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Have you tried Robert E. Howard’s original Conan series? Best to start where it all started. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conan_the_Barbarian


So first I played the video game (*Witcher 3: Wild Hunt*), then I binged the Netflix series (*Witcher*), and THEN I read the books (**The Witcher** series by Andrej Sapsowki), but I really love them all equally. I resisted a long time because I only knew the name and assumed it was a horror about witches, but it definitely is not. It’s about a Witcher, who was genetically/magically altered and trained as a boy to kill monsters. Now he’s an adult, and Geralt of Rivia is his name, and killing monsters for coin is the game. But also claiming to have no emotion or interest in the affairs of humanity, principles which he reliably ignores with every new adventure. But, you know, he also uses magic, potions, and good, ole fashioned swordsmanship to kill monsters and save the innocent all the time.


131 days by Keith c. Blackmore All gladiators and great story. It’s a series and incredible. He is finishing the 5th or 6th book and I can’t wait. Incredible books.