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Bettys is on my shit list after the criminal price they charge for post-mix drinks. Fkn stupid.


The real crime is not getting their pb shake


Their shakes are awesome though


their on my shitlist for their stupid novelty name


Well Betty created the joint making burgers and selling them. She was a very lovely lady. But then it turned into a popular 'the it place to go' joint. And started charging insane prices for a burger with lettuce and tomato.


> The inspiration for this venue comes from David Hales’ late grandmother Betty Anderson, who was known for making the best burgers in her day Just a bullshit story made up to make the place sound more authentic.


its not the burger part that bugs me


They gave me frozen patties last time. Never been back since. Their burgers not even that good


$6 for a coke no sugar is the bigger crime here


It costs extra to take the sugar out


Also extra to take the coke out.


I have been to Betty’s only once. The price of drinks was so steep I asked for some water. The nice kid happily gave us cups of water for free.


Every restaurant is legally required to provide free tap water for those eating at their establishment


I don't know about that. Pubs have to provide water but never heard someone say that a fast food restaurant has to.


Yeah sorry it’s anywhere licensed, so burger places that serve beer would have to


It makes sense in that regard, guess it just never crossed my mind. Thanks for the learning.


That's like petrol station prices


A servo will at least usually have a 2 for $X deal you can do to make it a bit better


I ordered a small can of Redbull at a bar once and got charged $9


That's pretty cheap for coke with no sugar. Its $350 at the Channel 7 house


I carry my own tomato and bbq sauce bottles with me these days…


I carry my own burgers


I’ll bring the mayo and hot sauce


Ill bring beers and chips. Wheres the party?


keep the patty between your buns


I carry my own Avocado everywhere I go!


Hello news.com.au journalist! Here are some quotes attributable for you to use in your article when you talk about aussie redditors being outraged! ____ We don't have a country anymore! This is blatantly unaustralian! After spending $19 on a burger, paying extra for the tomato sauce is just a kick in the teeth. No wonder people can't afford houses these days! Rupert Murdoch is a grub. Did they also make you pay for the salt?


That's IT I'm NEVER eating there again!!!! I'm FURIOUS!!!! I purposely block ads on all murdoch media sites. This is unacceptable! SHAME on you!


One Reddit user said “…..”


"Vote with your wallet"


Calling them a journalist is pretty generous.


I went to Betty’s Burgers Market Street on Wednesday. I had a voucher for a free Betty’s classic but the app wouldn’t work since I guess the charge was $0.  So the nice lady rung it up on the her till for free. I checked and my code was still working so I rode my bike to Betty’s Burgers Darling Harbour and ordered another free Betty’s classic + fries + sauce for $8. I had a bottle of water, I didn’t need a drink.


35 a head for fast food?? Might as well hit a chinese resti if theyre charging that


Just had two banh mi, a beer and a smoothie, came to under $9...in Vietnam though.


Almost $70 for one person order! This is just insane.


you spent 19 bucks on a burger and you're fucked off for a buck for a condiment lol


Idk I'm kinda with OP on this one. It's kinda crazy how normalised it is to charge for condiments that you are actually in defense of the business. It takes virtually no preparation or skill to pass on some tomato sauce, much less worth 1/4 the price of a coffee


I’m with the person who responded - not with the business. I hate this overcharging as much as the next peasant. The problem here is that OP was willing to pay these prices - they saw the menu before they ordered I assume. A restaurant will price at their target market - if they can make a profit from the people willing to pay that price, then they will do it. If they charge customers too much, they lose sales. Obviously enough people are willing to pay that price. I don’t get it myself - a lot of the popular food places are just hype - and people line up for hours in some circumstances. Marrickville pork rolls - $13 or something? Exactly the same pork roll elsewhere in the city $9… out west $6 - yet people rave on the Marrickville pork role like it is unique. It’s not. Literally exactly the same.


yeah but if this guy is so outraged at prices of something why's he going to known ripoff bettys burgers, spending six bucks on a coke and 19 bucks for a burger, but the tipping point is a dollar for sauce lmao it's bettys burgers - there's next to no preparation or skill involved there in general


Not sure you understand the concept of 'tipping point' When something reaches the tipping point it's not something big/large. It's something small that tips everything over the edge.


yeah just like that straw that broke the camels back


I mean just because you spend a lot of money on something, that doesn't mean you should just automatically accept every random small charge. Imagine if I bought a house for $1m and I was charged $10k by the realtor as a "handing over keys fee". You don't think it's reasonable to complain about it because it's only a fraction of the cost of the thing I'm buying?


To be fair it's $16.5 for a burger without the public holiday surcharge. I'm not sure if you've been out since 2020 but that's pretty standard for a burger these days.


Dipshit - all the burgers are cooked to order, so compared to your average fast food place yes there is a good deal of preparation.


I must have missed the part where they defended the business. I read it as them criticising the business to the extent that OP’s criticism is insignificant in comparison.


Where are you buying your coffee?


4 * 1.15 = 4.60 Pretty average price for a coffee


The burgers are pretty on point though.


Yeah this is some crybaby shit


Tried them twice * First time to check them out * Second time to confirm that they weren't worth the effort. The local pub & kebab place better value and quality.


Abso-fucking-lutely. Our local kebab place sells giant, delicious, fresh kebabs for about $14. Any other takeaway in the surrounding area nowdays will cost at least $25 per person. If you're still ordering on Uber or similar apps you're gonna pay for the mark-up plus whatever bullshit charges they add to the order as well. It sucks to have to limit yourself to certain/cheaper things but in this day and in this economy.. I refuse to pay the exorbitant prices most places charge.


This is what I scrolled down for. My trigger is seeing a line of people waiting for a product - seeing what they are waiting for and sighing once I find out. It’s always something simple like a burger or a doughnut or a japanese cheesecake. “Ohhh but it’s so good.”…. No, it’s just another burger.


Non essential businesses, such as restaurants, can charge stupid prices if the customers are stupid enough to go out of their way to pay for it.


Never ceases to amaze me people will pay for this stuff then whinge on Reddit like that will ever make a difference to the store. You are fine with a $19 burger no complaint about that but not fine being charged $1 for sauce, fair suck of the sauce bottle Kev! Maybe vote with your wallet and don't let there be a first time at that place, might have greater consequences for that store than a whinge on Reddit.


You saw the price, paid the cash, and then made this post playing the victim like it wasn’t your choice lol How many food spots are in Chatswood? 100? Vote with your wallet, not with your whinge


I rarely order sauces with chips but every time I’ve been to Betty’s they always phase it “would you like any sauce with that?” And never mention a price. So it could very well catch you out but I suppose you gotta check the menu


Sure but it’s not like Betty’s is reasonably priced to begin with!


Good point


True Chatswood is packed with so many different food districts


Thank you. Title: The Outrageous Truth Behind Betty’s Burgers: Unveiling the $1.15 Tomato Sauce Scandal in Chatswood Betty’s Burgers, a name once synonymous with deliciousness, now stands accused of a shocking betrayal of customer trust: the audacious $1.15 charge for tomato sauce in Chatswood. In an era where consumers demand transparency and fairness, this brazen act of corporate greed cannot go unaddressed. Exploiting the Experience Economy In a world where businesses are supposed to enhance customer experiences, Betty’s Burgers shamelessly exploits this trend by charging exorbitantly for a basic condiment. What happened to the days when a burger came with all the trimmings without breaking the bank? Betty’s Burgers has chosen profits over principles, tarnishing its reputation in the process. Deceptive Differentiation Tactics Betty’s Burgers masquerades as a purveyor of premium quality, but its pricing tactics reveal a darker truth. By charging for tomato sauce, they seek to create an illusion of exclusivity and sophistication, preying on unsuspecting customers who equate price with prestige. It’s a deceptive ploy that insults the intelligence of consumers. Profiteering at the Expense of Customers While Betty’s Burgers may argue that every aspect of business contributes to costs, the $1.15 charge for tomato sauce is nothing short of profiteering. It’s a slap in the face to loyal patrons who expect fair pricing and honest dealings. This blatant money-grab reveals a company more interested in lining its pockets than satisfying its customers. Insensitive Pricing Psychology Betty’s Burgers’ decision to price tomato sauce slightly above zero demonstrates a callous disregard for consumer psychology. By exploiting the psychological phenomenon of perceived value, they manipulate customers into believing they’re getting something special when, in reality, they’re being taken for a ride. Localized Exploitation The fact that this egregious pricing policy is confined to Chatswood only underscores Betty’s Burgers’ willingness to exploit local market dynamics for financial gain. It’s a targeted assault on the hardworking residents of Chatswood who deserve better than to be treated as cash cows for corporate profit margins. Conclusion: Taking a Stand Against Corporate Greed The $1.15 tomato sauce scandal at Betty’s Burgers in Chatswood is not just about condiments; it’s about corporate ethics and consumer rights. It’s time for consumers to speak out against such blatant acts of greed and demand accountability from businesses like Betty’s Burgers. In a world where trust is currency, Betty’s Burgers has bankrupted its integrity.


news.com.au has a job offer for you


It’s already taken by chatgpt


I used ChatGPT. Which I think their reporters do too, come to think of it.


How did you make it do messed up capitalisation haha


news.com.au has a manager position for you then


I don’t get why Bettys is so popular. Their burgers are subpar at best.


As a veggo their mushroom burger goes hard! Like, I’m so sick of soap tasting chickpea patties. The oozey cheese… it’s a rare treat lol.


McDonald’s > Betty’s


The sad thing is that $1 for sauce is nothing these days. Not uncommon at all for places to charge $3-4 these days for a tiny tub. They try and justify it by calling it "Our house made specialty secret sauce" when it's really just aioli with a bit of tomato sauce mixed in.


How’s the food though?? 6 bucks for sugarless coke is ridiculous


Go support local Cafe instead 


At least theres no card surcharge, thats equally as surprising lol


WhY aReN't YoUnG pEoPlE gOiNg OuT aNyMoRe?


Betty's started out great then went down the shitter like a lot of Sydney chains/restaraunts do once they made their profits.


I only went once. Have not been back since I essentially paid $30 for a burger, chips and a drink which was not much better then Hungry Jacks.


Betty’s Burgers: that same Maccas taste but for only twice the price!!


It's always been a rort. People go for the branding and nothing else.


Pretty much. It emerged as this new, swish, pretty, "different" place and everyone seemed to not notice how expensive it is.


Maybe if they charged $20.13 for the burger but free sauce then OP wouldn’t be outraged?


maybe, but way more people will pay 18/19 than 20 for a fast food burger. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychological_pricing


Laugh, youre copping 14 bucks on 10c worth of cooked potato and youre grieving over $1 for sauce? Go no sauce next time. Simple.


Crap burgs and the pricing is crazy the biggest problem we have is people hand out money then complain later pay attention if your burger cost $19 go home make something cheap


Betty's renowned for that


I've never understood why people rave about Betty's so much, they're okay burgers but far too expensive for what you're getting.


That’s a paddlin


I left Australia for a year and came back to this franchise being pretty popular. Tried it out and was shocked by the prices. Fuck right of Betty's. Never going back there. Burgers are decent but not $30 decent.


$6 for a Coke. WTF.


Sauce in places like this always costs at least dollar! So it makes sense for a public holiday? So the maths works out. What are we supposed to be outraged over?


I went to my new local wonderburger the other day (Im in ACT). On a sat arvo, they charge + 10% on Sat and Sun, 15% on PHols and 2% on card transactions. The checkout looked like a pokie hitting the feature. 2 Burgs and chips nearly hitting 60 bucks!


Sauce on French fries. Straight to jail.


Why the fuck would you eat from a chain owed by fucking Bain? (Not the Batman villain FYI) You can absolute guaranty you will be raped.


First and last time I went to Betty's I ordered a burger and fries. i wasn't sure id like betty's burger sauce so asked they don't put it on the burger but on the side. I didn't realise till later they had actually charged for a side of sauce.


You went to Betty’s Burgers. McDonald’s disguised as fancy. What were you expecting?


Betty's Chatswood it utterly fucked. Had a similar experience when I went first and last time ... 


Betty’s seems to be getting worse as they expand. The Burgers etc are severely overpriced, for something that’s McDonald’s in size.


That's a hefty bill for not very much food at all. Eating out has become far too expensive hasn't it.. add all the surcharges onto that and it's just horrifying.


What’s crazy is that Rockpool Bar and Grill still only charges $23 for their burger at the bar which is made with full blood Blackmore wagyu, comes with bacon and is served in one of Sydney’s nicest bars.


If it was ramekin of house-made tomato sauce, then i have no problem paying for the stuff. If it was a squirt of heinz/masterfoods, then they're taking the piss. Anyway, I regularly have to pay for my condiment of choice (mayo/aioli/tartare) for chips, so why shouldn't the ordinary sauce folks (tomato/bbq/HP) have to pay for theirs as well.


I had a Chicken Breast Burger, Fries & a Large Soft Drink, together with 2 packets of tomato ketchup in Manila yesterday. $3.15


Its a public holiday so you pay 15% more... and you also asked sauce on the side.


I’ve only been there for a shake and their shakes are great. The rest didn’t look that appealing.


1.15 is nothing as i was charged 3 bucks for a tiny tub of sauce at a pub near town hall station five years ago.


Had to pay $2 for a little squeezee pack of opregro sauce the other day from oportos. What a rip


Had one of the most horrible meals of my life at the Bettys in Bondi. Tasteless, nasty lobster 'po boy'* and a milkshake made with Cottees cordial. So expensive for a meal worth all of $10 in total. * Absolutely nothing like an actual po boy.


But you're saving 0.01c on your burger...


You could have bought an entire Aldi tomato sauce bottle for that much


Betty's staff do the sly "would you like tomato or bbq sauce with that", which I took to imply it was an included option at no extra cost. Haven't been back since.


Think my friend got charged $2 at the one in Bondi


It should be free, but have you not been to the many chicken or burger shops around that charge $2-3 for what is usually an inadequate amount of sauce? It's very common. $1.15 is pretty good unless it is one of those crappy squeezable ones.


So expensive for burger that taste like fancy hungry jacks imo


You willingly paid over $35 for 2 burgers. The jokes on you already.


I've been to Betty's once and still can't figure out how burgers and cokes for 3 people was $110. This was 5 years ago and I never went back. In fact everyone I've ever mentioned Betty's to tells me it's too expensive and they never go there so idk who tf is still going


Go to a local burger joint. I know you were in Chatswood shops but walk a block to Johnnie's Burgers or Toastiesmith. Chain stores will always suck. They have to send a chunk of profit for nothing back to some franchisee. They have to cut quality and hike prices to make this happen. Support local.