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In a sundae helmet? Smooth move


I’ve never heard it called a sundae helmet before but that’s exactly what it is haha. TIL.


That’s Nigiri sushi and it is perfectly ok to eat it by hand.


Not if your hands are that dirty, though…


it’s easier to hold fish side down when eating with fingers. 


'Member when every sushi restaurant used to provide a warm washcloth when you sat down? Pepperidge Farm remembers.


tbh i like the challenge


It's perfectly okay to eat any sushi in any fashion you want, imho.


Clean yo nails man😭


You probably aren’t the type, but some people work for a living.


Most people also wash their hands throughout the day. Especially before eating. I don't even wanna know what that duck butter is under those nails.


You people that think you know about dirty hands are funny.


Lol what is there to "know" about having dirty hands. If anything is dirty, you clean it. Hands, feet, face, floors, tables, clothes, etc. You're literally trying to say that being filthy is normal and people who value cleanliness "don't work hard." You need to hold yourself to higher standards, my friend. Being dirty doesn't mean you work hard. It just means you have poor hygiene.


Everything doesn’t come off like potting soil skippy.


Get some GOJO bro lol


Sorry people are shitting on you for this. An afternoon of working on my old truck equals a week of dirty nails. I scrub them with a brush every day till it hurts, but it's never enough.


Nothing I haven’t heard before. Washing couple loads of dishes by hand is the way to go when you need them clean for an occasion. It softens up the cracks in your skin so the oil can get out. There’s chopsticks and silverware for the rest of the time.


Joining is a former press operator. Some grime just doesn’t come off even with a few gritty scrubs. A foreign concept to many reddit armchair experts, I’m sure. My hands were perpetually stained


I have no idea why you all are being down voted. Stained nails, dirty nails, manicured nails this subs purpose is to share an appreciation and discussion of sushi, sashimi, nigiri, etc in all shapes and forms. Let the man enjoy his nigiri for fucks sake.


Dude, most people don’t stick the chopsticks in all the way. But I’m not judging. You do you.


Man it takes like 30 seconds to wash your hands, and with $4 and two minutes you can get a nail brush to clean under them




I've done my time outside, and time working as a fish monger. It's an extra ten minutes of your day at most...


So is bragging about being dirty


He’s a dirty dirty alpha male.


You seem really insecure about your masculinity.


You seem like a loser hoping for the inspiration to try to demean someone.


Oh no. OP sucks


I was with you until this comment. Someone wanting to be clean isn't being "soft"


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My aunt pours and tests concrete all summer in the Midwest for state roadwork. During the warm months she refuses to do her nails and when she has off for the he winter they are perfectly manicured. I asked her about it and she said, “I work all fucking day do you know how much time it would take to come home and do my nails?”


There’s a difference between not bothering with nice manicures because you work with your hands and not cleaning them.


What does it matter how clean my hands are when I’m using disposable chopsticks that are going in the trash? Hit and get and back to making money. Life isn’t this complicated.


You're okay Op. As someone who works outdoors hands on, I get it. And imagine a little soil somehow being dangerous. It's just as if it's poop.


Yum! You might find it easier to dip the nigiri in the soy sauce if you can pick it up lengthwise with the chopsticks, one stick along the fish and one along the rice. To do that, I rotate the piece on its side first and pick it up that way.


Put your nasty foot away


i put a little sesame oil in my soy sauce


Add sweet chilli and siracha and you are getting close to spicy tuna mix


An employee at a Japanese restaurant introduced me to wasabi and soy combo. Life changer


Damn. I’ve been yelled at for doing it.


You can enjoy what you eat however you'd like! Screw those people !


By who?


I was in Japan. The sushi chef yelled at me saying I cannot do that.


Oh yeah, I live by the rule of: Is it powder fake wasabi and cheap soy sauce? Wasabi jouyu can be done. Is it a nicer or real wasabi and good soy sauce? Keep them separate.


well, thats a little different to the pic really


I never said it was the exact same story as the pic. All I said is that I was yelled at for that?


Yeah, and i just said it a bit different to the pic here, thats all. Not having a go at anyone.


And I just said I didn’t say that it was the same?


Publix sushi? Consistently decent sushi in my experience


We have two options in our town. 5 minutes and $10 or 2 hours and $100. And both are worth it.


Try eating it with your hands instead. Mind blown. 🤯


He’d have to clean his hands first.


Lmao! I didn’t initially catch that. Good one.


Ok op I’ll try it out.


Just remember it’s forbidden. You’ll get called out and shamed at restaurants.


Never happened to me in the 40 or so sushi places ive done this at in japan lol


And if they did I’d call them out because I’m the customer


Only in high end places that really follow the traditions.


Fwiw those places will also put wasabi between the fish and the rice so it’s not really necessary


So, real wasabi NO, fake stuff YES?


We wont shame you because “the customer is always right” but we are definitely talking shit at the server station lol, and also not happy about all the dishes full of ungodly mixtures that we end up pouring out since y’all pour way too much soy sauce for no reason my god


No you won’t. Nobody gives a shit how you eat your sushi. *You paid for it.*


For what? Sushi is the original fast food, which is also a finger food. You actually shouldn't use chopsticks with sushi!


It might not be traditional, but absolutely nobody is going to shame you in a restaurant for mixing. I saw Japanese people doing it in Japan when I was there. The exception would be an omakase style restaurant where you eat the sushi exactly how the chef prepares it.


Some schmuck told me that then I went to Japan and everyone was doing it so I'm gonna keep mixing my wasabi in my soy sauce


Sure, if you're at Michelin starred restaurant. I've probably had sushi at a thousand places all across Asia. Literally no one shames anyone for how they eat.


I’m gonna catch flack for this. But I put an ungodly amount of wasabi on my sushi. The size of a pea. Idky I like it so much. I guess it’s cause it clears my sinuses and I know what normal people breathe like for an hour. Nothing beats a tuna roll with enough wasabi to make a grown man cry. I also love that unlike other spicy things it only burns once if you know what I mean.


I like the places that have inconsistent wasabi. Do I use a spoonful because the last bite was bland? Is the next bit going to cauterize?




Eat sushi any way you like but dipping the rice side in soy sauce, mixing wasabi with soy sauce and taking bites is usually not acceptable by tradionalists. Also, sushi is considered finger food by many so chopsticks aren’t necessary.


Chopsticks convenient when you don’t want to spend more time washing your hands then it takes to eat 8 pieces of nigiri.


Totally up to you


Jesus, the pricks commenting on this post are completely out of control. I frequent some elitist subs but this one is possibly the most overflowing with obnoxious assholes I've ever seen.


I was pretty surprised. I just wanted to say thanks for the new ideas, I wasn’t expecting a bucket of tears. I never would have guessed it was so important for that many people to feel superior to someone eating the same thing they like.


When you go to Japan don’t do this.


Putting the ginger in the wasabi soy combo will also flavor the sauce in the best way!


I don’t eat the ginger until I’m done, but I did dip it in the the soy sauce/ Wasbi and that was pretty good.


I think you are supposed to eat it in between sushi bites, or at least different types of fish to cleanse the palate.


I was told you eat it so you don’t burp fish the rest of the day.


It's a palate cleanser.


That could be true too. I don’t know. Do whatever makes you happy and enjoy the sushi! Wish I had some right now


YESSSSS THIS!!!!!! I like to put it in the soy sauce, and crush it up a little with the chopstick to release more of the flavor.


It looks delicious!


I might be crazy here but does anyone else mix ginger with the wasabi/soy sauce mix? Or is this blasphemy lol


I did because it was the first time I mixed the two. I usually just eat the ginger after the meal, but that was pretty good. I’m going to start getting extra so I can eat it during the meal.


But I like umami bomb


According to the Japanese, your rice is never supposed to touch the soy sauce.


You’re dipping it too much. Just dip one side of the fish as if you’re taking a small scoop of the soy sauce, not dunking it.


It’s actually not proper etiquette to mix wasabi and soy.


Every person who has beliefs like the ones shown in this thread is the reason this group has gone to shit. Do you want to know about the traditions surrounding the food we all claim to love, if not then you like eating sushi but don’t really care about who gave it to you.


Nobody actually cares in 2024. Including Japanese folks.


Culture is culture, show some respect. If you had ever tried a high quality soy and a high quality wasabi separately. (Traditionally wasabi is under the topping. Or in the roll.) it’s become common for a side serving of wasabi rather than it being in the dish because of western society. Japanese people “don’t care” because they know Americans don’t care if they said they did. Trust me if you were eating in a family’s home and showed constant ignorant disrespect, you would no longer be welcome. Do what ever you want at a restaurant that’s used to ignorant foreigners.


I don't personally mix wasabi and soy. Also I've been to Japan and I'm telling you they don't care at all, except for the nice omakase places where you eat it the way the chef intends you to. In that case it would certainly be rude and disrespectful. I have had fresh wasabi root straight from the tsukiji market in Asakusa. I was randomly gifted a bottle of extremely high quality soy sauce from a chef in Tokyo. It was one of the best things I've ever tasted in my life. I was a sushi chef in America for five years. The thing about traditions is that sometimes they stick around or sometimes they change and evolve. You're gatekeeping right now and honestly being a bit rude about it. Very un-japanese of you, friend. Edit: My bad, Tsukiji is in Chuo city, Asakusa is where we went after the market that day.


Evolution would be the Japanese adopting or changing the way they use them, instead of westerners believing their way is the best way. Good thing I’m not Japanese. I’m a Caucasian and indigenous Australian with Sri Lankan heritage. I’ve spent a lot of time in Japan and I am telling you again, they do care they’re just too nice to say anything. Japanese people change their traditions all the time. Mixing wasabi in soy sauce is not one of them. The combination is an incorrect balance of flavour and ruins the experience of the sushi you’re eating. Do what ever you want with gas station sushi but this is not the way to enjoy quality sushi, especially from a place that offers omakase. The chef always intends for a specific experience. Wether or not it is spoken. Go to Italy and eat wrong… you will be told.


No one cares anymore. Food is food


Ok microwave


What? Are you calling me a microwave or suggesting microwave sushi?


Wait until you figure out putting a pinch of wasabi and drizzle soy sauce on top is the best way to eat nigiri


You pay for it, eat it anyway you want


F etiquette. I like wasabi and 99% of American nigiri don’t have any so the faux pas is nil. Further, I’m there for the soy sauce as much as the fish, so I’ll dunk that rice down all day. Fight me.


Chopsticks skills need major improvement


Gotta work on those chopstick skills.


Mixing soy and wasabi is an abomination, if the chef wanted you to eat it with that, he would have put it on. But also, do what makes you happy, life's too short Edit: did any of you read the latter half of my comment? Nobody's gatekeeping. I gave my opinion and said do what you will. And yet, even with the reminder about how short life is, y'all take time to comment redundancy lmao Edit 2: your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer. Keep being negative lmao imagine taking so much offense to someone you don't know on the internet, I pity you all


OP is eating grocery store sushi. I think the chef will be ok with their choices. No need to gatekeep.


Yeah the 20 year old behind the grocery sushi line, following a laminated instruction sheet is definitely going to be cool with this method lol


He looks about 40 and doesn’t speak much English, and he takes his prep pretty seriously. Nice guy too.


wtf why should i care about the chef of some premade sushi? or any chef for that matter, they can recommend and i can eat **my** food the way i want


I don’t think the chef cares… Not even downvoting u for gatekeeping ur just saying stuff that’s plain wrong


The person paying the money for the food can do whatever the fuck they want with it and people like you need to shut the fuck up about it.




I wouldn’t with those dirty ass nails.


Mixing the wasabi into the soy sauce isn’t proper sushi etiquette


dudes eating grocery store sushi. let him live his life


Just realized this isn’t even sushi it’s sashimi lmao


nah I don't use any soy sauce or wasabi on my sushi, i want to taste the meat not the salty horseradish


I use a little wasabi sometimes but never soy sauce. It’s too strong imo and takes away from the rest of the taste.


If you want the real truth, the way, and the purpose, you take a single slice of ginger and dip it in your shoyu. Use that to baste the top of your fish. Also don’t hold your chopsticks like that please. Choke up a bit.


Noted. Also, I will use my chopsticks any way I want. No one cares. If you do, your life sucks. Choke up a bit and do better.


If you want to look like a clown in public, that’s on you. I’m only advising you out of kindness.


It’s a form of kindness to give people something to be demeaning about.


Are you OK? Did OP do something to remind you that shaming strangers for how they eat grocery store sushi they bought and paid for is the only thing that distracts you from how completely empty and meaningless your existence is? >kindness No way in hell you actually believe that.


People complaining about nails, bitch when I'm hungry and have utensils and not having to touch the food, I'm eating! OP isn't preparing food for others ro eat so who tf cares 🤣 When we're canoeing and covered in river water we never had sinks in the woods in the middle of no where. I grilled (using tongs) and every prepared their own hot dog. Still the best hot dogs I'll always remember. Clean nails... as it's a pic of sucking on their fingers while they eat or fingering a girl. People are too lame and always need something to birth about sadly


Probably concerned because when they eat, the chopsticks go in all the way until their fingers touch their lips.


Lol I bet you're right and dipping their fingers in 🤣 I remember working with my dad on his old car and we'd rinse the oil off our hands with gas from the gas can with the lawnmower then rinse quick with soap and water. I wasn't concerned about under my nails especially when there were utensils because I was hungry and not dining with the freaking queen. Just got on reddit and seen the comment about something being homophobic... yeah not sure what to even say about that except those are the types of people that are being so judgmental, as in they make no sense and just grasp for reasons to be upset 🤷‍♀️ What a weird way to choose to live and can't be mentally healthy just like worrying about a strangers nails


In all fairness about the homophobic part, I was implying he eats corn on the cob the long way.


Oh lol, that's my bad, I've never heard that before 🤣




I have absolutely no fucking clue what you're trying to say here, but it has a homophobic aura (as do your other comments). Take the L and move on.