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I put on any discworld book narrated by Indira Varma, and if I need more distraction than that I play games on my phone that some involve words so I can keep paying attention to the story. She also narrates Pride and prejudice if that’s more your speed


Discworld is the ultimate weapon against bad times 🤌🏻


Thank you for the suggestion. I put the first audiobook on with a sleep timer and went to sleep.


I don't really have any suggestions. Just wanted to say this is very relatable. Everything is triggering when I'm in pain.


I can't actually read when im in pain. I put on my renpho eye massager, headphones, and listen to audiobooks or podcasts. I prefer david sederis(comedy), preston & child(thriller 80s bad movie), or michael connolly(detective).


I'm the same. Reading somehow makes the pain worse. I binge watch shows I normally would not pay attention to.


When I’m at the end of my rope, and I’ve got no spoons left, there is literally only two options. Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, or Tamora Pierce. I like the world better for these books being a part of it. I can put on an audiobook when insomnia is kicking my butt and be asleep within half an hour. I will always, always cry and the best bits, and I will Be happier in my life for them


Another Tammy comfort reader! :) I was so stoked when I stumbled across SOTL at the children's hospital library as a kid (didn't own the books at the time). They're my default recs to anyone in hospital.


The endless reread. It’s amazing to think that Alanna has been changing lives for 40 years now!


Yep, I am normally a rabid Emelan fan, like, "I would get a tattoo if it were medically permissible" kind of fan. But there's something about reading SOTL while you're sick that transports you. Alanna's spitfire tendencies MAKE the books and will always win me over, and I am a Thayet fangirl till the end of time.


Today I grabbed my hoodie that says "No spoons left, only knives" For OP, when my pain is at its worst, I can't read at all. My best method for disassociating is music plus very easy to play games like 2048 or sudoku. Things that you can't get stuck on, you just keep moving forward and keep pulling your brain farther and farther outside of yourself. Just keep zoning out until you're not even you anymore.


Thank you. Sabriel too, perhaps. Tim Curry reads the audiobook.


Gotta love Tim Curry! I didn’t know that Garth Nix was Australian for so long


I'm so sorry you are going through this. I've dealt with chronic pain for most of the last 30 years and have had several surgeries as well. I understand how bad it can be! Audiobooks have been my lifesaver during these times. Faith Hunter's "Jane Yellowrock" series got me through some pretty dark times. (If you like vampire hunter type books.) I hope your pain becomes more manageable soon! /hugs


Jane Yellowrock series is awesome. The spin-off Soulwood series is good too.


Personally, I find it difficult to read when I'm in pain but when I had terrible toothache, reading a really exciting, page-turning sort of book distracted me a bit. For me, that's good scifi, a thriller, a detective mystery - particularly the sort where you have to pick out clues and try and solve the crime. Nothing literary, as I can't focus on the beautiful language, clever themes etc. Agatha Christie fits the bill here, why not try some of hers?


That's what I was kind of thinking of originally - some page turner that I don't read normally. Oddly, I can't get into classic Christie. Do you know any contemporary non-gory action maybe mystery books with FBI or some hero saving others? Julie Garwood wrote a Buchanan series that fits, but I read those. I have a friend who reads Jack Reacher - could look at those. Thank you.


Difficult these days to get an action-packed adventure/mystery without gore! I do rather like the UK-set Slough House spy series; it's clever, funny, page-turning, yet it doesn't engage you to the point that you really have to use your brain. Just enough, hopefully, to turn the pain off! By Mick Herron and it starts with 'Slow Horses'. There are deaths but Herron doesn't go into too much detail. But they are there. You could skip them!


As a start, see my * [Compelling Reads ("Can't Put Down")](https://www.reddit.com/r/Recommend_A_Book/comments/189mbda/compelling_reads_cant_put_down/) list of Reddit recommendation threads (one post). * [Feel-good/Happy/Upbeat](https://www.reddit.com/r/Recommend_A_Book/comments/18af3gl/feelgoodhappyupbeat/) list of Reddit recommendation threads (one post).


‘Can’t put down’ probably isn’t what you want for pain. You don’t want anything encouraging you to stay awake. You’re better off with something that will suck you in so you are distracted from the pain long enough to begin to fall asleep. I go for beloved but familiar, since I know where the plot is going and can put the book down on any page.


The OP stated: > But I also want to distract myself. So I posted the link to my list of distracting reads.


Basically u r looking for something really captivating so u can forget urself in the book but at the same time light enough so u dont feel like u need to take a break from the book - i would suggest: - Dresden Files series (fantasy detective) - Salvatore’s The Legend of Drizzt series (fanatasy series about dark elf) - Sergey Lukyanenko - "night watch" series All are relatively light reads and also very captivating I also like any Dick Francis detectives - they are not fantasy, just plain old detectives but light enough and very interesting to read


The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy


Something calm and gentle and quiet. I can’t physically read when in pain (usually migraine or depression) so I use quiet audiobooks - Anne of Green Gables, Narnia, Thrush Green series by Miss Read etc. Interesting enough to hold my interest but nothing important lost if I zone out.


I put in a fantasy-based audio book. It’s not always an option (if a migraine is bad enough I can’t handle the dynamic volume changes in the reader’s voice), but for other body pains, I find an immersive fantasy book to be helpfully distracting.


Sorry you deal with chronic pain. It sucks. When mine is really flaring up, I look for: fast paced thrillers on audiobook because it's usually too painful to hold a book or e-reader. If I can't find a thriller, even either a comedy or maybe a romcom.


I love books, but TV is generally my medium of choice when in physical pain - a good sitcom will take my mind off things. As a kid in hospital (albeit not in physical pain all of the time), anything Tamora Pierce (Song of the Lioness!) got me through many boring days. The Circle of Magic books are also available on audio as a full cast recording.


John Dies At the End.


Audio books might be a nice break if your pain tolerates the noise! Honestly, my first thought was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It’s a story I know and have known since I was a kid. It’s comfy. Any book that makes you feel that way! Honestly, I also sometimes call a friend or family member when I’m in pain. At first I just cry to them, but then we transition to them telling me stories or reading me books and it’s really peaceful. I live alone - if you live with someone they can be there in person!


When I'm in a lot of pain I watch movies because it doesn't require as much thinking as reading does. And thinking is hard when you're in pain.


I’m reading the novel All’s Well by Mona Awad now. It’s about a woman in chronic pain, and in a couple of different ways I won’t spoil, she lives out the things I sometimes fantasize about when my pain is bad. I’m halfway through and it’s not a cheerful book, but it makes me smile a lot. The romance novel Get A Life, Chloe Brown is fluffy and romance but Chloe has ME/CFS and is managing her pain while falling in love. Im not a romance novel fan but really liked this. But regular books when I want distraction and to go somewhere nice include anything by becky chambers, and the light of uncommon stars. Hope you have a good pain day today!


When I am in pain or have a migraine, I gravitate towards easy books: the InCryptid or October Daye serieses by Seanan McGuire, actual-play or audio drama podcasts, or Jennifer Fallon's Wolfblade series.


I've moved twice in the last year and a half, both in October, and Harry Potter was my series of choice as I was preparing for each move. Simple, familiar, and emotionally uplifting for the most part.


The Graveyard Book, read by author. - I have chronic pain, so this one's practically memorized. Last thing I read text of during a flare was Pixeljuice. - Short, weird, stories & lots of options to keep me going for a while. been trying to experiment w/my synesthesia lately, so the rest has been music.


Neil Gaiman reading his kids books is truly beautiful. When I listen to them I feel the way I want my niblings to feel when they get a “book aunt” delivery


He's the only author I'm aware of that Selected Shorts has ever had read their own work. The Graveyard Book is particularly good-it's *so* easy to lose track of the fact that it's the same person doing all the voices & such. On the "adult" front, his readings of his short stories are definitely worth seeking out. The next one I want to listen to is Neverwhere, but the SPL libby us currently completely shut down-pretty muchbl their whole digital system is. Mostly, you can only get basic stuff done in person. I know because I had plans to listen to the 2nd half of The Graveyard Book this evening (apparently it is not to be). I'd listen to him read practically anything, but I'd love to hear him do someone else's work.


The Onion Atlas Of The World


When I'm in that state I reread things I know are good, and where I know what happens, so I can't be shocked. For me that's Maurice and A Room With a View by E M Forster


I'm post-op and currently listening to the Local Woman Missing audiobook. When I'm in physical pain, I found out that those music games work very well, because all your attention goes to it.Anything that shifts your attention works well, especially if you have to be active in it somehow (e.g. playing the game instead of watching a movie)


I like to lean into it and listen to horrifying books or depressing literary fic. stoner and the road are my choices in that genre


Usually something light and easy, or something which I used to read when I was a child, like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. Nowadays, I also tend to read books written by Sophie Kinsella or Emily Henry whenever I'm feeling down or I'm in pain, because they're just cute and simple.


Misery, by S. King


I’ve got a chronic illness and am in constant pain. For the first three years I was mostly bedridden, so I can relate. Because of the nature of my issues, I usually don’t read books, so audiobooks have been a lifesaver. The series I can listen to no matter what is Hunger Games. I loved long series like Pillars of the Earth, Outlander, and the Throne of Glass series. Also recently finished the expanse series. Wishing you well!


Throne of Glass is a good idea. I've been meaning to read the rest of the series. I think all I can handle are audiobooks right now. Thank you for your good wishes. I wish you well too.


I read books that are really easy to read. Sometimes young adult novels. Sometimes I get a stack of picture books: Suggestions if you want to try picture books: The Incredible Painting of Felix Clousseau by Jon Agee. George and Martha books by James Marshall.


I tend to re-read Lord of the Rings when I'm sick. Mainly because it's nostalgic; at this point I don't have to concentrate on the plot, just appreciate the characters.


I listen to podcasts during migraines. I pick topics that I know nothing about so I really have to pay attention to understand. That really distracts me from the pain. Hope you feel better!


Young adult!!


Depending on the level of pain and what meds I’m on, I’ll listen to audio books that have a lot of hype on IG, and read similar ones. I have found that the more immersive a story is the better. Sometimes the most unlike real life the better as well. I read some high fantasy when I was on some pretty strong meds and that made for some seriously interesting dreams and kept my brain occupied.


I can't concentrate through a lot of pain. I find that children's books do me best. Stuff intended for 10-15 year olds are simple enough to keep me from losing track, but complicated enough to not bore me.


Maybe a similar problem: I had hepatitis A when I was 12 and for three weeks went through a cycle of throw up, feel great for a bit, get gradually intensifying nausea, throw up again. Following a continuous story didn't appeal, so I read the dictionary, hopping from one entry to another more or less like a hypertext document (though it was a middling sized paper one, the Chambers Twentieth Century). It did wonders for my vocabulary.


The Neverending Story by Michael Ende. I can remember reading it for the first time when I was a kid and imagining myself in Bastian's place. I even waited to read it until the weather was stormy one time and made a little lunchbox to take with me under the covers to nibble and read with the flashlight like I was Sebastian in the attic or wherever it was. I do think it's best with tea and butter cookies if you're sick, though. I also remember being bored by the movie and being surprised that the book was so good. It's just got a little bit of everything. It's simply written but not one-dimensional. And the story just totally grabs hold of my entire attention, completely sucks me in, and that's a great distraction from discomfort.


That's a good idea. I liked the movie and read the book as a kid.


I read poems, I like William blake (I love songs of innocence and of experience), William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Percy Bysshe Shelley


I read “The Other Boleyn Sister” by Phillipa Gregory iirc. It’s got a king, queens, death, intrigue, sex, and witchcraft. Not necessarily in that order:) Edit: Also for non-fiction, “Into Thin Air” I could not put down. It’s an old publication but it’s kind of a modern classic. It’s about climbing Mt. Everest when a sudden storm impacted a lot of people.


The second half of A Civil Campaign by Lois McMaster Bujold (audiobook). The first half is good too, don't get me wrong, but the second half is hilarious and always makes me feel better. It is basically Pride and Prejudice in space.


Mostly watching feel good shows when my joints are killing me, but for depression and pandemics, Jane Austen. Her humour is so underrated. “Gentleman in Moscow” is also very fine, uplifting literature. Elizabeth Moon’s the Deed of Paksenarrion. P is also suffering, but soldering on. Very immersive for me. Take care!


Middle grade fantasy


That's probably one of the worst things about physical pain. I can't read or listen to music or even watch TV when I'm in physical pain. All I can focus on is the pain. I just lay there feeling miserable until it goes away.


Comics and mango. Something low effort.


Currently having a minor RA flare (mostly affecting my toes this time and fatigue). I'm currently relistening to The Last Hours series by Cassandra Clare. It's a world that I love so it's comforting(I have all the books from all the series-Mortal Instruments, Dark Artifices, Clock Angel and the Last Hours)


I get chronic migraines and whenever I have one I turn on a Jane Austen audiobook. My favorite is Emma. I can't physically read or watch anything when I have a migraine so calming, mellow audiobooks are my go to.


Pride & Prejudice. But there’s nothing else like it so I also had to write a bunch of fic. Worthwhile exercise.


I don’t know if this has been mentioned or not but as a person who has had chronic pain since my early 20s (let’s say it’s close to 25 years total) I found that “The Way Out” is a really great tool to deal with chronic pain . It may not soothe you while you’re in pain but it may help you overcome the pain that you have. If OP is skeptical I will offer a free copy, just DM me and we can figure it out .


Diary of a whimpy kid Land of stories Rage


I’m not as sure about physical pain but when I needed a distraction from mental stuff I listened to “Down the rabbit hole” narrated and written by Holly Madison. Doing so I layer down or sat somewhere comfy and played a game on my phone. I was never particularly into the playboy world before this, however since it is so out of the scope of normal it was very interesting and engaging. This may be a bit out there but also when in pain I read fanfics about characters I love!


This book about [pain](https://www.amazon.com/Why-We-Hurt-Natural-History/dp/0156014033) is awesome. Give it a read (check out an excerpt). Written by a practicing neuron-surgeon. # Why We Hurt: The Natural History of Pain – June 14, 2001 by [Dr. Frank T. Vertosick Jr.](https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=dp_byline_sr_book_1?ie=UTF8&field-author=Dr.+Frank+T.+Vertosick+Jr.&text=Dr.+Frank+T.+Vertosick+Jr.&sort=relevancerank&search-alias=books) (Author)Paperback – June 14, 2001


I generally like Fictional books or fanfics So mostly just listen/read the Fictional stuff Mostly lord of the rings Harry potter And especially the hunger games But I know it's not for everyone So I don't know Fictional stuff is just my comfort


I was reading A Storm of Swords from the A Song of Ice and Fire series in the early stages of labor at the hospital until my water broke.


The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho [https://www.amazon.com/Alchemist-Paulo-Coelho/dp/0061122416](https://www.amazon.com/Alchemist-Paulo-Coelho/dp/0061122416) .


Holy Bible


Then I immediately go to Job and start feeling sorry for myself. But there's an audiobook version of the [Bible read by an Irishwoman](https://www.audible.com/pd/ESV-Bible-Read-by-Kristyn-Getty-Audiobook/B09D42Q41Y?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) that is very soothing. Chronicles of Narnia may work - I haven't read those in years.


Try focusing on psalms and New testament


I try to avoid all types of physical pain when I read