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My gut says Rupert, if only because he went out with a whimper on his last season and because Russell is Russell. But in terms of gameplay you could argue that Rupert would be a wasted spot. I'd love to see him back just because he's Rupert, but he was never a great strategic player and the 'provider' strategy isn't relevant anymore.  Russell would come to play, so he deserves points for that whether you love him or hate him. But would he also be a wasted spot due to being an almost guaranteed first boot? Or would modern players be able to use his strategy against him and view him as a shield? There's also the nonzero chance that he revises his gameplay and does well. Or at least is able to somewhat untarnish his legacy. 


Revising his strategy like he did in rob vs russell?


Well I'd sure like to hope for Russell's sake that he'd be capable of some level of self reflection and adaptability in the intervening 13 years. 


Based on his insane YouTube channel, he's not capable of that.


He did the same exact strategy in Aus Survivor in 2018 and proceeded to be an early boot again. He is not capable of self reflection or adaptability.


I don’t really like Russell, but at this point, I feel like he would add more to the season than Rupert


Russell was on Australian Survivor and proved he had learned nothing.




Rupert has nothing left to offer, IMO. I don't think he'd be able to adapt that well. Russell would be fun to watch if he managed to stick around by some miracle.


Russell would only stick around if his tribe won out. He went on Australian Survivor in 2018 and suffered basically the same fate he did in RI.


Rupert is one of those players where every time he played I liked watching him less and less. Loved him in Pearl Islands but almost felt like he got worse every season after that. Russell is so unlikeable outside of the game I wouldn't want him to have another chance at the game, but I know he would cause chaos and at least be entertaining that I'd have to choose him in this scenario.


All Stars was rough. But his HvV time was pretty great. Him duping Russel with a fake idol was absolutely classic.




Frankly, neither. But Rupert honestly annoys me more than Russell. So I guess Russell?


I don't want to see either, but if I had to pick one, I'd pick Rupert. Russell makes every season he's on worse because it just becomes the Russell show, and if you're not into seeing him be an ass to people, it isn't fun. Rupert isn't good at Survivor, but at least he doesn't completely monopolize screen time.




Russell. They are both insufferable, but at least it’s about a 99.999% certainty Russell is gone in first tribal. Rupert would have a chance to stick around deep into the game and make me want to bang my head against the TV too many weeks in a row.


Both please




Rupert definitely. Russell has one way of playing and we've all seen it now.


i never want to see or hear from russell again


Rupert. I find Russell more entertaining, but with his reputation I don’t think he could survive past the first couple tribals no matter how he played, so it’d be a waste of a spot. I can’t see anyone buying it if he attempted to do a Tony-style personality change.


I really believe everyone would just put aside their differences and boot Russell as soon as they could, and then play the game. Rupert would likely add more value to the season.


Rupert, he got robbed in BvW whereas Russell had had nothing but fair shakes and blew it for himself.


Russell unless Rupert is coming with Fairplay

