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Highlight of the episode was Hunter grabbing whoever’s ankle when they were diving over the barrel to work off that momentum so they both went. That was fucking cool.


He just dominated that entire challenge... then probably went back and laid in that bed he made. We won't get to see though cause it was all Bhanu tears. Regardless, Hunter is a beast....


Hunter laying in his bed next to randen getting med evaced due to the bamboo he was sleeping on


Even that was meta. He saw what happened to Randen and didn’t want to risk that happening to himself, however unlikely. So he safeguarded himself by building a damn bed and pretended it was made for comfort.


Didn't he build the bed before Randons injury? I'm pretty sure he did. Because it edited straight from him talking to the doctor to the challenge, and we already saw Hunters challenge room at home when he was dominating.


I think it would have been after - Hunter was making the bed during the day and Randen's injury would have happened the night before - the show didn't tell us about his injury until after Hunter was making the bed though. At least I think that's the timeline that makes sense.


I literally said Wow a half second before Jeff. I was so impressed and instantly became a Hunter fan


yeah was a little weird that jeff gave tevin the credit for that, hunter sent tevin flying and held on to use the momentum


he's a good scout.


I was literally saying that was the way to get over that log. As someone got over you hold on and pull yourself over then the next person holds on to you.


I was waiting for someone to realize that's how you do that challenge (hopefully without any pulled joints)


I’m happy he did that because I was yelling at my TV “grab their ankles”. Lol


the problem is that he is going to stand out so hard in this unathletic era, he will be like Jonathan, hope he makes it far.


I got irrationally upset when Venus said he was the basic jacked guy every season. I was like, are you serious? He looks like a normal guy to me. Jacked compared to every bread basket they cast now.


He’s 2024 jacked 🤪 which is to say he’s physically capable and has at least one (1) muscle


That's just your typical response from the classic Parvati gal every season, am I right?


Her response was more nuanced than that. She was commenting on how the typical outdoorsy person often plays up that aspect of themselves to lower their threat level and that she was seeing through the facade.


Survivor: Poindexter Era


Starring: Liz!!


OMG. she just gets on my nerves lol


I think it was Tevin. *Very* cool moment, honestly might be the coolest since Jonathan in the ocean


Hunter needs to win.


Hunter is a total babe.


His parents probably told his sister “you just HAD to get him to sub for you”. 😆 A full ride to medical school?! But good for him. The world needs more teachers in general and teachers like him in particular. I was cackling at him using survivor puzzles to teach his students and having a huge stash in his garbage.


A great science teacher and a good doctor are both wins for society so we’re good either way. But maybe the doctor route is better for Hunter’s wallet.


Winning a million dollars would help his wallet a lot. LOL.


He might have a good shot because nobody, except maybe Venus, seems to realize he is a strategic threat and possibly the smartest guy on the island.


I hope so. It's rare to find physical ability and active brain cells during food deprivation, etc. In one person. Also, he seems like a genuinely nice person.


That's the reason the purple tribe can't win immunity. The other tribes has at least one person that can go that extra mile in challenges.


Bhanu crying - does not rock


I was hoping he would be going anyway and it would be 2-players down episode. This guy is just unbearable.


I was already annoyed last week when I knew he was the next boot and was gonna have to watch another episode of this guy crying and being generally terrible at survivor. Now I have to watch ANOTHER one🙄


TBH I would not be surprised if he went deep... :D This kind of people is usually dragged, because others feel they can use them. He is already seen by both Q and Tiffany as goat.


Agreed. I almost turned the episode off so I didn't have to see any more whining from Bhanu. I'd rather read the recap than see him be over dramatic.


Yep I was pretty annoyed when Jeff popped out of the trees to tell them because he absolutely could have made them still vote someone out.


He's seriously just a waste of a slot. He seems like a genuinely nice dude, but holy shit can he NOT play this game!


I’m so sick of the constant sob story


I looked up from what I was doing at one point and it looked like Hunter was physically carrying Venus through the water, and it was just like "oh okay I guess that works"


This definitely happened.


That girl has no weight to lose on the island. I don't understand how she is physically going to make it.


Courtney Yates would like a word


....but nobody LISTENS to her \~ !!!!!


Unfortunately, I think the editors didn’t have much to work with. There wasn’t any strategizing going on at Vanu. We get a journey that seals Bahnus fate. We get a medical evacuation. With Vanu losing,they couldn’t avoid showing us what was going on a camp, so they were stuck with giving us Bahnus tearful goodbye episode only to switch it with a medical evacuation.


Exactly this. When’s the last time we got a “FOUR DAYS AGO” storyline? In hindsight it was clearly meant to just fill time. Bhanu going on the journey combined with no tribal that night really didn’t give them much to work with.


I don't get the Venus hate on this sub lol. Fully agree with OP tho, Bhanu crying every scene is too much.


I like how Venus hates everyone and everything. I hope she and Bhanu both go far to bring maximum chaos


Same; she reminds me a little of Courtney, and I've been just dying for a Courtney-like player. She's my fave this season 💕


She’s nowhere near as funny as Courtney


I mean really nobody is as funny as Courtney, but I appreciate that Venus kind of hates everyone still.


Venus is great for Survivor. I do understand the hate, because frankly she’s kind of a b****, but that’s what this show needs sometimes. A bunch of super nice, happy to be there people do not make for interesting interpersonal dynamics


I don’t get it either. I love her, and I’m always holding my breath during challenges hoping Nami doesn’t lose. After Hunter’s scenes with him bragging about how smart he is, but he’s going to cover that up and distract people with helping around camp… then it goes straight to her saying she doesn’t buy his act, I died lol.


I actually like Venus. She is observant, smart (and cute). I think she can good chances to go deep (or even win), if she manages to survive until swap.


She is the only one who figured out that Hunter is the outlier this season.


I didn’t either prior to this episode but as a Hunter fan… I’m hating. Not sure what sense it would make to go after Hunter. She’s too busy worrying about end game when she should be making friends with Hunter.


I mean, she called that Hunter is a much bigger threat than he was letting on and he kind of accidentally revealed his power level during the challenge. I agree that she should have been considering trying to make friends with him, but the conversation was also only had between her and who she considered her main ally, so it's not like she burned the chance of that happening.


Yeah, i didn't know calling a threat a threat while strategizing with an ally is grounds for being a villain. Imo, no one has crossed that "villain" line yet. If they really wanted to make Venus a villain, they easily would've focused the edit on her just complaining about everyone for no reason. But instead they made sure to add clips of Tevin rolling his eyes on her and a flash footage of Soda grabbing the idol from her, to hammer down her perspective. If anything her edit by far is the most nuanced in that group.


You are critiquing her game for realizing a potential threats. You are criticizing her having a good read. If anything it showed that she is very aware. She clocked that both Tevin and Hunter have the capability of being really big players in the game, which is true. All she has showed is having a really good read on people. Saying you need to keep an eye on, or potentially vote out a player you recognize as a threat and who has no use for you is a really good reason to vote someone out. She isn't busy worrying about end game, she is concerned that Hunter and Tevin will be able to get a strong handle on the tribe, and if they do they will be really hard to get out later.


I mean, it's the same logic as going after Hunter (coincidentally) in Survivor: Marquesas. Even if someone is an asset to the tribe, if they're not in your alliance it can be worth it to eliminate them when you have the chance.


She is worrying about her current status.... Its one thing if they were allies. Ala Sabiyah going for Kaleb. But they aren't allies. She correctly identified the people that has the most power and said people don't really care much for her.


> Not sure what sense it would make to go after Hunter. Hey you know only one person can win Survivor right?


I don’t know how many more weeks of Bhanu’s histrionics I can watch. Praying he goes next week.


Since he got saved this week, it makes you wonder how much Bhanu we are going to get in the episode he actually does go.


One of my favorites was medevaced today. I am dissapointed.


Yeah, I wanted him and Venus's unconventional alliance to bulldoze the competition. Their dynamic alone would've been so interesting to explore since their partnership was born out of necessity, not kumbaya.


I really loved the brief interaction of them borderline insulting each other while talking strategy


Literally one of the only people I was rooting for lmao. This season is cursed so far.


Bruce treatment please and thank you.


Maybe wait a couple of seasons instead of throwing him back in right away.


Had him in my fantasy league 😭😭


I have no clue if Bhanu is this cringe or just playing...buddy you ain't winning this heart.


Dude seriously acts like he'd sit down in the middle of a crosswalk when the WALK symbol changes to DONT WALK.


Okay this is an incredible comparison, Jeff would love you at tribal


Goin for that Sia money


Sia ain’t that naive. I hope…


Aw nah, I think he really is genuine


you can be genuine and still have weird personality defects. His ambition to win 1 million hearts is too self-aware and borders on narcissistic. You win one million hearts by being a good guy not by talking about how you want to be seen as a good guy...


the guy has no self respec, you dont win hearts by saying you are going to win them. you just do.


Genuine but also very unbridled


It seems pretty clear that he attempts to use his emotion to manipulate people. Like when he was talking to Tiff and crying about going home, trying to tell her that he sees her like a sister. I don't know if you've seen it, but it reminds me of the quote in Netflix's Mindhunter where Holden is talking about a suspect crying during an interrogation and how he could tell that he was trying to manipulate them because he didn't feel sad or bad for the suspect when he saw him crying, he just felt like he wanted him to stop.


this is so true! the entire episode my boyfriend and i were just cringing so hard. he's such an energetic suck and it's really manipulative. i know im taking this waaaay too serious, but jesus does he make my blood boilllllll


I don’t think he is intentionally trying to manipulate people with his emotions, I think he just has very intense emotions and doesn’t know how to control them. I definitely wonder if he is always like that or if the week with no food or fire is making him extra paranoid and loopy.


It can be both. Like a toddler obviously doesn't have great control over their emotions and feel them very intensely, but it's still very common for a toddler to figure out that when they cry they're more likely to get their way and use that to their advantage 


how is this dude so mentally weak, they told him dont go telling the other tribe our shit, what does he do? he tells them everything for free, gets 0 info back, loses his vote, doesnt tell his tribe, pisses everyone off begging till jeff comes in...


I guess there are people who find Bhanu entertaining, so I can't say that he was objectively bad casting. But I am not one of those people.


His tribal council meltdowns in the prior 2 episodes were hilarious. But this episode he was just a depressed guy who was constantly crying because he knew he was screwed. And quite frankly I don't understand why the editors decided the first 10 minutes of the episode had to be focused entirely on the purple tribe and Bhanu when there's 12 other people to show.


TBF that’s usually the “post night before tribal” slot. We definitely didn’t need so much Bhanu for the whole episode especially when Randen is getting pulled. They did him dirty TBH. It was The Bhanu Show for 60 minutes then “oh btw Randen is getting pulled”


They sure as hell could edit it a little less painfully


imagine that they cant, dude cried in probably every episode so far. and what is with the crying on this season? the show is literally called SURVIVOR and you got the weakest fucking people out here crying their hearts out day 7. it didnt even hit the hard part yet where you need to lie to your allies.


Omg I’m so glad someone else is thinking this


Does anyone else find this cast very unlikeable? I’m struggling to find someone to root for. But the ones getting all the airtime are just not doing it for me.


Hunter is pretty cool, he had me with hating on campfire songs, then he pulled that sweet twofer move over the log thing and absolutely housed the sandbags. Dude’s awesome


Also the sneak peak inside his house had me floored. We always fantasize about recreating our own challenges but this guy could probably make his own show if he wanted. Eat your heart out, Carson.


Plus he constructed a bed out of boredom this episode? Big flex!


Hunter is one to look at this season. A very smart guy, but we will have to see if that translates to social game later on.


Having three tribes and only getting to know the worst one makes it hard to connect with or root for anyone, definitely.


THIS THIS THIS, bingo, i think we found the reason. we get so much facetime with the people everyone likes the least over there.


Metallica Guy…and not even that much…and it is because I am a metalhead…


I don't connect with him tbh. It feels like he's performing and playing a character most of the time. (Ex. the canned Nicolas Cage jokes..)


Yeah he’s got far too much “epic bacon guy” energy


You might say he does not rock


lets see how he does deeper in, i feel like his energy isnt sustainable out there and will get annoying quick.


I definitely feel this issue so far, while I don't hate anyone I'm struggling to care about most of them. Q and Tiffany for example just gives me a "meh" feeling, like yeah they're there, but I don't feel like I have a reason to care about them. I like Kenzie a bit, but I wouldn't be too sad if she got voted out. 4 out of 6 of the green tribe just feel like nobodies to me because they've gotten so little airtime/focus in most of the episodes. And one of the only 2 people I care about on the orange tribe just got medevaced.


A tribe swap from 3 tribes to 2 needs to happen on episode 3 if one tribe loses the first two immunity challenges, or at least at some point. 3 6 person tribes are boring as shit.


The 3 tribe format is the worst. I can't believe that production can't see it. The audience doesn't get to know anyone anymore because everything is so piecemeal.


What if I told you they know and just don't care?


jeff knows best /s


Yup. I don’t feel like I’m rooting for a single one of them thus far.


the rock n roll dude’s alright


Tbh I'm so happy there's more unlikable people and villains. In other new era seasons like 44, almost everybody is just generic and nice. I do wish there were a couple more rootable people this season, but I'm enjoying watching the unlikable people


This is definitely one of the most insufferable casts that I can think of. So many people yelling and freaking out during episode 2's challenge, that alone made me dislike the vast majority of the cast. Plus you have a bunch of viewers trying to justify how unlikable they are by saying that we finally got new "villians and now we're complaining about them." Being unlikable doesn't automatically make you a villain, a lot of these people are unlikable because of how super fake they are. They act like they're all righteous and nice people, but then behave like bullies.


Hunter is cool, green tribe is getting purpled, and I wish purple tribe was getting purpled. That's about the totality of it. It's a fairly unlikable cast thus far. The edit seems to want us to hate nearly everyone.


YESSS. I generally on all survivor seasons easily find people I like, and so far don’t like anyone on this cast.


What made the episode more frustrating is that Bhanu didn't even go home. If I was Randen I'd be livid if my elimination episode was highlighted completely by this other guy crying for 30 minutes


This season has been off to a really really rough start


I thought the first episode was actually really strong, we got to know a decent amount of the cast and Jelinsky's rapid downfall made for a fun one-episode arc. Episodes two and three have been absolutely dire.


Honestly I found it to be kinda the opposite. The first ep was boring except Jelinsky, and the next two eps had way more conflict and drama and villains (especially ep 2)


why dont u like venus lol how is she a villain


Venus is really bad at describing her observations, she saw through Hunters happy go lucky act but could not for the life of her describe that in any way.


“I’m not seeing your perspective.” “My perspective is that I’m not blind.”


how to make friends and influence people, insult them when they inquire about your game XD


yeah she's done some like mildly questionable things or said some stuff i personally wouldnt have, but idk about her being a villain YET. she got dogged on pretty unfairly early on but she could play a better social game imo


IDK what time think of her TBH she should be dominating the social game with her call outs but she is just so awkward she blows up her own game.


I think she just exudes villain qualities but they’re trying to give her an underdog arc. Case in point last week there was a secret scene that showed a fight between her and Tevin where she was in the wrong yet that was cut for the silly but very useless music naming scene on the green tribe.


Im going to be honest she just seems like she is struggling because she was put on a tribe that did not gel around her. Like if you are young pretty person in your 20s you have gotten use to daily pretty people privilege in your life. That's tough when that is snatched away from you. And that is why she is having such a hard time socially on her tribe.


She's not a villain. If the beginning of this season has taught me anything, it's that r/survivor really struggles with the distinction between "a villain" and "an abrasive personality".


Her filter is terrible. She should be saying this stuff in confessional, not out in the open. Her pain was real and valid and her observations about Hunter eventually being a threat to win in the new era were good. But why would you bring up your pain when everyone is celebrating? Why would you ask someone to go after the guy winning you challenges so early on? Just talk about this stuff in confessional while you build up your trust with everyone.


The guy carrying us (the tribe is awful), feeding us, building us things, making sure we live, yeah he’s got to go.


She’s stuck up and plays the victim card way too often


I’d rather watch a train wreck like Bhanu than a boring gamebot 😭


Yeah he's definitely not a gamebot. Dude is spiralling hard. His eyes are practically vibrating in some scenes lol.


Right? At least we’ve got a weird new flavor in the mix 😂


Gamebot?? What, like someone who gave up a full scholarship to medical school in order to train a mini army of survivors to practice his game play with?


Hunter's a sweet and interesting guy, but doesn't make as good TV as Bhanu imo. It's so interesting seeing Bhanu's internal conflict, the way he interacts with others, and how he is with his emotions. Whereas Hunter seems like a nice dude who won't have much conflict.


I mean, I was done with Bhanu by the end. He isn't even an entertaining train wreck. He is just a fucking mess. Its like just put the guy out of his fucking misery already


difference between caroline and this guy, one is chaos trainwreck and the other is just sad trainwreck


I liked it a good amount, although I did wish they went to TC. I think Bhanu is toast and it’s a matter of when, not if. Which means it’s probably next episode he goes, because Yanu is a disaster. I think Bhanu is great TV and he’s getting the same reaction every big, loud, strategically inept character ever gets. He’s a lot, but I enjoy his unique, remarkable reactions to everything. His confessionals are really memorable and he steals scenes. If you don’t want to see loud, emotional players, then yeah Bhanu won’t be for you. But for me he’s gold - he’s the exact opposite of a boring gamebot. He’s the J’tia any season needs out of the gate. And he just spilled the tribe rice to the entire cast.


Hey man happy to see you around


Hiii peridiam big fan love ur videos lol


I was digging Bhanu as a breath of fresh air until this episode where they overexposed him, I don't want to kick a guy when he's down, but I swear it feels like he cried more in these ninety minutes than in the last two hour-long episodes combined, and I can only take so much of seeing a man in misery with no solutions.


Was sadly predictable due to timing. Siga is still nothing past the vibe tribe. It's now venus vs 4 (or wherever Liz stands) and Yanu is a mess, but maybe this is their bounce back. I get why it's done, but a medical issue pre-challenge, then used as a boot episode because the ruling comes post immunity challenge sucks. Makes me alarmed there are more issues.


What is there to hate about Venus? She is an unusual underdog and I love the storyline they’re building for her.


So Bhanu: 1. Cries and feels bad if he tells a lie 2. Isn’t physically strong 3. Freezes up at any stress 4. Gives up information like he can write it off on his taxes 5. Doesn’t want to win the million dollars Why did he choose to be on this show???


I didn’t think there could be a worse player than Brandon, I was wrong. Bhanu is…awful.


At least Brandon tried socially. He was just kinda a mess in the challenges and he can actually reflect on himself. Hell i was even kinda rooting for the guy because at least he is likeable. Bhanu is just a mess in every way possible and I don't know how anyone can really be rooting for the dude.


I was entertained. I had fun watching it.


Not a great episode of Survivor gameplay, but I literally fell off my couch laughing. Not what keeps me coming back to Survivor, but a hilarious episode like this is okay every once in a while.


This season has so much personality. I don’t care if they all suck at strategy. I watch for the people and their quirks. So far it’s been all quirks and I’m loving it.


I hate that they cast people like Bhanu tbh


This game is clearly not for Bhanu


Dude does not have a strategic bone in his body and he cannot lie to save his life. Both qualities that you really really need to actually properly compete in this game.


Dude loves SURVIVOR. It's unrequited.


Someone like Bhanu is really fun only if they leave in like two episodes or if they're a background character like Sifu was. When the show turns into "watch Bhanu hoot and holler for 90 minutes" it really sucks. Bhanu would be good if he were a) just around for a couple funny moments every episode, and b) an interesting variable to play around because he's such a wildcard. Instead, they made the Bhanu episode, lol.


Aussie survivor has made this season of us survivor, rather boring to me. Bhanu is just annoying. Far too emotional.


Yeah I’m glad Australia Survivor has been here to pick up the pieces. Every single person on that show has a likable personality. US Survivor is really falling off the wagon. 


US Survivor has done that on its own unfortunately.


Too much Bhanu


Bhanu legitimately seems unwell and unfit for this game. He's not all there, something is off with him.










wtf did I just watch


choices were made in this episode, i'll leave it at that. For the producers Bhanu is tv gold because he's actually playing up to it. I wince and cringe so fucking hard at every bhanu scene because i grew up with people exactly like this in India.


Totally agree. To me, Bhanu seems like a person who does not have the mental and emotional resources to handle being in this environment, on a TV production, and the show hinging almost two whole episodes now on the “entertainment value” of his emotional deterioration is giving me the ick. I love a kooky character with big reactions and wild takes, but this just feels different to me. I was nervous and in suspense watching the challenge today not because the challenge was particularly exciting, but because I just REALLY didn’t want to watch another 45 minutes of Yanu (Bhanu having a breakdown, the others going around and around about how much he sucks and they can’t wait to vote him out, etc.) in the event that they lost again. This season is just not doing it for me.


Bhanu is insufferable, which means the editors are absolutely in love with him and will shove him down our throats whenever possible...


It was a mess. But it was entertaining. Bhanus is just wild and I almost hope to see more of him because it’s fascinating to watch this guy. Also want less Kenzie, I know everyone wants a villain but something about her personality gives me the ick. Constantly putting other people down, while having a facade of being super sweet. Like wasn’t she kissing Bhanus hand in one shot of her?! Ugh, brings me back to high school.


Kenzie cannot turn the villain voice off, Q picked that up fast and more people will do the same post merge.


Given Bhanu basically told the entire island that she's a "mastermind" I'm guessing it won't take a lot of work for people to pick it up


Kenzie has insanely beautiful eyes (even when she hasn’t cried.) I can see how easy it can be for her to charm people.


Omfg that “are my eyes blue?? I’ve been told that my eyes get really blue when I cry”. That made me cringe so hard, who tf says that it sounded so pick me


Honestly Q having this much strategy was not in my pre-game bingo card. It's not all great strategy, but I think he's 100% right to want to keep Bhanu over Kenzie. The fact (at least per the edit) that Tiffany only got that realization from Q surprises me too.


I think keeping Bhanu is a baddd idea. He would be a pawn and vote number but he’s a terrible alliance member. He cannot keep his own secrets not to mention anybody else’s. You could never rely on him or tell him anything. Kenzie will do whatever she thinks is smartest and is going to work with anyone that can provide her that. Keeping a strong alliance that she’s already established is a good move if they can hold it together and would benefit the other two greater than anything Bhanu could provide.


Yes she kissed Bhanu’s hand and was saying something like “I’m so glad we met 🥰🥰” I love a villain (who doesn’t) but Kenzie feels almost sociopathic? Idk


It probably was one of the worst Survivor episodes in a long time.


I wish they literally condensed some of the juicy bits of this episode into the beginning and then showed the medevac before the challenge aired. Then cut literally everything else and just jumped into **next week’s** challenge and played the episode out where we still get a tribal.


Agree with everything except…who hates Venus??? Out of everyone in this season people “hate the guts” of the girl in the bottom with no friends?


I don’t really see Venus as a villain. She’s more in the middle. For instance she doesn’t say anything bad about anyone’s character. She points out why they’re threats but never insults them or talks down to them. I’d say Kenzie is more of a villain, with the way she thinks no one else except her can strategize, laughing at people behind their back, talking down to them as if they’re idiots. Bhanu is a nice person but isn’t really cut out for this game (unless he’s using emotions as a strategy to manipulate everyone, but idk) I do like Q but he needs to stop treating Bhanu like a pawn to use. Some of the stuff he says are just… rude. But I don’t get the impression he means them to be rude.


Idk, I found Bhanu's extreme emotions, especially with the culmination being him switching to absolute joy over a player's medevac on a dime, absolutely hilarious. For an episode without a boot in which one player seemed fairly dead-to-rights (although it seemed to actually switch to Kenzie by the end), it was fairly entertaining imo.


This is a heart Bhanu will not win. I'm tired of them casting people that just want to make it on the show and not even worried about winning the money, they just want the experience. Now his lame crying self is going to get carried to the merge.


“Episodes that don’t rock.”


All Bhanhus crying became annoying. I get it if it comes from a place of genuine and authenticity, however I cant help but be like dude Man up, a little. I want to see people on this show that are pissed off because they live paycheck to paycheck in the real world, I promise youll get better players that way.


Bhanu crying… does not rock


I don’t want a million dollars - I want a million hearts 🙄


Bhanu has mental issues that Survivor is exploiting. He should have NEVER been cleared to go on the island.


Hunter was the highlight of the episode. Banhus crying was annoying to see constantly- but edit wise they were trying to build up the “miracle” - so it makes sense.


Survivor has a lot of filler these days. And a lot of unathletic people that aren’t very good at surviving. 


I was watching Survivor AU Titans vs Rebels during the week and returning to season 46 was terrible. Within 5 minutes it was grating to the nerves. Every player wants to be the face and the voice of the season. All the talking, crying and praying was just to much. Survivor 46 does look more polished than the AU counterpart, but a polished turd is still a piece of shit Edit I kept revering to season 45. I meant 46


I love the Hershey Park reference. Grew up in Pa and makes me miss home.


I liked Bhanu at first but now he’s just annoying me honestly. I think they’ve just shown way too much of him


I just don't like the "Boo hoo me" attitude. He spent most of his time feeling sorry for himself. I'm sure the guy is super kind, but it was hard to watch. Really makes you realize that season 45 had a great cast.


The girl with zero allies is the villain? 🫤


I think this is the first time in a long time where I don't connect to anyone on any of the teams, and the one person I kinda did was sent home early this episode. The editing on Bhanu is making him less and less likable by the second. More so than before, something about this season seems overproduced (if that makes any sense like I know some things are planned or faked but something is off) like the people don't seem authentic. It could just be me... I'm relieved to see I'm not the only one who shares this sentiment.


Bhanu talking about miracles happening referencing Randen's medical issue was bad. No other way to put it. The fact I haven't seen anyone else comment about that is puzzling.


“One person’s pain is another person’s joy” was a low key disgusting comment from Jeff


This cast is highly unlikable. I’m typically not a complainer about this show but good lord I’m having a tough time watching this


im finding it hard to love most or many in this cast. I think a lot of it is due to the 3 tribe structure. it lets people in the wining tribes just slink to the background. It's consistently happened for 6 seasons, it takes away from our ability to really know every cast member. They even have 90 minute episodes and i would struggle to tell you more than half the names of people. i don't know why jeff doesn't just change tracks