger girls and ugly girls being easier to get into bed. I don't know if that is true, but it kind of makes sense. If people already look down on you, you might as well enjoy yourself.


If you've been to university and/or clubbing you would know this is not true.


I would separate "getting dates" with "having sex". One girl could be mobbed with guys, but only date one, while another girl could only get a few guys asking her out, but bone every one. And, in case I didn't say it, this is partly based on my own experience. I have read some things about people's sex habits, but there really isn't a lot of discussion. I mean, other than how young people aren't having enough kids, but that's something else. In my experience, average and unattractive women get around way more than pretty girls.


Not every beautiful girl sleeps around a lot, and Im not sure if all onlyfans girls are promiscuous either. There has to be some ladies and guys on onlyfans because they're desperate for money, or looking for an easy buck. Some onlyfans ladies market themselves(because most people are there for the ladies), but perform sex acts with their husbands, boyfriends, or life partners. Other couples just get a kick out of people watching them do the deed. A lot of women on OF do solo vids only and never perform with a partner. However, it's hard to look at someone who works in the sex industry and not veiw them as promiscuous for obvious reasons. A lot of girls and guys that did OF proudly, now find it hard to find serious relationships because of the image they chose to sell. Tons of OF girls wisely don't show their faces because of the negative image. Dont as me how I know this 🤪😂🤘 People on the extreme end of anything are always the loudest.




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Depends how you define promiscuous. But OnlyFans women are the minority.


What you gotta understand is- the woman on onlyfans are selling a product, their rhetoric about their sexuality is marketing, and a lot of times they aren't as promiscuous as they make themselves out to be. Promiscuous attractive women don't talk about it the same way OF girls do, getting attention from talking about their sex life often times brings more negatives that worthwhile gains, so they're more likely to be the opposite in how they present themselves.


Times are tough. If I could flash my goods for some quick cash I probably would. I dont think a lot of only fans woman are responsible with it, which is my only concern.




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They have people offering them sex every day since they’re teenagers. The opportunity is there.


What are you, 14, OP?


Attractive women are the least promiscuous.


Most very attractive women I personally know attempt to monetize their attractiveness from men in some way. In extreme end it is some sort of sex work which includes Only Fans. Or it could be demanding boyfriends or prospective suitors to financially support them.


they can be promiscuous


Some women on only fans only feature their husband in they videos. I'd say that also implies faith fullness since it generally pays more to feature different people.


It depends man I’ve seen ugly woman who think that they’re the shit because low class guys keep having sex with them this includes attractive woman as well it’s mostly mental sometimes there mind is f up you could tell who the f p ones are sometimes


OP, you ought to know that a lot of the women on Onlyfans aren't actually promiscuous. They're just desperate for money.


Only as desperate as any fast food worker. I would definitely say women on OnlyFans are probably more promiscuous that your average fast food worker.


Yup, nobody works in fast food or posts on Onlyfans, for any reason but needing the money! But some are there because they can make money without actually touching anyone.


You think people work in fast food for the fun of it?


You misread my post. Nobody cleans toilets, works in fast food, or posts on Onlyfans for fun. Some things in this world are only done because people need money.


Anyone who does onlyfans could do fast food instead. They pick onlyfans.


That's because Onlyfans pays more, possibly a lot more. Anyone who has to pick between shitty demeaning jobs would pick the one with the best pay and the most flexible hours.


Attractive girls have a hard time with things as most men lust for them and do not take the real time to build love thus throwing them to the side after getting to fuck the girl the only fans girls are normally girls overly made up or angling things perfect to look that attractive and actually are not as the whole mindset to get into only fans takes a deeper level of desire for attention and in a sexual manner most women who actually get sex and guys will not do things like only fans because they can not fantom it for many reasons one being most IRL attractive girls are sick and overly done with men IRL sexualizing them and cat calling them and such and thus would be DRASTICALLY less likely to put themselves into a virtual space for men to continue that behavior that they are already sick of so the girls online doing that are girls who are not getting it IRL or the rare case of a nympho who most likely due to income has accepted it


Most non promiscuous attractive women are happily in a long term relationship while the promiscuous ones are going out to get laid. So unless you are hanging with married women you are going get bias view


In my experience women are not any more promiscuous than men, and subjectively. if anything, are less promiscuous on average. I would also not classify being on only fans as promiscuous. It's a job and I guarantee it gets real boring real fast. I am also willing to bet that most the women on there, have their partners permission to be on there. The word promiscuous has a negative connotation and implies you are doing something wrong. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing.






Jesus Christ, incel much? Have you never been around women? Like at all?


If the most attractive women end up alone and miserable than those looking up to them wont follow. Circle of life Also reason why u should let things happen naturally rather than get in the way. Ever noticed how once u stop being against something, the popularity of it decreases because the reality comes forward.


I'm confused. Why would they end up alone? Or miserable? And why can't they be one but not the other? And I thought their followers were the ones who pay for exclusive pics. Who's following them as mentors?


Am I allowed to suggest hypothetical situations without being assumed to believe its reality? The most beautiful women dont do OF anyway


You're allowed, but you can't expect people to know you're just saying random stuff for no reason. Why would you do that? I think it's pretty natural for me to think you were saying this is the outcome of women doing OF given the context.


Its not random because its correlated with the comments before it. This is going over your head


So it *is* meant to be understood in context, which means you *do* believe it is a predictable outcome, or at least a deserved one and that women who don't have OF should learn from it.


What the f r u on about I said what my comment reads n thats about it, care to not put words in my mouth?


>If the most attractive women end up alone and miserable than those looking up to them wont follow. Circle of life >Also reason why u should let things happen naturally rather than get in the way. Those are your words. I didn't put them in your mouth. You wrote them. If I misunderstood their meaning, please explain.


> If the most attractive women end up alone and miserable than those looking up to them wont follow. Circle of life This only happens when don't people make connections, most don't and never will.

