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for the love of god if youre going to lidcombe mall on a weekend, do not park inside the mall. it will take you 20 minutes to go in and 20 minutes to go out. i am not joking


Random place to post this, but does anyone here know a good dermatologist? Getting random bumps, acne, and itchiness all over my face which I haven't had in at least a couple years. Pretty much taken over both sides of my face. This has been happening for roughly 3 weeks. I have seen a dermatologist this week who said it is rosacea and prescribed antibiotics among other things, but I'd like to get a second opinion before I go down this route.


My dermatologist books new patients with a 6 month lag so you may be waiting depending on who you find


What is even the point in the station at Clyde? Is there even a full train length between it and Granville?!


until it was closed and repurposed for the parramatta light rail there was a line from Clyde to Carlingford. Clyde was the interchange fun fact: for many years there was a "station" marked "Clyburn" between Clyde and Auburn for the use of railway personnel https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clyburn_railway_station


The people who live there probably think it's pretty useful Also, Fusion Afro https://www.instagram.com/fusion.afro


It serves the train yards at Clyde for a start.


What is it about 90s-2000s rock that it is perfect to listen to in rainy weather? Somehow songs like "Everlong" hits different when its pouring for me compared to when I listen to them in sunshine lol.


Here's a hot tip for the day: if you need to wash a cat, put a towel down in the bath / tub / shower for them to grip onto. It'll make them feel a little less scared and keep your blood inside your body. [Related](https://imgur.com/a/wiic47n).


Some people say cats don't need baths because they clean themselves. I believed them - is that not right?


They don't necessarily, but sometimes it's required.


They generally don't, but sometimes they can get in messes and it's best to give them a bath or at least wipe them down.


You're almost on the money. I say almost, because it wasn't the cat's fault here, it was her owner's. Even though they're indoors cats, I give both of them flea and tick treatment once a month but because Jubby is considered a large cat and Bobby is smaller to average, they both have their own but separate drops. Today I think I **may** have mixed them up. I might not have, but I wasn't taking chances. Called the pet poison line, seriously freaking out and shaking, and they said it should be fine, keep an eye on her, but if possible, also give her a bath with a little dab of (hand) dish liquid where the drops were. Poor guy on the phone. I was a mess because because I was so worried but then so relieved, and when he asked if I had help to wash her, I just said I'll make it happen. She got a bath. She didn't like it. She also didn't yowl or scratch as much as I was anticipating and actually enjoyed the scritches / me trying to panic rub the drops out of her fur. And she's absolutely fine. Like, right now? She's running around the place and tossing a leaf in the air and pawing at my socks on the clothes horse. She probably had the right dosage. I've never made that mistake in all my time of owning two cats, but you can bet your life on this never happening again. I can't take that level of potential fuck up on my soul, and while she handled the bath well, I want her to still love me. E: For pet lovers, consider donating to Animal Poisons Hotline. It's a completely free service and they run on donations.


Oh my gosh that sounds awful... I'm glad it's all sorted out!! I give my cat prevention treatment even though she's an indoor cat, too. You can bring stuff in on your clothes and stuff... it's better to be safe than sorry.


I've finally had it with Westpac (getting stung by foreign transaction fees was the last straw). Does anyone have any recommendations for another bank?


(free) [28° card](https://www.latitudefinancial.com.au/credit-cards/28-degrees/)? I use them for any purchases where an exchange is required.


Thanks for replying!


Macquarie Bank if you want something simple with high interest and no foreign transaction fee. ING if you want to jump through hoops to get a slightly higher interest rate.


Thanks a lot, I'll probably go with one of those.


Consider ubank as well, does everything Macquarie does, no foreign transaction fee and a higher interest rate too as long as you deposit $200 a month with no catches on withdraws


Thanks for this!


They're the worst one, except for all the others.


Nothing like healthy competition! Except in this case the competition is to see who can be the worst.


As a warning, most banks do charge foreign transaction fees. They just might have specific products that waive the fee. Sorry I can't give you any other recommendations! The banks I use all charge a fee.


No, don't be sorry, I appreciate the reply! I'll look around, another box I should aim to tick is 'Do they have physical locations near me?' Which Westpac absolutely do not.


going to make my mum an orange cake


Is it just me, or last night was much colder?


No.. I felt much the same. I always have a hot water bottle with me and wear socks until I feel too warm. I have 1 doona and a light blanket over that.


Yea I woke up at one point feeling cold


I woke up at 3:30 to one cat wanting to get under the blanket, and the other calling out from downstairs because she was cold. Ended up falling back asleep around 4, wedged between two very loudly purring cats.


Is there a singular source for finding out when organised protests/gatherings/etc will happen and where? I've been doing more street (photo) work and would love to document some of those. Twice now I saw something on the news or here and went and by the time I got there they've already left 🫤


Why is Sydney so wet?


When I hear pouring of rain, I ask: How can there be even more rain? I thought you'd be empty by now. Ai...


It’s very aroused


Because it’s been raining.


Can’t sleep, clown will eat me 🤡


Burrito yourself up, and never, even hang a lonesome foot over the edge, they got me once and they'll get you toooo!


Hehehe. Go back to sleep, Bart.


Wish I could say I did. Been awake since 330am 😴🥱


Oh that’s horrible. Hope you squeeze in a nap.


Even the nap is elusive. My left eye has been twitching all morning 😑


Oh that’s the tiredness, I reckon.


Sure is. It normally doesn’t last this long though.


Driving down south today to show my kid the aurora!


Cloud cover map called Skippy Sky


It's cloudy and raining all the way down the south coast. There's a cloud cover map you can google. Apparently Sydney will get a break in the clouds tonight


How far are you gonna go? Hope the clouds part ways and you get an awesome experience.