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Bro BAY striker AGAIN? Wtf


Nah, i think he will play RW. Most likely Arda as a F9 again or something like that. We are playing like a 4-6-0


Arda had his worst game out of the 3 games when he was playing at F9. …


But BAY had his best. Ardas position wasn’t even the problem tho, he just played really bad with bad decisions. Other than that he had quite some time on the ball and opportunities, he just couldn’t or didn’t use them that day unfortunately


Exactly. If Arda made the decisions he usually does Montella would look like a genius and we would roll over Czechia. It was unlucky but doesnt mean plan was wrong.


The Big thing here is, addition by subtraction is what we should seek. Yes Cenk or Bertug might be shit, but use that to enable BAY as RW and Arda as CAM and Orkun far far away from the team. Like worst case, that striker we would play would be missing open sitters, but we would produce much more with Arda behind them and BAY on RW.


His position effects his decision making tho.


Naahhh, he should still be able to decide if he wants to pass or shoot or dribble further Or what do you mean?


It’s not that easy. Game happens fast, and he’s used to getting on the ball in a different part of the pitch.


Nah, he was tryinf to play further away from oppponents which probably has something to do with his injury. That affected him a lot.




In an old FM save I had Man Utd bought Arda from FB and played him as a F9 in 3-4-2-1 with Endrick and Bruno Fernandes behind him. He had a nice career there, had around 25+ g/a per season with usually more assists than goals. won the EPL twice and UCL once in 7-8 years. So whenever I see Arda at ST I start thinking it's a good idea lol.


I mean he can play that position imo, but we need offensive and good wingers in that case that invert into the middle


I think the plan is to use BAY and Kenan as forwards for Arda to feed, Ferdi and Mert as offensive wingbacks that use the line, and midfield for defensive presence. Especially Kaan voming back betwen defenders to create a pseudo-3atb. A very aggressive and fun plan on paper. Didn't work that well for us yet but I like the idea honestly.


Yea, lets see how it works out. I don’t have anything against that tactic, it is to our strengths right now imo


Same. As long as Arda is CAM and not F9 its my favorite way to play.


didnt you hear football genius nutella is playing with no striker - 4 6 0


Cenk will get subbed on the last 30 minutes


It's ironic that one of the best Italian forwards of his generation is playing without a real forward.


Aykut Kocaman - great goalscorer, defensive manager Şenol Güneş - great goalkeeper, attacking manager


I feel like some Mortadella 😂


No Arda will play striker like the last game.


Why don't we just play Kenan at 9?


Fuck the back seat coaches. Let's Gooooo Turkiye! It's time for vibes.


It's never been about enjoying this for them, just being right and getting to say "aha told you" to 50 people in a message forum. This is the most fun international tourney we've had since 2008, the future is bright.


This tournament has got me hyped up for 2026 + 2028. If they don't fuck up the mentality of this younger generation that is coming up we are looking at an incredible national team come World Cup time.




It says muhtemel, not official


Get Kaan & Orkun outta there put my Boy Okay instead and pull Arda on ATM , Kenan on 9 , Kerem on LW & BAY on RW and let them dominate Auuuwwstria


I like these ideas.


let him cook guys


Kenan wasn't that good last match, I really don't get why he is not trying to start with Semih. Boy is zippy can create good chances after 60 he can sub him and bring Tosun for the last 30.


I love Semih but it’s too late to experiment with that now. He gave him 45 mins of football in a friendly as a starter and it didn’t work (not putting that blame on Semih). I think Semih could be impactful as a sub though where he already has a read on the game.


Not saying Semih should start but it didn't work because Montella used him the wrong way, just like he used BAY the wrong way in the first 2 games.


What he did to Semih since March should be illegal. How do you have someone so talented yet you treat him like the black sheep. He wouldnt have invited him in June btw if he didnt get the backlash the first time.


Agree. Major loss for this tournament. I just think it might be a bit too late now to experiment like that and wouldn’t be fair on Semih either. But I can see a sub situation working


For sure. The Portugal game when we were 3-0 down with 30 mins to go was perfect. Instead of risking injury to Arda it should have been Semih coming on to gain some minutes. Not like we were going to turn that game around anyways.


Montella taking risks today. Either he's gonna get slammed, or called a genius today. Let's see.


We dont have a proper striker people are over reacting. Cenk scores at 93th minutes against a full risk taking Czechia after struggling do any little thing for 10 minutes and people are like "thats what happens when you have a striker, you score instantly". I dont buy it. If we were to start with Cenk and or any other striker we have in the squad they will turned into ghosts in that match in between 3 CB and 3 DM defending all game. Instead of going for something that would never work at least I would prefer to try to keep more possession with and also get as much as talent I can have upfront. Like Arda as false 9. He doesn't have many qualities to play as a false 9 but he got talent and he will be more of a threat to opposing team than Cenk or Semih or any other player.


You're right about Cenk but we've also seen that the false 9 experiment with Arda doesn't work. Maybe it's a diamond 442 with BAY and Kenan running into the box and Arda delivering the passes, i would rather have that than the same shit he tried in the group phase.


THATS What's supposed to happen. Arda should be a CAM, not a F9. Exactly as you described.


Anyone who thinks Cenk was good at last game is delusional. Yes, i am aware that he scored but he also can’t even run and he failed the other one because he is not in shape. But we shouldn’t play a possession game against Austria and we definitely shouldn’t try to play out from the back. We need to use long balls to progress the ball and Cenk, even when he is suck, is much better at collecting those against CBs compared to rest of our squad.


If you cant create chances then the best luck is either counter attacks or ball crossing which is way more useful when you have a striker


Really don’t understand how everyone is so quick to write off Semih. People were drooling over him just two months ago. You might speculate he will be ineffective at this level, but deciding he’s a zero is bizarre.


man he doesnt learn from his mistakes at all does he


Arda will play in front. This is according to Socrates' program Guten Tag. The players are exactly the same. Except it is Okay instead of Kaan.


Arda will be F9 and BAY RW but i would still prefer to have a target man upfront to flick on passes and long balls and provide a passing station. But lets see what happens


Even though it says barış as striker i'm %100 sure he will play at rw and arda f9


Hadi o kadar maç kördün. Daha 3 gün önce çocuk sağ tarafı otoban yaptı sen gene gidip bunu forvete koyarsan Nutella gibi 77 sülalene söveriz burada.


I just want us to put up a good fight and not give up and lower the sails. Fucking fight until the end whistle! No one is really expecting a win. Stop arguing about the squad and enjoy the show you whiny little bitches.


topa sahip olmaya çalışmak sıkıntı yaratabilir


He wont learn.




Hakan is suspended due to yellow cards


Why nog play Okay, Kaan, Ismael and let the front 3 vibezz


He better be cookin in traning


We MUST have at least one soyboy in the midfield.


+ Samet


Amk bok mu var Arda 10, sağda BAY, solda Kenan, önde Forvet


I'm convinced that playing without Hakan is going to be hard. Especially with Orkun on board, he makes so many dribbling and through pass tries yet is nowhere near a useful 8. Both Kaan and Ismail are hyper defensive so it's going to be a weird game. Might see Arda take up CAM and the team shape up as 4-2-3-1 for a onetime tactic.


We need to put faith in Montella. He got us this far, whatever line up he goes with we need to respect it. The criticism can come once the tournament finishes. Let him cook for now!


Enis unali aradigimiz dakikalardayiz


Sirf turnuva icin Bournemouth’a gitti 3 hafta kala cok talihsiz sakatlandi kardesim benim


I like the squad, though I would have preferred having Salih instead of Kaan, for the fact that him and ismail seem to have good chemistry.


4-6-0 Arda sahte dokuz Barış kanat gibi görünüyor. Kaan ve Orkun ikilisini görmek lazım.


I think we are gonna get battered without hakan and a real striker.


göte bala kaldık gene desenize xD


Can montella be autistic?


Would have been a pleasant surprise to see Okay starting instead of Merih but what can you expect from Montella


Merih was decent so far


Bro, okay, isn't a centre back.


mb the weathers too hot for me to think


Kenan? What has he done other than dribblling endlessly and shooting at defenders. Baris striker? Again? He can create out of nothing at RW and yet not being played there. Kaan over Okay? Orkun was expected but also not logical. He doesn’t do anything at NT other than random long shot goals.


I’m starting to think that no one actually watch matches. Do you think Baris played as a striker last match with the same trio up front?


It's actually mind boggling when people unironically think that he played as a forward. He was literally hugging the sideline for the whole game.


Then it is worse. Means Arda is F9. I would rather have Baris as striker than Arda as F9.


Apart from the 15 min with Cenk last game, I don't think we've ever played with a striker position in the EUROs (including the qualification games). IIRC he has always played the top man as a F9, including BAY.


Luckily you are not the coach. Baris as a striker is useless and gets gobbled up by CBs because he doesn’t have enough space to use his speed and gets bullied. Since his biggest strength is being able to bully backs on open field and we saw that doesn’t work in the both matches he played. And he doesn’t have the technicals to come deep and play from there and its again not suited to his strengths on the pitch. Arda is better at tight spaces compared to him and he can play from a deeper position. And before you say that his worst match was the last one, Arda wasn’t particularly against Georgia either but once someone scores everything gets forgotten. Him missing the chance against Czechia has nothing to with what position he plays, it was a bad day for him.


I think to stand a chance we really need Yuksek to perform to the level he performed against Croatia. When i see this line up i got to give montella some credit, half those players are shit. Guy was reduced to playing a 10k per week winger as a striker for nearly 3 games. I don't think any other serious team in the tournament had to do that. So if their able to win this, then Montella has pulled of a miracle, if they lose i wouldnt be too harsh on montella, what's available isnt that good.


wasnt orkun more like an 8? we tried to used him on 10 but it went hoooorrible. i think ismail orkun duo would be good for this match because hakan is cezalı