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This fucking guy. He had the right possible 11 last week and now czechs also know he'll probably have the right one and can prepare accordingly. This bullshit needs to stop with him leaking our own squads.


Real idk why we reveal this so early, they probably got so happy when they saw Samet tho


Montella loves Samet so much that even when he scores an own goal he blames the gk instead of Samet.


Tbf the only other available centre back is Ahmetcan Kaplan, so if you play Kaplan you gotta choose between merih or samet and it's samet all day long for me he at least had a good game against Georgia, wtf has Merih done so far. So this is more because he doesn't play young guys like Ahmetcan than him loving Samet.


Kaplan is too risky. We got Merih who finished last Euros with a whooping zero points + worst team of the tournament accomplishment. That’s experience right there!


To be fair Altay made a mistake there too, but it was a small mistake compared to Samet’s no look pass under no pressure :)


Altay did not made a mistake. He was getting out of the goal to get close to Ronaldo or he would concede if Cancelo made a good pass.


Not just that, every defender knows that you don't pass back towards your own goal specifically because of positions like that. They're gonna use Samet's own goal as proof to teach young kids how to pass back correctly.


Also you never pass to the goalkeeper without looking at him. Bro made two mistakes at the same moment.


Samet played quite good except the dumb mistake. Which is the story of his career lol. Still he's a good choice considering the roster. Better choice than Merih for sure.


Well "dumb mistake" being an own goal that put us down 2-0 which pretty much killed the game... 1-0 could still have been potentially salvageable. Also, IMO, the first goal he also made a terrible clearance which was basically a perfect pass to an unmarked player who also happened to be one of their biggest threats, right in the middle of the box...


Kaan at CB could also be an option. He can play there


That would be my choice over Merih, and I would still trust Apo over Samet. But the weak link here is Merih not Samet imo.


could be good for buildup play while apo is gone but he can’t defend shit


We are probably the only team that plays with different GKs in each games in the group stage


I’d rather us just play without a striker at this point , bring Arda cf let’s play prime time Barca lol


It's not even a bad idea seeing how good Arda has been at finishing this season. Barış performs better at right wing compared to striker too


I think our squad even favours such a tactic. But we will not see it unfortunately


I like this squad choice tbh. It’s good for defending + counter attacks. I would’ve played Okay for Kaan and Kaplan for Merih but apart from that it’s ok.


New goalkeeper every game? Let’s put Barış in against Austria then


Uğurcan should have started against Portugal tbh, Altay played nearly no game last season and was really shaky and unconfident


Tbh Ugurcan probably lost his place in GK because of the Austria Test Match.


Brave of you to assume we’re getting through to play Austria


Bay at st again man i just can't anymore


Somewhat reasonable squad considering the circumstances but insistently not playing with a proper 9 is going to bite us in the ass. From the looks of it, Montella feels compelled to put Arda on RW, since Hakan is essential for build up play (especially tonight), which causes Arda not playing AMC and Barış Alper stuck being ST. A way out of this dilemma could be cutting either Kenan or Barış Alper but that brings its own problems.


There’s no rule that says we have to play with a striker. Put barış on the RW and Arda at the CAM position.


I think kenan will be the striker??


Arda on the LW?


BAY is a left winger.


It's not a necessity, yes, but we will need phisycality against Czechia. We also have trouble with scoring when we settle in 3rd area and play set offence, so a natural 9 would increase our odds.


I agree, but apartman from Semih no one is a natural 9 in our team. And BAY is much less effective then he normally can be when we stick him st the ST position. Instead of pressuring an 18yo with that huge task, I’d rather play 3 offensive forwards and a good midfield.


Even Semih is not a natural 9, he is better around a true 9 afaik.


Montella might be abandoning the system he has been trying to make work for a while now. He is either moving Hakan to a number 10 and giving him the same role that Orkun had or he changes our tactics. He might for example use all three midfielders as defensive midfielders. Lets say he has Kaan dropping in between cbs and has ismail and Hakan as a double pivot. Creating a 3-2 build up shape. I think it would be good for us since we have been using something resembling a 3-1 shape the extra dm should give us a better rest defense and more passing options in buildup


Not a fan of Hakan on the 10, this limits his passing range imo. Not where he's best


I don't expect him to be high up on the pitch. It should be 4-3-3 with Hakan near the other two. He sucks as a 10 and lineup would be more offensive than i expect.


Same, for years we put him on 10 and he was actually horrible for the NT. The narrative of him being a terrible player for our NT carries from those times and it's still going on. He has evolved into an incredible playmaker from 6, are we moving him to a position where he is worse *and* Arda Güler's best position? And if we wanna still do it, i want to see Orkun at 6. More creativity and kid gets to play his role for once. This team screams i want 0-0 draw from the get go.


For passing range to matter there needs to be pasing options but Montella tells both wingers to stick to the lb/rb and do 1 run in behind per half so you can put Hakan at 6/8/10/2/5 it doesnt matter when they keep the tactics the way they are, especially with not using a striker.


Bro ive been playing futbol my whole life. Ok its not professional and i play cb. And first thing i was taught was NEVER EVER EVER pass the ball directly on net. Always pass it to the sides of the net. Amk this guy is a professional and he forgets that under pressure when the opponent is 30 yards away.


And he still starting🤡🤡


Yup and its causing me to believe the rumors about the one agency that is controlling the team


Senin gibi hocanın amına koyim montella. Bugün yenemezsen çiğ çiğ yiyeceğiz seni


Sokacam Merihine de forvetsizligine de. Ahmetcani neden aldiniz kadroya abi? 3 forvetimizi neden aldiniz kadroya? Salin adamlari tatil yapsinlar bari.


Montella has learned nothing from his mistakes. He will lose tonight if he uses this 11, and he will get us kicked out of the tournament. Stop using Samet and start using Kaplan ffs! Don’t put BAY as a striker but use him on the right (or left if you want to use Kenan as a ST) put Arda on 10 and use Cenk or Semih or Bertug as a striker for fucks sake! Did Bertug lose all his abilities or something? He was an amazing striker last year.


Hakan-x-Arda trio for midfield is a sure way to lose midfield.


Montella will be mortadella after this game 😁


samet bizi utandırmıştı, sıra sende merih


ya da tekrardan samet


This guys a fuckin idiot. Why’s he revealing it? Like bro weren’t you taking a break from Twitter? Why the fuck are you back


This is not a good signal for positive football or any change on tactical mentality that didn’t work in the last game. Made me sad but let’s hope we will see something different on the pitch.


how you going to play Baris Alper over Semih GG. At least him arda and kenan are 18/19 they can player 3 more euros lol


Who keeps leaking our starting elevens btw? I think last few games starting elevens got leaked early aswell, it's embarrassing behaviour from the team or whoever is the leaker.


Baris Alper forvet mi sayin Montella


Bay is not a st man this guys used to play like 8/10 in league and now in the euros he been playin 5-5.5/10 all the games, HE İS NOT A ST


Baris at ST again huh, this coach doesnt learn shit it seems


Oh my freaking goooooodd..ugurcan... We will concede at least 4 goals, I hope in the second half a striker who will be able to 5 goals will be in the game.


Please no more BAY, I can't take it anymore. Also our defense is lacking big time, I don't know how we want to solve the upcoming tasks. Czech Republic is one thing, playing Austria (if we make it that far) is another. /edit: Turns out I should've asked for BAY on the wing. Sorry, BAY!


I don’t understand one thing: you’re down 3-0 against Portugal. Why not try Cenk or Semih? What have you got to lose? BAY has shown in both games he is not efficient at ST. Am I crazy?


Yine mactan 9 saat once bir kadro aciklamasi geldi Yagiz'dan... Kim sizdiriyor buna bu kadrolari ya? Bu arada, 3 macta 3 farkli kaleci :)


Why a double pivot against a defensive team? Or is it a 343


Its 4-3-3


Because our defense is ass and midfield is non existing - so we need to bolster it. The fromt 4 are creative enough our issue is that we leak from the back HARD. The thing i dont het id why not play 1 footballing defender like kaplan


I don’t think there is a front 4 in this formation. Hakan is a deep-lying playmaker, Kaan-İsmail are CMs and front 3 of Kenan-BAY-Arda. Hopefully Arda plays as a false9 type of role while BAY and Kenan on wings/roamers. Kind of like how Real plays with Jude at the front and Vini and Rodrygo on wings.


Arda was best at Fener when the game flows through him. Same at real when modric/kroos got substituted. I dont think he should be false 9, i thibk BAY and Kenan need to switch and stay closr to each other and fill the false 9 and arda needs to fill the other area


Thats what false 9 does though. Lies deeper compared to natural striker to involve in the build up. Wingers cuts inside and move into channels that got emptied by him. Neither Kenan nor BAY can play it because BAY doesn’t have the technical ability nor vision for that and Kenan doesn’t really involve in build up as far as i know. Its harder to do it against 3-man defenses though since they can dedicate 1 central defender to follow false 9 while other 2 safely hold the defensive line.


I agrer with kaplan he could be any worse than samet. I just think that a double pivot while hakan being in front of them loses attacking runs


They aren’t gonna play against us like they played against Portugal. They need the win and they will attack. Double pivot is worrying though, because I’m afraid Montella might be looking for a draw in this game. But on a positive note, no Orkun!


Orkun has been unlucky but still is one of our better midfielders i dont think any other could preform there anyways




Put hakan to 8, put arda to 10 put someone else(irfancan or baris alper) to right wing. And put cenk in front. Finally put kaan to centerback alongside someone else. Its not really that hard


Why doesn’t he prefer ahmetcan kaplan ?


This tournament could have been a time to shine for BAY if he played in his natural position, but no Montella had to ruin it. It is proven to be a bad idea, why he doesn't give up?


Samet ve merih bizi kanser edecek. Kalemizde en az 2 gol görüyorum


7/10 lineup. Not ideal but decent and massive improvement to Portugal game XI.


https://preview.redd.it/jmu60e10jw8d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45fe27e777aa2778dfe5e5778210db54dc63db29 Samet & Merih


I hope that the players have better fitting shoes this time. The constant falling shit against Portugal was so embarrassing 😂


Samet is injured and I hope he stays like that


Boylese umarim Kenan ilerde, BAY solda olur


So someone explain to me why the fuck we tried Altay last week? Sad to see Samet, again, and I wonder how we will play the Hakan, İsmail and Kaan trio... I really would've taken out Kaan and put Okay there if we're going to play Ismail at a more advanced role. And again, BAY as striker DOES NOT WORK


En çok da harika bir sezon geçirmiş olan BAY’ın heba olmasına yanıyorum. Koy şu adamı sağ kanada artık.


Samet senin götüne girsin piç Vincenzo.


I dont understand how Kenan starts over Kerem based on the last 2 games. Why is Baris still starting at ST?


kerem had his moments but kenan was overall better(imo) also kenan has better synergy with ferdi


Tbh I would still rather see Altay than Ugurcan. But both are not in form. And I swear to god, if BAY still plays ST and not RW or LW………


Turning into 4-3-3 is a good decision i think. I’d start Arda up top lying deeper with Kenan and BAY on wings if we are insisting on not starting with a classic 9 but i’m not particularly hopeful for that to happen.


Çeklerin orta sahada ortalama boy 1.90, keşke Okay oynasaydı bunlara karşı ama Ismail-Hakan-Arda yapmadığına dua edelim bence. Portekiz maçının en iyisi Kerem yorgun veya sakat değilse yedek oturması saçmalık. Ve yine Barış forvet. Yani hocayı boşuna eleştirmeyelim diyoruz ama inat ediyor artık.


Okay the Triangle Uğur, Samet & Merih looks too risky... ffs none of our current defenders are better than Ahmetcan Tiger why is the Coach not trying him as Left CB guy is also leftfooted like Abokerim And again no classical striker on the pitch... Cenk is a bit washed out okay but not Semih & Bertuğ two different type of strikers but both physical wanna see this guys uff instead trying BAY again on the 9 which failed brutally in the last 2 Matches or he is using Arda as a false 9 and let Bay Kenan on the Wings this could work !