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I just finished the reunion like 10 mins ago and this clip is exactly what I needed to hear. It felt like taking crazy pills watching that whole thing, Andy doesn’t call them out, everyone else is just nodding along… They are by far the most toxic relationship on this show. Why does no one on the show talk about it?!!


Honestly the whole podcast episode is so satisfying. If anything, go listen to Ronnie's rant at the beginning of part 1 because it is a step to make all right in the world again. It was too long for me to post, but so, so good.


I also loved everything they said about Paige!


Yesssssss, Paige is the number 1 hypocrite on the couch, she gets away with everything and while she obviously has issues with Lindsay for doing rogue backstabby shit, she knows for damn sure she would not put up with Carl-like behavior from Craig involving this job.


She insults and puts down Craig so bad, but never gets called out for it like Lindsey and acts like shes so much better. She does it in a cute outfit and more calm, and Craig has a little bit more of a backbone than Carl but they're not that different if you think about it.


It’s because Paige laughs when she’s saying it so she can claim “just a joke.” Saying mean shit to your partner and constantly putting them down is shitty, no matter what tone you use. It’s the words that hurt.


Isn’t there literally an episode where he says you’re mean to me or something? He’s like do even like me? What’s the diff!


He said it again at the picnic and she was proud of the fact that he wasn’t sure if she liked him. Wtf. 


Yeah I think it’s been brought up a few times but she says she’s just kidding and Craig knows that. But after what point is it not funny and actually hurtful?




I don’t think Carl and Craig are similar at all


Why does she absolutely freak it at the reunion? Or is it the mask dropping?! I’m so confused.


you are dead on. paige gets away with everything cos she's gorgeous and wraps all her crap up in a cute lil joke


Same. But you can look at my past comments to know how much I despise her. I just get happy when someone else calls it out.


I’ve never liked Paige. I think it’s because she reminds me of an early Bethenny Frankel and I never liked Bethenny. I always thought she was mean and laughed off her meanness like she was so funny and people loved her for it. Just like Paige does.


Yes! I was literally seething watching the episode and came to wwcl to make the world right again. Can we get this episode to the SH PRODUCERS??


Also loved them calling out Paige, Amanda, and Ciara laughing like mean girls at lindsay


I thought I was taking crazy pills too. Lindsey can take the heat but it shouldn’t always be on her. Even when she’s trying to be careful how she says stuff Kyle is yelling at her and basically gaslighting her own feelings. Kyle and Amanda are not the relationship goals they think they are and I wish they could just accept their shit stinks too, especially Kyle. He likes to berate Lindsey for basically the same thing Amanda wants, to be a stay at home wife with kids.


Lindsey actually walked this back a bit. She basically said she wanted the option to stay home with kids, but likes working too much to ever be a full-time stay at home mom in reality. Amanda on the other hand wants to be a full-time stay at home mom, and would probably do that at long as possible (no hate, I'm a SAHM myself currently).


You’re absolutely correct that she wanted that option because it is a reality that could happen. It just came across like she needed his reassurance that he would provide if she chose to be a SAHM.


If I were her I wouldn’t go back next season and watch the rating plumule.


Ronnie and Ben with the correct takes once again. Last night’s reunion was a joke.


You guys have been saying it for years, but ok. I’m fully sold on them now.


I LOVE them. They are the only people having logical takes!


I love them so much! I just started listening to them a few months ago and have been binge listening from the beginning ever since lol. Their impressions KILL ME lol esp the Carl, Kyle and Amanda ones 😂. Also love and appreciate their takes so much, wish they would host the reunions!


Amanda commenting half under her breath while Lindsey is talking, “Great! THIS again!” So damn rude, so dismissive. Sorry Amanda, people bring up the same incidents they get the same story again. What?


And if they had brought up Kyle’s behavior, everyone could’ve whispered great not this shit again, while Kyle pretends he’s sorry and blames it on being frustrated bc all he does is work(which means he drinks every night at the bar until 4 am). He’s definitely cheating, he’s making the case that Amanda drove him to it w her “neglect” bc she was depressed. I guarantee that’s his excuse this time


Right and if Lindsay had changed her original position, she would have been a flip flopping hypocrite.


She brings up Kyle’s cheating every chance she gets and uses it to justify when she lashes out at him. Kyle has been a consistent tool bag since Season One and probably long before he was ever a public figure. The episodes leading up to their wedding horrified me. Yet she married him and almost every season has been a highlight reel of mutual toxicity. She’s forgiven him every time he’s humiliated her (there’s probably been even more times and they’ve kept it quiet). She let him blame his behavior on her depression. What will it take for her to leave him? I hope she’s able to get out and heal. Until then, it’s “great, this again”.


Amanda had the audacity to say that after she talked about Kyle cheating on her and still marrying him for the past 3 yrs. It was classic projection. I’m sure “great! THIS again!” Is an exact Kyle quote to her. 


i also love how no one is allowed to give amanda crap, and her staying with a cheater but she’s allowed to shit on everyone else.


Amanda INFURIATED me at the reunion holy shit


Same, I dont think I ever disliked her more. I usually feel bad for her for the way Kyle treats her and not having the self esteem or the wherewithal to handle him in the way he really deserves. The way she was getting so exasperated by Lindsey speaking her truth and just dismissing her in order to drive her dumbass husband's points home was so off putting.


I think her self esteem is fine , it's her priorities that are out of whack.


I think your self-esteem has to be pretty shit to stay with Kyle, who has openly cheated on you.


Same. I was like - she deserves her marriage with Kyle.


They were both nasty at this reunion


She was acting brand new. I am glad Andy made the booty call comment😭😭 she was acting like a stuck up bitch it’s like please sit down you are dating a man baby who disrespected you horribly on national television (many times actually) and she just lives in his shadow… pretty pathetic tbh




and disrespected you many times to boot. he's stil doing it and getting away with it.


Wait until you see the extra peacock footage


I haven't even watched the extended version because I found it so infuriating. I saw the shrooms clip but anything else important happen?


Just the full context of how Lindsay said she locks herself in the bathroom a few times and Carl said he locked himself in the guest room a few times and Andy was incredulous about how they still wanted to get married. Also Paige scoffed at Lindsay saying she locked herself in the bathroom a few times saying it was “accusatory” towards Carl. Fucking hate Paige right now. Ciara and Amanda too can go kick rocks, they suck. I’m still so confused why Lindsay made the posts about the girl group power or whatever the fuck that was because the bed bugs couldn’t have been shittier to her during the reunion. Makes me so mad the more I think and stew on it. I need to get a life 🤣


Ugh, yeah, I don't need that. I mean we all need to get a life but it made me extremely angry as well. It really compounded the VPR reunion like, I get it, you're going to villainize and mock women who don't play by your rules, let the shitty men get off easy, and weaponize the female cast members against each other. Fuck the Dirty Bed Brigade, they're all such hypocrites and mean girls. Every time I think I'm coming around on them they just flip it. I think Lindsay posted the girl power photo because 1) she probably really thought they went to dinner to support her, having not seen the season or the after show yet, they had that moment with the group hug, so maybe she thought that was real and 2) she probably wanted to feel like she had their support. I mean, she just got dumped in front of the cameras, it was really humiliating set up and she knows it's going to air. So she wanted to feel like well at least I have my friends. I thought that argument was really fucking mean, to be honest. Would it really be so bad for people to think you're friends with Lindsay? She posted a single photo of a group dinner with a silly caption. There was a Reality Tea article that I guarantee none of them actually give a shit about. They're just taking the opportunity to remind her that they're not friends and they don't support her and we don't even want to be seen in public with you. So bitchy!


I agree, it was so, so toxic of all 3 of the bed bugs.


Was the reunion filmed during the airing of the show? Around the beginning? Because if so, the audience was anti-Lindsay at that time. They didn’t turn pro Linds until mid season maybe. I’m thinking the girls thought that everyone would be team Carl and they went with that. By the time the tide turned, the reunion had already been filmed. Not sure if my theory is right with timing but this makes sense to me


Yeah actually you may be onto something here. There was a VERY strong anti-Lindsay reaction during the cocaine Carl episodes but then it slowly changed to pro-Lindsay as we saw Carl become a huge pussy in his awful communication style with her and pulling all of these bullshit moves like not taking her luggage.


I haven’t even watched the second part because of this subs reaction. I already know I’m going to get heated. Like what’s the point of watching a reality tv show if you’re not entertained and enjoying it? So sick of producers and casts thinking we want this constant toxicity. It’s supposed to be escapism ffs


Not only did she not hold Kyle accountable for his shitty actions, her annoying comments when Lindsay was talking was insufferable. No one wants to hear from the peanut gallery, party of one!


She was the definition of smug at this reunion and it was a huge turn off for me! Not a fan.


She was so smug and just OMG, I wanted to punch her so many times. Let Lindsay talk. She got dumped!




I’m not going to get mad at Amanda simple because there are a ton of women who want the success of their relationship, aka their perceived future, that bend until they break. Unless Kyle has some kind of miraculous self discovery, Amanda will break, but that’s her journey. Being mad at her only forwards Kyle’s power.


Nah Amanda is her own person. Her pile on toward Lindsey was gross and unwarranted. She chose to marry a man baby who cheats on her and so she projects


She also has Kyle in her ear 24/7. Girl cannot think for herself. She’s gross.


Amanda is a tradwife with better outfits.


Fuckkkkk this is too real




Right. I do NOT feel sorry for Amanda in the slightest. She clearly knows what she is doing. Sneaky.


At some point your self respect needs to mean more than the success of a tumultuous and disrespectful relationship.


Kyle and Amanda interjecting made me rage out. On top of that Andy was piling on. On top of THAT, no one said to Kyle “you’re a douche for DJing when you just said it was a pivotal time to focus on loverboy.” On 👏🏻top 👏🏻of 👏🏻that 👏🏻who the literal fuck made them the queen and king of relationship advice and going hard on Lindsay. Fuck off you fucking fucks.


Ya, last I checked, Amanda and her husband fought non-stop for several seasons over their wedding planning. Obviously, Lindsay and Carl were having issues, but the way they judged them for exactly what they did for literal years, like come on. Also, Amanda's husband said Lindsay never apologized for saying cocaine Carl on camera. Umm sir where's her apology for you calling her a fucking bitch on camera?


Kyle and Amanda are just like Kyle Richards… they are all way too deeply involved in producing the show at this point for anything to be authentic.


I was also just thinking before how people never call THIS Kyle "Vile Kyle" and he is arguably just as vile, if not more.


I saw someone call him Vyle earlier today for the first time, it’s so fitting.


lol cocaine Carl and vyle kyle.


I'm going with Vyle and Snarl from now on.


I thought it was so funny when Jesse was kissing Amanda and Kyle’s butts by saying they’re his inspiration for a relationship and he sees why they’re meant to be 🤮 


Securing his spot on next season


Exactly what I was thinking


Yup he knows to kiss Kyle's ass since we all know it's his show


Honestly, I really believe that Jesse means it. Kyle gets to be an inconsiderate, party boy dickhead all he wants, get away with cheating, excessive flirting, broken promises, general dishonesty and disrespectful behavior etc, and Amanda not only takes it, but often dutifully defends him. Sounds like a standard fuck boy’s ideal marriage situation if you ask me.


You took the words right out of my mouth. People keep saying they can’t believe Andy either and that just doesn’t square with everything we know about him. Kyle and Amanda are goals for people who don’t strive for mutual respect in their relationships.


That's exactly what I was thinking.


My husband and I were like 👀 hopefully he doesn’t actually look up to them bc they’re a horrible example lol


Is he deaf and blind?


For me... its the moral high ground they both take ..like their relationship isn't a disaster that anybody would ever aspire to. Bring back Hannah only to shit on Kyle and Amanadas relationship.


Yes, its the moral high ground that gets me the most. Its annoying that they got to skate by in this reunion, i felt bad that they blamed all their issues on Amanda's depression, but the way they act like they're couples goals makes my head explode.🤯


Blaming it on her depression is such a classic defense mechanism ,shut down mode. Like how can you shit on these people when they are going through her mental health struggles. I say that I can empathize with her struggles and still think they are both assholes.


That’s what gets me too. Like they HATE each other, they shouldn’t be giving advice.


Andy let Kyle off sooo easy. His behavior toward Amanda was disgusting and none of it was mentioned??


This “Amanda was depressed” excuse is a way for Kyle to get away with calling her lazy for 5 seasons and then trying to say that she is irreplaceable when she talks about perusing her own projects


I think it's even worse that he know she struggles with clinical depression but called her lazy and put down her ideas and I'm shocked that excuse was "good enough" for Andy and the rest of the cast!


I’m not buying the “he knows she struggles” because this is the first I’m hearing of it, I’m not saying it’s not possible I’m misinformed, it just seems very random and Amanda herself has never said that she struggles with any kind of depression When her friends pulled her aside and said Amanda it’s always the Kyle show when is it going to be the Amanda show she wasn’t like “yeah guys well honestly I struggle with esteem issues or motivation or yadayada” she was like you’re right it is always the Kyle show Now suddenly it’s “depression” I’m just saying it’s very convenient


she's been talking about it for years, but she never called it depression. she said she has strong enough anxiety to not want to leave the house, which is greatly why you don't see her out with these people very often. it's also why she wanted the dogs. this isn't new information. calling it depression and giving some genetic context is the only new parts of it.


Well that’s good context to know! Any chance you might have an idea what season she discusses this? I’m interested in her actual perspective and not the polished reunion version with the mouth piece talking for her


I've heard her talk about this on podcasts. I'd be lying if I told you which one(s) over the years. one of the better ones for understanding the A/P/C dynamic that I do remember is one of the first episodes of Codependents, which was also video taped and up on youtube. that won't really help with her history with mental health though. I'd say she should talk about it more, but with the audience reaction at this reunion and from a simple, innocuous IG post, if I was her, I wouldn't feel safe enough to go near it again for a while. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.


I'm so glad I found out about their podcast and started watching.


I have thoroughly enjoyed their dissection of summer house this season! Their valley recaps were some of their best work too!


The VPR recaps are hilarious. Especially the Tom’s and Sheshu


There is little more hilarious than “the Carl”…hug me harder. Harder.


Put your weight on me. 


You look great by the way


Harder tighter harder. Uugh she had to hug his hairy sweaty body. 🤮 that was such a BS act from him.


Oh wow, they do have great takes. I don't listen to any podcasts, but I just might start here lol.


You should! Ben and Ronnie disagree a lot and it's so funny to hear them banter back & forth.


Right? It's the one podcast I still listen to regularly. I only watch the shows if their recap makes it sound interesting.


You must. It’s hilarious and the imitations of them is LOL


They are the best. So funny and so real.


I seriously cannot stand any other podcasts but this is the only one I like.


Hard agree!!


I hate to admit that I found their podcast from Hannah Berner. I listened to Berning in Hell when she was still likable on this show, and she and Amanda were talking about Crappens. So thanks, Hannah.


This was my favorite podcast to listen to when I had a commute. Now I work from home so i haven’t listened in a long while.


>"Kyle and Amanda sit up here like, the prom queen and king, they know better than everybody else about relationships... the model couple..." Ronnie NAILED IT.


And blaming depression on all their relationship issues and somehow excusing Kyle calling her an effing bitch??? I suffer from bouts of severe depression, and there is always something in the back of my mind that will think “is my depression affecting my relationships” and it makes everything feel worse. Watching people MAKE that excuse and use it as a scapegoat for a toxic terrible relationship was so disheartening. Shame on bravo, Andy, and the rest of the cast for letting them go out there and use mental health as an excuse. Makes me sick


ALSO why did no one comment on how her depression “really amped up AFTER THE WEDDING” and hasn’t been right since…. Like doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the correlation here, guys! They are so dumb. I can’t.


Yeah blaming it on post wedding blues that didn’t go away like no let’s call a spade a spade. You woke up the day after your wedding and realized what you married.


Also, what the hell is post-wedding blues? Every normal person I know was glad to be out from under the wedding stress and happy to settle into married life. I could understand maybe some malaise for a couple weeks after the honeymoon, but it's hard to believe that the party being over would send someone into a years-long depression without something deeper going on.


Yeah that was wild how revealing that comment ways…


Yes. That was really not okay. And also Amanda kinda make it okay which was also really sad. It’s not your fault cause you feel depressed, girl! A person can learn how to support their partner who is going through depression. There can be teamwork. He can meet you where you are - you don’t have to bend and meet him!


i just want to preface that i’m not arguing or disagreeing, maybe i misunderstood but my understanding from that conversation was that she said she could understand how he felt lonely in the relationship, because she felt lonely herself. i didn’t take it as her excusing his terrible behaviour as it pertains to calling her a bitch etc. what is bullshit is that kyle wasn’t called out for that and for andy to be like but like despite depression, that is something that you don’t say to your partner in a healthy relationship… especially when we saw kyle clearly weaponize her depression by saying he’s tired of babysitting his wife.


that IS what she said and the context in which she said it.


that IS what she said and the context in which she said it.


Andy showed that he’s more loyal to Kyle and Amanda and their bland mayo storylines each year. And comes after Lindsay who shares everything and literally gives the show its ratings.


I only watch summer house for Lindsay. lol


Amanda talks a lot of shit for someone whose husband called her a fucking bitch on national TV and basically said she doesn’t deserve to find and follow her purpose lol


Told her she can't live where she wants, have the job that she wants, cant have kids when she wants, all in one season and SHES the bitch 🙄


I just started listening to WWC and I love their takes, although I hate when they talk in horrible voices for like 90% of the episodes 😂 But this is spot on!!! I saw Queens of Bravo post today about how great the reunion was, Andy did a great job, pushed the right people and asked the right questions. Like… is she delusional??? Thank god for WWC for saying *the truth* because Kyle and Amanda alwayssssssss get a pass and it’s because everyone on the cast and Andy give it to them. It’s infuriating. I wish we could see an extended version of the reunion because I can’t imagine Lindsay sitting there and not pointing that out season after season.


Queens of Bravo has the worst takes on every show. I saw that post today and was like ok that’s it I’m unfollowing


I honestly agree with 75% of their opinions but lately I haven’t been liking a lot of what they say. But the way they backed Guerdy and villainized Larsa made me so happy because for some reason other pages/HW podcasts give Larsa the benefit of the doubt.


I will give them that! Larsa was awful to Guerdy


lol the voices are the best part!


I like it for maybe one scene and then I’m over it! Haha


Welcome!!! Their takes and voices literally make me laugh out loud!!!


I love their voices...OMG, keep listening. They are hilarious. If you like RHONJ.....their imitations are so funny of them.


I'm so glad they are back!! I felt like I was going crazy with all the podcasts on Carl's side


They are always the voice of reason


I agree. They make me feel less crazy after watching these shows because sometimes it feels like other podcasts want to be nice and not be too hard on the people. I also liked that they called out how mean Ciara and Paige were being for openly laughing Lindsey. I like that they share their honest opinions even if it isn’t the popular opinion.


Give Andy Cohen a break and for the love of god let Ben and Ronnie host some of the Bravo reunions!!


Boycotting Loverboy Kyle, Amanda, and Carl just set the entire brand on fire based on their lack of character development Fck them


Same here. I’ve never bought that and never will. I heard it tastes like shit. High noon has a fabulous tea out. Only 2 grams of sugar. It’s really good.


Yeah it’s a gross drink promoted by gross people🤮


Thanks. This is so true and I don’t know why Kyle and Amanda think that people are so stupid that we can’t see through the fake kisses and words of affirmation. Kyle and Amanda are like politicians, Stand by Your Man.


omg say more! Bc when she threw out that line last week about how kyle goes out kissing babies or whatever I was like wowwww, this is how she justifies it to herself. Like a politicians wife. It did not do what she thought at the time for me. I thought, well, that will not age well.


Because some people (the same delulu people who are part of the Carl mental gymnastics team) actually believe them lol


TG for Crappens they get it.


I love them. Their recap was exactly how I felt


Kyle and blah are hypocrites, Kyle and Lindsey are mostly the same person and do Carl’s adulting for him.


I was watching the reunion thinking about how Kyle and Lindsay are exactly the same person and have not an ounce of self awareness to realize it. They are abrasive, explosive, lack emotional intelligence and, are generally shit people. Amanda is just the Carl that was too lazy to leave.


Thank you I have thought this for awhile they both point there fingers at the other for things they are themselves doing. Kyle’s behaviour towards Blahs on the beach when he was blasting her and he knew she had mental health issues adds an additional level of cruelty “Having a one way relationship with YOU. It’s a lonely as Fcuk being married to YOU” I want to support you in whatever you want to do but I need your help. “Fck you yeah myself”


My faith in (man)kind is growing back. Great now i have to start listening to their podcast even tho i hate podcasts.


this summer house episode is top tier from ben and ronnie. enjoy


I finally started listening to this podcast the other day and OMG I’m obsessed. Their Carl voice had me in stitches at my desk


Spot fricken on!!! I feel so heard and seen!!


Ben and Ronnie have been my podcast therapy this entire season. And I have been one hundred percent aligned with Ronnie this entire season lol. He got so much heat at the beginning of the season (weekly posts in the crappens sub complaining about his Lindsay “sympathy”) and I’m so glad he’s stood ten toes on his truth because it is also MY TRUTH!!!!


I loved your cued podcasts, we listen to the same ones!


Hahaha oh man I thought someone was going to roast me for the Two T's one. I almost went back to rerecord to not include that..but lazy. That Alexis Bellino interview made me think about liking her more.


I love how you thought about it and then said nah F it. I do this all the time when screenshotting things lol , 1000% relatable.




I am fed up of these disgusting men getting pass after pass. Bravo, read the room.


Someone put this on Twitter and Instagram and tag all of the cast and bravo execs


Amanda is depressed because of her marriage - but also so smug because she’s married. It’s mystifying.


i think people brush kyle and amanda’s issues under the rug because if they did get divorced, what would happen to the show? amanda would leave for sure. most of the girls are her friends, so they’d have to take her side i guess? plus once you’re married usually people just let you have your issues since the papers are already signed lol. kind of like a you made your bed scenario. before the wedding, it’s kind of open for discussion lol


Thank you for posting this. Ben and Ronnie are 100% the voice of reason. I said on another post that they should be doing the reunions. Then they would be fair. Andy’s such a wuss and enabler to these asshole men. I’m sick of it.


Amanda wanted to skate over all of their very clearly failing marriage and the disrespect from her own husband and just blame it all on her having depression. She’s lucky they got off lightly and Lindsey was the scapegoat of the entire reunion while she and kyle both continued to kick her while she was down. Not cool.


Ty for posting this - I’ve been wanting a lil taste of WWC but I follow so many podcasts that I couldn’t get myself to look em up lol. Now I need to subscribe!


This reunion was so annoying. Kyle treats amanda like shit and always has. It’s so frustrating that he gets to run his mouth and go entirely unchecked every fucking season. OVER IT.


I've never listened to them before and I'm just listening to their first podcast on the reunion. LOVE THEM!


their takes made me feel sane


Oof I need the WWC guys' take so badly after watching the reunion. I thought I was going insane. And let me also say it's asinine for them to be mocking Lindsay for the amount of conflict she was willing to work through in her relationship when they have fought like cats and dogs almost every single season. Kyle was literally sobbing on Facetime a couple of weeks before their wedding about how miserable he was. Amanda smashed a bunch of his shit because he didn't answer her calls. They fought so much that everyone was questioning if they should get married at all. No one threw that in their faces at the reunion. I totally agree that L&C's relationship was way too combative and combustible to work, but how are Mr. and Mrs. Dysfunction going to sit there and literally laugh in her face for wanting to push through it?


This episode was so good


They verbalize EVERYONE on that show perfectly (and every other show), they saw through west DAY ONE. I was amazed.


This post and snippet may finally be the catalyst to me downloading this podcast (and ideally going for a walk)


Has Amanda wondered if she has mental healthy issues due to who she is married to?


Mental healthy issues is just a cute phrase 🫶🏻


i’m so interested to see kyle and amanda’s great relationship blossoming this summer while lindsey and carl are no longer together and the focal point won’t be on their terrible relationship. kyle and amanda can’t hide behind a bullshit reunion for long.


If I could get this out to the who Bravo community the world would be a better place watching Bravo. 🙌🏾 ![gif](giphy|9WXyFIDv2PyBq)


Those two clowns had to make a comment about everything. EVERYTHING. It’s actually crazy how many opinions those two bone heads have, when both of them have so many issues. Talk about glass houses. Both of them need to tape their damn mouths shut


Honestly they deserve each other.


Rondal and Ben just never miss


I can’t wait to listen to their take on SH. I’ve never been so angry watching a reunion, ever!!!


YES!!!! The hypocrisy and delusion is next level


I woke up and read how insane the reunion was so I didn’t watch because I don’t want to be raging on a Friday morning but I listened to this and I feel good about my choices today


This podcast is so satisfying. I was so bothered by the reunion. I love that they bring up all of the same feelings and points of view I had watching the reunion.


Love Ben and Ronnie ! Totally agree. Having their show to listen to is the closest I get to gossiping about the shows as I don’t know anyone else who watches, and they are both hilarious


We all need to unite and call out bravo and Andy for this pathetic excuse of a reunion…it made me feel like I was going crazy! Especially all of the girls coming for Lindsay suddenly?! We need to revolt, I am pissed


He is right. Amanda and Karl project onto everybody what they want their relationship to be,


I needed this!!


DJ Kyle will need to be hyper vigilant how he behaves and engages with others where cameras are present. Homebody Amanda is under enormous pressure to present a certain way physically and emotionally to maintain her personal and professional status quo, which has to be exhausting. Maybe it’s the nyc angle but they remind me of Don & Betty Draper- beautiful power couple in their respective social circle on the outside. House of cards to maintain because every outside influence is a threat.  


I would rather be Lindsey then Amanda


I like Amanda, she’s on her own journey of self discovery. I DO NOT like how Bravo, the show, Andy all turned a blind eye at how inappropriate, disrespectful, and abusive Kyle was to Amanda. Saying “fuck you” “fucking bitch”. Phrases like that are not okay. They are abusive. Turning a blind eye to that is saying that behavior is okay and it’s not. I was majorly triggered by watching that play out on tv and somehow Kyle is still the good ol boy. That system needs to crumble down. So happy people are speaking up about how bullshit that is. Women shouldn’t talk to men like that and men should not talk to women like that. Period.


I totally agree. Do you think Amanda plays a part in Kyle getting away with it all? Like the group sees her not hold him accountable so they dont either? The closest we saw to that was when Paige and Ciara called him out for not supporting her bikini line. Which was great, but they were mum about all the verbally abusive and physically aggressive behavior toward her and I'm wondering why.


I was SHOCKED Andy didn't straight out ask: "Kyle, have you apologized for calling Amanda a fucking bitch?" He said, Kyle, you reacted poorly. Wtf is that.


So good when they said "if I never hear "NON-ALC" again... 😂 Hug me. Harder.




nailed it


Dang this is spot on


This is soooooooo true


Amanda and Kyle deserve what's coming to them...it may be tomorrow or it may be in a few years. It is coming. When it does, I hope Lindsay gives it to them like they have to her.


i listen to all of my pods on at least 1.25 and forget people don’t actually talk that fast. they sound so different at normal speed lol


Ronnie and Ben!!!!! Thank you to these guys who didn’t make me feel like a total headcase after that reunion. Comments by Bravo girls sided with Carl, awful, totally nuts


The only person that is held accountable on summer house is Lindsay and Carl….. what about everyone else……


Jessie saying he “looks up to them” and their relationship was COMICAL


Nail meet Hammer


They’re right but my gosh is it jarring to hear their real voices and not my usual 1.5x speed 😂


Thank you for this!!!


I fucking love WWC and their takes


I’m listening to this right now, literally


these guys annoy tf out of me but they’re right 😭 amanda either needs to air out their shit completely or stop complaining about kyle if she’s gonna stay married to him. there’s just no room for any kind of healthy disagreement in their relationship at this point. she fawns every time then the cycle continues edit; it’s giving brittany marrying jax after he cheated