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I doubt it. They didn’t invite each other to their respective weddings. It will be interesting when Paige gets engaged because technically they are both her best friend but they aren’t friends with each other.


I’m honestly waiting for that day


Oooooh fabulous point ![gif](giphy|2UvAUplPi4ESnKa3W0)


She’s said before she’s not having bridesmaids which should help. I think enough time has passed that they’ll be polite and cordial with each other at the wedding/any wedding events.


Ohhh that’s kinda cool of her


I wasn’t necessarily thinking of bridesmaid. I was thinking bridal shower, bachelorette.


I think Paige and Hannah are way closer. And Paige and Ciara


I don’t think Amanda and Paige are actually best friends in regular, everyday life! They’re close during filming in the house but I don’t think they’re actually irl besties


They’re both her best friends, but Hannah is her real best friend not just work best friend I know Amanda will act cool about everything but I imagine it will eat at her a bit


There is hope! They were all celebrating Paiges bday during Bravocon weekend and Hannah was there too. Right after that night, I’m pretty sure is when they asked Kyle who he would want back on summer house and he said Hannah Berner. It’s possible they have no hard feelings towards each other but tbd how Hannah actually feels about Kyle still.


Im sure they will both be cordial for their friend.


OP I just have to say I LITERALLY just watched that episode 2 HOURS AGO TOO. How crazy in this big world how many of us are doing the same thing at the same exact time, like watching this exact episode of summer house. Just wow. It was my first time watching it btw.


Same i was shocked to see this post because i was just watching the episode yesterday


Great minds think alike !!


I have been binging the show and just watched this episode yesterday lol


I was just watching this toooo ! I'm on season 6 now but I just watched the reunion a couple days ago.


There’s just so much to say about this show!! I could not handle Hannah during the reunion. I’m also on season 6 now! Episode 9 specifically.


I love this comment so much 😆




They’re not friends but they’ve talked about on Giggly Squad how they’re on good terms and sometimes will hangout together if Paige / Ciara is involved. I also think it was at bravocon where Amanda & Kyle said they’d be open to a Hannah reconciliation / SH return but Hannah has said multiple times she’d never return to reality tv


Now that Hannah is more successful than any of them, they seem open to reconciling lol


Ur gonna get downvoted for this bc this sub hates her but you’re right lol


Is she actually? I genuinely don’t know/ don’t follow her


Yea, she tours constantly as a comedian to large, sold-out shows and just got a Netflix special. She’s definitely rising rapidly in the comedy industry


Yup! I see she’s actually performing tonight a town over from me!


Yeah I've heard her say as guests on podcasts that she is so much happier off of reality tv, which I think is apparent if you keep up with her life in any way! Happy she's found happiness because she was CLEARLY not the happiest during her last season on SH.


I wish she’d just come for a party or something!


Honestly if I had a friend constantly bagging on my relationship I wouldn't stay friends with them either because she would disrespect Amanda just to get at Kyle. I mean if you're my friend speak your mind about my relationship but don't keep coming for it day after day after day and act like your relationship decisions are so much better.


At last seasons reunion I think both Kyle and Amanda said they wouldn’t object to Hannah returning to SH at some stage which is the first sign I’ve seen of a softening of the bad vibes


It was at bravocon. They asked the whole cast who they would bring back and they both said hannah


if hannah comes back I’m not watching it


Hannah will never come back.


lol okay. I love how straight up your opinion is I’m actually loling bc it came out of no where. I hated her after her last season but I listen to GS and love her again now!


Yeah. Hannah is diplomatic about it but you can tell that whole thing was very traumatic for her. She got a lot of hate for it and continues to get it. She seems super self effacing to me. It was just a lot and she handled it badly and on tv which is rough.


Yes agreed it was handled so badly but honestly it was a crazy place to be. Stuck in the house filming and then everyone ganging up on you. I’m happy that she has grown so much from that season and she really seems to be in such a healthy place now


I wanna know if Paige and Amanda are even friends outside of filming?


They are. Paige always says she hangs out with Amanda but doesn’t feel the need to post it on social media. On a podcast recently she said “I was with her two days ago” but everybody thinks if she doesn’t post it they don’t hangout


*I wanna know if Paige* *And Amanda are even friends* *Outside of filming?* \- Professional\_Log7393 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m on szn 4 ep 12 & my love for Hannah dissolved so quick🤣


As somebody who has had a toxic friendship with a man who fed my feelings for him while denying anything else, I understood what happened to Hannah. You look and act a FOOL and there’s no excuse… but I understood it. She grew, she changed. Some of us were dumber than others when we were young.


I love giggly squad so I refuse to watch any Hannah episodes of SH 🥴


I recently blasted through her last season and it wasn’t so bad! She was clearly super anxious a lot of the time. Most of the fights she got into would’ve blown over. A few cringey moments, but Luke played such a part in it all and her feud with Kyle wasn’t that deep. She sounds a lot more relaxed and happy in herself without the pressure of reality TV. She also doesn’t get enough credit for being funny and pretty spot on in her opinions before she went full delulu


I am in the throes of rewatch myself (currently on season 5 reunion) and I think she had super high anxiety about the Luke/Ciara of it all. Add that to how he gaslighted her the previous summer and then there’s cabin fever. I think she got picked on by Kyle. He doesn’t like her and it showed. Paige would text everyone asking if they could turn the music down and Kyle would go off on Hannah…


Yah and they sooo ganged up on her at the reunion. You can tell it was planned. Like Danielle hasn't said anything in 5 seasons and now she's got opinions at the reunion?? Lol ok girl.


I thought the same thing! Like "damn Danielle has a lot of thoughts about Hannah - where did this come from???"


I think a huge part of the gang up was do to how Hannah was cast on Bravo Chatroom. There were lots of mean greens!


What was that?? I missed this.


It was Hannah’s last season. Kyle and her were always bumping heads, I felt he was singling her out.




Honestly, no I don’t believe we’re friends. I believe they’re most likely cordial, but something I will always say Amanda was never really Hannah‘s friend.


Hannah b is a great comedian, not a reality star. I hope her and Amanda reconcile.


No they are not.


Hannah B is so annoying


Can I up arrow more than once!!


No I think they are amicable to each other Amanda follows Hannah on Instagram but Hannah doesn’t follow her back.






Amanda mentioned at BravoCon that she would be okay with possibly bringing Hannah back, Kyle kinda hesitantly agreed. I say “Do Not Bring Hannah Back.” #hannah #bravocon


they’re cordial