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Ugh imagine just sitting on a couch and your abs looking like this.


Honestly all the abs on those couches are the stars of the reunion lol


I love Paige always but I really loved her so much in this moment


Chefs kiss šŸ’‹


Paige always knows the best thing to say


Andy said it best at the last reunion. She doesn't say much but she does it's on point


She never stops talking puhhhlease


It was everythingšŸ’…šŸ¼āœØ


Ok, then Paige needs to set Ciara up with someone who is good enough for her.


Paige is dating a man baby loser too, someone set them both up


Idk he seems like he got his shit together. I wouldnā€™t compare the 2.


Craig just learned how SH filming works. The reason his first WH season was abysmal was bc he was on camera 24/7 unlike SC where they have control and know when scenes are being filmed. Now he knows that he needs to keep his cool if he is in the house. While I hope he has changed and grown I still remember the man child that wouldnā€™t clean up his own mess. That was too long ago.


Seems is the key word. Paige says she screamed at him after winter house. Heā€™s the same guy but weā€™re seeing the tame made for tv version


He stopped drinking hard liquor because he realised it made him act a certain way. I think that's growth not acting.


Oh for sure they have a pact to keep it PG on their showsĀ 


He got drunk and kicked out of Amandas wedding didnt he


Who knows. Doesnā€™t mean heā€™s a pos lol


I never called him a pos.. you said "he seems like he got his shit together"


Pretty sure that was the final catalyst that had him quit hard liquor, Iā€™d assume shots especially. You can tell he has actually done that & had some growth not so much bc he knows how to behave on SH now, but bc you can literally see he is healthier. For many folks, heavy alcohol/ liquor use changes the way you look in ways you canā€™t really combat, & heā€™s one of those many, so he canā€™t really hide that marker. I honestly donā€™t get the Craig hate at all. The dude has never been a fuck boy, Iā€™ve yet to come across anyone that has run into him in the wild & said he was a jerk, quite the opposite. He actually listens to folks & will recall things they said in conversation. He has a successful business & the insults there about heā€™s just the face or whatever ā€” ok? That means the dude did an exceptional job staffing & setting up the business in such a way he doesnā€™t have to manage anything really. Shows trust in who he hired & that he is good at delegating instead of ego driven micromanaging. He fucking adores Paige & always shows it & dgaf if heā€™s labeled a ā€œsimpā€ & he lets her be her, doesnā€™t have fit of rage jealousy, & gives her the attention she needs. And she gives him the things he needs. Craig & Paige are arguably the most healthy couple on bravo. They donā€™t ā€œneedā€ each other, they want each other, they both are financially independent, they respect each others boundaries, they champion each other, etc etc etc. The folks that donā€™t get Paigeā€™s humor, or how unbothered Craig is by it & shits on Paige for mistreating him need to realize for folks w darker humor, her little quips show how much she loves him & feels safe with him. She either has nice things to say about exes & doesnā€™t give any time or space to the bad ones. She mentions Craig in some way constantly. She even mentioned him in one of the ad reads for giggly squad. Theyā€™re honestly great for each other & I have no doubt if they do split, neither will spiral nor talk poorly of the other. Everyone has moments of acting a fool. Those judging folks based on one era of someoneā€™s life when they had a substance problem, even when said human has done the work to improve themself likely live in breakaway glass houses. Well I didnā€™t mean to write a dissertation but I am procrastinating the work I need to do so that tracks


I love them as a couple too. Paige is my spirit animal.


Wrong. Only pieces of shit act horribly at weddings.


Everyone has been to a wedding where either they or someone they know has got a little too drunk and made a fool of themselves. We all remember that person at one wedding or another, but most of us donā€™t remember them as being ā€˜a piece of shitā€™ though. All your comment does is show us all how many weddings you havenā€™t been invited to lol.






This part


Paige is the literal only person in the entire bravoverse that I actually stan


I love your giant gold watch clock!


Thank you!! I found in a thrift store & was sure something was gonna be busted on it bc itā€™s been around for a minute. But itā€™s in great condition & works perfectly. It also has a v loud tick tho so it stays far away from where I sleep lol


I havenā€™t watched yet, but this makes me so happy


Honestly, it has changed my mind about Paige, I was never a fan, but this was so well done and perfectly said, it's changed my thinking about her. The delivery was chef's kiss!


out in the wild, do your opinions of people shift on the winds of a single comment or situation?




Girl code!


Ok so Paige was on a podcast today and said she needed that for the reunion, and that West is her friend, and she is looking forward to being in the house with him again .. soooooo can we stop with all the hate now. He's immature, new to this life, but not a toxic terrible person. The hate he's getting is ridiculous.


This post isnā€™t hate on west, that would be centering him, of which Iā€™m not interested. This post is an appreciation of girlhood. Paige checked west & said what she said not for west, but for Ciara bc Ciara needed to hear that. I havenā€™t hated on west as a person or said anything derogatory about him bc heā€™s just one of the dudes, heā€™s whatever. Iā€™m here for the girls. West is obviously a really amazing friend, cares deeply for his friends, & doesnā€™t hide it. And thatā€™s a beautiful thing. Heā€™s not a bad person, but he did Ciara bad & he has a problematic relationship w the idea of commitment, of which his own parents said directly to him. Itā€™s ok for folks to be called out on their shit, like Paige did west, thatā€™s not hating, thatā€™s showing enough care to want that person to do better, & to believe that person can do better. It doesnā€™t surprise me in the least Paige is his friend, Iā€™d expect nothing less.


Yeah I agree with this too. If Ciara was my friend , I'd be frothing at the mouth. I actually side real embarrassment , contrition , sadness from West in the reunion. Not like the fake , Sandavol/Jax shit. I don't think he articulated himself too well. I know you aren't in the hate train but so many are.


šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œThis comment šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ


My post got taken down so maybe someone already said this, but I feel like ppl are twisting it to be like he's shady and wants to sleep with a lot of women and not commit bc he's a player, but I moreso took his comments as he's trying to think about the longevity of his reality tv career and he's worried it'll hurt his casting chances if he's in a relationship and tied to one person. Like he's putting his reality tv aspirations before a relationship, not that he doesn't want to be with her out of all women. Maybe that's a reach and he's actually a shitty but my pov is much the same as yours. He's kind of immature, got a little cocky, and got a taste for tv and wants to line up his chances for future casting. I dont think he's a bad person either I just think his priority is staying on tv. And then ppl like Paige needed to put him in his place a little. But don't get me wrong I'd be pissed af at him too if I were in Ciara's shoes šŸ˜‚


Yeah it's 1 season of him.. red were be your judgement a tiny bit people. The higher you build them up the higher they fall. Paige is my type of people and if she said she likes him, he's a friend and looking forward to filming with him I'm down for that also lol


Wish she called him out for his outfit and haircut choice


I kept waiting for someone to mention the outfit and boots! So goody and cheesy. He needs to spend the money and get a stylist. Also, what did she ever see in him? She is a complete goddess!


True that!!! Thank u Paige


I love Paige, but if I had a friend doing all that I would tell them to stop. I don't need anyone speaking on my behalf and making this a tragedy. Two people dated not exclusively, it didn't work out, one person is hurt. That's what happens when you are single and dating. Craig's been wanting her to get married for how long? Is *she* leading *him* on then by continuing to date him without any real promises of marriage?


Ciara wasnā€™t really saying much, mostly emitting major anger vibes body language. Paige is the summer house interpreter at this point.


It was good but itā€™s kind of annoying how Paige gives absolutely nothing during the season and then plans out these speeches/attacks to give at the reunions.


Paige gave gave plenty this season - she was the one who stepped in when Danielle was "CEO'ing" Gabby; and she was also the one who stepped in and set Kyle straight when he was dogging Amanda. People just forget the work she puts in because it isn't as flashy as hooking up w someone or breaking up w someone. She is the #1 Girls Girl on the show and it's a delight to see.


To each their own, I think shes a mean girl and brings very little to the show


Go rewatch season 3 & come back & tell me who the mean girls are in that house. Man if Paige doesnā€™t entertain you, I donā€™t understand your sense of humor or what girl friendship means to you. Paigeā€™s sense of humor & timing is great & sheā€™s a phenomenal role model for the girls in how she shows up for her friends & loved ones & how she shows up for herself.


We can all have different senses of humor. I personally donā€™t think preplanned speeches and digs are that genuine or funny and I think she comes across as extremely bitchy and canā€™t control her hatred of Lindsay. You can see how she acts in last seasons reunion, the snickering and smirking every time Lindsay speaks, you donā€™t think thatā€™s mean girl behavior?


If all of your posts are going to center around Lindsay, you can just say so up front. Having looked at your profile - you inevitably wind every conversation back to her (much like she does with herself). It will save the rest of us time around knowing whether we should engage. Thank you in advance!


Omg thank you for your service, time saved!


Yeah Iā€™m using Lindsay as an example of how Paige is a mean girl because she has always been extremely rude to her


Lindsay is absymally rude to everyone - she creates/craves negative attention. Terrible example. Next.


This!! It was also brought up that sheā€™s extremely rude to fans and had to be called out on it by Bravocon staff. No one has said the same about Paige so whoā€™s the mean girl here? Lindsey deserved the shade.


Lmfao deflecting doesnā€™t make it untrue. Iā€™m stating someone is rude and your response is ā€œtheyā€™re rudeā€ what does that have to do with Paigeā€™s behavior?


If I wanted to talk about Lindsay, Iā€™d be on a Lindsay post. As I shared before - you can go obsessed about her with someone else but should really be more transparent about your intentions because you try and turn every conversation to her. Itā€™s incredibly off putting - as off putting as she is. Be well.


are you the new SH7?


**Go. Watch. Season. Three.** Literally nothing Paige has done towards Lindsay holds a candle to the how the mean girls, & guys, in that house treated Paige, Hannah, Amanda, & Jules. For the grave mistake of being younger than them, & laughing at themselves more than they did anyone else. Lindsay, Danielle, Carl, & Kyle were manic and fueled by copious amounts of cocaine & were beyond awful to the younger girls that year. Thereā€™s also was no way the quip in this post was preplanned in any way, how would she know that west would say that? It was one line amidst a cacophony of west tripping over his words. You claim itā€™s all fake when the person youā€™ve decided to hate is having a good moment & then will turn around and hold them to every syllable they uttered for eternity if they have a bad moment. Username doesnā€™t check out. Wait. I take that back. Anagram that last word & it is perfect for you! Nice work!


> I personally donā€™t think preplanned speeches and digs are that genuine or funny are you saying all this is scripted? You must be, right? I'm OK with that, because I think 98% of what we see is fabrication, but I just want to be clear about what you're implying.


There was no way that quip was preplanned in any way, how would she know that west would say that? It was one line amidst westā€™s tripping over his words. Ppl like the person youā€™re replying to will say itā€™s all fake if the person theyā€™ve decided to hate is having a good moment & then will turn around and hold them to every syllable they uttered for eternity if they have a bad moment. Like why do those folks even click on a Paige appreciation post when they obviously have some weird hang up over her. Just move along & post a Lindsay appreciation post. I wonā€™t show up but Iā€™m not gonna go be a mean girl in the comments, dropping confessions masquerading as accusations like I did something.


I know. Sometimes, you just have to ask the questions so they can pull the noose tighter.


Help meā€¦totally donā€™t understand the plant and watch being here. Meaning?


I love how she always says the exact right thing at the perfect time


Paige who has ZERO room to talk about relationships when her relationship with Craig is running on fumes at times and she wonā€™t commit to change to actually make what they have permanent. Also letā€™s not forget she only dated rich dudes before Craig aka watch season 1


isn't there a thread exactly like this with 500 comments?


I looked thru the recents & didnā€™t see this still or quote mentioned. Ofc there may be one, this sub is obvs blowing up right now, so Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve missed stuff. This line & delivery hit me in a lot of ways, was off the cuff & powerful yet tender af. Idc if one likes Paige or not, as a woman, this line is like a salve on deeply repressed wounds. Wounds that are being personified in Ciara in this moment. The whole moment was such a moment & gave me feels. I felt itā€™s something most women would find meaningful & powerful. I wanted to put that energy out into the world bc weā€™d all be lucky to have girlfriends that found this moment inspirational so here we are.


Ciara should stop dating losers that donā€™t deserve her. Paige should focus on her own relationship. And West never wanted to commit to Ciara in the first place, so you canā€™t brow beat the guy cause he doesnā€™t like your friend. Get over it, move onto a man that will treat you right.


Must be nice to never make mistakes or get lead on.


this forum is full of righteous, perfect folk. so many people in one place that seem to navigate people, work, situations, life with a 100% focused, clear, on-point, sharp process without error. I gotta say. I don't consider myself an envious person, but I'm grateful to be surrounded by so many perfect people. I'm hoping all their flawless living will rub off on me.


First of all west was given an out and he didnā€™t take. He chose to act like they were a couple instead. His actions were boyfriend, they both said it. Paige can be a great friend, stick up for her friend, tell someone to take it back a notch bc their ego is becoming inflated w the new attention. You act like bc sheā€™s in a relationship thatā€™s not perfect she canā€™t also take up for her close friend. The world isnā€™t black and white, plus this is a reality show. Your little narrow way of thinking would make the show boring as hell


West wore her down. Period.


šŸ’Æ They both chose to keep going & they are both responsible for their choices.




Watch the next part where Ciara will take him back. Lmao sheā€™s so performative.


Some of Ciara's personality reminds me of a younger me. None of this in defense of immature men, so please keep that in mind. Advice to my younger self: Girl, you are attracted to cowboys, then you better Cowgirl UP!Ā  Cowgirls get back in the saddle right away after being thrown off. You don't need three seasons of healing from a Luke, Austen, or a West. You are only young for so long. The quickest way to get over the ick of a bad man is meeting a good man. Austen or West did not spend one night alone at home crying over Ciara, and she should not do so over them. Put on your face and go meet someone new.Ā  (P.S. Most real cowboys are not very respectful of women or forward thinking. Sorry to everyone who loves Yellowstone, but in general it's true.) You need to give different types of guys a try. Ciara has picked 3 blonde reality t.v. fuckbois relatively new to fame and wondered why it didn't work out. You aren't going to change a man. Pick one that already is what you want.Ā  You need to have safe sex, but your vagina is not a sacred flower. Half of the population has one. These kind of ideals were implemented by old men with daughters who wanted to get the highest dowry out of their virgin girls. You don't need to throw yourself at everyone like some reality tv people do, but if YOU want to have safe sex then do. Women get horny too. Don't put any expectations on it. Hell maybe do it with some hotty you know you aren't interested in a relationship with. Once you understand the joy of casual sex you have a better understanding of where some men come from and will be able to sort out those men more easily. Ciara you are very reserved. You are never going to meet your true match unless you are being yourself. I would like to see her find someone who shares her same passions or enjoys her same hobbies. That is where true love might bloom. Quit forming yourself around a man. Be you and the man who is naturally attracted to you will find you.


This is a crazy way of pinning the blame on her and not these shitbags for doing her wrong.


Well, there's a pattern there. Those guys are douche bags but she keeps picking them.


there's a lot of talk of accountability on these forums, but the cheesecloth application shows it for having little integrity.


Yikes. This ainā€™t it. You do understand that humans have different priorities right? Like sex isnā€™t the be all end all for everyone. Maybe donā€™t project your personal therapy fodder onto others.


These fuckbois have no incentive to change. Continuing to pick them only hurts you. If you listen to men like this they will warn you to who they are. Believe them!!! All three warned her on national t.v. They aren't going to change, but you can change your strategy. Antiquated ideas about sex only hurt women. Enjoy your sexuality when you want to. I would only seek to save people heartache. The only guys that are attracted to the saving yourself schtick anymore are 1) ones looking for a challenge to tap it or 2) ones who have the rest of their valuesĀ so old fashioned that they would keep you barefoot and pregnant. Sitting there looking pretty and waiting for the right man to find you doesn't work. Get out there, live your life, figure out what interests you, be confident in yourself and what you love - that is what attracts the right kind of man. I don't know shit about Ciara except that she models and nurses. That's it.Ā  Would love to know more about her. She needs to share to find a man that would actually be a match. More people besides Paige and Amanda need to know who she is in order for her light to shine beyond the physical. You cannot change men. You can only change your reaction to them and your choosing of them.


I kind of agree, and this is coming from someone who didn't have many sexual partners, lol. I go back n forth with understanding her viewpoint on dating. I think she needs to date outside of reality tv for sure. She's not allowing herself to go with the flow. She gets stuck in these situations where she's living with men on TV, and it gives her false confidence, and she feels like she knows them or is closer than they really are. If she met someone organically or set up without it playing out on tv in sleepovers, then she'd have no choice but to go with the flow and ofc could tell a guy she's not about casual sex. The guy will have no choice but to continue to date her and put in effort or just move on. She wasn't able to have that with this filming situation, and I feel like it makes these guys lazy.


I was on board until you got to the casual sex part. Some women hold sex sacred and thatā€™s ok. You donā€™t get to dictate how another woman feels about sex and when sheā€™s ready to share that part of herself.


What the fuck? Pushing your views on casual sex is disgusting. Not everyone enjoys it and that's perfectly ok. Shaming her for it is absolutely wild.


West obviously disagrees so I'm not sure how thats such a sick burn. He had it available to him and turned it down. Sour grapes, nothing more.


I didnā€™t say it was a ā€œsick burnā€ & idgaf about what west thought of it. As if the value of a womanā€™s words has anything to do with what some male thought of them. Those words did not fly off the cuff for west to hear, they were spoken for Ciara to hear. Girlsā€™ girls are for the girls babe.


lol idk she might just be getting what she deserves as part of the mean girl trio. One is in a miserable marriage šŸ˜, one has been crying on tv over one man playing in her face since she joined the show and now had another one play in her face even with ā€œthreatsā€ from her best friend šŸ¤­, and the other is always bending over backwards to explain that she loves her bf bc ppl thinks she hates him/treats him bad šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ it is the best entertainment to watch


we all have something coming. what do you think you have on your way?




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