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I think the term "sex offender" is far too broad to give a straight answer to your question.


13 states put you on the sex offender registry for public urination.


Yeah that's what I mean.


Kind of shows you how fucked in the head legislators are if they think pissing is explicitly sexual.


It's probably just projection because pissing probably gets them hard


Sorry about that, it just turns me on, besides last time I saw someone pissing behind a Dennys I got distracted and hard and ran over someone.


I feel this.


It's because public urination necessarily triggers indecent exposure laws unless you're just wetting your pants.


Still insane, it cheapens the registry and ruins lives unnecessarily


I knew a woman who's father was on the list, and lost his job as a teacher, because he peed in an empty park at night.


Depends. I know a dude who got a sex offender charge for streaking. And my ex got a charge for skinny dipping at 1am. They are both technically sex offenders. It needs to be case by case like most things.


I’ve even had my own SAr apologize to me and showed me they confessed, went into therapy, and realized they were SA’d too as a kid and didn’t really understand how to show intimacy It helped me move on in a way seeing them suffer never ever did All these people thinking they’re showing off how internet tough guy they are by saying they want rapists to be tortured- they want more blood and pain put into the world than my abuser, and that’s horrifying https://ejusa.org/resource/the-closure-myth/


I’ve seen this too. Some people really are just sick sadists and there are some who legit can’t comprehend what they’re doing is wrong. Being raised in a fucked up manner can actually do this to someone but many aren’t ready to have this conversation yet. In the past and currently present when I call for blood I’m taking about the first group I mentioned.


Shit I had never even thought of this, but yeah, you're right. If there's at least a chance that victims could find closure through hearing a real apology from a reformed perpetrator, then don't we owe them to at least try?


A perfect example of why the cycle of abuse is, in fact, a cycle. Yet still, my condolences and sympathies.


There's so many stupid things that can get you marked as a sex offender that it makes the term lose all meaning. Like "Oh you're a sex offender? Did you diddle a kid or just take a drunken piss behind a Walmart?"


If you meet one, it's worth checking. Put their name because everyone hived the drunken piss answer


That’s insane. Actual child molesters are grouped in the same way.


I wonder if that’s why a lot of them also end up with such light sentences While ik tcap isn’t indicative of how severely pedophiles are persecuted and charged it genuinely baffles me how light some of those sentences are in light of the crime (or potential crime ig) Like I don’t think it rlly warrants death but it does warrant much more severe punishment than just a few years in jail and becoming a registered sex offender


Actually, I have heard that it's because harsher convictions would require witness testimony from the victim. Understandably, there are many parents who will not subject their children to the agony of recounting their own violation while in front of the one who did it.


>I wonder if that’s why a lot of them also end up with such light sentences If they got harsher sentences, you'd need to justify them by comparison to the four or five year maximum for involuntary manslaughter in most states. As outrageous a kid diddling is, it's hard to say it's worse than killing a child because you were irresponsible.


There's a problem with some areas who are under the age of 18 and involved in consensual actions with another partner of their own age who are branded as felons and SA for life. Over policing for sex crimes happens way too often historically, and on top of that the collective culture has disagreements. There's always a case by case problem, too. No two cases are going to be the same, ever. Look up the Kern County Mass Hysteria. It was a whole town of people put in prison and lives destroyed after false accusations. A lot of that still goes on, and that's what makes the problem of taking victims on their word so difficult.


Agree. Those people shouldn’t even be sex offenders at all. On the other hand, people who rape and diddle little kids and things like that should 100% get the death penalty.


I'm against the death penalty in general. Not because I think no one potentially deserves it, but because of the fact that people can and have been executed before only to be proven innocent later.


It is a certainty that if the death penalty exists, innocent people will be executed


Fact. And nobody who supports the DP wants to answer the question, "how many innocent executions are acceptable". If they were honest, there wouldn't be a death penalty anywhere.


Maybe the reason for innocent people getting executed is the death penalty is offered to many times.


Far too many imo


I'm with you to a point.  There are cases where the evidence is merely circumstantial without witnesses.  In these cases, death penalty needs to be off the table.    But cases where the perpetrator is undeniably caught in the act and deliberately took measures to commit their crime.  Kill em.   For good  measure and relieve doctors of their ethics, use the 45 70 Govt. Cartridge.   Example:  I think Joseph Fritzl should be executed.   The guy built a secret sex dungeon in his basement, locked his daughter down there and fathered several children with her.  All while telling his wife his daughter ran away.  The man is a waste of space.  Shoot him already.  


Holy shit I just read up on the case you’re talking about how the fuck is this dude still alive?


I've read it once.  I feel sick just posting his name.


We probably agree more than you think. As I said, I'm not saying no one deserves it. There are definitely people I think do. My only reason for not being in favor is to avoid innocent people being executed.


That’d work if death sentences didn’t trigger several automatic appeals, even in the case of ‘caught red handed’, meaning the cost of their sentence to the tax payer is significantly higher than giving them a whole life sentence inside.


I could not agree more.


Yeah me too.


No. It's a very broad term that doesn't fully explain what they did. If someone was naked in public and arrested should they get the death penalty? Absolutely not.


I don't think the government should have the ability to legally execute its citizens ever (i.e. it should have a constitution that forbids it). If it has that right, it has the ability to add crimes to the list where capital punishment is allowed, and that can be abused. If theocrats ever take power then it is bronze-age books that determine what crimes deserve the death penalty. No thank you.


Places have tried the death penalty for things like rape before. All it does is increase murders of victims, and lessen the number of people reporting it. If it's a family member, or someone the victim knows personally, they may not want to report knowing the penalty is death. And when discussing the increase in murder, what motivation does the perpetrator have to leave the victim alive if the penalty for their crime is the same as the penalty for murder?


No one should get the death penalty. The death penalty shouldn’t exist. There’s no way to ensure that it’s executed without error, which makes it both cruel and unusual and also barbaric. There should not be an acceptable margin of innocent people the state kills in error just so we can kill guilty people.


Likewise - go back within living memory and gay people are classified as “sex offenders”. At current, legislation has been proposed by sitting politicians that would classify someone being in drag around minors as a sex offender. So those people would potentially be subject to murder by the state if this was the policy.


> There’s no way to ensure that it’s executed without error, which makes it both cruel and unusual and also barbaric. With AI this will be solved. Just give it a checklist, such as video proof, DNA, witness testimony, and phone tracking. You can then have the AI, using a humanoid robot, kill the person with a firearm.


Isn’t calling for the death of everyone in congress a bit of a stretch?


I don't think the death penalty works well with anything really. The thing is, people in power can change the definitions of crime to include marginalized communities or anyone they don't like. Example: With the current political landscape in the USA, there seems to be a push to make lgbtq+ people automatically sex offenders. And if all sex offenders get the death penalty... **It's a slippery slope.**


No because not all “sex offenders” fall into the sicko mind category. Met a guy at my church where he was 17 dating a 16 year old. They went camping without her dad’s permission for his 18th birthday. When they got back, her dad him him arrested for kidnapping and because he was a legal adult. To my knowledge they are still married today the spirit of the message is that he shouldn’t be considered a sex offender


I don't think anyone should get the death penalty, regardless of how awful a thing they did. If you put 1000 sex offenders to the death and your trials were 99% fair and accurate, you killed 10 innocent people. Given how often the rich and powerful get away with sex crimes already, this would disproportionately affect poor and marginally communities, which I wouldn't be able to abide by.


Not as the default. Most sexual assault abuse happens from other family members. Knowing that if they say something, that could mean that a family member would get the death penalty, would disincentivize victims to come forwards.


Pissing on a wall, nope. Rape a child absolutely.


Too broad. Child molesters, yes. Rapists, once proven, yes. Peeing in public, no.


Sex offenders cover a wide range of crimes. I don't believe they all deserve the death penalty. For example, abusing a 9 year old child? Yeah I'm fine with the death penalty. A teacher having consensual sex with their 18 year old adult student who's a senior in high school? In many states this is a crime and will get you on the sex offender registry. I don't see the death penalty as appropriate.


I'm opposed for the same reason I'm opposed it for people who commit murder. If the state gets it wrong, an innocent person will have been already executed. No means of redress, no restoration of freedom.


It takes years or decades to get executed. Me personally, if I'm innocent and i've already been in there a decade without getting out, go ahead. I'd rather die than live in prison another 30 years


That’s a great way to turn rape victims into murder victims


Nah. Given our judicial systems track recorded with targeting, incarcerating, and executing innocent people I don’t think it has any business deciding who lives and dies.


This subreddit lives up to its name every day.


Depends, like ppl who piss outside or something no but chomos yea


I don’t think any criminal should get the death penalty


Only premeditated murder should get the death penalty. Sexual assault should get a nice long sentence and a 2nd offense should get a life sentence.


“If these two boys die on the scaffold, which I can never bring myself to imagine, If they do die on the scaffold, the details of this will be spread over the world. Every newspaper in the United States will carry a full account. Every newspaper of Chicago will be filled with the gruesome details. It will enter every home and every family. Will it make men better or make men worse? I would like to put that to the intelligence of man, at least such intelligence as they have. I would like to appeal to the feelings of human beings so far as they have fee lings-- would it make the human heart softer or would it make hearts harder? What influence would it have upon the millions of men who will read it? What influence would it have upon the millions of women who will read it, more sensitive, more impressionable, more imaginative than men? Would it help them if Your Honor should do what the state begs you to do? What influence would it have upon the infinite number of children who will devour its details as Dickie Loeb has enjoyed reading detective stories? Would it make them better or would it make them worse? The question needs no answer. You can answer it from the human heart.” The death penalty must be abolished NOT to save the criminal. But to save us all.


Sex offenders like federally elected politicians? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_federal_political_sex_scandals_in_the_United_States


I am against the death penalty for all offenses. That said, dangerous people should not be on the street. Can SO's be rehabilitated? I think that should be addressed on a case-by-case basis.


I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this but no I don’t. We’re not entirely sure why this happens. There’s theories of course, but not really anything proven. Giving someone the death penalty doesn’t stop sex offenders from being created. In my opinion, it needs to be researched more and talked about more to figure out how to prevent it.


Depends on the class and category of the sex offence charge. Very circumstantial because of how easy it is to get on the lowest tier. Tier 3 absolutely zero hesitation. Tier 2 depends on the case and nature of the offence but they are eligible. Tier 1 no, but should still face consequences befitting what they did but not eligible for the death penalty.


I do not believe the death penalty is an appropriate punishment. It is the perfect remedy, of course, but we will always have an imperfect system. My Scoutmaster molested half my troop in 1980's Texas. I hated him for decades. I came to learn that his mother ran a whorehouse, and put him into service at the tender age of 4. He begged to be locked up for life as he could not control himself. My hate evaporated instantly. How could someone come out through the other side of that intact? Especially given the state of mental health care then and now, and the difficulty of finding providers who would be willing to work with people like that? I do not approve of what he did. I understand better why he did what he did, and wonder how many people could come through that and not repeat his behavior? Some, sure? All? No. It all depends on the facts and circumstances of the particular case.


I am opposed to the death penalty. It doesn’t work and is too costly. This would also result in victims getting killed.


No….i don’t think anyone should get the death penalty.


Questions like this remind me how closeminded and face value people look at things. Sex Offender is a broad term, but I think sexual abusers are pretty scum


I think it should be categories, the worst of the worst should be at least castrated


No. A person who rapes or sexually assaults does deserve punishment, but no person should get to do decide what to categorize as a sexual offense or how to punish that. E.g. classifying trans people as sex offenders. Applying a death penalty to a blanket label just lets people take advantage of expanding that label.


Without going into the ethical debate over the death penalty... No, only because then there would be no reason to NOT kill their victim. I understand that not every sex offender is capable of killing, but for those that ARE, if the punishment for rape and murder were the same, why bother leaving behind a living victim that could potentially testify?


I have a buddy who’s fucked thousands of women. Women line up to fuck him, even when they know he’s got multiple women in his rotation. He caught a charge a couple years ago for touching someone at work even though he repeatedly asked for consent. He definitely crossed a line because he held a position of power over the person. He rightly lost two different professional licenses and became homeless for a bit. I don’t think he should be killed.


The death penalty in general is a horrible idea


My concern about the death penalty is the number of convictions that still get overturned. That gets awkward when the accused has been put to death already.


I don't because : 1 Rape and pedophilia being made capital offences could cause the perpetrators to kill their victims to cover up what they did. 2 It would deter victims of rape/pedophilia from coming forward out of guilt for causing their abusers death. 3 It would also deter people with those urges to seek help. 4 The system isn't infallible mistakes and malicious prosecutions happen and if someone is wrongfully sent to prison, they could be released if someone is wrongfully sentenced to death, then it's irreversible.


I don't think so because I would think it would just spur people to kill the victim to cover it up after and that would be worse. Also there are people with really problematic proclivities who don't act on it and I would rather those people come forward to receive the help they need without fearing for their life.


Pedophiles and violent serial rapists should be put out of everyone's misery and eliminate a constant threat to vulnerable people and animals. If people actually listened to some of these people talk about what they do to their victims or how they actually murdered and raped someone, they would think they deserved the death penalty too. A lot of crimes are cleaned up a bit for the news...learning what a lot of these predators actually do to victims will change anyone's mind.


Depends on the situation. You can be a sex offender for pissing in an alley. There have been cases where underage girls were sleeping with guys in an over 21 club, guy has no reason to suspect the girl is under 21 much less under 18. In cases like that, no. In what you probably meant when you said sex offender, yes.


Yeah death however victims family chooses








No. As they are not capital offenses.




“Sex offender” is too broad. I think where to draw the line is an important conversation…an 18 year old having consensual sex with a 16 year old is way too broad, only violent child rapists is too narrow. But somewhere in between those two extremes is a line where the answer is yes, this crime is heinous enough to rid the world of you. I agree with the death penalty for certain offenses, absolutely…but I can’t imagine a scenario where it should be taken lightly, but it should be taken occasionally.


Let the victim family decide.


Just physical castration


Yes. Fuck the clergy!




Depends on their specific crime.


Death penalty


Violent rapists and/or predators of children regardless of physical violence- without exception. First offense.


I prefer public hanging.


Depends, but if they're a serial rapist definitely. If they were just having sex with an 17 year old gf and they were 18 then no.




About 95% of all criminal cases never go to trial because the system jacks up charges to scare people into plea deals. So nah. Too many innocent people who just couldn't afford a lawyer. You hear about it allll the time, dudes getting released after 20 years because someone lied or they got the wrong guy etc. I'll never support capital punishment.


O am against the death penalty, but lock them up with each other and let them prey on each other.


way too broad, way too difficult to prove, way too many extenuating circumstances, way too easy to manipulate and abuse not only that death is supposed to be the harshest of the harshest. like, think about it if you rape someone and it's X punishment, then you're not going to kill said victim because then you will get X + Y punishment or even just Y Punishment. nor will you do something even worse like, say, taking the victim and hiding them and using them as your please because what are they going to do? kill you twice? what happens when you end up with someone whos lying? what about mistakes? what about the people who got falsely accused because the recollection was fuzzy? and so on. if you already know that once you are caught, you will suffer the worst punishment, there will be nothing holding you back anymore. It's easier to hide a dead body than a living kicking girl; it's easier to do a lot more horrific stuff to someone in order to not get caught or think they can't get a worse punishment, so get their fill now that they have opened Pandora's box. it would turn from a bad experience that's mentally horrible to an almost literal living hell that can tear your mentality, spiritually and physically. in the end you would have to create an even harsher punishment such as the old days where you could be tortured to death or starved to death or impaled for all to see as you die over the course of a couple of days and so on. in the end whomever would have to actually enforce those laws, enact the punishments, come up with the harsher and harsher punishments would all pretty much have to become monsters. it's just so hard to know what the actual truth is in the end, and it's hard because you have to presume the accused is innocent until it's proven guilty, but then it's something that's hard to prove. like, was the girl into it,? Then, 99% of the way through, it was like, oh wait, too far, and before the thought was done or even as the word no escaped their lips oops. what about the ones where they had sex and then later regretted it? what about the once where they were found out, then they claimed, oh no, they were raped. They weren't sneaking out of their house to screw around with XYZ. noooo I'm not doing it for vengeance because after we slept together it they ghosted me even though it was a one-night stand. the reasons go on and on and on, and it sucks because then you end up making the victim feel like they are being blamed or shamed or are the criminal. they feel violated because not only they had been are they now being poked and prodded and questioned and having their lives looked into under a microscope because, sadly, they are largely the crime scene, the only other witness to the actual act, the person who would most likely benefit from a lie other than the other criminal. it sucks it suck all around


Unfortunately something like 17% of prisoners in death row - *that we know of* - were wrongfully convicted. So my guess is that it's actually more like 1/3 or so who shouldn't be there and that's for really serious crimes which are supposedly given the most serious attention, which begs the question of how bad the rest of it is. So for that reason alone I don't support the death penalty because I damn sure am not ok with 1/5 - 1/3 of ppl killed by the state being innocent people.


I don’t think anyone should get the death penalty so no




Nobody should get the death penalty, especially not for something like rape. Thinking of times when evidence might be good enough to send someone to jail but not to put them to death, so they end up getting not guilty and out on the street to keep raping. Those kinds of sex cases are already hard enough to get convictions on


If they’re a serial offender, then sure. If they committed an absolutely heinous offense, then yes. If they’re a human trafficker, for sure. Yet most SO’s aren’t that. They’re actually teachers, coaches, priests or youth pastors, family members (mainly), or a close family friend. I’m not saying what they did wasn’t wrong, but to say that they shouldn’t receive their life back after their sentence is over, whether that’s prison, then parole or a term of probation, completing court mandated treatment, and remaining offense free, is wrong. To me, it all boils down to having less people dependent on the state. Want less dependents? Allow them a second chance. Felons in general typically can’t find jobs and housing, but it’s especially true for SO’s. Allowing an SO to reintegrate into society not only saves everyone money, but it also starts to shatter the lies and myths surrounding SO’s and the registry which is a conversation for another day.


Sex offender title could get slapped on you for peeing in public. So, no. It would have to heavily depend on the nature of their crime.


Here me out here...Pedifi-land.




Too many persecutors for prosecutors.




No, but I might be able to get behind a secret euthanasia program for convicted pedophiles.


No. It's far too broad. I dont believe in the death penalty period though honestly because too many innocents get executed.


Only after thier 3rd offence


Pedophiles should die. Rapists should endure some kind of torture punishments for a while.


I think at the very least they all need to be on a public registry with details of their crimes. We don’t have one in my country, and I despise that.


Sounds like someone drank the cool-aid. Ain’t no way I’m going to even entertain the idea that there are humans fit to judge other people, let alone sentence them.


Yes. Also, death penalty for adultery. Death penalty for theft. Death penalty for vandalism. Death penalty for cyber-bullying. Just kill ‘em all. That’ll learn ‘em. They probably won’t do the same crime twice.


everyone will die


Depends on what they did


Not exactly, I think rapists should all be put on a prison island together. If any children are born they should be forcibly removed for their own safety. The only monitoring that should be done should be for the newborns. I think sex offender is too broad a term and a lot of things fall under that as a broad umbrella. Example pissing outside can get you on the registry as a sex offender. I’m just saying






Child molesters/rapists yes


If they are repeat offenders or their crime was so agregious and casteration/surgically paralyzing didn't work, then yes.


I think only people that kill someone should get the death penalty. But if any other crime is bad enough, life in prison can be appropriate.


“Sex offender” is too broad a term. Public urination? No. Child rape? Yes.


I’ve come to hate the idea of death penalties in general. The idea of our judicial system deciding whether or not a person dies is scary. It’s a small percent, but innocent people do get sentenced. Prison is fine, but should be reserved for the worst criminal offenders. Or drop them off on a remote island with no technology.


Then many false accusations


i think if sex offenders (im assuming you mean rapists and other higher crimes) got death penalty it would stop victims from coming forward about assault, most assaults happen in the family after all. and if rape could get you the death penalty then you know that the definition of it would expand to include people the government doesnt currently like and people would be falsely accused. this is why im against the death penalty in any context honestly.


No. There are far too many cases where the accused weren't guilty. And there are far too many instances where the guilty aren't even caught. Which leads to a slew of other issues. Further, the charge is far too broad a term, that isn't well defined, and could include those that shouldn't deserve the death penalty (two 16 year olds could be charged with it, because they both were laying in bed naked... for example). If it were an ideal justice system, for whatever that might entail, then I'd say sure, even if we were to hash out morally acceptable exceptions. Biggest problem is, to go with that extreme punishment, that's putting far too much trust in a system, which has proven frequently that it cannot be trusted.


Regardless of if they can be rehabilitated it's more profitable to use them for labor then killing them (not saying we have to use them for that, but just from a purely economic standpoint it's better for taxpayers then death) and we can use them to test if medication will work for people who haven't committed crimes yet. They are especially pricey if they appeal and we have to let them appeal unless you think the more severe the crime the less likely the chances they are to be innocent, which I don't thing is a thing in any country.


Doing that would result in more child murders


No. Because offenders are more likely to kill their victims yo reduce their own chances of getting caught.


I think there are a lot of people who froth at the mouth if you say anything other than agreeing with any variation of this question, and that kinda creeps me out.


There is a saying "hurt people, hurt people". That's not taking into account how broad the terms are; for example you can be charge as a sex offender for getting caught using a tree as a bathroom not being able to find one and thinking there was no one around. Of the actual cases, I would wager most themselves are victims that never received proper mental health and are now perpetuating their own pain. There are also cases of false accusations or law enforcement genuinely screwing up and getting the wrong person. When I was in high school we had a speaker that was exonerated after serving 14 years for a crime he didn't commit just because he vaguely matched the description and even the victim testified that she was not sure if it was him. He was found guilty anyway, sentence and when found innocent he was basically told "well mistakes happen, good luck out there". The justice system relies heavily on educated guesses and deductions. Not to mention bias of the humans involved in the process. If you go the route of death penalties, you may just end up killing more innocent people than guilty ones not factoring in the ones that could have been reformed.


TBH… it’s case by case. Not everyone who is labeled a sex offender is guilty of a sexual crime. If you expose yourself by accident or on purpose you could be charged, especially if a child sees you. Also, if your on the spectrum or have an intellectual disability you could expose yourself and not even be aware of what’s going on. However, I don’t not think they should be put to death


I think they should get raped with a broom handle dipped in poison oak then sat down on a bull head ant colony to think about things fur a few days. .... Then yes


Pedophiles - definitely. Adult on adult sex offenders - depends whether violence was involved or not.


Hard yes, in Louisiana they're passing a bill so If you rpe someone under thirteen you get casterated


No, because I believe it will actually decrease the amount who are caught, and I'm fairly sure there's data showing that. Imagine you have a child being SA'd by a family member, they're likely being told that it's normal or whatever but they're also being told to keep quiet because otherwise they'll get the family member into trouble. If you introduce the death penalty, now they'll be telling kids to keep quiet or they'll be killed, which will deter a lot of kids from saying anything because they'll be terrified of getting their family member killed. This would also adults too, though. Could I report someone, knowing they might get killed? And if they do, how would I feel knowing I caused that? How would I deal with the guilt of having killed someone's son, for example? Especially because you would likely face a lot of backlash and hate, as most people who come forwards do. Imagine how tough it would be for victims who don't believe in the death penalty to know they've gotten someone killed. After all, guilt is a very complex emotion. There's also the issue that sex offender, legally, is a very broad term, and I certainly don't believe some of those people on the list should be killed because they might have done something as 'innocent' as just streaking or something.


Yes. This world is tremendously overpopulated and theyre just a waste of resources


They should really make it more like a teir system, like a rapist shouldn't be on the same list as a drunk who went streaking or a 19 year old dating a 17 year old.


Sex offender is way too broad to make such a summary judgment. Just pissing behind a tree on the highway is enough to get you registered in numerous states.


Yes but it should be painless


I'd say the proper offenders should get the death penalty.


Yes! Especially those that r@pe children. And their deaths should be slow and painful.


Sex offenders will be sex offenders! Yes, they can become a better person but the reputation will always be there! Some places they punish the people who does that stuff whether having a vasectomy and etc


Actually, sex offenders have levels depending on the brutality of the crime. There are people who are life registers. Of course the are people who did time but now they are out and will register forever. These crimes cannot be exposed. Then the next levels have their things like an ankle bracelet to be worn all times. If you aren't where you are supposed to be your parole officer will come arrest them. Now, when a person says , I just peed outside, 99.9%,of the time they are trying to save their reputation.Its a very shameful thing. So there are different levels for those who commit sex crimes. And the people who simply got caught peeing outside are usually guilty.


I think the only people that should get the death penalty are those that indisputable did a horrible thing; like driving a truck into a crowd of people, being dragged out of the truck and having 30 video evidences.


I think putting them in general pop instead of pc is probably more fitting than the death penalty


No. Pedos yes.


No. Because I don't agree with death penalty. It has not shown to deter crime. I do place crimes against children to be most heinous crime. I met a guy who was a labeled pedophile in his early years. I have known him 12 yrs and never once noticed any violations of others space.


Nope! That’s way too extreme!


No because I am against the death penalty with no exceptions. The potential for loss of innocent life is certainly an argument here but it’s too easy. Most people on death row *are* guilty (though notably, up to 40% of them suffer from serious mental illnesses or disabilities, and in the US the death penalty is used disproportionately against Black men). But granting the government the ability to kill people as they see fit is far too dangerous. No government should have that level of power and control over its people. It’s hard to look at people who’ve committed terrible crimes and still maintain a moral objection to the death penalty, but it’s necessary. The death penalty is not a deterrent and it encourages a culture of violence and the cheapness of human life. This is not mention countries like China where thousands of people are put to death each year, many of them political dissidents. Ultimately the death penalty is not a viable solution to anything. Sex crimes aren’t evenly spread across the planet and the vast majority of them are carried out by men. There is a societal reason for them—they don’t happen because of some uncontrollable biological urge. They are a choice and therefore are preventable. Killing the perpetrators is slapping a band aid over a problem that is solvable, but that people aren’t taking enough action to fix. People think you can “kill the bad guy” and dust your hands off but now there’s a body count and the problem is just as bad as it was before. Justice is not bloodlust. It’s prevention.


They should be used in extreme human experiments like the ones conducted by Unit 731 in Japan during WW2. If they don't volunteer, then they should be executed. Someone is going to have to give up their humanity to do this, but it won't be me.


No one should receive death as a penalty. Death should only be given out of circumstance for a person's poor health.


Historically Sexual Assault death penalties and lynch mobs have been used to justify racist murders of innocent people.  This of course was found years after the "offender" was killed and either witnesses recanted their stories or police were found to have straight lied in court.  No punishment for lying was ever levied. 


Significantly too large of a category to call. Also required a moral decision on whether you vibe with death penalty in general.


Depends. If it’s sexual misconduct with a child, absolutely pro death penalty.


Pedos yes. Proven rapists of more than once offence yes.


Violent rapists, yes. Guy who drops his pants in the park, jail/fine/community service seems a little more just


#1 on the agenda - Castration. And sex offense is severe so I don't mind something added to the sentencing like being stoned to death.


Pedophiles all pedophiles should be put to death sex offender that’s too broad


Did you mean *sexual assault/harrasment offenders?


Castration for all pedos, Case by case after that. I believe that death is too easy for some of the evil that's out there. Let him suffer. Let him suffer for a long time. Or her. Suffer.


Deserve yes, Get no If a sex offender kills their victim the chance of getting caught lowers by a lot. If the punishment for certain sex offenses and murder are the same, the offender is often a lot more likely to kill their victim after because "less risk for same punishment"


I’ve been put through hell by two sex offenders, including one that molested two of my daughters. The answer is no. Why? The American justice system is very broken and does not follow the ideals that we learn about in high school government class. Just yesterday, I learned that a judge in Allegan County Michigan was literally giving the prosecutor advice on the case, that the prosecutor and Judge were both on without including the accused persons attorney. It is the literal definition of ex parte communication, and the judge simply got a “caution“ to avoid the appearance of impropriety from the tenure commission.




Only if false accusation by females are also ending in a death penalty then yes.


Yeah. Any sex crimes deserve death. Dead pedophiles can't reoffend, as the saying goes.


Not s.o.s but I think peds deserve to be nullified and sedated.


Too many people have been put to death and later exonerated for me to support the death penalty. I've also heard the execution is more expensive than life imprisonment, which is still surprising to me, but I guess it's because of all the appeals they have to go through. Lastly I don't really like the idea of the state being able to kill people. Better to let them rot. Or better yet, let them be productive in a controlled environment where they're not putting other people at risk.


So many men get accused of offending sex, and get charged because they live in woman states, I say no. If we could look into someone’s memories and see if they did it, with 100% accuracy, then perhaps.


Rephrase it to "Do you think people who sexually touched/assaulted someone against their consent should be killed?" Nah medically castrate them so the desire to do that shit is dead. Or else when they get out they do it again...and dont stop unless they meet the business end of a boomstick. Personally i feel certain crimes marr the mind and soul in a way that one caanot come back frmo and i would rather those people have 0 chance of repeating thier sick delights onto others than have my taxes go to allowing the catch/release system to let them out again.




No one should get the death penalty in my opinion but really long sentences are fine with me. I don't know how judges, governors or whoever else is involved can live with the fact that they killed someone. It's still murder to me


Sadly, that would simply cause more children to be murdered.


Nope. No one should get the death penalty. It’s only people who are soft on crime that advocate for it.


Serial offenders - definitely.


No, I’m against the death penalty in general. If I weren’t, I’d definitely need more clarification about what *kinds* of sex offenders. The term is too broad.


Some of them yeah, but the term sex offender encompasses quite a few crimes which very allot in terms of how bad they are. For rapists it should definitely be an option but I dont think streakers should get the chair. ☠️




No, just rapists.


Should be on their social security / drivers license. Permanently.


For the people that intentionally include minors. 100%.


i'm against the death penalty. i think they should just get harsher sentences


Child pornographers, sex traffickers, and rapists should. So technically yes depending on how bad it is. Some people are wrongly accused so I would say no but if they’re rightly charged then yes they deserve it


Depends on their crime




No but only because you cannot trust accusations or the justice system enough to impose that kind of penalty. If these problems could be resolved then yes absolutely


No, I think they should receive treatment.