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I really don't understand this sub's disdain for Yates. Yeah, he had a bad season.. pretty much all of our players did. The scapegoating is real


Totally agree with you.


Thank god. What a disaster of a transfer. And they are paying his wage in full 🙌 I have heard a deal for a replacement has been done as well which sounds like a big upgrade.


I'm sure that's the case - I doubt they'd ship him out on loan otherwise. Who've we been linked with up front? So far I'm only hearing about wingers and mids


[Oh Hyeon-gyu](https://youtu.be/jGqp-fehhmE?si=kqjsvICJGgqeL5It)


Can't even sell him.


His value is at an all time low, selling him now would guarantee a loss. A loan deal means Derby pay his wages, and if he does find form and turn good, we might be able to get some money back on him.


Or we get him back and on the hook for all his wages next season. How often has this sort of loan worked out for us in the way you describe? I feel we just often loan them out until their contract ends.


It's worth the risk. If he has a poor season, then we'll be in the same situation next year, only with 1 less year on his contract to pay


If he has a poor season, his value will be even lower than now though. Part of me thinks we should take what we can get tbh.


If his wages in full are being paid, that's probably 400-500k saved over the season. Unless he has an absolute stinker, I don't think he'd lose much more value than he already has. Fingers crossed he can find some form and bang in a load of goals this year


We issued shares 4 times this spring to cover the wage bill. Absolute disaster signings last summer need cleared off the books anyway possible even if it isn't the best long term strategy.


Loan goes well and they stay up, they could come in for him hopefully I guess


The man is broken, hopefully he finds some form out on loan and then we either sell or he becomes more usefull than his current chocolate tea pot like state.