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"Why is SAO hated"


Who is best girl


I agree with your choice


Asuna will always be my queen


A person of culture.




You’re all wrong.


Personally I see Sinon as more of a spiritual sister for Kirito.


You’re all wrong its Alice all the way (Ive been through this too many times)


Asuna is best girl but she’s taken so Sinon is the best girl in Asuna’s place!


People asking when and if SAO is going to continue.


That’s why I joined this 😂


"Is SaO gEtTiNg A sEaSoN fOuR?"


Nah, "Is SaO gEtTiNg A sEaSoN fIvE?"


I've seen people say season 6 because the consider underworld bart 1 and 2 different seasons lmao


If we're going by that logic surely s1 should be two seasons and s2 be three? Meaning we're at 8 seasons and we're waiting on a ninth


I think they are thinking about it in terms of releases. S1 was a release, S2 was a release, Alicization was a release, Alicization: WoU P1 was a release and Alicization: WoU P2 was a release.


Wait tell me is it?


All the what-ifs about Kazuto dating the other girls instead of Asuna.


tbf wats the point of it being a harem if he doesn’t date any other girls if they wouldn’t went with the one girl route might as well have just kept it to 1 but i’m not complaining i love kiritos game it always kills me 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣


The simple point that it's not a harem. They did go the one girl route since the very first volume of the series.


it is tho cuz he’s got multiple women in love with him and every arc it’s a new girl bro


How is it 30 years after Tenchi Muyo popularized the genre and people all the sudden don't know what a harem is? If there's a canon relationship all the other girls in the series recognize and support then it can't be a harem series. If the girls and Kirito are rarely all in the same place and never even compete with each other when they are it's not a harem series. There's a literally an 11 volume gap between girls liking Kirito and we're now another 7 volumes into another gap. Girls falling in love with Kirito is such a small and insignificant part of the series.


Kirito being an absolute stud who is found attractive by most women he runs into doesn't make it automatically a harem. He ends up just being good friends with all of them and has been in a relationship since season 1 with Asuna.


Yeah... SAO ain't a harem. It contains a harem, the girls, but Kirito is not, nor has he ever been involved IN a harem. He's only ever had eyes for Asuna and that has clearly and consistently been shown. 6 emojis on reddit, with no punctuation I might add, is certainly a choice, young one.


that’s what i’m saying what’s the point of there being a harem if he’s not gonna do anything should’ve just kept it a normal relationship with one girl and tbh i don’t know why i fucking put 6 emojis i was too fried 😭😭😭😭


It doesn't even contain a harem though, it's literally just him being attractive to people but it has always and will always be Asuna. That's not a harem. That's just him having friends who are into him.


My parents telling me to get married


"Can I skip X, Y, or Z part of the anime?"


Not the spongebob cross-post


The conversation about how someone show up and say how Kirito could beat Yuuki, with slight variations each time xD just accept it... he could not beat her. Reki confirmed. that's the end xD


WeLl AcTuAlLy YuIKiE nEvEr FoUgHt UnDeRwOlRd KiRiTo So ShE nEvEr FoUgHt HiS sTrOnGeSt VeRsIoN


They actually confirmed it? I never been apart of that conversation so I never knew any details, I just thought the way the presented it in the show was that he threw that fight, if I’m thinking of the right one


In the light novel, Yuuki vs Kirito duel that happen on screen, Kirito lost rather easily after Yuuki decided to use Mother's Rosario IIRC. He lost completely, in the anime, they added some kind of timer and they made the timer end right before yuuki beat him but in the novel she directly beat him. Reki Kawahara also mentioned the only way a Kirito vs Yuuki fight would end up with Kirito winning is if Kirito used Excalibur legendary sword and thanks to the lots of extra stats that the Sword give him, otherwise he would loss to Yuuki no matter what.


Oh damn


yeahhh yuuki is insane. the only other realistic reality (cause yes incarnation kirito would beat her, he beat the two strongest incarnation users of the underworld, but it’s unrealistic and unlikely that even if she lived yuuki would have ended up there), would be if yuuki was in sao. most of yuukis skill and speed came from comfort in the digital world, after spending 3 years there, so if she started at the same time as him in the same circumstances he probably would have excelled past her same way he did the rest of the game. but in ALO i dont think Kirito would ever beat Yuuki, like you said with the stuff about Reki and Excalibur. And its also hinted at in the beginning of the Mother’s Rosary novel where Liz said that old sao kirito prolly could have won but that she “didnt want him to have to fight that hard ever again”, because it really did take a massive mental toll on him.


Like… the majority of the questions posted here nowadays. I’m quite sad that there’s a whole bunch of people who don’t know what google is.


Who's mr. sword art and why is he online? Is he the one googling? Or trying to learn what Google is?


in all fairness there are a ton of questions youll have a hard time finding on google. often its just better to ask a legit person. i think its less nobody uses google and more this community has become so small that all the old gen people are constantly seeing questions that the few new people we get have, and the questions usually reside around the same subjects


Not so much anymore, but people constantly posted about the sexual assault scenes in the series. Even people who never watched the anime were coming here to ask if there's a lot of it because it's the only thing they ever heard about SAO. It's still a consistent part of any criticism of the series, regardless of how it fits into the story. Still baffles me that people focus more on the concept of sexual assault in any context, instead of, you know... the deaths of hundreds of children!


Everytime I think about Sao nowadays I think about when I was going to watch alicazation and eat some food but was then forced to watch softcorn porn with the slimy tentacle thing.


Has sword art online become a reality now?


Ita getting there actually 😂 VRC has a pretty good SAO game being worked on


"should i read the manga or light novel"


In my opinion its not a problem if a topic comes up often, this let new people express themselves on this topic.


iSnT SaO a HaRem?!


"damn bro sao really went downhill after season 1 right??".... Hah... Ok... Now stfu


"sao abriged is better than normal sao" like dude i think both are great in their own respects, but there are mf's who will shut me down and say sao abriged is "objectively" better than the og, and those fans make it seem more than what its actually trying to be, and its not like i disagree with the statement, i agree to a slight extent, the storyline with sugu and kirito's broken relationship is captivating me more than the og storyline, even if the og is just misunderstood. they're cooking something great but the thing people need to understand is that abriged is not a replacement for normal sao, it's a parody or rather a take on the original work, both are good so plz stop fighting over this.


>the storyline with sugu and kirito's broken relationship is captivating me more than the og storyline Their broken relationship in abridged is just a one to one copy of why their relationship was broken in the original though.


It's not the originality of it that captivates me, it's the way they approach the subject, sugu's constant antagonization towards kirito in the abriged makes the storyline more captiviting and believable, and I feel like someone gonna attack me for using the word believable to describe it but, that's just how I feel. Also I wouldn't say it's one to one, sugu's hostility is more so based on kirito's neglect towards her being to a much higher degree. They're both so self centered in the abriged version that neither one of them are willing to admit that they hurt each other, which results in neither wanting to take that first step to make things right. It's no so much the context, but the approach taken. But it's just my opionon


I will say, I am glad that abridged seems to have helped people understand the original better, even if they don't realize it. From Kayaba and Kazuto similarities, Kazutos character arc in Aincrad, and especially Sugu and Kazutos relationship problems. But yeah, they both are good in their own regards, despite me not being a fan of abridgeds type of comedy.


No yeah I get not being into the humor, it's sometimes doesn't land all that well and makes the scene fall flat since the comedy is the backbone of the series. And haters of og sao keep saying kayaba doesn't have a motivation when he literally says he wanted to controll a world of his creation. But I do perfer abriged kayaba and his motivation


Tbh, I'm really not a fan of abridged Kayaba, especially his speech at the end of the world. It feels like they took all the parts I found interesting about him and turned him into some game dev. I personally love how well his motive and actions work so well with the central theme of the series of blurring the lines between real and virtual, since creating the world of his childhood dreams was his ultimate goal. But yeah, that "criticism" is always one that annoys me. Even on my first watch a decade ago, I picked up on his motivation and goal.


I feel like his speech at the end can just be attributed to abriged being a comedy first and a gripping consistant narrative second. Despite what people see as a gripping emotinal story from the last scene of ep 17, the abriged series at the fore front has always been a comedy at its core.


Yeah, that sounds about right.


Change it to every day and I can give a list of things


should I watch S69420 omg I love S1 but I dont want to continue watching because my dog doesnt like it


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Season 4




Sao is trash


MFK Kirito Asuna Oprah Winfrey


A dissertation on why the show is good/bad


Any variation of the "SAOA is better than the real SAO" argument that happens here half the time I open this app. Happy every time I see them get bullied for saying it even if I do like SAOA


Since release, I've been at my brother's (not blood brother) throat about Pokémon Legends Z-A and whether it'll be in the past or the future


Which is better the orginal or Abridged.


"When is What if Sachi Survived Part 4 coming out?"


Inside the fandom it's Kirito vs Yuuki. Like you have literally every single piece of factual evidence including game mechanics, character statements, and even the author commentary saying he loses, and then you have a group of people that argue the opposite because they don't like the idea of the main character who loses all the time losing.


Watch order, “when is the next season?”, “why is SAO hated?”, etc. There’s a few.


All the *What if?*'s and *Why not?*'s. It's just boring and annoying to see that kind of questions over and over again. Like RL history people need to accept that what happened already makes What if? and Why not? useless and frustrating. It's not of any importantly what could've been instead. Unless the author, or the people who own the rights of it, decides to make a restart or reboot and alter the story (Neon Genesis Evangelion), or get it closer to the original works/source (Spice & Wolf), there's no alternatives for how the story goes or ends.


This is why fanfictions exist and fanfiction is huge. As for the not being important thing. Neither is sword art online as a whole. Its fun to watch, fun to read but it isn’t breathing or eating.


Best girl


I have one to add, the constant posting of fanart of female characters that look like freeze frames from porn. Yeah, we get it, you are horny and you want everyone to know it. Not complaining, it just happens a surprising amount compared to other series


"Why I hate Kirito." I still do, but I know I gotta turn down the volume.


wait people hate kirito? why he’s such a goat 😭😭😭😭😭


That's a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG conversation for me to get into. But my usual go-to is the amount of D1-glazing he gets from everyone.


i mean ignoring the fandom since they have nothing to do with him what’s not to like he’s got game (which i understand some people don’t like) he’s well written as in he’s fleshed out he doesn’t just forget the things that happened in SAO the people he’s killed and the people he cared about that died he still had PTSD of that and realized he hadn’t resolved it and had constant mental break downs which is more than normal for anyone at his young age who went through what he did he’s a badass his fights are always amazing i don’t really see what’s wrong but maybe i’m biased since SAO was one of the first 10 anime’s i actually watched properly instead of watching on the TV as a kid or on youtube with that 420p quality and in the corner of the screen in 2X speed and stuff like that it would be interesting to hear tbh


I mean, I guess different people have different perspective, I can understand how some would find Kirito an admirel character for what he goes through and how he manages to overcome it. But I swear, for me, SAO and Kirito has never really been the same after the first 12 episodes. (I know, most people say that) The amount of bullsh*t this man overcomes with the power of "I'M THE MAIN CHARACTER." Cheating death... TWICE, somehow being an ultra detective all of a sudden, somehow being the only DECENT guy in a million mile radius which constitutes to being a rizzaholic. And as far as that PTSD go, that man had ONE hug from a hot nurse, and that pretty much solved his fake-ass trauma. AT LEAST LET THE MAN GO TO CHURCH, pray to God, ask that his sins can be forgiven. But what really got me boiling, is his ability to master any game he gets put into. Man, if I ever played against Kirito in an online, that generic self-insert douchebag needs to run me my fade in real life. Let's see him cheat death there. And I ain't gonna give him the faith of a one-on-one, shoo I'm bringing my friends, we jumping JJK style. As you can see, I'm a hater. I can't help but hate Kirito. Some love him, some don't, and some just despise him. That's why I love SAO: Fatal Bullet, cause at one point during the story you get to fight and beat Kirito in a game. I got the juice now. ... But real talk, you can like Kirito and SAO for that matter. We all like what we like, and we all hate what we hate. Ain't much to change that.


>But I swear, for me, SAO and Kirito has never really been the same after the first 12 episodes. (I know, most people say that) And most people never accurately (you included) say why. >Cheating death... TWICE If you're talking about the end of Aincrad, he's kept alive by another person. I'm not sure what other instance you're talking about. Kirito always has to be saved by other people. >somehow being an ultra detective all of a sudden Deducing how something happens with other characters is not being an ultra detective. The series would be full of ultra detectives otherwise. >somehow being the only DECENT guy in a million mile radius The series is full of decent men, as well as complicated men. >And as far as that PTSD go, that man had ONE hug from a hot nurse, and that pretty much solved his fake-ass trauma This is 100% false. >But what really got me boiling, is his ability to master any game he gets put into. Kirito plays two games other than SAO. The first one is a copy of the original SAO with flight as the main mechanic, and it takes him hours to learn how fly without crash landing. The second is a shooter where he doesn't successfully hit anything he aims at with a gun the entire arc. >that generic self-insert Anyone that thinks Kirito is a self insert clearly has zero knowledge of the character or the series. Hell it feels like they didn't watch it.


... My man. Please take your nerd-checking ass somewhere else, because I don't need you. I'm glad you got love for the series that you like. But unlike the dude I just talked to, I feel like you can't understand why someone else wouldn't like the show. Again, different perspective. I don't agree with any of the points that you just made. 1. Kirito is a self-insert. 2. The PTSD thing, as far as I got to in the series was half-assed. 3. He basically cheated death a second time against the Fairy King, because where the hell did Kayaba come from. The Matrix?! 4. The detective sh*t he pulled at the start of Alicization, where he and Eugeo were in the castle with those two girl apprentice knights. Like how was Kirito supposed to know that? He was in the castle for like an hour! 5. F**k you with the decent men point. Agil doesn't get enough screentime, Klein is treated like the damn Yamcha of S.A.O. Eugeo is basically a Kirito-clone (HELL THEY EVEN LOOK THE SAME) and Eiji... we don't talk about Eiji. 6. The game thing... Aight you get that one. I'd still kick Kirito's ass in a parking garage, though. All these are my points. The points that I believe in, and whatever you say next ain't gonna change my opinion. I saw what I saw. Now you come and debate me, problem is... Do you and I really care enough to spend our time doing that, because I'm sure we got better things and better people to talk to. You stick to your understanding, and I stick to mine. Everybody is happy.


>.. My man. Please take your nerd-checking ass somewhere else, because I don't need you. Then just ignore the post. But if you're going to post nonsense in a fandom community people are going to comment on it. >Kirito is a self-insert. Again no one in their right mind would want to self insert into Kirito. Unless you consider the massive mental and physical trauma he goes through, the multiple suicide attempts, the constant attempts on his life, brain damage and more to be counterbalanced by a few girls liking him then yeah no. >The PTSD thing, as far as I got to in the series was half-assed. Then you weren't paying attention. He willfuly makes himself a pariah because he shares the blame for the first floor deaths due to his selfishness. His guild dies for the same reasons, and it completely changes how he sees other people the rest of his life. After that he levels suicidally for an item that he doesn't believe can possibly work, even going as far as willing to kill one of his only friends to do so. He kills three people in Aincrad and the guilt is so bad that he represses the memory of them. He like so many other SAO survivors are so conditioned to VR that they willfully keep using it after they were imprisoned with it. This isn't solved by a hug, it continues to be a constant in him all the way through to the end of what the anime covers and then beyond, and that's not even counting the additional trauma that occurs after what you've watched. >The detective sh\*t he pulled at the start of Alicization, where he and Eugeo were in the castle with those two girl apprentice knights. Like how was Kirito supposed to know that? He was in the castle for like an hour! He'd been in the world for two years at that point. The idea that Fluctlights cannot break rules had been ingrained on him and the viewer since the first day he was in Underworld. Him catching people that can't disobey rules breaking them isn't some super detective. You're supposed to be suspicious of them. >F\*\*k you with the decent men point. Agil doesn't get enough screentime, Klein is treated like the damn Yamcha of S.A.O. Eugeo is basically a Kirito-clone (HELL THEY EVEN LOOK THE SAME) and Eiji... we don't talk about Eiji. Eugeo is the farthest thing from a Kirito clone, jesus you really don't pay attention. They don't act the same, they don't have similar motivations or world views etc. But hey you can already mentioned four. Do we ant to try Nishida? Thinker? Eugene? Kikouka? Kainz? Godfrey? Any of the male integrity knights? The Dark Territory rulers? Sure the series is a little female character heavy, but lets not act like there aren't male characters that play roles in the story that aren't good people or conflicted people. >All these are my points. The points that I believe in, and whatever you say next ain't gonna change my opinion. I mean that's fine, but burying your head in the sand doesn't prevent those opinions from being challenged. You posted something on an open discussion forum.


Lord almighty, forgive this yapper because he got nothing better to do than this. ![gif](giphy|NYiwZYTuQ5PKirqKMz|downsized) Forgive me, but this brick wall needs to take a shower.


Bro, they're telling you why they believe you're wrong and you're just telling them to shut up. You're the brick wall. 🤦‍♂️


fair enough but i think for the point of where we only see bad men we don’t we see a few good men through out the show too like leafas friend of course the goats klein and agil also the leader of the red fairies the one kirito fought (he joined the fight against the American players) we also see that guy who used to be parts of knights of the blood oath we see him in S5 we also see members of the moonlit black cats and members of yuukis guild we also see that korean player stand up for the SAO gang we also see a few others but i can’t remember right now and when it comes to bad guys it’s because all the times kirito runs into these people is because he gets hired to get in these situations and go against these people like ALO villain he was just a maniac and pure evil but there’s people like that in this world with GGO kirito was hired to take out death gun with alicization again he was hired to take alice to the world end alter and go against the hackers and soldiers as for the PTSD it didn’t go away after the nurse hugged him don’t you remember the WHOLE of season 4 (alicization part 2) where kirito was just a vegetable not from wounds but physiological damage not just from eugio but also from everything that happened in SAO it didn’t all go away it was in his mind all along and as for how he’s good at every game he plays think about it he was LIVING he was basically in a whole other world living life or death fighting every day with a sword for 2 years protecting himself and everyone else in the game think about it the amount of skill he accumulated going through those situations when it comes to life or death you can’t be sloppy he had to gain as much experience and strength as possible and that experience is with him not the game so it’ll be there no matter what and as for stats you gotta remember he transfers his accounts and in alicization we seen it wasn’t handed to him he used his experience and TRAINED HARD to get strong enough to fight the integrity knights and the pontifex and even then without everyone help he couldn’t have done it nah JJK fade is killing me 😭😭😭😭😭😭 and fair enough your opinion is your opinion but if you see my reasoning maybe you’ll understand why i like him so much and why it makes sense and maybe you’ll like him too 😭😭😭🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Respect. I know I'm the same with Dragon Ball and Goku. You could bring actual legitimate reasons as to why someone should hate Goku, and I'd probably tweak out and start curb-stomping. As for Alicization... I won't lie, I gave up when I found out that A.L.I.C.E was an A.I. world that could effect the real world. At that point, I said, "F**k you S.A.O, I'm done." So I didn't know the PTSD was still there. I thought that sh*t just came and went like a brainfart. But still, you good for liking what you like, staying by it despite people like me, again respect. But I know as long as S.A.O is centered around Kirito, I'm pretty sure I'm just gonna avoid it. You stay a fan though, as long as YOU like it.


fair enough but bro trust me when i say at least give alicization a go it’s REALLY good bro trust me the fights the plot the character development all of it it’s amazing try give it a shot when your bored and got nothing to do who knows you may like it 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


SAO should be renamed to sexual assault online don't @ me