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Finally my forte. I have played thousand upon thousand of games of Tryndamere, normally ending up around a few hundred LP master tier. This patch he is incredibly OP, and I'd be insanely suprised if he did not get nerfed. He is a good ban to use, but as you say, there might be others that are worth to ban more. Tryndamere thrives in extended fights and will try to use his laning pressure to exert a lead on you. His insane sustain paired with all in capabilities and dive-threat makes him a menace in lane. Unless you are a champ that hard counters him like Gragas, Camille, Jax or Warwick, trying to match up in lane is going to be hard. The most important thing is to not let him abuse his power spikes on you. He wants to trade when he has high fury, and he wants to be able to chase you down. If you dont have a way to exit the trade and are in a long lane, dont initiate the trade. Also, wave control is insanely important seeing as Tryndamere is good at threatening a freeze with his good sustain, Also dont take equal trades when he is pushing the wave, that gives him a great chance to dive you. Survive the laning phase and try to get early armor items and you should be done with the worst phase. I advice most players to get early tabis and a Wardens mail and then proceed with your build from there. As an example, Yorick is one of Tryndameres best matchups. You cant poke him out with ghouls, he can escape the cage and you having no mobility is perfect for him, so he can just chase you down and dive you. If you now use your first 3000 gold on buying tabis, wardens and a Sheen, you'll do enough damage to whittle him down while your armor makes it hard for him to all in you, compared to you having a full tri-force when he can just chase you down. Then in the late game, he is a Trynd. You beat him with good macro. He is pretty useless in a team fight unless he gets to flank or you severely lack CC. Both of your main champs are immensely more useful in the mid to late game team fights compared to Tryndamere. As a side-note, this is general advice for when Trynd is not OP. The buff after the LT removal made Tryndamere too strong, so even normally terrible matchups like Jax, Kled and Malphite are fine now. But this should ring through after he gets nerfed in 14.12.


Tryndamere ban just better this patch. He's going to run most tops down, and they just nerfed Camille. Just prevent the headache with dealing with a fed Trynda.


What runes do you run after LT removal ? I have played with grasp but it feels really bad for all ins (which I guess is normal since it is a short trade oriented rune). Conq also felt terrible when I tried it. I was thinking that maybe HoB would not be terrible since now we deal massive damages with IE and Ravenous.


Grasp is the best. You are still amazing in extended trades, but your short trades improve. I already ran grasp in a few matchups like Jax, Gragas and Malph for example. The buff just makes them easier.


Thank you for acknowledging how strong he is on this patch and also giving a concise detailed rundown of a players options instead of just saying, "Just kite him rofl, get gud" that I'm used to your ilk saying in response to genuine criticism and calls for feedback on what to do in this matchup.


As a Trynd main, would you agree his ult mechanic is broken and needs a rework?


No, I dont think its broken. No less than other spectacular ults. You counter it by spacing and having CC. Tryndamere is on the rework list which makes sense. But overall it isnt that bad. The more toxic part of his kit is his sustain. having the ultimate as it is, isnt a big problem imo.


Well do you think it would be better if Trynd had a more easily seen indicator (like a bar winding down) for opponents to know when his ult is ending? I just hate how I never know exactly when it ends and all his abilities look the same. But maybe I just haven’t played enough as Trynd


He should already have one. Clarity is always good.


For me it's always been crit RNG, it feels bad on both ends if you crit a lot or not enough. Sustain sure but it comes at a cost of damage so its not too bad.


If they finally admit that they must also admit crit as a whole isn't a fun mechanic and change it as a whole not just trynd :P


See, that's where I have trouble believing that. You can space it, and have attack speed slows like Malphite or Nasus, but it's an extra 5 seconds of invulnerability at the end of his engage. It's just such a one-dimensional ability that lets him towerdive for too long for free, isn't locked into combat like Olaf's ult is and pretty much guarantees he will outlast most other sustaining champs. I don't know why they haven't changed it to be a bit like Olaf's R, i.e. have it last 2 seconds base and extend the duration to a max of 5 seconds by autoattacking enemy champs, an extra second per auto (without the infinite extension like Olaf's R can lol) It'd also be nice if he wasn't invulnerable to, or at least took half damage from tower shots. If Volibear can't towerdive for 5 seconds from lvl 16, idk why Trynd can from lvl 6. I main Kled and he's good into Trynd, but I have had situations in the past where he flips an early kill from critting and just snowballs from there. Everything about him is outdated and just needs to go, it's almost as toxic as pre-rework Pantheon spear-spamming.


This is a skill issue unfortunately


How? I'm not trying to bait, genuinely want to know


Like it was said earlier, spacing and CC, there are rarely moments where you are in a situation in which you can't get away from Trynd in full 5 seconds od his ult and after it ends he either ran away or sit there on 0hp waiting to be tapped. I'm saying this as a Trynd main who died too many times after ulting from players who just spaced me a little and then ended me after my invincibility ran off. The most important thing you have to pay attention to is his e, after he uses it and you space enough so he can't aa you to reduce it's cd, he has no more mobility and has to choose between running away or try and catch up to you. There are other gimmicks to him and outplaying his ulti, but it still mostly comes down to his e ability and spacing. And if you get hit by his slow it's again just skill issue with spacing. Hope it helped a little


1 Alistar completely stops Tryn


even better, a single exhaust stops tryn


See, that's where I have trouble believing that. You can space it, and have attack speed slows like Malphite or Nasus, but it's an extra 5 seconds of invulnerability at the end of his engage. It's just such a one-dimensional ability that lets him towerdive for too long for free, isn't locked into combat like Olaf's ult is and pretty much guarantees he will outlast most other sustaining champs. I don't know why they haven't changed it to be a bit like Olaf's R, i.e. have it last 2 seconds base and extend the duration to a max of 5 seconds by autoattacking enemy champs, an extra second per auto (without the infinite extension like Olaf's R can lol) It'd also be nice if he wasn't invulnerable to, or at least took half damage from tower shots. If Volibear can't towerdive for 5 seconds from lvl 16, idk why Trynd can from lvl 6. I main Kled and he's good into Trynd, but I have had situations in the past where he flips an early kill from critting and just snowballs from there. Everything about him is outdated and just needs to go, it's almost as toxic as pre-rework Pantheon spear-spamming.


Because if they changed it to be like Olafs but capped it, it would be useless. If it would have a chance to be infinite like Olafs, it would be interesting, but most likely be OP early on in certain matchups but useless in others. Even more polarizing. Kled has been a hard-counter to Tryndamere forever. If you lose to Trynd as Kled you fucked up. its never the crits fault. Crits are normalized. You need to be ready that he is going to crit.


How would it be useless? It's locked into combat like Olaf's R is. You could use it to escape dmg from a distance like Olaf can R out of CC but it would be punished. Of course it's not the crit's fault, I don't dispute Kled is good into Trynd. But 37.5% free crit chance from a full fury bar as early as lvl 1 is overpowered. 2 and a half crit cloak's worth of it. Sure, the crits aren't guaranteed but its the same kind of RNG-flipping gameplay that makes Fiora so polarising. It's all the more reason for Trynd needing a full rework.


Having crit at lvl 1 is not overpowered. Thats like saying that Camille is OP due to her early shield, or Cait for having long range. Its the kit. You dont all in a Trynd lvl 1 if his fury is stacken, thats incredibly risky. Thats line initiating a trade with Irelia when her passive is stacked. And having Tryndameres ulti be like Olafs would make it insanely polarizing. If he can stick to you because you have no CC, he never dies, and if you can CC him its basically useless. Olafs ulti works because you cannot CC him. You need to kite it in other ways.


Well having crit at lvl 1 is only strong based on how much or how much damage it does. Jhin having a guaranteed crit at lvl 1 is fine because it's reduced damage and locked behind every 4th auto. I would argue having up to 37.5% at lvl 1 is a bit much. >You dont all in a Trynd lvl 1 if his fury is stacken, thats incredibly risky. Thats line initiating a trade with Irelia when her passive is stacked. I agree with this, but he's going to stack it off the minion wave regardless and will be farming during the laning phase, meaning he has too much presence. Most of the time it's them going all in on you vs the other way around so you have to get away from them. >And having Tryndameres ulti be like Olafs would make it insanely polarizing. Which is why I said have it so Trynd's ult _cannot_ be extended indefinitely by Olaf's R. Have it 2 seconds base and have him earn an additional 3 seconds with an additional 3 autoattacks on champions, 1 second per auto. >Olafs ulti works because you cannot CC him. You need to kite it in other ways. Kiting a champ who will always run ghost and can gap close with a slow and a dash is difficult. Again, I agree there are counterpicks and ways to do it but I will always argue that Tryndamere's ult needs to be more interactive and more dimensional than just "not die for 5 seconds."


No lol


Not a chance. It's a pretty famous type of ult that exists in most fantasy themed PvP games. (ala WoW Paladin Bubble) There's plenty of counterplay and it's pretty just "a man walks around unable to die for 3 seconds with only auto attacks as his only source of damage" which is entirely handlable VS "a mage launches an undodgable projectile that instantly kills one person of their choice"


It doesn’t prevent him from being disengaged. It’s obviously extremely strong in a 1v where his opponent lacks a means to get out, but there’s nothing wrong with an ult being a manfight trump card. 


No it's not the R, it's the 50% crit chance and the Q spell. He can just turn his brain off, go in do damage, take a bad trade but still sustain everything anyway. It's just braindead.


No need, there's clear counterplay to it. If he gets chain cced for the duration of the ult, it literally does nothing. Using ignite on him in the last 2 seconds of ult should kill him (if he has used his Q already). But pretty much any hard cc just screws him.


The Buff (50% crit lvl 1 instead of 40%) isn't why he's OP though. It's mostly the insane sustain from ravenous hydra


>Unless you are a champ that hard counters him like Gragas, Camille, Jax or **Warwick**, trying to match up in lane is going to be hard. Could you elaborate on how WW counters him? I'm a WW main (mostly jungle, sometimes top) and I struggle against Tryndamere post-6 if I mistime my fear on his ult or if my ghost is down. I hold my ult for after his ult if I can, but if it's down it's also a bit annoying as I have to have my Q and Trynd is so fast. Edit to add: I guess I don't find him difficult, I just wouldn't consider WW a counter from my perspective. I'd be curious what your perspective is as it might help me feel more confident engaging.


Jokes on you, he sustained the nerf with his insanely high skill celling Q spell.


They havent dropped 14.12 yet, have they.


WW does not do anything if Trynda has brains. He buys exec early and runs you down and just laughs at you when you try to fear. Beer belly in the other hand is annoying.


Not really how it works, no. WW is a very very hard matchup. Probably the one where losing LT means the most.


No he’s not. Probably for inexperienced Tryndamere players. Against them WW works, but they can barely actually play Tryndamere. WW is just a cheese pick.


You can keep being stubborn all you want. WW is a hard matchup. If you somehow are a high elo Tryndamere player who smashes WW's all the itme, kudos to you. Most of us cant. Then again, its a rare pick top, hardly worth to bother about.


Thank you then, I guess? Masters tier, so for most that is high. I’m not saying all the time, but I don’t find him anywhere hard. You don’t need to smash him at the lane 100-0 anyway.


The point is, you can have your own preferences, but stats paints a clear picture. As long as you take a decent sample size, you are going to see an awful winrate vs WW. It has always been that way. I know exactly how you need to play vs WW as Tryndamere top, but even then its hard. His entire kit beats your strategy. He can keep you from getting XP level 1, he is hard to dive, he can easily kite out your ultimate and then run you down, his E counters your entire kit. The list goes on. 'If you somehow think WW is an easy matchup like Kayle and Yorick and Gwen is, then I am impressed. But its more likely that you are just flat out wrong while trying to brag. If 99% of the people struggle with a matchup, its more likely that its a hard one, not that 99% of us sucks.


Post your OP.GG so we can see your vs WW stats. Maybe you're an exception.


> Unless you are a champ that hard counters him like Gragas, Camille, Jax or Warwick Gragas, Jax and WW beeing hardcounters is understandable for me but how is Camille that hard? Id guess her Q ms + E is the same level of disengage as Gragas?


1) Survive the laning phase without giving a lead that would require two players to answer his split (doesn't have to be you, if you have a control mage that can answer his split, just don't make their job too hard) 2) Identify where on the map he is most likely to split next, and keep warded the path he is likely to take to get there. Ie, bot lane T1 is still up and baron posturing is imminent...ward enemy tri, or have a lane ward depending on where the wave is / is pushing. You want to have a ward somewhere that gives your control mage enough time to meet trynd at the turret. 3) They don't have to kill trynd, they have to not let him take turrets. For example, a lux should clear the wave with E but hold Q in case trynd tries to dive. Trynd can 100-0 a mage under turret with no wave, and a good trynd will do this if the mage blows their CC. Also consider where he will run to after his split play. Most likely to krugs or red to try to heal. Obviously point 3 is outside the control of your micro but rare case where quick typing can be beneficial. *vision request ping where needed //trynd appears *alive ping the mage *assist ping the turret "Hold Q for dive" *Ping trynd R + caution ping (or just alive ping the trynd since this could be interpreted as trynd has no R)


How are you losing as malphite you just build randuins and plated and you take 5 damage from his autos?


Tryndamere can actually win early on, and if you are not experienced as malphite it can in theory snowball. Malphite's early levels are fairly weak and he has mana problems, especially into anything with sustain, so it's not terribly hard to die early as malph (though the matchup is so malph favored that as long as you don't int too hard early you still win)


Adding to this, the only vulnerable window Malphite has for most of his counters is before his first back.  If Jax/Fiora/Tryn/etc isn't minimum 1/0 by the time you start stacking armor it's gonna be too late for them. 


For fiora at least, she is actually fine once she gets ravenous. However the time in between first back and full ravenous is pretty miserable. Jax and tryn also evetually scale to be good 1v1 but it takes a lot longer


yeah that's what's pretty much happened, Trynd players are agressive as hell, so i need to give up cs, but after he's full fury i can't even stand nearby to get exp because he's gonna dash into me and get a shitton of crits so either i'm forced to do nothing gain almost no cs, or i get cs but i have to recall every 2 seconds and lose even more cs


You need to change the mindset for certain matchups. Against Tryn, max W first and then E, don't even bother to learn Q early on, it's a waste of mana. Whenever Tryn walks up to trade, EAW him, then back off wait for the passive. Once you have Tabi+warden, Tryn has absolutely no chance.


you can contest until he stacks fury up, malph lvl 1 is alright and unless try is just right clicking something he will have no fury. If he is right clicking something, the wave should push and then you can just wait for it to hit tower basically. Tbh top lane is heavily about wave management. Unless your lane matchup is really onesided, you basically let the other person push without contesting until it bounces, and then they usually can't contest you when you have the pushing wave.


As an ex K’Sante player, doing this helps but you still can’t 1v1 so the Tryn just runs you down every time he gets the chance to.


Malphite and Ksante are very different stories. Malphiye literally hard counters Tryn. Wherever you go as Malphiye Tyrndamere literally cannot be, as hell do negative damage to him.


Q, E run away from Tryn, now he cant fight you and you poke him down, he can never trade long enough to be worth


Even more so with Lethal tempo removed for the early game. Malphite builds armor and instant wave clear minion wave before it hits tower and if tryn attempts to fight you and run away with ult you got your ult as well to catch him and kill him. Don't understand how malphite loses to tryn unless its early game and even that is just piloting issue.


i dnt think so, malph hard counters trynd, try it out


as a trynd OTP, the only thing more frustrating than malph is lillia her ms, DoT, sleep ult, and range poke is infuriating another on the list is rammus, prob a stronger "anti-auto" counter than malph but usually in jungle


I was thinking teemo lol


press Q, stand still, gg Trynd.


I was literally in a game with my friend who is new to the game yesterday, and he was Tryndamere vs Teemo and I was Trundle so it was a horrible matchup for ganks for me, but I tried anyway because he was frustrated as hell when teemo killed him lvl 1. Well I won't even lie this teemo was running circles around us. As soon as I'd approach he'd run into the side bush and go invisible and neither of us would be able to target him. I actually got seriously behind in C's trying to help my friend. We ended up winning in the end because I caught up a ton with trundle split push and solo'd like four towers and 2 inhibs as well as getting 3/4 dragons, stealing one baron, and a rift herald, and they surrended after that, but my friend did not have a good time early game lol.


Trundle plus trynd can unstealth any teemo


He's new and he never was where my iceberg was


Buy a sweeper..


ya honestly anyone with a good consistent movespeed kit stacked with innate tankiness is gonna shut trynd down pretty hard early game. bonus if its impossible for trynd to dive you because of your kit. the problem is that trynd split pushes too well mid/late game so you and your team have to macro very accurately if the trynd knows how to pressure, even if he cant 1v1 you he can still pressure towers super hard and can easily get away from most champs


unless you are far behind I dont see how this would happen, E slows his attack speed to 0, with Q you get a ton of movespeed and in general you should be giga tanky vs auto attacks with the armor. Maybe he can run you down from enemy nexus all the way to ally nexus going through top lane


He literally cannot do anything against malphite


You only lose 1v1 maybe kinda early on especially if you have no mana and tryn gets lucky with crits, or if you fall behind. But even for falling behind, tryn can't really do much against malphite once he gets armor. You just stay under tower and wave clear tryn can't really poke down malphite to a low enough health to tower dive him. I guess tryn can try to freeze the wave, but it's kinda hard bc malph has q to run away. It's also just hard for tryn to freeze in general bc he can mess up the wave with e and he has to not be building hydra, and then not hitting the wave means no fury so no sustain from malph q. But even then, malph can just stay in experience range for a bit and potentially get help from the jungler to freeze the wave. Basically, as long as the malphite plays relatively safe and doesn't fall too far behind, tryn can't do much for a lot of the game.


Malphite gets shit on early by any Champion, so I'd wager OP is not waiting enough to actually start trying to trade. Usually in this matchup I'll give Tryn all the space he wants and farm on Q if needed until around level 9. After that you can usually start winning short trades and be able to take charge of the lane if Tryn has not gained any big leads. It's pretty much the same as against riven.


Malphite wins plenty of early matchups with comet scorch Q spam, what?


Which matchups are those? Cause I'm not using malph in them I guess. His mana pool early is atrocious, spamming Q makes you quickly run out of mana, and how do you walk up to farm if you're just spamming Q? Won't you'll get bodied in the trade that is sure to be forced onto you?


Mostly works on squishies early game and if done well you can kill them at 6 after a few Q's. However it is negated against second wind and dorans shield. The enemy health should out last malphites mana pool against Q spam. Not all champions benefit with daron shield first buy and second wind so it can hurt when you're wasting 400 gold when you dont scale into late game. Ideal vs most range tops you can Q spam and then full combo when low HP. Build lost chapter and lane is free.


Malphite Comet Q does pitiful damage early game. An enemy that is properly trading should never lose early trades against Malphite in the early game. Given Malphite's low kill threat, when both champs are low, Malphite is in a dangerous spot. Taking the Tryndamere match up for example, Tryndamere E is 8s while Malphite Q+passive shield is 8s. On the first trade, Tryndamere will slightly lose as he coming in with E+auto while Malphite has Q+auto+passive shield. However, if Tryndamere can get a single crit on minions in the next 8s, his next E will be up before Malphite's next Q+shield, so he can force a trade to refresh the shield CD. Additionally, Malphite cannot walk up to the wave during this 8s due to Q CD and shield CD. If he walks up, Tryndamere can lead with autos into E, which will be an even more devastating trade than the one described above. The same logic works for many match ups that Malphite counters, e.g. Fiora (Q cd 6.5s), Riven (Q cd 9-13s + wave push). Malphite Comet Q spam is strong after a couple of points into it. Before then, the ball is in the opponent's court. This is the argument for Grasp Malphite, it gives him more early trading power to help scale into mid/late.


No Malphite should max Q into Tryndamere. E max and it makes Tryndamere barely able to auto while also doing great burst damage.


I swear no one rushes these two items when playing vs ad auto champs. It’s so free once you have these two built and on an even playing field


They're probably going Comet and maxing q


Maybe in Bronze but anyone with half a brain will know the windows to attack Malphite. Armor may negate a lot of Tryns damage but in an extended fight the Tryn will win.


U are bronze




You are def bronze with what you said




Clearly anyone complaining about trynda has no fundamentals, there's no need to be mocking an actual noob.










As the other guy said, just avoid trades and play to out scale him, even if you’re 30 CS down at some point in the game you will just be more useful simply from malphite ult being the best engage tool in the game. If you are really struggling you can go tabis and if you need merc treads that game you can rush double cloth armor first back into wardens mail and he should never be able to kill you. After laning phase you play for fights with malphite ult and then deal with trynd with your team mates either before setting up a fight if he’s over extended or after.


> if you need merc treads that game you can rush double cloth armor first back into wardens mail and he should never be able to kill you Consider swifties if you are not going tabis OP, usually playing against tryn means that the enemy team is lacking the common cc from their toplane, and if you go first item rylays with singed or FH with malphite (plus his q), tryn can never reach you because his only cc is his (w) slow.


> play to out scale him Malphite being a [notorious scaling champion](https://lolalytics.com/lol/malphite/build/) (winrate by game length graph looks like a graph of diminishing oscillations, but ignore that), of course. Almost as great as [Singed](https://lolalytics.com/lol/singed/build/) (winrate by game length graph essentially plateaus until a dip at 35-40 and a spike at 45+, but also ignore that). Clearly no match for [Tryndamere](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tryndamere/build/)'s scaling with one early spike, midgame plateau and a continuous increase past 30.


Pick malphite or nasus and shit on him, that’s how you deal with teyndamere. Broski, as malphite, max your E against trynda/jax/yone and rush Frozen Heart. He literally can’t fight you after you have FH.






As a dirty singed main myself, you need to rush swyfties and rylais and always run ghost because he will most likely too. Then he just can’t auto u. Then your free to proxy and pressure the map from behind his tower and you can’t really die unless your low hp or have no ult when jg comes.


Malphite hard counters tryndamere. Trynd has a 44% win rate against malphite. Just don't max q first and you should be fine. Early levels are a little rough but at some point he does negative damage against you.


Yep. E Max and buy FH. Do not rush sunfire as you will perma push and tryn will farm under tower.


Since the other comments explained it for malphite pretty well already, here is my take for singed: For early , don’t make your life miserable by laning against him proxy as often as you can. If trynda has no minion waves to push, he’s literally useless in side lane. Also , you have much faster tempo on the map if you proxy, so you ideally clear the wave at the front door of the enemy base —-> rotate to objectives if necessary, it’s loose/loose for trynda, since he can’t take towers or plates in his lane, and he is mediocre in teamfights compared to the absolute konsternierst singed is there.


yeah i just played as Singed against him, i did proxy alot but when i had to excecute or recall, he'd get 1 or 2 minion waves and with those break an entire turret, it was pretty damn hard


Then you’re doing the proxy wrong. Early you can execute easy (execute after cannon wave is actually faster, 8 sec recall compared to 7 deathtimer and you don’t need time to heal). Later you should proxy between t2 and t3 if u wanna recall u should lose 1cs with this. And with the new boots with t he 4 sec recall makes proxy even more insane.


But then you did something wrong with proxying, I’m sorry. Where did you proxy ? Optimally, you want to catch the wave BEHIND the enemy tier 2 tower and instant recall. With this, trynda shouldn’t be able to. Crash one single minion into your tower . When you die, it depends on your lvl of course. Dying before lvl 8 is good, everything after lvl 8 will result in a little loss I highly recommend bausffs and his playstyle, because he mastered proxying and macro toplane in a very high elo


So malph is actually one of the losers of Lt being removed as tryn players finally go grasp which they should’ve done vs malph ever since. The meta being to rush hydra also doesn’t really play into malph favor as tryn will proxy and pressure jungle and not lane vs you anyway. Same problem with singed. It’s fine for tryn if you proxy „him“ as he will just proxy back but he will have actual jungle pressure cause he takes camps pretty fast.


Pick teemo duh


Malph should stomp him. You should win every trade.


As malphite you can actually hard bully this matchup, for runes don't bother going comet because trynd has too much sustain, go grasp and max E. skip tabis its nerfed just go boots into frozen heart and you dont need to run from him, he needs to run from u.


Buy frozen heart mate


You beat trynd by starving him and making his split push useless. Meet him in lane. wear him down so he has to use his ult and run away. Then you TP to the team, win the team fight for an obj, then go back to meeting him in lane. It can be grueling, but you punish him for playing sub-optimally. If he joins the fight, burst him down, then cc him during his ult. Kill him when it ends. I play a lot of Quinn, not to counter, but just because I like her. I stick and move. Keep him at distance and wear him down. When he tries to dive and ult, just run away and keep my distance. Once his ult is over, I go back to pressuring him and keep him low HP until I can either kill, or the jungler can come clean up. Trynd loses to armor and cc. Anti-heal helps. Use your CC wisely.


https://www.op.gg/summoners/euw/NOFFCHATMUTED-TOP As a malphite you shouldnt struggle. You max w first and then e and after 2 items he only tickles you. I main tryndamere/malphite. Malphite is THE counter pick for trynda. You just should avoid Trading. Tryndamere outsustains your mana pool early. Never use q in that matchup unless you gotta last hit a Canon. Your Q is non existent. Also maximize your shield passive to maintain hp. For a canon or multiple minions you can walk up well knowingly he will trade...but your shield will absorb the most damage If you are just down 25 cs at 10-12 minutes you will outscale him.


This is the way. Still these Malphites go Q max with comet when you go W E with grasp. It’s anyway generally good against ad melees at top. You don’t need to poke them with Q, just use rank 1 spell for movement speed, that’s it.


Outscale him is a bit relative. You will be way better than him in team fights but he will be an absolute split pushing menace. You ignore him when he's strong but he will be doing the same later on and just taking your turrets 


Malphite with 3 core items and maxed out w and e (+sunfire) has insane wave clear. Tryndamere at that point can never trade against you or outsustain you. You should be able to match his sidelane and get prio and a roaming Windows. You usually have tp available even so it shouldnt be necessary because you will have prio


I prefer E max but both should work


You just lay on your stomach and take it like a good boy. Jokes aside i think you should just focus on farming and if he wants to trade blow your load and q speed out and wait for jungle assistance untill you have some armor


Play malphite. Don't poke woth q, poke with w. If he fights back press e +q, hit him once more and walk away. Repeat. Don't worry about killing him, just stop him from farming and follow his ass the entire game wherever he goes, you can't lose. Build plated caps, wardens, bramble, sunfire, thornmail, randuin. ITS unloseable.


Singed and malph are the two biggest counter of trynda x)


Tryn player here. I want to gain early fury and shove lane hard while hitting you for trades lol 1 if I can. Try to get the level 2 power spike early for a kill. As malphite you can trade with shield at lvl 2-3 and I go Q E Q since more dmg at range is clutch and you're just trying to regen your shield. After that it's protect tower As singed you want to kite while getting CS.


Look for [vods ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz8zjCMQaio)on the matchup and try to understand what you are doing wrong on lane phase. Malph should be very strong on trynda if he doesnt outplays you on levels 1-4.


Wardens mail on your first back. Heal cut doesn't really work on him bc he can just wait for it to fall off before pressing Q.


For malphite build steel caps, wardens mail, max E. Maxing Q on malphite is massive bait in this matchup.


Funny enough I main Nasus and Jax and let me tell you tryndamer is a no-factors against those two. Especially Nasus. Yes you lose an all in lvl 1/2 but lvl 6 with your slow you outclass tryndamer so bad and he can't run away because of the slow.


So both the champs you play actually do really well into trynadmere cause they can deny what he wants to do really well which is split push in sideline and either take all your towers or force you to be late on rotations and beat your team 4v5. The key is knowing how tryndamere works and not letting him snowball into a problem early. Malphite in particular is a HARD counter because tryndamere not only can't hurt you late game but you also slow his attack speed so much that he can't ignore you and just hit towers either. Just learn to play safer in the early game and farm even or just 10-20 cs down until you get to your first 2 items (which should always be frozen heart into randuins, maybe bramble vest if they rush hydra) and if you W into E max he will just die while barely being able to get through your shield. You also wanna take grasp in that matchup for sure and you can even go iceborn gauntlet if enemy team is mostly ad for even more damage and sidelane power. And the most important thing is if you build like this just follow him to whatever sidelane he goes to cause if you do this build the only way he will matter is if he kills your teammate and gets fed in sidelane anyway.


Choose Darius


You are playing his biggest counter. Figure it out man.


Playing Malphite and losing against Tryndamere, that’s a yikes from me


Just pick gwen


Ur malphite bro. Take grasp and don’t let him touch the minions.


You should prioritize armor first. As malphite, play around your passive and Q to go for favorable trades and secure cs. As singed, your goo prevents him from spinning, so just goo and run away, or consider proxy farming and avoiding fights if you get behind. Dorans shield and armor boots early will give you great sustain and trade potential, as long as you survive his level 2 cheese. If he doesnt get kills early and you build randuins and/or thornmail, you will ruin him.


Why is no one mentioning Akali, Q and he will never gets to you W he cant even attack you E you win every trade R he can’t catch you. Akali with Sorcs forst back is gg for tryn


You must be playing malphite very wrong if you’re losing. I (and from what I’ve seen most tryn players) ban malphite because the matchup sucks.


So you lose lane as Malph into Trynd. You must be just spamming abilities in lane and building incorrectly.


Best method I’ve ever had: Nasus max W and frozen heart. Drops his attack speed to about 0. Then you walk him down.


I think it’s important to remember trynds will often push hard to build up their Q heal and crit. Let them crash to your turret and either pull them into take damage or let jungle gain them. Save a cc for when they dive. I prefer a hard cc. I usually play Jax into trynd and play patiently.


you do nothing, riot decided to buff him when it was not needed, there's 0 counterplay to this champ now his level 1 is one crit every 2 auto, so you die in well, 6 autos grasp is way too strong of a rune but better nerf conqueror he has infinite regen, insane wave clear, no mana, can proxy if match up not so good (especially if he on red side cause you know top lane red side has all the advantages and no inconvenients since they changed the map) top lane is just broken anyways so yeah just play tf into trynd and it's playable, otherwise it's gg riot just likes buffing the most basic champions in the most stupid ways he's literally the best top laner right now and guess what other top laners are as good ? ranged and jungle champions, what a nice lane really


Play rammus top or Nasus With Ghost and Exhaust and rush FH and Trinity force and you mow him down if u got enough stacks.


Malphite is a scaling tank. As the game goes on he gets harder, and harder to fight. As well, he can build AP items like Liandries, and deal strong damage. He counters Tryndamere, and tryndameres only chance is to crit you to death. ( You can easily outlast his ult. Build anti-crit, and a frozen heart. You reduce his dps by a shit ton.) Singed... Is just bad against things like Tryndamere who can quickly chunk you in a few hits. Play safe, and throw him behind you when your under tower. Flash throw, and slapping him under tower will force flash quite a lot, and you can just outrun him. If he & you has ghost, you lose. I suggest building ghost, and cleanse in this matchup. Cleanse will stop his W. If he has flash, and ignite, pickup cleanse, flash, and anti-slow boots. If he chases, he'll die this way. If he doesn't you'll free farm. Rush Liandries, and zone him off his wave but don't get minions caught in your DOT, and don't proxy, you'll die. For Singed this is a hard matchup. Since Tryndamere can just E Auto and do a shitton of dmg early game. I suggest going malphite if you fight a tryndamere.


If you play Singed just proxy until you get Rylai then he can't play the game.


Bait his ult


I’m probably not as high ranked as some of the other ppl here, I’m just diamond. But I thoroughly enjoy playing teemo into tryn. I just max q and take cdr in runes and items and try to play it as someone trying to keep nasus from stacking. Bully him off the wave with harassment with autos and blind him when he goes to last hit or engage on u. He can still last hit with his e, but it basically makes it impossible for him to ever engage on u successfully and one u have enough cdr and your q is maxed, it has 100% uptime. It also helps shut him down later in the game since his main ability to get in and out of fights is his e, he can’t reduce the cd off his crits if he’s not critting


W max, grasp malphite and don't die early levels. It's stupid easy


Trynd kind of rails Singed now. After the ranged buffs he just kind of beats you up.


Malph and gragas are my picks into it both just clear waves and don't die to it.. not sure how a malph would struggle into it


Trynd is a walking minion without fury, what are you talking about.


In my opinion you should try and kill him once or twice by Level.5 by controlling the lane minions. You shouldn't fight him all the time but play chess and wait for the opportunity to put him behind so his items and ultimate can't run you down every time you get back to lane. ☺️




I have not played top in about hot minutes but my tip is try to keep the wave near your tower cause he thrives on chasing you down and not so much on short trades. I always go flash ghost aswell to match their engage


Play teemo & blind him


Had an insane game against tryndamere last night. I was jungling and a friend was in the top lane. They were going even, mid game roaming comes around and by late game he has 300 CS and nobody could kill him while he insta kills me with a slow, basic autos, a dash, and a get out of jail free button. We only won by playing macro for obj and ignoring him until he gets to our base


Tryndamere is simply just a uselles champion


Tryndamere is very sensible to both burst and CCs. Burst will force him to ult fast, and sometimes will make Trynda players miss the perfect frame for their ult. CCs will make him unable to DPS freely for the duration of his ult (5 seconds). Having a lot of mobility also works, as he won’t be able to gap close very well, thus making his DPS harder to build. Trynda’s worst match ups are Nasus, Malphite, Jax. Tryndamere is insanely strong in early levels. You should always lose some cs in order to not get traded too hard. If you play one of these 3 champs, you’ll outscale him fast enough anyway.


build rylais first so he cant chase after you that works realy good on singed. If you play malphite build frozen heart to reduce his attack speed tryndamere needs his attack speed to deal most of his damage.


You losing as Malphite?? That's new. Once you get a wardens mail or steel caps you just completely shit on him. Just press all your buttons on him and he loses. You should be able to force his ult without needing to use yours. I'm actually really curious as to how you're losing since it seems pretty much impossible after an armor item. My guess is maybe you lost to him before your first back and he snowballed from there? Only time you need to respect Tryndamere as Malphite is before your first back. But idk maybe 14.10 changed things. As for Singed you should be able to easily kite him. Otherwise Nasus is always a free win too.


This actually hard to read. I've played lots of games on tryndamere and there is only one unwinnable matchup: Malphite... So you can't just say you lose because he is too strong xD


It just means you don’t understand your landing phase and wave management and should focus on those things .


Malp literally counters him lol