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Well how much do you weigh? But either way I’d say look into intermittent fasting, I did it for a while. I did it cuz I was poor, but there are benefits one of them being it really simplifies the whole eating thing and it becomes a lot easier to eat well if you only have to nail one meal in a day. Breakfast always made me drowsy anyways


I would not recommend intermittent fasting to someone who may be underweight


The ancient Egyptians didn't carve "You must eat 3 meals a day" on the pyramid walls. But talk to a Dr if you're concerned.


You can literally get your calories however you want, trying to eat healthy and varied foods is best nutritionally but other than that you’ve got free rein. Just, ya know, periodically check your weight if you happen to notice it changing. 5’10” 160 sounds like a good weight for the your height so I’d say you’re good. Ive gone periods eating like that. Still alive. If you wanna play it safe take a multivitamin and vitamin D.


I can’t see the comment to reply on here, but I’m 5’10” and 160 lbs.


I like a good breakfast, and it's the only meal I will go out of my way to get what I want. Typically a bacon, egg and cheese on an everything bagel! But for "lunch" or "dinner"? I just eat when I am hungry. Convinced my wife to stop cooking these big meals at set times, like we do in America. I hate going to bed with 3000 calories sitting in my stomach! Eat like a King in the morning, a Prince in the afternoon and a pauper at night and you will probably never get fat.


Get some more protein


Yes, yogurt is ok. But I’d add sone chicken, fish or lentils/beans.


yes - small frequent feedings is probably one of the best ways to get nutrition. Your stomach never fully fills and the digestion aspect of your metabolism is relatively constant as opposed to 2-3 large workloads during which insulin spikes.


That sounds fine. I wouldn't force myself to eat just to reach a certain amount of calories unless it was for a fitness goal or something. If you're that worried maybe talk to a nutritionist or dr?


I eat big bananas and cucumbers also,helped me out a lot




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You're probably fine, but my dude, a crock pot, rice cooker with steamer, or instant pot might improve you life some.


That’s a good way to eat. Go for it.


Just eat raw fruit and nuts you are good takes 0 times to prepare beside cutting