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We should all be worried. Shark populations are actually up 200% this year. Best to steer clear of the water.


You’re absolutely right. Anyone want to buy 4 boards?


I’d take a performance fish, and a fun shape.


Must depend on how you calculate it. I heard it was up 300%


It's an election year, so lots of Russian sharks and billionaire shark donors stirring things up. Best to stay out of the water until Nov.


Water's heating up and El Nino has currents doing different stuff. Sharks live in the ocean and more people in the water + more cameras and media access means more reports and dissemination of that information.


surfing isn't safe, quit while you still can OP


Better stay outta the water then, mate


I’m not ur mate, mate


Whatever you say, mate


Check, mate


G'day mate


Lot of shark attacks lately. Do you notice that? A lot of shark… I watched some guys justifying it today. “Well, they weren’t really that angry. They bit off the young lady’s leg because of the fact that they were not hungry, but they misunderstood who she was.” These people are crazy. He said, “There’s no problem with sharks. They just didn’t really understand a young woman swimming now who really got decimated and other people too,” a lot of shark attacks.


This is the distillation of how absurd and delusional that guy is. It’s a scientific consensus that juvenile white sharks mistake swimmers for food. There’s no agenda, there’s no secret plan, nothing. That person knows nothing about sharks, yet because they disagree or whatever, they determine that it isn’t the case. They don’t want it to be that way, so for them it isn’t. It’s easy to point to exactly this example to explain why misinformation and disinformation runs rampant and can be harmful. Similar to flat earth, it’s not that I think flat earth is a dangerous conspiracy, but the fact that a real person can’t believe something is the way it is means they’re more susceptible to other conspiracies and untruths. One of many sources, you’ll find many more: [https://abcnews.go.com/US/baby-white-sharks-difference-humans-seals-study/story?id=80770680](https://abcnews.go.com/US/baby-white-sharks-difference-humans-seals-study/story?id=80770680)


You know what I’d do if there was a shark or you get electrocuted? I’ll take electrocution every single time. I’m not getting near the shark.


You only need to worry if [your boat sinks because of its weight and you have this tremendously powerful battery and the battery's underwater, and there's a shark that's approximately 10 yards over there. ](https://youtu.be/bMNMt5FdVwg)


That is still just a hypothesis. Marine mammals aren't the food for juvenile white sharks, it's been becoming more generally accepted that they bite due to inquisitive nature not mistaken identity. That was the thought for the last 20 or so years but it's starting to become generally accepted by the scientific community that sharks bite because they are curious. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/368719816_CommentsReflections_Special_Issue_on_Elasmobranch_cognition_The_%27Mistaken_Identity_Hypothesis%27_for_shark_bites_on_humans_is_an_anthropomorphic_fallacy


I appreciate the clarification. I’m not trying to split hairs. I’m no marine biologist, but I understand that they don’t bite humans because they’re bloodthirsty Jaws creatures. I defer to the experts, who spend their lives studying these fascinating and ancient creatures. But to have that jamoke cast doubt with no evidence or actual knowledge, that’s my issue. There is nuance to what I said and to what you said: mistaken for food vs being curious. Two sides of the same ”they’re not bloodthirsty Jaws monsters” coin in my opinion.


Yeah it's all nuanced. Sometimes a full grown great white WILL mistake someone for a marine mammals and hit them like a Mac truck. Sometimes sharks are sick and hungry and will straight up just eat people. Too much goes on and even biologists themselves admit that they really know jack shit about sharks


Not sure about sharks, but seals have been assholes lately.


I waved at a big'ol seal on Tuesday, who was about 15 feet from me. It looked at me confused for a moment and then left me alone.


It probably didn't fucking know ~~what you waving at it meant~~ you are a way better waterman than it


I is lake of Mexico surfer. Peniscola to be exact. Bull sharks are always stupid aggressive here. The latest attacks are simply that it's early summer. Bait is everywhere in the water. Plus dummy tourists and locals love shark fishing from beaches for the gram. Hurr durr. I am in the water everyday. Nothing is different this year here. It's been lively. Great fishing lately. Just sharks being sharks


Yeah Shark Tank has really gone down hill lately, no idea whats up with them. No way you're gonna find the next billion dollar deal by biting surfers in the Gulf.


they're pissed


Avoid worrying this weekend by surfing only on weekdays.


There are sharks in the ocean


It feels like a network of shark-watching drones could be in our future. We just need Surfline, some benevolent billionaires, and me as the CEO of this thing and we could all surf in peace! DM for investment details.


Sharks be swimming


The advent of the internet brought forth a new way of the immediate processing of information.


It’s the time of the year where shark activity ramps up. It’s seasonal and happens every year




Are they statistically up? I mean it seems plausible with changing temperatures and all. I just haven’t seen anyone make that claim.


Do you worry you might win when you play the lottery?


Maybe the Orcas are tired of f'ing with humans and called in the reserves?


NSB ocean puppies are always out to play 🦈


you're 100000% more likely to die on the way to the beach in a car accident then ever have a shark incident, quit letting the media dictate your emotions.


I agree with you on the whole but stuff like this is always apples to oranges. First thing is that cars, even in accidents are super stout and full of safety aids. Second, the number should be compared per capita to people that are out in the ocean recreationally.


The numbers should be compared to the number of shark attacks / sittings from years prior. I know attacks are low probability but I’m curious if there is actually a measurable increase. Beaches were literally closed like 3 weeks ago here and then a guy got bit the following week a few miles south so it’s not some sort of media conspiracy.


> The numbers should be compared to the number of shark attacks / sittings from years prior You're right. I was just replying to the specific post itself. If I were you, I'd just surf at more crowded breaks were chances are lower for a bit or just take a break. I usually stop surfing at a break that has seen a shark sighting/attack for a bit. I'll look into reasons why it's sharky and make a determination based on that.