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AA: Travelling, trying new things, making new friends and fostering existing ones. Reaaaally not bad for someone who felt like their life is legitimately over towards the end of last year just because some man left them. AAA: Treated myself to a nice bottle of albarino to go with my chicken tonight. Definitely feeling more zest for life again now that it's officially the weekend.


lucky you! i'm pretty much your opposite


It was definitely rock bottom's basement before it even started looking up. I know "take it day by day" is such a platitude but I am still taking it day by day too and finding that that kind of makes things less heavy.


Great that it starts going up for you! Hang in there!


T: This could reflect a little poorly on me with the amount of stuff I get delivered, but whenever something arrives and I yell out "it's here", my 3 cats all excitedly leap and run to the door just to watch me bring whatever it is in. AA: Doesn't feel like half a year has nearly passed already, but it's been ok. Started a new job this week which has been a highlight, but outside of that it's been a pretty unremarkable/uneventful year so far for me. AAA: What are some good food options around North Sydney?


If you don’t mind some African Indian (think Kenyan and Ugandan) and some tea, there’s a spot in North Sydney called Ambis chai bar which is unique and different


Thanks for the suggestion, sounds tasty!


I mean, if you're getting dog food delivered, I see~~n~~ no issue here.


Whilst I do get their cat food and supplies delivered, it is far too much ubereats/doordash lol


Altalt: 2024 has given me a chance to have a pause from what I would have kept on doing if not for a situation that I had to walk from. I've had a mini reset and am working on a few little somethings that might work out. Who knows? But I wouldn't have taken the chance otherwise. Also, it's giving my poor little brain and body some time to finally rest after a decade of traumatic crap, and I am taking a little bit of time to see if I can sort out the house and work out how I want to live!


T: Pets? In this economy?? Alt: Mixing Morning Fresh washing liquid with a teaspoon of baking soda and 1/2 cup of warm water is far more effective at getting ice cream stains out of carpet than Vanish carpet cleaner. As I learned this morning. AltAlt: Started the new year thinking I might be able to find a new job. Six months down the track and I’m not even close. This year has been fairly shit and I can’t see it getting better.


I'm constantly telling my 2happycats they need to go out and earn their nip, but well, they know where I sleep. Winter good be better for job hunting. Lots of people want to come to Sydney for the summer, so maybe the cooler air will means less people and more opportunity. Fingers crossed for you!


I'm the same, was unemployed for five months. Started a new job two weeks ago but it's not what I want, I'm still applying for other roles. It's a tricky time with mass lay offs, and companies tightening their purse strings. A lot of jobs are getting 100+ applications. Hang in there!


T: my sister has a dog who goes insane every time I visit. I love that little pogchamp. AA: 2024 has been all about ch- ch- ch- changes for me. I’ve been taking my health more seriously (mentally and physically), I really like my new job, and I’ve been trying hard not to be such a weirdo. Just less, I mean. I don’t think I can fully turn it off. But yeah I’m just grateful. I’ve really been afforded a life changing opportunity, so I’m trying to make the most of it.


T: Lol. Had to be this topic tonight. I've got salmon for dinner, which means the salmon tantrum is immanent. I have vids, but imgur won't accept them. [Proof that I have given her some already.](https://imgur.com/a/PA24JvU) AA: 2024 is the tits. Goals are being smashed in all areas and I genuinely feel the happiest I have ever felt consistently. There have been some ugly moments, but overall, she good 😏 Edit: [The tantrum has begun.](https://imgur.com/a/m95C9up)


She is my favourite red head.


Mine too ❤️


T: No pets :) Alt: I bought some of those cheap Kogan wifi plugs - sooooo good cos I can turn lights/fans/heaters on/off from the comfort of bed. Also having the lights on timers in the morning helps me get out of bed. AltAlt: Just found out my employment isn't as secure as I thought :( So I bought a lotto ticket haha. AltAltAlt: I bought a new bed, it arrived a week ago and I just don't have the energy to put it together and get rid of the old one lol


I heard lotto odds are stacked in the favour of those whose Reddit names contain titantium... ✨


Haha thank you :)


t: ping pong balls. He will chase and chase those for hours. Best bit is when he finds a stray one, and bops it to hit my foot as a sign he is in the mood. A: dry shirts on coat hangers. Much easier to put away and saves space on the line. Aa. I think it’s alright. There’s joy in lots of things, sometimes you just need to look a bit. That is not to diminish anyone’s hardship though.


Rent just went up, I actually can't afford to go to therapy on my Centrelink pay anymore haha, even with the rebate. I'm very doomed.


T: the ping pong ball. Sound? Check (as it rolls across the flooring). Motion? Check (light enough to be very responsive when he touched it). As long as it’s one of the good ones that have a lot of bounce. I was afraid of losing the good ones and got a pack of shitty ones from Daiso, but they don’t quite do the trick. AA: started a new job in January this year. The new job has changed my outlook on life; as in, I no longer had to worry about getting my first “proper” job, and I have a good chance of being made permanent at the start of next year, and then I’ll be set until I decide I want to move. Pay’s not incredible, but it’s real adult money. Three years after my original intended graduation year, I finally feel like I’ve made something of myself. On the other hand, new job made me neglect uni, when I really just need to buckle down and get it done with. At least WAM shouldn’t matter anymore if I’m not competing for internships or grad programmes


My stay at home killers have discovered a pool ball I had no idea I even owned, but they are *loving* rolling it around on the tiles. It's too heavy for them to lift to break anything, so I figured it's fine, but good grief does the sound of it *ssslowwwlllyyy* rolling across the tiles bring me happiness.


Try ping pong balls. Cats love them! Mine loved hers and less chance of doing any damage.


Oh. Don't worry. They have so, so many ping pong balls hahah. They have heaps of toys, tbf. They seem to like how slowly the pool ball moves, as opposed the frantic toss about they can do with their other toys.


Omg that's so cute


They're [very spoilt](https://imgur.com/a/kzxPXEC). (my tablet, obviously, but I DL the game just for them) Fatty gets super excited at the end.


T: no pets yet but constantly thinking about the kind of dog I should get when I retire. It depends a bit on whether or not we stay in Newtown or move down the coast. A terrace with a small backyard doesn’t suit a bigger dog. My sister has a bordoodle. It didn’t get either the border collie smarts or the poodle smarts. He’s just a big goofy energetic silly thing. But quite fun to have around. A: double glazed full length sliding glass doors on the upstairs balcony of the house. There’s a lot of insulation between us and the planes. Also, now I think of it, our pantry cupboard is a very large one, but in the style of an old meat safe, with wire screens on the cupboard doors that keep the bugs out but allow me to see what pantry items we have at any time. It’s one of the best bits of furniture we’ve ever bought. 10 out of ten would recommend over a solid-door cupboard. AA: I am exhausted. 2024 has been a lot. I hope the second half of the calendar year lets up a bit.


I'm so disappointed in the lack of pics.


Mods won’t turn on images in the replies.


Or gifs.


Just link to Imgur.


T: Both of my cats go bonkers for boiled egg, and not just any boiled egg either. I make an old chicken curry recipe that has whole boiled eggs in it - it’s these marinated boiled eggs that they go crazy for. They know when I finish my bowl they’ll get some pieces of egg (save the egg until last).


T: taking care of my sisters 8 month old 1.2kg pomchi. Thing goes crazy if I'm in a different room.  Alt: google home or other voice thing so you can tell the TV to pause instead of finding the remote or set an alarm. Altalt: Enjoying my parenting more even if it is week on/off. Starting to think about finding a new partner, but really just been enjoying time with the kid. And getting back on apps seems like just the worst. 


Dogs go whacko for smackos. I have a bunch of Hue lights and they are great. Always wanting to get more. I also have Apple HomeKit so I can control them by voice. I’m keen to read about more though due to recent, below mentioned developments. Uh started the year in rural Quebec and now I’ve permanently moved overseas after several years of trying and just bought a house so I’d say it’s going pretty rad so far. I could never afford to buy anywhere I’d want to actually live in Sydney.