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The good news is Czechia couldn't beat Georgia. If we play a similar line up and play as we did against Georgia, we should have a good chance. We need that first goal for a morale boost.


Honestly, I have no trust in Montella. Against Georgia, we won with individual class (I don't count Kerems goal). My only comfort is that a draw will be sufficient. And even if we loose, I think we'll be through because I don't see the third placed teams in group B and C reaching 3 points. Also, a draw between Scotland and Hungary will bring us through 90% imo.


I think we can win or draw with individual brilliance this coming game. Some players will be motivated to separate themselves from the media narrative.


We need to put more quality balls into the box. I think that was the entire mindset behind playing baris up top. He would just attack the loose balls bouncing around or that luckily bounce to us for once. Instead we barely put any


Just like Umit Karan says, we should do an ivory coast move on Montella and get him out


lol its cute how you think we are better then georgia. Georgia plays like a team and a strategy. Our strategy is send long and pray. If they had half the talent we have they would have scrapped us off the floor.


And so we'll rely on talent to edge by again


That’s all we have unfortunately. We don’t have a team that can make plays. We just look at the foot of certain players. We only beat georgia cause of 2 incredible goals.


Yeah, but don't you see what I'm saying? We can do it again with a team like Czechia. I honestly don't mind. It's not the time to instil a new manager or new tactics, I'm just focused on this tourney for now and scraping our assess into the R16 for more Euro vibes


Oh i gotcha. I didnt understand that. We can def easily do it against czech if montella doesnt do some last minute stupidity.


Georgia isnt bad tho, we are lucky to have won that match tbh


If Georgia isn't bad, we aren't either. You're expecting Turkey to be on Portugal's level while we are more at Georgia / Czechia level


Ngl I can imagine Georgia beating Portugal. We are not in a good form imo But of course i hope for a nice win against czechia


Cmon, bro. If Georgia can beat Portugal, Portugal should just pack it and go home. In a similar way, if we lost to Georgia, we should call it quits. Georgia isn't exactly a football powerhouse. They're running on good team vibes with a few key star players. We could do the same if we had good team vibes given we have a few stars but looks like that outs the window.


Naaah you underestimate Georgia imo, they really are good right now. Their coach has been in charge since 2021 iirc, so they are a familiar team with familiar tactics. Willy Sagnol is his name, he is even I would say some kind of Bayern legend, played ~180 games for them from 2000-2009. Coached Frances u20 and u21, Girondins Bordeaux, and was Co coach at bayern 2017. Under Ancelotti 💀 He has had the opportunity to learn from good people in good environments. He and Georgia are really not bad, the opposite, they are quite good.


And thats why they lost 3-1 to Turkiye, who suck ass because they lost to a supreme Portugal and made mistakes while doing so. Georgia is good. They're about Czechia good. They're our level. Relax your expectations.


We were very very lucky that game didn't end 2-2, which was very likely in the last minutes. 3-1 doesn't really reflect the game. I wish we had their coach.


We almost lost to Georgia


Except we won 3-1 thanks to some great individual goals.


Those incredible goals won’t get you far in life. Our national team is shite it’s time to admit that


Don't need them to get us far in life , just to the next round of the tourney. I'm not claiming our team is great. We are about on par with Georgia and should be against Czechia.


Biggest problem with Turkish football is fans don't want to acknowledge how shit it is. There is no pressure on Turkish football to improve, they know the Turkish fans are going to keep eating the shit up they prepare for them. If fans actually started to get really critical, stopped hyping up shit players as world beaters maybe something could change. Last game they pulled a fast one on us, they played plenty of shit players over players like arda and kenan. Who is yunus to take the place of Arda? one couldn't cut in the second division in england, the other plays for real madrid the best team on earth, while also being the previous games man of the match. But guess what? next to no outrage. Everyone wants to tell us Kerem played well and ignore how shit the rest of them played. enough is enough, the fans of Turkish football have to demand more, expect more. stop allowing these shit players and the shit corrupt TFF to get away with screwing the nation and embarrassing us globally.


Yunus and arda are completely different players. I’m assuming montella wanted to play the counter attacking style that’s why he put speed on the wings. I get what he wanted to do and I don’t blame him for it. It wasn’t in his plans for us to literally score on our own net unforced. Players gave up after that. You ain’t coming back from 0-2 against Portugal


To all the kulupcu fuckheads trying to make the national team about their club, kindly fuck off. We have a golden opportunity to get out of the group for the first time in a decade. This is about the national team, not your club. So if you come here on this sub spewing conspiracy theories and hatred just go back to your cave and let the others enjoy and discuss our national team


Yeah, I'm going to make a post addressing that issue later.


I think you should still be able to say that Yunus, Kerem and Baris were dogshit together with Altay and Samet. That shouldn't make it into a club vs club thing. The fact that Altay, Yunus and Samet are even in this squad is the biggest joke ever and already grounds to fire Montella in my book.


https://preview.redd.it/eubjkd9uoc8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bddad27bd240a832b8aee03545e647e009340b38 Was Kerem’s performance same as Ferdi? Or was it same as Yunus and Baris?


I meant Yunus and Baris not Kerem


I think he meant more the people saying agents or GS lobi are picking the team and starting 11. I agree those players were bad. Barış was out of position tbf. Samet and Yunus got in cause Montella knows them from ADS. Players like Can Uzun, Oğuz Aydın, Ahmetcan Kaplan, Serdar Saatçi, and Emin Bayram deserved to play more/be selected.


I thought you were going to say 'golden generation'. Agree on everything.


I dont care if Fener players play, or Gala, or Besiktas, Trabzon etc. Just make us proud and united amk




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Ismail better start next game hakan played way better with him


Hakan hasn’t done fuck all for the national team


Enough with the Hakan slander. He's our best player, if the team plays like ass what's one man supposed to do?


Tell me what he’s done then? Has he scored? Assist? Anything? Bro I get it the man is supposedly our best player but he legit hasn’t done anything.


What is the role of a deeplying midfielder? You tell me, does rodri get alot of assists, does veerman


My man thinks Rodri and Hakan are the same players lol


Defensively not Ofcourse but when building they in fact have the same kind of role


Who has except Arda one or two games? It's not about goals assists only. Hakan is crucial in building up. No one better with first touch, passing quality, positioning, game awareness. That's why he's so good at Inter. Unfortunately the players surrounding him suck as well, except for a few. Would you rather have a Kaan + Okay midfield? Kaan + Orkun? I'm just glad we have Hakan, even though he can't win on his own, no playef on earth can.




Was about to ask you the same thing. Who tf is Berkan, not even in the squad.


I actually think Hakan shows us the actual overall quality of the team. Depending on how good or bad he looks in a game, really tells us how good or bad the collective quality of the squad is. He's only as good as the players around him. But him in a strong team and he can look like a world beater, put him in a shit team and he looks shit.


I think the issue with our fans is that so many of you are from the western leagues where you expect a title challenge and anything less is a failure. Let’s be realistic, Türkiye is not a title challenger and will never be. We came close 2 times and both times it was because our players were playing with passion and luck, not because we had a good system or anything. This may happen again one day or maybe not, but at the end of the day it doesn’t matter. We should support this team every game and celebrate every point. So we struggled against Georgia, we still got a great game and goals. We were poor against Portugal but so what it’s Portugal. We may struggle against Czechia but if we can advance out of groups that’s something to celebrate. And if we get knocked out next round so what, we still made it there one way or another. No, next tournament we won’t be better. No we aren’t building a golden era. But that’s ok, just enjoy our small successes when we get them and live your lives. That said I expect a win against Czechia is possible, a draw is also enough.


Turks think their clubs and players are the best in the world.


This has always been our problem. We want a seat with the champions but we haven’t even mastered the basics consistently yet.


All our players are getting exposed in this tourney. Kerem barış ferdi Samet apo even Kaan are getting fuckin exposed. They ain’t as good as we think they are unfortunately. They’ll get better. This is a transition team. Euros are the hardest tournament to win a game in. I just hope these immature toxic fans don’t eat up montella with their dumbass conspiracy theories.


All he needs to do is pick a competent starting 11. None of this Akaydin/Bardakci catastrophe, leaving Arda/Kenan/Yuksek/Kaplan/Kilicsoy benched whilst people like Yunus, Kokcu and Yilmaz consistently underperform in every aspect of the game. It's mentally tiring watching these guys get outclassed constantly. It's like they have no shame, no ambition to be better players. Why is the team so soft, too? TSL players cant seem to handle the physical side of the game, they expect whistles for everything as they go down under the lightest touches. They get bullied out of the game by the most minor physical play and are scared to make tackles or mark anyone properly.


yeah couldn't agree more.


We’re never going to get anywhere internationally until Turkish fans start questioning why our players are so far behind other European teams physically. Why do we lack discipline and concentration? Plenty of small European teams can defend incredibly despite lack of talent. The players change, the years go by but the core problems remain the same. But people would rather discuss why X club has X number of players starting compared to their club.


Our league is bad, just bad. Look at the last season there was 50 pts between 1 and 3. This league doesn’t challenge players and it doesn’t make them better players, it’s just a toxic political league. Our best players are from abroad or play abroad and then when they come play for Türkiye they face politics on the national team. If Türkiye invested 20-25 years ago by today you’d have a world class team. But it’s fair to say there are so many other problems in Türkiye that this isn’t a priority.


We need a proper midfield. Its insane to try and use a 2-man lineup there and watch Halan get bogged down. Hakan İsmail Kaan for midfield. The rest will sort itself out.


Take out Kaan and play Okay. People are so underrating him because he isn't a flashy player but his presence makes opposition teams play differently due to him closing down danger areas.


Kaan is more of a blunt stop. Okay is more fluid but defensive less stronger right?


No, Okay is a defensive midfielder that relies more on positioning and closing passing lanes etc. Neither Kaan nor Ismail is that. Kaan is a stopper that'll go for tackles and has a great foot to play long balls, Ismail is energized player that'll play box to box more. Not that these guys can't do what Okay does, but it's not in their nature really, for Okay that's just ingrained in him. Think a lot like Fernando that was at Galatasaray. Not flashy but he's there.


Always liked Okay.


All I want is to play fucking Okay in the midfield so we can have a player capable of understanding which areas to close, we've suffered the same goal now twice where they make a cut back and Apo, Ferdi and Kaan just can't pick up the free player. Okay would be there to close that off. And please no Orkun and no BAY at ST, thx


sort of off topic but damn we should have got Murat Yakin the swiss coach. They look extremely well coached but guess if I was him I would not want to leave such a cush situation


Semih Kenan Arda Baris Hakan Ismail Ferdi Ahmetcan Kaan Mert Mert This should be our lineup. Yes, Kaan instead of Merih. Why? Because Merih has mentally given up on football. Especially against a team like the Czech Republic with such high tempo, Merih could never keep up. After a few minutes, he would run out of gas. He is more suitable as a substitute for the second half, as seen against Portugal. Kenan on the left and BAY on the right, in combination with Ferdi on the left and Mert on the right, would completely dismantle the Czech defense. While Merih could function as a substitute for Kaan or Ahmetcan, Kerem and Irfancan would replace Kenan and BAY respectively. The latter two players would work wonders with their pace against a weakened Czech defense in the second half. Cenk as a substitute for Semih. Cenk, like Merih, would be more useful in the second half when the overall tempo decreases.




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If İsmail starts, we won't lose


If Ismail starts and Orkun doesn’t start, we might even win.


We definetly need him, his energy is something we need in midfield.


Ismael + Okay/Kaan + Hakan we need


Montella needs to shake things up. Bench Abdülkerim and Samet.  Ayhan and Kökçü dont fit next to Çalhanoğlu. We need more creativity in the middle. Shift BAY to the wings. 


Abdülkerim is suspended and Samet is probably injured so he has no other choice than to remove them. He'll probably go with Merih-Kaan.


Shake things up on the most important match we will have in the next 2 years?


Feel like people blame Montella too much, I genuienly believe there is a lot happening behind closed doors. Hopefully we see Kenan, Arda, Mert Muldur and Yuksek starting over Orkun. Arda as 10, could also see Kerem LW, Yildiz striker, with Arda behind him.


> Feel like people blame Montella too much, I genuienly believe there is a lot happening behind closed doors. If that's the case then he's still part of the problem since he doesn't have control of the team, and should resign.


I think Montella will start with Cenk Özkaçar instead of Ahmetcan


Cenk to cf at least he has experience


Czechia will play with a 3 or rather 5 at the back again, therefore I would suggest a 442 or even 424, even tho it is pretty much the same thing almost. But lets see and just hope for the best


Czechs defended so well against Portugal that Portuguese ran out of ideas. Even Portugal's winning goal was due to the ref missing the foul on the other side of the pitch. I think they will soak up our attacks masterfully and hit us up on counters. On top of that every cross, every through ball to our box will be effective due to our lackluster defending and their tall attackers. This game is scarier than Portugal game in my opinion. Yes they tied against Georgia but it's not because of Georgia's lack of defending. Every one of our goals in Georgia game was out of this world and there wasn't much they could do about it. We probably won't be as lucky.


The path the final has never been easier. If we beat or draw Czechia we'll be facing Austria then Romania or 3rd seed team and then Italy or England (weakest of the big teams). The gates have opened but can we actually walk in? This feels like a historic opportunity.


The gang loses 4-0 to Austria


reverse jinx, I see


GK Mert - Merih - Ahmetcan - Ferdi Hakan - Ismail Baris - Arda - Kerem Cenk/Kenan/Semih or ———————— GK Mert - Merih - Ahmetcan - Ferdi Kaan - Hakan - Ismail Arda - Cenk/Kenan/Semih - Baris And you don’t need your offensive line to defend as much.


https://preview.redd.it/u5y94szqjn8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ef76039683c7e16e333e3411280365d13286e68 The “All Thats Left” Squad / Do we fire Montella after this Euros? What would it take? Honestly after putting this together with the suspensions and injuries taken into fact, it’s just show how thin this squad is and the lack of depth. Nutella honestly did a shit job with his selections, players like Samet, Merih, Yunus, Yusuf, and few others shouldn’t have ever been selected. Also why the fuck did he bring Semih and Tosun just to never play them for a single minute? Honestly more I think about it the more it looks very real this coach has no idea what he wants to do or have any kind of system in place. We’re at the mercy of magic happening at our players feet to win games, wonder goals and luck. Kuntz was ass and Nutella might be even worse, even if we reach the R16 I’d let him go after this tournament, do not let this man waste precious years of a good to great generation, he has no idea how to get the best out of players. His “crown” win of 1-0 vs Croatia is now very fraudulent as that is a team at a very steep decline as we can now see. I’d say sack Nutella after this, bring in someone who has had some type of success somewhere with a proven system that fits our youth players the most, preferably Turkish coach but hey I’ll take whoever can do the job. If the reason he can’t do his job is because of corruption that’s another matter, if that’s the case I hope he breaks his silence and exposes everything cause teams hiring for coaches will now look at him as some idiot without a system, if he wants to keep his dignity and state it’s internal issue, then say it so change can take place. At least that’s my thought process.


Okay so let's move on. I'm not a tactical expert by any means, not that I think our staff is either, but we should see some changes if they are interested in winning. The midfield kinda flopped last game. I'm not sure how true this is, bit I kind of liked the pairing of Kaan and Hakan in Georgia. The latter works best in the sort of Kroos/like of role, that's similar to what he plays at Inter (not that he'll do as good as at Inter because our team is worse). Who else could be a good starter next to Hakan? I'd prefer someone defensive minded, the defending has to get better Alternative would be Ismail, but I didn't follow him much, perhaps some of you know more. If he's fit, would he be better than Kaan? Regarding the defense, I hope that Samet is out, I think Merih or Ahmetcan would be better. I know Merih is bad too, but enough with the Samet dickriding. Fullbacks should be Mert and Ferdi again. I didnt like the pairing of Apo and Ferdi, could Apo perhaps play on the other side? Can he do that? On the wings it should be Kenan and Arda. I think Arda has more impact coming in from the right than at CAM. Might work though, idk. At CAM, it'll probably be Orkun, I think he's okay. Other alternative would be Arda at CAM and BAY on the right, and and actual striker with Semih. But Monte is probably to stubborn. Lmk ur thoughts


> Other alternative would be Arda at CAM and BAY on the right, and and actual striker with Semih. But Monte is probably to stubborn. Montella doesn't seem to want a typical striker, he seems to want a false nine which pulls the defenders and creates space for the wingers. That's the reasons why Semih "disappeared" in the only game he played, and why BAY only has one shot (blocked) in two games. If that's still his game plan then it doesn't matter which striker he puts there, they won't be very effective as an actual striker. I think Kenan would be the best choice for that job, since he's used to the second striker role. Then Semih and BAY can play on the wings and use the space that he creates, which is something both players are good at: Semih - Kenan - BAY Then add Arda in the middle and two defensively good player behind him: ---------Arda--------- -Hakan-Kaan/Ismail- I think this is something we should've at least tried in the friendlies. People keep repeating "Semih is not ready for this level" but he has only played one half, in a position he doesn't know and with other reserves. He hasn't played a single minute with Kenan and Arda.


Baris is great but not a striker. I’d actually say start Bertug or Cenk


I wouldn't even say he's particularly great as a winger either. For example cengiz under offensively as a winger is a much better player then him, but since cengiz under has no defensive side to his game its quite right he doesn't play either. I would say against standard opposition baris can have good moments as a winger, but against good teams he's not good enough. In a national team that is so poor defensively and when out of possession, we should be trying to pick the players that gives the team the best balance. Its so weird, because its easy to teach players how to defend, how to close and press as a collective unit. You can't teach someone to have the individual qualities that say arda guler has, but you can teach any player how to defend, how to position when out possession etc.


Neden bu kadar sabirsiz milletiz? Montella ile ilk kez ilk maci kazandik. Biz duzenli sekilde katilmaya bakalim. Bu genceler daha cok turnuva gorecek. Yeterki biraz pozitif olalim. Montella gitmemesi gerek. Cidden takimi duzeltti. Bir mac kayip ettik diye, hatta elensek bile, gonderilmemesi gerek. Hemen kupa bekliyoruz. Durun bakalim yav, takim bir iki turnuvaya beraber katilsin. Bir hava eksikligi var. 2002'miydi bilmiyorum o Bir oluruz sarkisi vardi Tarkanin. Biz duygusal milletiz bize boyle seyler gerek. 12 dev adam havasi gibi bir hava yaratmak gerek. Simdi ana avrat duz gitti millet birde sahaya Ronaldo ile resim cekilmek icin girenleri gordu futbolcularimiz. Bu genclere biraz daha guvenelim. En son turnuvadaki "basarimiza" gore daha basariliyiz suan. Hep bir adim daha gelismeye bakmamiz gerek. Biraz sabir. # Türkiye, Avrupa Futbol Şampiyonası'nda 5 kez mücadele etti Türkiye, 1960 yılında başlayan Avrupa Şampiyonası macerasında, 5 kez finallerde boy gösterdi. Milliler, 1996, 2008 ve 2016'da Fatih Terim, 2000'de Mustafa Denizli ve 2020'de de Şenol Güneş yönetiminde finallerde sahaya çıktı. 1996'da İngiltere'nin düzenlediği finallerde Türkiye, gruptaki 3 maçını gol atamadan, yenilgiyle tamamlayarak elendi. 2000 yılında Hollanda ve Belçika'nın ortaklaşa düzenledikleri finallerde ise Türkiye, gruptan çıkıp çeyrek finalde Portekiz'e yenilerek organizasyona veda etti. Türk Milli Takımı, 2004'te Portekiz'de düzenlenen finallere, play-off baraj maçlarında Letonya'ya elenerek katılamadı. Ay-yıldızlı ekip, Fatih Terim yönetiminde katıldığı EURO 2008'de ise büyük bir başarıya imza atarak, yarı finale kadar yükseldi. Almanya'ya şanssız biçimde 3-2 yenilen Türkiye, Avrupa Şampiyonaları tarihindeki en iyi dereceye imza attı. Milli Takım, 2016'da Fransa'da düzenlenen turnuvada ise grup maçlarını 3 puanla 3. sırada tamamlayarak elendi. Türkiye, 11 ülkenin ev sahipliğinde düzenlenen EURO 2020'de de beklentilerin uzağında kaldı. Kovid-19 salgını nedeniyle bir yıl ertelenen organizasyonda İtalya, İsviçre ve Galler ile mücadele eden ay-yıldızlı ekip, 3 maçını da kaybetti. Kalesinde 8 gol gören milli takım, yalnızca tek golle turnuvaya grup aşamasında veda etti.




I hope to see an exciting game similar to the one vs georgia. With Arda and Kenan scoring. A loss would mean either spain or england as opponent so i hope they are not scared of france and throw the game as we would get destroyed by whoever we face in the next round.


https://preview.redd.it/zxpdv54pmp8d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d980ca2ab0817fd7c0fcb5554e6fc8152aebe584 This is my lineup. We gotta give Hakan the role Montella want Orkun to do. Orkun is abysmal and shouldn't play. I know, Hakan does play as deep lying playmaker at Inter but this is not Inter and we gotta capitalize the players as we need. Hakan stays passive when he plays there. I believe this way he can contribute more, frankly he can't be any worse than Orkun. Okay is the only DMC we have who can read lines, defensive placement on the pitch, also he has good football iq, good on the ball and aerial duels which we'll definitely need against Czechia. İsmail is essential to be physical for us, also he can make box runs. Mert should be the GK if healthy. Ahmetcan is solid, he should definitely play on the left. I thought Merih first to play as RCB, but he is clumsy and sloppy and they say Schick is not gonna play who is really good at aerial duels. So I pick Kaan there. Samet is an error prone and he should never play again. RB choice is Mert ofc who had a really good first game and Zeki is horrendous anyway. Arda should play as RW, second half Barış can replace him. Kenan is really talented but I just don't see him starting player for us yet, even though he had an ok game against Georgia. Kerem had really good first half against Portugal, so my choice is Kerem. We need a classic ST against Czechia. I think we should've play Cenk or Semih against Portugal as well but this time this is essential. Cenk should play there. Second half we can make adjustments on the front three. We can try Semih or Kenan as ST.