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You can try harvesting some inside a gateron clear (white stem). It has 35g actuation and 50g bottom out. Hope it helps.


Maybe some Milky Yellows would be nice in that weight range and they’re pretty cheap too. Also if you’re located in CONUS and needed any help with spring swapping then I’d be more than glad to offer some assistance


Milky Yellow is not 20-30g switch tho


I think he means put the new springs in the milky yellows.


I really appreciate the offer, but my wife has volunteered! I'll try some milky yellows though.


Seriously, just go with the new Gateron Smoothie. It’s SILKY SMOOTH out of the box with little-to-no odd sounds. It’s like slicing through the butter with a hot knife. Its price is very decent too. The sound is a clean clack that is a medium pitch. You can’t go wrong with it! As for springs, I always recommend XL (20mm+), single-stage springs for linears, they’re very consistent in graph and feel the best, in my honest experience. You’d still have that snappy return.


I'll check those out. Thanks for the suggestion. 


I went with Choc Pink for a full custom board and enjoy them. Fair warning though at 20g I couldn't rest my hands on the board without the keys triggering so maybe a bit heavier if you rest your hands. I really like them though and would highly recommend if you want to feel like you have no resistance and are just pressing on air


You can harvest light springs from MMD Princess Linear switches. They're 28g operating // 35g bottom-out and 20.4mm in length. I have about 70 or so of them on me, need to recount lol


I've been using sakura switches (35g) and mmd Vivian (28g) and they're pretty nice, a little lubing helps but they feel buttery smooth and very light. They're also very cheap which is a plus


You can often check what the key is made of. When the stem is from POM, you are often good. (or more extreme: UHMWPE). The Milky Yellows have a POM stem and the rest Nylon, the Smoothie has all components POM. The Hippo's have a UHMWPE stem (and Nylon housing). I think POM on POM is the smoothest (but have no experience with UHMWPE on Nylon).


And in case you are not sure what a key is made of: just take in pieces and burn them! [How To Identify The Plastic Material? -Topworks Plastic Molding (plasticmoulds.net)](https://www.plasticmoulds.net/identify-the-plastic-material.html). I expect Nylon to quickly melt and drip, so be careful.


I have some very light springs form HMX switches. 37g actuation 42g bottom out.