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As Sweden has an alcohol monopoly you can check the store price of any beverage in Sweden at [Systembolaget](https://www.systembolaget.se/). As said by others, that flavor isn't available here but other flavors are 14:90 SEK + 1 SEK can deposit **for a 330ml can as opposed to the 500ml in your picture**. The can deposit is returned when recycled.


The bottle in the picture looks like a 500ml bottle, the price you cite is for a 330ml bottle. A search for rekorderlig shows only one 500ml bottle. It's priced at 20.90kr, but it is also extra strong which would inflate the price. Kopparberg 330ml cider sells for the exact same price as Rekorderlig 330ml (14.90), so their 500ml should be in the same price range, and their 500ml is 20.60kr, or 1.77 euro. Tl;dr: 1.77 euro + 0.1 euro deposit.


You are absolutely right, my bad. Clarified that it was the 33cl can in my comment.


I am fairly certain thats a can, but I CAN be wrong






Varför får inte vi dessa exotiska smaker här. Orättvist!


When I came to Sweden I was really surprised to see you don't have all the rekorderlig flavours even though it's a Swedish company :( you're lucky if a bar even has pear


Marknadsstrategi troligen. Kolla på Absolut Vodka, Sverige är typ 0.1% av deras marknad.


MF DOOM fan upptäckt


Va vart?


Göteborg tror jag... Lite osäker


Främst pga "marknadsanalyser" och annat företagsjidder. Kort sagt: kapitalismen förvägrar dig utbud.


Man kan anklaga kapitalismen för mycket, men att de hämmar smakvariation på alkoläsk känns inte troligt.


Smaken existerar ju bevisligen. Men att den inte säljs på svenska marknaden kan bara förklaras av att bolaget inte tror att den skulle sälja speciellt bra här. Och de vill tjäna pengar på sina produkter, på den marknad där de finns. Om den inte säljer, så tjänar de inga pengar. Alltså: bolagets vinstintresse blockerar smaken från svenska marknaden. Kapitalism. Har du nån annan förklaring?


Vad tror du skapar smaken från början? Herregud. I en planekonomi hade du haft tur om du hade haft två olika smaker.


Missförstå mig rätt; jag argumenterar inte för planekonomi. Jag vill bara att vi förstår att ren frisläppt kapitalism absolut inte är svaret på mänsklighetens problem.


Större utbud av smaksatta drycker löser knappast mänsklighetens problem heller.


Nej, men det kan få mig att glömma dem under en eftermiddag.


Vilket ju verkligen är kapitalismens forte, att erbjuda opium till massorna :)


Rekorderlig Opium. 2026, här kommer vi!


Om efterfrågan finns står det väl fritt för dig eller någon annan att fylla behovet?


Ja, det finns flera olika alkodrycker som smakar mango på systemet. Frågan här var om just Rekorderlig själva begränsar utbudet i Sverige, eller om det faller på Systembolaget?


Systembolagets sortimentregler är knepiga. Det samt alkoholskatterna gör att sånt som är lönsamt att sälja utomlands kanske inte är det lokalt. Huruvida det är kapitalismens, statens eller konsumenternas fel att saker som inte är ekonomiskt lönsamma att sälja inte säljs är semantik. Man kan iaf konstatera att det inte är så sannolikt att Åbro frivilligt skulle välja att inte sälja något som de skulle kunna tjäna pengar på.


Systembolagets försäljning har uttalat inget vinstintresse. Så långt ifrån "marknaden styr" man kan komma.


Det är ju precis det jag menar. Systembolaget vill erbjuda så många olika drycker som möjligt. Kan de inte rimligen ha dem i butikssortimentet, finns de oftast som beställningsvaror. Det som begränsar här, om jag har rätt, är inte Systembolaget utan leverantören eller tillverkaren som väldigt mycket har vinstintresse.


Jag var väl lite väl spetsfundig men on jag ska vara allvarlig vill jag påpeka två saker: 1) Rekorderlig Mango finns bara för kapitalismens skull. Ett kommunistiskt system skulle aldrig få för dig att skapa en ny smak som till 98% kannibaliserat existerande produkter. 2) Systembolaget är inte kapitalistiskt och det är de som inte har den i sitt utbud. I kapitalistisk detaljhandel hade affärerna kunnat konkurrera med utbud - det hade funnits mer tryck på att ta fram flera olika smaker.


Systemet vill inte vara aggressivt vinstdrivande och hålla på med kampanjer och reor och dylikt. Att föreslå att de inte vill erbjuda spännande smaker är komplett nonsens


Vet inte om jag köper din andra punkt faktiskt. Systemet har flera olika smaker från Rekorderlig som ordervara; det finns ingen logisk förklaring till varför de skulle ha vissa men medvetet utesluta andra från att beställningssortimentet. Det enda jag ser är att de helt enkelt inte är tillgängliga för dem att beställa.


Vi kanske kommer långt från ämnet här, men jag menade inte att kommentera kring vad Systemet vill göra, bara kommenters kring hur deras närvaro påverkar marknaden. Jag nämnde i min förra kommentar marknadens "tryck". Att ha flera olika köpare som konkurrerar med varandra leder till tryck på olika typer av varor. Systemet har ersatt detta med inköpsplaner. Det är ganska kul att botanisera, de finns på Excel på deras hemsida. Juni 2025 planerar de att komma ut med en "halvsöt cider i 330 ml, tropisk frukt., färgsatt vätska." Kanske blir det den efterlängtade mango-smaken?


Haha dagens dummaste kommentar


Fan, redan? Jag har knappt värmt upp. Vänta bara vilka jävla grodor som kommer efter lunch.


Ahh, både narcissist och utopist. Vad uppfriskande. Vi hade bott i hyddor av mossa om såna som du tilläts tänka för länge.


Halmstad cider har även extremt många olika smaker i Norge som inte vi har.


Borde väl du ha stenkoll på din sosseröstande fiskrensare 🤝👍💪👌


translating this into english is hilarious. My guess is a ‘sossing fish cleaner’ is some sort of slur lmao


“Social democrats-voting fish cleaner”


Glad someone appreciated my joke;) bunch of stuck up bastards! 😁


eeey!! jag gillar inte heller sossar eller göteborgare men det där var faktiskt totalt oartigt och oförtjänt! ställ dig inte på andras tår, res på din egna rygg!


Får väl svara med mitt eget ordspråk "Tag ej seriöst en kommentar som slutar på 🤝👍💪👌" Kan dock medge att ironin inte kom fram hela vägen denna gången, men -77 downvotes är inte så pjåkigt att vakna upp till, kul att man engagerar!


This exact flavour doesn't seem to be sold in the government store, but other flavours are 15 SEK, so €1.30. Much more expensive at a bar of course, at least €4-5.


I work at a hotel bar and a bottle Briska costs 85kr. Crazy pricing.


At hemsedal it cost 145kr. Was there a month ago.


makes sense for a ski resort tho. My hotel is kinda cheap, 1500kr a night.






That is not cheap.


Yep. Crazy pricing and the bartender ask for a tip for opening a bottle lmao


I've never been asked to tip in Sweden. Most people don't. And you very very seldom tip for drinks in a bar. So I really don't get the comment either.


Har du aldrig varit ute på en bar eller? Varje gång måste du själv knappa in siffran du vill betala. Och nuförtin är det förinställt 5% 10% 20% och ingen dricks.


Jag har aldrig stött på någon bartender eller servitör som tittar snett om man inte dricksar. Det är ju snarare en förinställning.


Ja men att man ens får förfrågan tycker jag är larvigt när det enda de gjort är att ha hällt upp en öl.


Man skall bara ge dricks vid bordsservering. Om alla skulle drickas i baren skulle en bartender göra minst 1000kr extra i timmen, antagligen mer vid högt tryck.


Det är ju för fan deras jobb att blanda drinkar och hälla upp i glas.


Ja jag vet. Därför får de lön. Och ska inte ha dricks.


Wow where’s that bar at? Selling alcoholic drinks at bars with bottle sealed is illegal. Even customers buying a bottle of wine aren’t allowed to take the cork, bottle cap.


Nobody said that? The bar where the bartender opens the bottle for you? Basically every bar? Having hard time comprehending what you're trying to say.


Are you talking to me or Mario? Since it’s a hotel bar some people ask if they can buy unopened beers and wines to drink “later”


I don't think you understod what he meant, lol.


Probably 😂 I will drop it.


He means they want a tip for only opening your bottle and giving it to you.




Reminds me of a colleague from Nigeria. First time we goto restaurant no one buys alcohol because we know its a rip off.here comes the guy, orders a beer then gives the waiter a 20sek note telling him to keep the change. It was hilarious to see the waiter extremely confused as the beer was actually 80 sek


Talk about cultural shock!!


Of course the waiter anyway told him we don't take cash here so he got a double whammy. He asked if 80 sek was a joke because for that in Nigeria he would get a whole pack of beers.


I guess the nigerian was not a Prince


He sure did scam the swedish system. Still registered with his 4 kids in Sweden while living in Canada. On top of leaving his job 3 month earlier and getting the lön for it.


Well he was a nigerian Prince after all


I would feel robbed paying these prices


naw that's crazy!


That's the price for 330ml bottle, 500ml is ~1.80 euro.


Sounds delicious though! Would love to try it


Probably a result of the SEK being pretty weak, it'd probably be around the same cost a couple of months ago.


The SEK hasn't been that strong against the EUR since 2014 (where 15 SEK would be 1.70 EUR)...


Now that's a couple of months all right


exactly. 2014 was approx 30 months ago nobody can tell me different


At least 3 months ago.


On Systembolaget.se the Swedish liquor store's website, a 50cl can like that goes for 20,90 sek = 1,8€ although that specific flavor doesn't exist there


Can someone explain why this flavour isn’t available in Sweden when it’s literally produced and coming originally from Sweden?


In a bar it can be 5€ and more but otherwise like 1.3€


Many bars even charge €5 for the alcohol free ones and €8+ for the ones with alcohol.


At the bar, several times more expensive. At the store? Cheaper.


Its a country secret. It costs a fortune. Its a very luxurious beverage. ... Its cheap, don't tell the Australians.


It feels sweden-phobic that we don’t have that particular flavour available at Systemet


Man why don’t we have these flavours in Sweden… I’m upset they just removed my favourite here too, Krusbär.


If there's one thing I know about Rekorderlig it's that this one, just like all the other flavors, tastes like puking your guts out, somewhere dumb, at the age of 15.


That looks absolutely amazing, I need it






Sorry to go off topic, but wow.. Seeing that just brought the memory of flying to Ayia Napa 15ish years ago with two girlfriends. One week in August, 35° in the sun and almost limitless debauchery. It feels like that can is proof of the Swedish presence as tourists over the years.


This is occupied Cyprus.


sure man. If I called it occupied Cyprus someone would comment ‘this is The Republic of Northern Cyprus’


We are talking about legality here and legality is based on UN resolutions. I would also call you out if you said Russian Republic of Western Ukraine or the same claims Azerbaijan makes about Armenia and such, which is literally as immoral as what you said.


fair. But the UN enforces this border, I was under the impression it was all agreed upon (although not a good agreement).


The UN doesn't enforce this border. That's why people who are unedcucatdd on the issue shouldn't go around talking about it. The UN Force of Cyprus is hired by the Republic of Cyprus every year to act as a buffer force between Greek Cypriot troops and Turkish from Turkey occupying troops because they have murdered dozens of Greeks Cypriot soldiers for the lols since the war ended. So the Republic of Cyprus decided to not let it's 18 year olds be put in that danger and made outposts about 1 Km behind and hired the UN Force of Cyprus to guard the area from Turkish troops.


same price ish.. bit cheaper, in a bar 4 oe 5 euros.


what bar u finding this for 4-5 euro, cider is easily 7+ euro at any bar i go to


Ok, well last time I went to a bar 5 years ago lol! \^\^ or krökarbar dagtid.. \^\^ no clue.. jag går iaf inte på klubbar på stureplan där det är som dyrast..


I've never seen mango-raspberry. Must be fake, or?


Its regional. Here we have potato and lettuce.


Vodka and water?


Quite common in the uk


When I visited Sweden no one knew what a mango was. Is this a regional flavor?


That's 100% a misunderstanding. There are mangos in every grocery store. People know what a mango is. Maybe they were talking about mango liquors or something?


I don’t know. I was definitely clear and they all spoke excellent English. This was at least 10 or more people not including waitstaff at the restaurants.


Well I'm telling you it's absolutely impossible that multiple swedes would not know of the existence of the fruit mango. You can buy a fresh mango at most bigger grocery stores. There also quite a few mango flavor products that you can find in stores. Mango sauces, mango chutney, mango ice cream, etc. I think I've seen mango energy drink flavors, and definitely candy (though it doesn't really taste anything like the fruit). It's an exotic fruit, but it's far from rare and any swede will know what it is. Either it's a pronunciation thing, or they thought you meant mango flavored liquor (which you did, right?) and answered that they didn't know of any such drink.


If that’s how you feel then so be it, but that does not supersede my experience. I have nothing to gain by making fake claims about Swedes and mangos. I asked if they had any drinks with mango in it, they then asked what is mango? I explained what color it was and what it tasted like. They said they weren’t familiar with the fruit. The third guy used my explanation to make a drink similar in taste but not with mango. I went on to several places after that asking the same question and receiving the same answer, then gave them the recipe the third guy created and went on from there. If they were talking about “mango liquor” which was not specified by them or by me, why would I assume such when the conversation overall was clear?


No, there was definitely a misunderstanding. What you're saying is like if I went to the US and asked if they know what a peach is. Everyone knows what mangoes are. They must have thought you were talking about a specific product, like a mixer or rum. I'm telling you there is no way in hell that several people didn't know what a mango is. Maybe if you visited Sweden in the 1800s, but not in the past 50 years.


If it was overall a misunderstanding then so be it, but I’m not going to assume anything about them especially when my experience was otherwise.


Which year was this? Earlier exotic fruits were not as well know as they are now.




Where are you from?


I’m from the US.




About the mango? Yes. I went to a mixture of different bars and restaurants and wanted something with mango in it. Everyone I asked hadn’t heard of it. I had to tell them it was a mixture of sweet and tart/sour. The third bartender took it as a challenge and eventually made me a drink so good my whole table got it as well. I had him write the ingredients down but they were in Swedish. I took it to another bar and they translated it for me.


What was the recipe? Also where in Sweden were you? Most people I know always include mango in a fruit salad or smoothies.


I was in Stockholm. Here is the recipe. Let me know if you can see it. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hjnf19lhxdocbfqnkwgfc/IMG_6523.HEIC?rlkey=bivyw8pk8x2q4exbsknsgk70j&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hjnf19lhxdocbfqnkwgfc/IMG_6523.HEIC?rlkey=bivyw8pk8x2q4exbsknsgk70j&dl=0)


Everyone knows what mango is. You can buy it in any store and there are mango juices, even though wouldn’t surprise if they have mostly apple like every other juice.


I’ll have to take your word for it since that was not my experience.


I’m also curious about the recipe! I wasn’t able to open the link


The link keeps expiring. Do you mind if I message it to you?


I am also very interested in the recipe!


Message me the recipe too, please!


Yes you can message the recipe! Thanks


Saw it, seems interesting. Gonna try make one next time I’m drinking, but gonna skip adding sugar to it. Sprite feels sweet enough.


If you remember, let me know if you enjoyed it!