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Seems telling that Charlie liked the post.


He‘s been liking a lot of shady tweets about Maria‘s vote lol we‘re gonna have a Cassidy/Karla situation on our hands again.


So, I guess Uncle Charlie isn't going to visit...


i was so sad once the final votes were read thinking back to that confessional 😭 like words can’t describe how mad i am at maria for him


Especially the way they edited that scene with the audio cuts.


Sounds like he did visit (guessing based on him saying she had nice kids and a nice family and talked about her visiting him in Boston), and tried to mend fences for a while


she seems to have constantly shifted her reasons for the vote to him, and while he's trying to process it, it would probably be much easier to just have a firm answer to move on.


Charlie also seemed to imply that Maria at one point said she wish she voted for him, and then took it back and said she had no regrets


But also “I change my mind about regretting it because I can *never* have regrets” is such asshole logic lmao. Like you’re allowed to be like, “eh I probably would do something different if I had a do over” than convincing yourself that you were right.


She's literally using him to make herself feel better, essentially at his expense. Charlie basically said I don't need another friend. I'm good.


I'm not sure Maria could take a stand or make a real decision on something. It's like the rock paper scissor game to see who would be the last person to come on the reward. That was an easy out. No one could be mad at her about it because she didn't make the decision, rock, paper, scissors did. It's the same with the decision to vote for Kenzie. She couldn't say she was pissed at Charlie, so she voted for Kenzie. No, she had to say something that no one could question. It's the same as telling Charlie she regretted her vote, but then she backs off and said she shouldn't have regrets because in my mind, she doesn't want Kenzie to be upset with her. By never taking a stand, you can't be blamed for anything. My ex-husband was like this, and it's a very frustrating thing to deal with.


It is incredibly frustrating to deal with, it is the opposite of feeling seen. It is the opposite of feeling validated. It's textbook gaslighting. A bunch of my ex-friends were like this. You're a sanctimonious, deluded, selfish fool if you think you can ever truly stay neutral in life. When you claim neutrality you always *enable* one side. Having friends claim neutrality while they watched mutual friends backstab the hell out of me was worse than being backstabbed. It was its own much worse betrayal, to not have them "show up for me" in Ben's words. Even *god* condemns being lukewarm, lmao > *I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.* Just want you to know, you are seen. Lukewarm people suck. Pick a side, because ultimately you'll be left with only one friend. That's what happened to my friends, they claimed neutrality and then were stuck being friends with the toxic backstabbers, cause I was having none of it and saw them for who they were.


Exactly! I'm happy you were able to get away with from your "friends." I'm happy I don't have to deal with his ass any longer. He can't even really support our kids in any issues. It's ridiculous!


Yep most people who have "no regrets" basically think they are perfect and never make mistakes. I mean you do learn from making mistakes so in that sense I can see not regretting it, but yeah you can acknowledge you could/wish you would have done something differently. It's ok


Maria also said she voted for kenzies story and that she deserves to start a family. Kenzie is now pregnant so I doubt Maria regrets it. But I’m sure she regrets ruining her relationship with Charlie.


Would you want to visit the person that cost you $1 million out of bitterness?


Good, he was very classy about it at the reunion but there's no reason he should hold his tongue now.


Hot take here, I don’t think he should’ve been classy at the reunion. There was no reason why he shouldn’t have torn into Maria then, her logic made 0 sense


The guy seems so grounded that it wouldn’t shock me if in that moment he realized she was a vindictive and bitter liar and just decided to take the high road in the moment and just cut all ties with her afterwards. Apparently (according to people in this sub that are social media sleuths,) she is the only person from the cast he doesn’t follow on socials. Infer from that what you may, but it at least appears as though they did not maintain any sort of friendship after the show.


Yeah, I would’ve been fuming and probably unable to hold back. While I may not agree with him, I respect him for his self control Also, the way he spoke to/about Kenzie was the right way too


There's another post in here with quotes from Charlie that went up like an hour ago that pretty much says they aren't friends.


He posted a tiktok to "the smallest man who ever lived" and captioned it "when your number one ally doesn't vote for you to win survivor and you lose a million dollars by one vote" so...


He's a law student, it's definitely a skill of his to accurately asses a person and see them for who they are. It helps you figure out your client, and your opponent.


For TV I agree, for his professional career back home he played a good lawyer with his response.


Him knowing that he was on TV probably held him back from tearing into her.


Personally I don‘t think Maria owes him her vote and while I would be upset in his place too, it’s probably best to deal with that privately rather than encourage an online hate mob towards her (he says he doesn’t condone any of that but he also doesn’t seem to mind feeding it).


He literally just tweeted that he doesn't condone internet hate towards her.


No one deserves death threats or appearance based insults for a reality television show, but I think snarky comments are a totally fair reaction that she should have to deal with.


Good cause that was a dumb vote that gave the win to a dumb winner






Hi gay


Did he really?


https://x.com/DelayedLegacy/status/1793716195021189188?t=QXCFB6LJkCLOkmZUocCUjA&s=19 Having trouble getting a link to the image itself, but I uploaded a screenshot and posted it on twitter.




Did he really?


Would Denise have voted for Malcolm? No one will be able to tell.


Maria may have just unintentionally put Charlie into season 50


They’ll put her in too for the drama but honestly I’d rather she isn’t picked.


She was a solid strategic player and was obviously a challenge beast, but was she entertaining or endearing? Maybe if they do another Heroes vs Villains or something she could come back after that ftc, but I really don’t think she makes the top 30 of newer players I would care to see return, let alone 18. Even from this season alone there are at least Q and Charlie who I would rather see again and Jelinsky returning would probably be received better by fans if only for the memes. I just don’t see her as being an engaging “need to have back” player outside of some gimmicky season theme (which, tbf, is almost certainly going to be the case for 50.)


I don't think she was that strategic. Good at challenges - yes, but her strategy game seemed to coincide with other player's intended moves. This shallow style play was emphasized by her lack of awareness during the q vote. As others have said, a smart move would have been to tell him to use the idol to vote out Charlie because she was voting for q. THAT would've shown some basic strategy level, but it wasn't even discussed as an option.


She couldn't even handle choosing people for a reward without pissing nearly everyone off, her strategic game is overrated for sure.


She wasn’t even a strategic mastermind that she thinks she is. And yes she was a very bland confessionalist.


I need The Wardog, Rick Devins, Karla, Maria, Q, Shan, Ricard, Jesse, LIVIN, and Tiff back or CANCEL SURVIVOR


Not putting any of these people in? BIG MISTAKE! Jeff Probst can cancel Christmas! 


I fucking love Devins. Such a dweeb


It still feels so weird that he didn’t even make ftc that season. He is easily one of my favorites from a gameplay perspective and he was entertaining as hell to boot.


He spoke about the game in a very entertaining way during confessionals.


He would have won if he made FTC.






I don't want to see her face anymore


No she doesn’t deserve to be anywhere near survivor again


I don’t like her jury vote either, but she surely *deserves* to play again. She was a top threat on her season, was taken out by a team-up at F5, and betrayed her closest friend so he lost $1m. That’s a recipe for a returnee and a good story for the editors.


I think there’s far more deserving than her both personality and gameplay wise. While she is well rounded, it’s hard for me to give her too much credit based on how she went out. She rose high but fell equally as far. She had all the information and resources to blindside Charlie. Almost a fool proof plan to get to the final 5. She wasn’t able to read Kenzie and Liz (who absolutely hate Q), but most importantly is she didn’t even need their votes. It was a braindead move. As an aside, duo’s tend to do well when it comes to recasts and remembering their game. Dom/Wendell, Malcom/Denise, JT/fishback, Sarah/Tony and others. Her vote at the end kind of ruins that storyline. This season will no longer be remembered as this pair dominating the season. A little ranty, but there’s, far mare than several, players that I’d like to see before her.


Oh, I agree that others should return before her, sure! I just didn’t get that from your original comment.


Julie is a way better 'older woman that gets cut at the end because she probably wins' type player anyway, would love to see her back


Which Julie is this? I personally would want Chrissy back. At least she somewhat owns her pettiness and villainy.


Give me TRISH


It’s such a crime that there have been multiple Cagayan returnees and not ONE of them is Trish. She should have returned with Kass.


...the Julie that was on last season? Lol I agree about Chrissy, she's near the top of my list as well. But plenty of space for more than just one older woman, especially when it comes to returnee seasons. Natalie Cole would round out my top 3


Oh. I was thinking about the one from Wentworth’s season. Julie last season I already forgot who she was. And YES give me Natalie Napalm. Make her return with Angelina. That would be TV gold.


> I’d rather she isn’t picked. Yeah it's hard to see ANYBODY wanting to work with her, because you know she's going to use you as a pawn to advance her own game, is willing to backstab you and doesn't see your success as in any way reflecting on her.


I think if you want age variety there’s not that many other options in the new era. Just really her, Bruce, Gabler and Mike.


Who’s to say they’re sticking to Just new era though. We still have Chrissy, Napalm Natalie, Julie I guess. All better TV characters.


Man, it may be recency bias, but it's one of the last obvious gimmicks Survivor has yet to touch... Season 49, just run back 46. Complete do over, same tribes and all. I just don't know if I want to see a full returning player cast that has a ton of them from 46, but like 5 players do deserve a 2nd shot more than 90% of the last 10 season's cast. This has always been a gimmick I wanted to see, but I haven't felt a cast worthy in a long time. This could be one of the last chances for an extremely engaging "do over" season. Weirdly, it would also let production have some extra prep time for the big 50. They could literally redo challenges but in different order.


I 100% want to see this as well. Especially this season. Do they vote off Kenzie immediately? Does Charlie go quick to? Do Q, Venus, and Liz realize they can take each other to FTC with a shot to win?


How long before they realize the gimmick isn't just the returning cast? Are just the first couple of challenges the same? Are the advantages the same? Just WHERE are the idols?!?! I've thought about a season like this for a bit. You have to break the pattern at certain points, but that's part of what makes it a great game world. It would cause immediate hysteria.


No way they vote Kenzie off immediately when Bhanu and Jelinsky are there on their starting tribe once again haha.


I think they do get Kenzie out actually. Bhanu, Jess, and Jelinsky are close IRL after trauma-bonding over their shitty experiences with Yanu, know absolutely, unequivocally, 100% that they have to be in lockstep to survive, and are highly motivated to take revenge. All three players (maybe Bhanu less so) will have learned from getting dunked on in the edit and be less prone to make as catastrophic of mistakes. Q always had inclinations to target Kenzie early, and showed a willingness to flip Yanu's power dynamic over to the players on the bottom just because he could and he felt he could better control Jess/Bhanu, up until Bhanu showed unequivocally how bad an idea that would be. Q also knows that his field of potential allies post-merge is going to be thin, none of the contenders are going to trust him. Immediately gunning for the winner and keeping the whackadoodles in the game as long as possible is a quintessentially Q move, chaos for chaos sake. Win survivor 46? BIG MISTAKE, that shows you're trying to win. Get my vote at final tribal? BIG MISTAKE, that shows you can manipulate me! Kenzie gotta go! They're also still going to be every bit as bad at challenges as before, due to both physical ability, the remarkable pre-existing rifts in the tribe, and Q doing Q things, and going to lots of early tribals. Kenzie's only real hope of surviving the first tribal is to aggressively play mind-games with Bhanu to get him to second-guess himself and flip. But I doubt she can pull that off, Bhanu has a much better idea of who is really on his side. A huge part of Bhanu's issues stemmed from paranoia and having absolutely no idea who he should trust even when people extended viable alternate plans to him (and having a somewhat irrational predisposition towards leaning on Kenzie in spite of evidence to the contrary, as seen in the "NO I NEED TO PRACTICE BEING A COMPETENT HUMAN BEING WITH KENZIE SPECIFICALLY" scene). Bhanu's role in the vote dynamic in episode 1 wasn't explored a ton, but he kind of shot himself in the foot by just going with the flow and agreeing that the vote was between Jess and Jelinsky, positioning him and Jess real squarely at the bottom, instead of taking a stand against the power 3 from the get-go. Second time around, he doesn't fall for the mermaid in mermaid dragon.


There are so many interesting questions. How does Liz coming clean about the millionaire stuff being an act affect things? What does her gameplay look like if she plays more authentically, or does she go in an even more outlandish direction? What does Siga, the "vibe tribe," look like when the strongest bond, which was fairly well-hidden in the tribal stage, is now an extremely out-in-the-open rift? Venus probably has a shortlist of people who she straight-up won't talk to, but by contrast, by process of elimination also has a shortlist of people who she makes *abundantly* clear that she wants to work with to take Tevin etc. out. Alternatively, does someone pull a "No one would possibly see this coming" secret alliance with her? Does every idol get burned the moment someone lays their hands on one just to be safe? Does CBS go bankrupt on the exorbitant sum of money that it would take to bribe Jess and Bhanu to ever set foot in Fiji again? Honestly I think an early favorite is Randen. Everybody is going to know the least about his game. Other players who were just kind of there stand a good chance of breaking out as well.


I don’t want to watch Bhanu again


Purple Bhanu


I feel like this is one of those ideas that sounds good in theory but would end up being kind of lame. I’m down though, we need to find out either way! 🤣


All the good characters we loved from this season go home immediately because they're such obvious threats and then we've got a FTC with Bhanu, Liz, and Jem and everyone's like "who the fuck is Jem?"


You stop that. It's a perfect concept with no problems whatsoever... In all seriousness, it could definitely end up being a train wreck. I imagine not telling them it's at least a do over cast would be utterly impossible. That in itself gives away the concept you know.


[SCP 1733: Survivor edition](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1733). With this cast, things deteriorate into violent cultism much faster.


I forgot about that SCP. Good one. It's honestly an amazing concept for a horror movie. Do the same thing, but with like a small college stadium. Definitely stick with the "recording on loop" reveal at the end.


It'd be so cool for them to take the 46 logo, and to animate the 6 spinning into a 9 for season 49 for the season promo video that they show at the season 48 finale people would lose their minds with excitement


cagayan is perfect for this. panama as well. hihi


Charlie has a very common archetype and I think in terms of pure entertainment, he does probably rank behind some of the other nerd-adjacent stereotypes. I think Charlie probably does fall closer to the "nerd" archetype even if it isn't as obvious as Cochran, Christian, Carson, etc. I really don't think Charlie is a lock to even play again. I'd like him to, but I think from THIS season, only Q and Venus are locks and it's because entertainment is the most important factor for CBS.


Not sure about Venus. I think she'd be good but that girl almost definitely violated an NDA, right? They may see her as more trouble than she's worth. I hope she gets the call.


Tony was apparently way worse than she was when Cagayan was airing, but he still got two call backs. Plus, Q was making Cameos before he was even voted out of the game. It sounds like prior to this season players had to wait until after their season aired, I think.


I dont remember Tony posting actual spoilers tho


Neither did Venus.


Oh cmon when Venus like 3 weeks ago ranted about Ponderosa and how nobody talked to her etc. It was obvious that Kenzie never went to ponderosa, shes in final 3. Same with Charlie. as soon I saw the tweet I knew its a Charlie vs Kenzie finale


Or Venus was only talking about her experience with the players who went out ahead of her, because she’s not allowed to talk about players that go out after.


No she talked about her Ponderosa experience overall. And even a dummy could read into that the actually likeable and nice people would end up in final 3. I even called it here on reddit. and it wasnt the only Venus tweet that was very easy to read into, I just cant remember the earlier one. There is a reason why I dont follow players on socials, its just sad that people post their stuff on here without spoiler tags. Easy fix for such a non problem. But they were on the island and they know the outcome. When they are all tweeting rants, some stuff will be revealed. I dont remember as far back as Tony tweets but it was easier to avoid them back then at least


Haven't been following everything. What did she do?


She was very active on twitter


They way jeff praised charlie and congratulated him after the final vote, id be shocked if he's not back.


This could just be because of the shirt he wore last night, but I see him as more of a less delusional Spencer, an “athletic geek” type of guy. Still agree though that it would take a couple people ahead of him opting out to guarantee him a spot on a true all star season, but if they do a second chance 2 I could definitely see him making that


Yes, the Ivy League white young bookish guy is a tough archetype to stand out in. I really liked him and would love to see him back but Q and Venus are much likelier. So many excellent contestants this season, I’d like most of them to come back.


It’s because Charlie was being a normal person, all those other guys were playing up their character.


Maybe I’m alone on this, but I’d rather see Charlie over all of those names mentioned. Christian is the only one that comes close for me.


If I can only pick one nerd archetype, personally it's Drew and the decision is easy.


I want 3 teams. Geeks being entirely one team.


Geeks vs. Freaks vs. Jocks.


Sound perfect!


Drew > Charlie > Carson


Drew> Charlie >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Carson


Just realized they all start with a C.


I don't think other castmates being such good TV hurt Charlie's chance of getting into season 50, if anything, I think they help it. There are past returning seasons though where Survivor brings back 3-4 people from the same season. The difference maker seems to be if it was a fan-loved season, which 46 is viewed as the best in a long time, so I can see the cast of 46 getting 3-4 slots on season 50 easily (depending on how good 47-49 are, hopefully Survivor has found it's grove again) Also, all of the great nerd players we've had in the past 15 seasons is the perfect reason to bring back BvBvB


He’s boring. Absolutely shouldn’t be a lock


Maybe she really is the strategist I never gave her credit for!


Put them both on! I wanna see them full on duke it out at the merge.


I would be surprised if Charlie was even being considered


For the love of God, please no


I want maria on s50, not charlie 😭 her final vote made her more compelling IMO


or herself lol. She dominated the game, and it took two people to send her home. She's practically a shoe in. Fits that archetype so well. She became the villain masterfully.


I guess Maria isn't coming to Club Condo anytime soon


can u explain what Club Condo is loool all along i thought it was another reality tv show RHAP is covering but i only rlly watch RHAP for Survivor and TAR so i did not engage with it but basing on your comment it’s not another tv show loll like whats the premise?


It is a podcast/video on the RHAP feed. Usually recorded on Mondays, it's Rob and Chappell discussing Survivor gossip, social media and other stuff. It's meant to be a more humorous take on things. There are often guests that join them as well. The name "Club Condo" is from a Jeff Probst quote and can be heard in the initial theme song for the podcast.


Thanks u/illy_x and u/the_vibe_has_spoken for explaining! When did they start Club Condo?!?!?! I must have been missing so much hot goss lol


Club Condo started this season but Rob previously did the "Feedback Show" that served the same purpose. Here's a link to the first CC show. [https://youtu.be/TpdUZe7nqMo](https://youtu.be/TpdUZe7nqMo)


oh yea, i do remember the Feedback Show they did for The Traitors, its a shame i never caught when they did it for Survivor!


Damn wish I realized this sooner so I knew WTH people are talking about when they reference drama with the current cast


Rob, Chappell, and sometimes a guest talk about the fun Survivor stuff that has happened each week. They do a little recap of the episode but talk a lot about Survivor social media and it’s delightful. If you like Chappell it’s a must watch.


It's so funny. Chappell cracked me up all spring with DONDI and Club Condo.


Tbh Maria and Charlie wanted to be like Malcom and Denise but they never were


I'm so tired of the "we are the new age X!" Like, just be yourself lmao.


but we need a new susie smith


Unfortunately Genie was voted out premerge


That was heather tbh


"Susie - is off the course!" said by Jeff in one of the final Gabon challenges is one of my favorite things ever


I can see why you do it, though. If it was a successful duo, you are signaling that you will be as good a partner as X person


To BE FAIR… if you end up being a clone of a legend then it’s hard to be yourself, like Malcolm is a Blonde Swashbuckling Ozzy, Joey ~~not so~~ Amazing became the next “Ozzy”. Tony was basically a nice version of Russell Hantz… and then Tony became such a popular knock off he got his own brand with Joe & Wardog, If you’re a young attractive(usually gotta be more Hot than Cute) woman… yeah you’re just labeled the next Parvati no matter what


Honestly, Maria probably only agreed to this comparison because she was in the role of the winner.


We need to know how shaky Charlie's hands are, first of all.


They were tho. Charlie was Denise, Maria was Malcolm. Except, again, Malcolm voted for Denise to win, and Malcolm is still the #1 Denise stan online. I loved reading his tweets during Winners at War.


they were the new susie and matty lol


Speaking of the Philippines. Abi Maria >>> Regular Maria and I’ll fight **anyone** about this.


Want to feel old? Malcom and Charlie were both the same age when they first played - 25 years old. Malcom is now 38.


I upvoted but I reeeeeeally wanted to downvote you.


I’m still closer to Charlie’s age than Malcom, but not by much. Crazy how I remember thinking Malcom was such a cute older guy and how now Charlie is such a cute younger guy but they were both 25, I’m just older now 😂


That’s an insane stat. Wow


Dang I feel old now


This tracks. I'm 20 and grew up watching survivor, and my first memory of it was watching the finale where Denise won. I was in elementary school at the time.


W Rob C


common W


Rob voted for Jenna


Matt was actually a pawn though


Had Matt won, the edit would’ve made Jenna look like a pawn. Matt arguably made larger individual strides in the game than Jenna ever did.


Right… rob was and still is much better friends with Jenna than Matt


Lol he talked about this comment


I mean true, but… there’s a stark difference between Rob not voting for Matt and Maria not voting for Charlie


Matt didn't make any strategic moves with Rob though he just did whatever Rob said to Anyway Rob's always stood by the fact that the jury just votes for whoever they like best at the end and make whatever reason they want to make it make sense. He was very open that he voted for Jenna because she was his friend and he knew he would hang out with her afterwards and even if he voted for Mateo that he'd never see him again post game


LMAO like - I assume the edit downplayed his relationship with her but it is ironic he voted for her over his number one and makes this tweet


Rob got a bit of that Maria in him


And I’m still pissed off about that. Matthew was awesome on the show and deserves more respect. He has the most amazing life trekking across the world in extreme weather, diving down the deepest reaches of the ocean, and is the Executive VP of Marriott Hotels Intl Food and Beverage division.


hmm, what's the difference between Rob and Maria in most of this sub's eyes, i wonder? 🤔 (other than most people on this sub having never watched any season he's been on)


Rob was very tight with Jenna and said throughout the season that Matt was his pawn and he clearly didn’t take him seriously, whereas we never saw a relationship between Maria and Kenzie and she clearly valued her friendship with Charlie.


And the difference is Jenna won 6-1 and not 5-3 where Maria's vote ties it for Ben to break in Charlie's favor. Rob voting Matt wouldn't have won the game for Matt, like Maria would've for Charlie.


Matt was his goat tho


The difference is that Matt was his goat who had no idea how to play survivor and Charlie was the best strategic player in the F3. Completely different scenarios.


What made him the best strategic player? Genuinely asking, nothing about his game really stood out to me.


Out of the F3, he had the most agency and actually drove votes where Kenzie and Ben openly admitted they didn’t. Charlie mentions in the Gordon Holmes post game interview that the jury basically gave him the “strategic” win out of the three but it wasn’t enough. His game wasn’t flashy but he was self aware and understood the moves he needed to make to prioritize his own game.




Strategy, as I understand how it is used on this subreddit, means making alliances and voting strategies. I get what you're saying in that anything can be a strategy to get to the end, i.e. "I'm make everyone like me so much that they won't want to vote me out even if I'm not in their alliance" or "I'm a pretty closed book socially so I'm going to brute force win immunity to get to the end". AKA the Kenzie and the Hunter strategies, respectively (also boiled down to a short one-liner that doesn't really encompass their whole game). But this subreddit uses a more narrow definition of strategy usually. Like you said, it usually means how much they plan out stuff. "Social game" is also thrown around a lot, though of course that's a valid strategy to win as we just saw, but you'll often see it referenced as a specific aspect of the game and separate from "strategy". "Physical game" is also a separate concept you'll see on here, which actually does make sense to me since it usually just means how strong someone is in challenges since the provider role that could fall into physical game (like fishing for the tribe) is not really valued enough anymore to be much leverage.


On Rob's podcast with Jesse that he just put out, you can hear it in his voice. He doesn't flat out call out Maria for being super bitter, but he says he doesn't understand the vote, sorta jokes about the "fire in her eyes" comment and how she would've found another reason if Charlie won fire, and you can just hear it in his tone. He's seems incredibly disappointed in Maria's decision. I'll be very curious to see if that bleeds into his postgame interviews. He's normally professional enough to hide it while he interviews the players.


Yeah, I don’t want to take away from Kenzie’s win at all but the way Charlie lost for such a petty reason that he actively tried to avoid, and for Maria to not even own up to that choice, does leave a bad taste in my mouth. Like, I see comparisons to the Gabler-Cassidy drama, but I almost think it was the opposite. People weren’t so much mad that Cassidy lost as they were that Gabler won, and how he got the votes; meanwhile, here, people are less so mad about Kenzie winning and more mad about Charlie losing and how he lost the votes. I mean, the fact that he was a single vote away from a tie that all but certainly favors him, in a situation where Tevin entered the booth unsure, where Charlie won over three votes including two of the most unbiased jury members and someone who should have been a lock for Kenzie, where Q votes for Kenzie pretty much solely for reasons outside the game that Charlie could not possibly counteract, and where the one vote that he should have expected the most didn’t vote for him for clearly bitter reasons but without even owning up to that fact, that SUCKS so much worse than what people were saying about Cassidy. She didn’t even get close to winning, and even if Karla did vote for her it wouldn’t have made a difference. Even the jury was surprised by Maria’s choice, Tevin almost looked like he voted Kenzie to make the tie with how he looked surprised in a not-happy way.


I didn't even catch that Tevin looked unhappy with the result. If he voted wanted a tie, that's pretty damn stupid imo. Considering 3 people changed their votes plus Maria going rogue, that's a huge leap of faith. I really hope that wasn't his reasoning. Feel for Charlie. Lost 2 votes to some Bs. He truly played one of the best losing games in a long time. Super well rounded and seems like a great dude. It helps Kenzie's likable but man I would've preferred Charlie.


Oh, that’s pure speculation on my part, it’s just something that I noted as being an interesting reaction which initially led me to believe that he was third Charlie vote after I learned that Maria didn’t vote him (color me surprised when I found out it was Liz lol)


I’m not even mad that Charlie lost! I was rooting for him but honestly I would have been happier with a 7-1 vote in Kenzie’s favor if the 1 vote Charlie got was from Maria!! She is so cold. And the pitiful way she explained it was just salt in the wound. I feel bad for Charlie - I hope this doesn’t impact his outlook on life and humanity.


Damnnn he's right though.


Maria robbed her kids of having a millionaire uncle


I love seeing fake Maria getting called out on the carpet


And Denise would have voted Malcolm.


Kathy voted for Rob




I love him lmaoooo


I'm very curious about the perception of Maria from other cast members, Kenzie has said multiple times that she loves Maria. I'm sure they can both love her and have things they dislike, but I wonder if any others lost respect for her because of this/other actions throughout the season


I'd love Maria too if she gave me a million dollars.


Listen to the exit interviews


I try and find them on youtube but never have any luck. Where do i find them? Help a fan out


Here you go... https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhUCekA62vQ8_aTFm51E1K-68z6u3j4HY


Thank you!


LOVE this man


I had the same thought. Not only he voted for Denise, but he campaigned hard for her at Ponderosa too.


It was shady for Maria to not vote for Charlie but at the same time, no one is *owed* a vote at FTC. It’s up to the jury to do whatever the hell they want 🤷‍♂️


true but the way that they basically promised each other that they’d be on their side if either of them when to FTC and then she didn’t follow through with her promise?? and that literally caused charlie the game.. like.. i’d be livid if i was him


I'm surprised she didn't ask the final 3 to play paper rocks scissors for her vote.


1000% true. i think it's the lack of an honest reason that chaps my hide. the jury demands honesty in the final tribal council, and i think that the finalists deserve the same honesty from the jurors regarding their votes. i don't know if a better answer from Maria would make her vote more palatable, but i do not think "fire in her eyes" is honest enough. the looks we would get from that jury if Maria said that to them.


Oh absolutely, her reason was complete BS. I wish she would have been honest and owned it, that would have been great TV tbh.


It’s a discussion forum. I don’t know what “the jury is always right” people even want to discuss about the show.


Ofcourse she can. I think a couple things run people the wrong way though. 1) according to Maria herself she told Charlie he had her vote when she got voted out (which of course she is free to change her mind on that but still not an amazing look) and 2) it really sounds like she voted for Kenzie because she was a future mother and not much else. The fire thing makes absolutely no sense since by all accounts she wasn’t great at it. It just feels like a very flimsy reason to vote for someone over your #1 and Charlie is understandably hurt by it.


Placed 3rd then didn't make jury if I remember correctly? Do any past winners have Podcasts? I'd kill for a Boston Rob podcast but can't find one. 


oh Rob must be confused, Malcolm and Denise were actually on Survivor: Philippines, not Survivor 46


The inner machinations of Maria’s mind are an enigma.