• By -


Once I was in the lost river and I brung my cyclops. Casper the ghost leviathan was attacking it though, so I was going to go back to my last save. But I was like “if I’m going to go anyways, why not just give it a few whacks?”. So After 5 minutes of stunning and slashing I killed him 😔. Rip my homie Casper


Fun fact: leviathans can't 'see' the cyclops when it is off. Once they get close, just slam the power button and wait for them to wander off.




Lol it exists??


This is how I pretty much did all the end game content. Had a BUNCH of battery cells and just drifted real slowly all the way down to the very bottom of the world, trembling in fear whenever a ghost leviathan came by.


Either that or take my approach, whenever I see a reaper coming towards me, go full steam ahead and ram straight into them, somehow in all my play throughs in both games I’ve never lost a vehicle


What about the seamoth? If I cut off the lights can it see the seamoth still?


Yeah I did the same thing. I was trying to get to the lava part but it kept bothering me so I killed it with my prawn.


I built a base down there so I could hang out with him.


YOO SAME! I built on the cliff and put an observatory facing the gargantuan so I sometimes see ghostie and also get a sick view


It's so scary down there but oddly beautiful and amazing.


Real power is realizing that you don't have to kill everything that makes you afraid. But it is a nice meme and I'm old and crotchety.


I killed a crabsquid and immediately felt regret, luckily I hatched one and put him in the exact same spot. Unfortunately he decided to attack my seamoth(he's right next to my base). I didn't want him to die, I just never wanted to see him again. I stuck him full of 15 or so floaters, and I haven't had problems with him since.


I thought critters you hatched yourself wouldn’t attack you?


I thought the same, he didn't ever focus on me but he did attack vehicles and I got caught in the crossfire


I’m pretty sure crabsquids are an exception for some reason


Ah. So similar to the invisible glitch. Vehicles shall not be spared!


I believe its that they don't attack you while in alien containment unit. If you put them out in the wild, you are fair game. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong I don't remember where I read this so I could just be making it up lol.


Its if they put them out too. But they attack eachother and I suppose you could get hit in crossfire. But also subnautica is a buggy mess so...


But hopefully not for too much longer! Although the bugs can be part of the charm, too.


Anything born in your alien containment will be passive, but it can passively take a bite out of you if you happen to be in its path.


Hatched critters won't attack you (even in the wild), but when in the wild they'll attack vehicles and other creatures (even if those creatures were hatched with them). This is intentional. At the very least, it hasn't been patched out in nearly 10 years now, so it certainly hasn't gone unnoticed by the devs.


They won't chase you, but all the ones I released would do damage whenever I got close, or whenever they get close since mesmers and stalkers just swim in circles around where you drop them. So if you have to let any go, don't do it near base.


Oh, some of those critters definitely need a good smack or three, but it just ain't the same game without them. I used to get a little sad every time I accidentally killed a stalker, so I just carry peepers now and have friends, lol. I have had to give emergency floaties to a crabsquid or two as well.


That’s easily one of the funniest damn images I’ve ever had the pleasure to float across my mind


I love how this story ends.


Yeah. I screwed up and accidentally killed one of the adult snow stalkers in below zero when I was exploring and I felt pretty bad about. In some form of karmic Justice I was using my prawnsuit to do some exploring on top of the ice sheets and it fell into a hole I couldn’t get it out of, causing me to lose my prawn suit and an entire inventory of stuff.


You don’t kill a rabid dog because it bit you, you kill it because it fucked up your new jeans. Ergo, I don’t kill leviathans because they attacked me, I’ll kill them when they destroy my first prawn suit or cyclops. Same idea with the sand sharks, although that’s got more to do with resources tbh


I understand the logic, I just don't agree. I'm more of a live in harmony with nature kind of guy than an eridicate all life so that my property isn't damaged one. Irl, I only take life to protect life or to sustain my own. A rabid dog is put down because it has rabies and endangers life. Plus rabies sucks for the dog. Either way, it's just a game meant to be played in a way that's fun for you.


>I'm more of a live in harmony with nature kind of guy Same. I actually roleplayed really, really hard my first playthrough - let myself become COMPLETELY immersed in the game. I never finished it, because I decided >!I was happier in my home on the gun island than I'd ever be going back to space.!< Plus, >!my homies the sea emperor babies be running around now, so I had to build new homes in all the places where they hang. Since they're sentient I'm not even alone here anymore.!< Did a different run later and actually finished the game. Turns out >!staying was a good idea - debt for the rest of my life sounds a lot less fun than living on an island paradise.!<


Lol, sounds like me. I love roleplaying the marine biologist who just wants to preserve life and study. It just feels right for this game. I get the other playstyles, they just feel a bit empty for me personally.


For me it's a weird personal/religious philosophy thing - even in fiction I'm a pacifist as much as possible. I actually kept a journal for my first playthrough - the beginning part where I had no choice but to eat fish is a great read. You can FEEL the desperation to find better food sources. Subnautica was great for that kind of playstyle - most games don't really offer any kind of moral choices in that regard, beyond the choice to simply not play. Subnautica made it just barely possible to harm absolutely nothing the whole way through... and made every time you had to do otherwise either a failure or a personal choice. It was an incredible experience.


I know! It still feels unique. Like it isn't even that hard to kill a leviathan, just tedious and unrewarding imo. That feeling of running to a cave at 300m and letting a Seamoth get snatched as bait just to get away, only to sneak back under the reaper to recover said seamoth with 17% health and get away again is great. Sure, I coulda killed him, but the big dope was just hangry! That's his house as far as I'm concerned! Also, rp journals can really bring new life to a game. It lets you tailor your headcannon to whatever YOU want your experience to be.


I did that with a >!sea dragon!<


i've done it with both the other leviathans and will try to do that one tonight (idk how to do spoiler tags so i'll just not mention them directly)


So you have >?your text?< except replace the ? with a !, also the >!sea dragon!< can’t be knifed and you have to drill arm him


you dont actually have to drill arm it, you can use the prawn fist, or the base knife as it is only immune to heat damage.


Base knife takes too long imo, punch does work though but I forgor


knife only takes three or four minutes if you use a stasis rifle to keep it in place, imo its far faster than the prawn arms.


Its a lot less safe though


Pffft gaspods with a propulsion cannon is the easiest way! XD


Whats a propulsion cannon


What do you use? A repulsion cannon?


>Base knife takes too long imo The only acceptable way to kill a leviathan.


Heat knife


Heat knife won't do any damage to a Sea Dragon coz they are heat proof.


A weapon for milk drinkers and weaklings anyway


Thats a spoiler


Spoilers my guy


I stand by my earlier statement


Sea dragons can actually be knifed, but only with a default knife.




So you kill reefbacks too?


Only a savage kills reefbacks. They are simply vibing, they can't hurt you.


I know they are my favorite subnautica creature


barnacle homies with all the silver and copper, love em to bits


Can reefbacks die? I mean I guess it makes sense I just never thought about it or tried it


Not sure about that but I don't think they die


no monster dares to try...


I tried it, yes, they do die. No, they don’t leave a corpse because the devs didn’t think to.


"They are a creature so yes of course they die. But what kind of monster is going to actually try and kill one of these? Let's not bother with a corpse"


Yeah. If they have brain coral on them that’ll still drop though. Also, sea traders do have bodies, they just sorta ragdoll and it was really creepy.


I tried it, yes, they do die. No, they don’t leave a corpse because the devs didn’t think to.


Its the other way round, leviathan hunters are pussies who are too scared to face the game


Alternate take: killing leviathans is pointless and the minutes spent killing each one could instead be used to, you know, actually play the game.


Killing leviathans is also playing the game ya know. The tools for the hunt are already provided in the base game.


Right clicking repeatedly with an occasional stasis shot is about as "gameplay" as pressing A repeatedly to grind levels in Final Fantasy.


Don't you do almost the same motions when drilling for resources tho? In that case you just have to click a single button so it's even less gameplay compared to killing a levi according to your definition of gameplay.


Yeah, that's why drilling sucks and I alt-tab any time I do it.


Hmm it's certainly not the most thrilling thing to do in Subnautica


Your opinion is bad and i hate you


Understandable have a nice day


nah, i faced it before. not as scary as it coulda been, so i killed em


Imo it's more annoying rather than scary to have to be constantly be cautious inside a vehicle so that a levi doesn't destroy it. I killed the levis in my most frequent routes and didn't bother with the rest.


It’s more so that I’ve done everything there is to do in the game and so now I’m just coming up with achievements. Such as, kill every single leviathan on Planet 4546B


They are environmental hazards. I would no more fight a leviathan than I would punch a pool of lava.


Lava doesn't chase you.


Maybe you just haven't encountered lava that chases you yet.


Ah, a fellow skeptic I see.


You ever play DND? A vindictive DM will send a Lava Elemental after you.


Or their totally balanced homebrew living lava monster that totally didn't tpk the party in his test run


Not very quickly at least


You’ve never played ark have you? That whole ass game is an environmental hazard lol. Wyverns, giga’s, Elemental’s etc. As far as I’m concerned leviathans are nothing more than oversized giga’s with fins.


I haven't played Ark. I *have* played Monopoly, Poker, Twister, Parcheesi, Gin-Rummy and Charades, though. Which also has fuck-all to do with this conversation.


Play ark, you’ll see what I’m getting at. If you like Subnautica, you’ll enjoy Ark. Environmental hazard or not, if it’s killable and being a pain in my ass it’s dead. Or at the very least needs to flee tf away from me And really? Parcheesi?


the virgin "I kill the leviathans because they can be dangerous for me" vs the chad "I protect biodiversity"


Killing an apex predator, especially ones with such limited numbers and slow reproduction rates, would devastate an ecosystem. (Yes, I know it’s just a game, but roleplay is half the fun!) I’m in the just ignore them and zap them if they get too close club.


Yeah this was me. I went into the game my first time on full RP mode and actually had a serious freakout when I realized >!I wasn't gonna be able to stop the explosion and the surface was going to become irradiated!< - I was devastated at the harm to the ecosystem.


That was me with the >!Sunbeam!<. I actually restarted and then stopped checking the radio after a certain point until it was safe…




\*Changes Stasis Rifle's batteries with exitinctuous intent\*


Exitinctuous? I meant extinctuous




if you decide to kill them, why are you wasting time with knives and prawn drills ? I mean, stasis their ass and just drop gaspods on them. Guaranteed kill in one go even for a sea dragon.


Exactly what I did with both ghosties in the lost river


Gassing alien lifeforms into extinction Someone's proud


"I'm at the end of the game, so..." *Slams my cyclops into a reaper at emergency speed*


Biggest brain ever square: breeding seamoths to feed reapers so they don't attack you


Nah Taming every leviathan and having them fight each other to the death


every single leviathan in my world is dead because they pissed me off. ​ same for crabsquids.


You and me both. Except a couple reefbacks the rest got stuck in my bases. I tried to stay peaceful. I failed.


Moment I got the Prawn suit, it was all over. Felt like Attack on Titan with the grappling hook vs the Dragon Levithan


I tried killing it in the prawn suit and damn I was drilling like forever and it still wouldn't go down. I just gave up on killing it. How long do you suppose it took for you to kill it?


The hit box on the dragon is supposedly rather off, I haven’t even unlocked the prawn suit yet, but just from YouTube I know it’s sketchy af. I think you mainly have to latch onto the shoulder area and then drill into the head?


Oh ig that's why it just wouldn't die




I accidentally killed a Sea Dragon Leviathan with the Cyclops's Laser Cannon. I seriously thought that it wasn't powerful enough to kill a leviathan. Poor thing turned to dust in less than 5 seconds


The cyclops has a laser cannon?


Yes, but it is a mod though. Shit's really powerful to eradicate every leviathan in the game


For the ones shitting on the people that kill leviathans, My motto is: dont start none, there wont be none. Blame the devs for making them too brave for their own good. And thanks devs for >!removing the stasis rifle in SZ and placing stupid giant leviathans in spaces that they dont fit just because!<


I usually ignore them at first. Then they bother me that time too much, so i make my reason in life to follow them and stick'n'drill them to death.


im the the type that is too scared to bother the ecosystem


When I was going down to the active lava zone I ran into a juvenile ghost leviathan and the sea dragon, I killed the sea dragon by using the prawn suit drill and the grapple hook and ended up escaping the ghost.


the real og move is willingly sacrificing yourself to your overlords


Nah, >!almost every Subnautica player willingly sacrifices themselves to the overlords when they finish the game and return home to a lifetime of debt and servitude.!<


You can kill them??????!!!!!!?!??!?!?!?!


Ikr? I’ve seen people do it on YouTube, haven’t worked up the courage to do it myself lmao. Or unlocked the thermoblade for that matter. I do have the rifle at least tho


You don't need the thermoblade, but I would tote a couple extra batteries for that stasis rifle if you don't have it. It will take twice as long with the regular knife.


I’m not touching a leviathan until I absolutely have to.


I've kill all types of them, except for the ones at the edge of the map. Those big ghosties scare me. But the rest are fun to whack on when you get the grapple arm for the prawn suit. I don't hunt them but if I am in the cyclops and they start attacking me I do defend myself. They're not too scary once you beat a couple.


>!Ah yes, that addictive boost of confidence you get when you first enter your prawn and then straight up jump into the crash zone/dunes/mountains to avenge the early-game seamoth!<


How do you kill the leviathan?


The safest way is to hit them with the stasis rifle and knife the shit out of them. The funnest way is to grapple them and punch the fuck out of them with the prawn suit.


the safest method is prawn suit with grapple arm and drill arm, just run away for a bit if you need to go and fix your prawn, but just grapple on and drill away


I got bored and tried to kill one with my prawn but he ran away because he’s a little bitch


The real tuff guys keep them alive because they NEED to feel that DANGER once again!


i have a mod that starts playing the only thing they fear is you when a leviathan gets aggro’d. they do be fearing me.


Which version? I want the og version mick gordon mixed but I think that's only a physical copy of the soundtrack and all the bs happened between him and bethesda so we may not get a digital


I massicered every ghost laviethin I saw, I am knows as, the ghost buster


And then the god that is... *He who actively hunts the leviathans when bored*


Are you watching me?


My game is hostile leviathan free. I located every reaper, ghost, and sea dragon and killed them all. I plan to do the same thing with BZ leviathans.


Yeah u need balls for that


I kill all leviathans that dare to growl at me, such disrespect...


In terms of technological progress this is: - My first seaglid - Ha ha now I have a Seamoth - My first PRAWN suit - PRAWN suit + grapple arm and drill arm.


My first Cyclops got stuck in a Reefback leviathan, both the cyclops and the reefback died :C >!(Sorry for any weird things, english is not my first language)!<




Amateur, I killed all of the sand dune reapers long ago. Although I did feel kind of bad after. So I kept two of each leviathan alive to make sure they could reproduce and make more leviathan babies when I’m gone.


I've killed 2 reapers and a ghostie during my time with Subnautica and they remain one of my favorite game accomplishments


Once I was cruising with my Cyclops, can't remember where I was going but everything was going just fine, until it wasn't. A Reaper came out of fucking nowhere and hit my Cyclops twice. I don't even remember why but I got so, so fucking pissed that I got the Doom Eternal soundtrack playing on YouTube as I went to my Seamoth and charged straight into that oversized shrimp, hit him with the Perimeter Defense and then scanned the surroundings, found him and went in again, and again, and again. I still don't know why lol


I'm swimming into the jaws just to get a screenshot


Become cowboy rodeo doomslayer


Ironically, the only aggressive leviathan I've ever bothered scanning (alive) is the >!Sea Dragon!<


Or spiderman on them


PRAWN suit with grapple arm and drill arm — latch on and go to town.


I like to double grapple arm and just start swinging around them


you can stasis rifle them and drop the gasopod pods in front of their face and they die. if you use the seamoth with the defensive matrix you can just ignore them till it comes up to you, shock them away from the seamoth, and if you feel like it kill them when they come back. i don't like them so i kill them all.


Bash them in the face with a repulser cannon and stasis them, then swim away leisurely.


Now that I have the stasis rifle and repulsive cannon. This is my plan. No more fear of the murky waters beyond the aurora. I stasis those fucks and hyphen dump like 20 gas pods on their asses. I’ve made a mark of ending the lives of 3 reapers and I ain’t stopping there


how do you kill leviathans


Become the apex predator


Except Ice Worms they're immortal gods


This is how I do things now In below zero i was attacked and i used my prawn suit to beat the shit out of it and it got so scared that it went through the map and it's now stuck there in purgatory forever


Feeding them peepers and petting on the head is also an option


I'd swap the third and fourth frame, myself. Once I realized leviathans were mortal and could be beaten, I simply ignored them.


Hearing a reaper scream: back to the first image


c a l m d o w n m a i d a -


Capturing them by building around them is where it's really at


I normally just avoid 'em, but one in BZ harassed me a few times, so I killed it out of spite. Could've got past it. But the fucker had it coming.




Don't forget killing leviathans out of revenge. Lost a damn good Cyclops to the ghost leviathan in the lost River. I took my time killing that bastard bc it legitimately bummed me out to lose that submarine


How about respecting nature on 4546B and not messing with dem creatures if not necessary?


You feel BA until you come back later and they're all gone, never to return.


Every time i see a leviathan i check in my inv and be like *do i still have those gas spores?* or whatever its called


Mofos who kill leviathans are too scared to play the game properly IMO. Waste of time and it just worsens the experience. Plus, basically every leviathan has the tendency to wander off for zero reason and they can be surprisingly hard to aggro onto you.


I killed every leviathan on the map (except I left two of each species). However, it was only because I had done everything else the game had to offer and got bored.


I can’t kill a leviathan… I tried but they end me every time


The few times I had to go get the sulfur stuff in the list river, Casper kept saying hi to me. But the one time I roll through with my Cyclops he was nowhere to be found... 🤷‍♂️


Stage 3: “If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist”


That was me before i got my prawn


Always carry stasis rifle and 10 fart bombs in my inventory. You know, just because.




What about scanning them


I’m between the two below


There's actually someone who killed a ghost leviathan with a prawn suit


Well of course i know him! He's me!


Level 5: They are your friends now


Just use super seaglide


These kind of memes truly ruin subbreddits


If you feed them fish they wont attack you. Does not work with dragon


I hope you don't kill reefbacks