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That’s rough mate. Sorry. Short answer is no, it’s not worth pawning it. They won’t lowball. They will make an offer so low it’s next to fucking dinosaur bones. They prey on vulnerable people who are so desperate they will accept anything. Don’t do it. You could possibly sell it to a jeweller, who will still lowball you, but it at least won’t be at the bottom of Mariana Trench.


I dunno man, dinosaur bones are probably worth bit eh?


Hahaha. Yeah, I would have said dinosaur piss. As we drink it every day...... and the amount of it falling out of the sky recently.


Basically just water then mate, yeah? Not that you could but if you somehow ended up with a bottle of legitimate dinosaur piss, I think you’d be living comfortably for the rest of your life


That's the joke. All water at some stage has gone through a dinosaur. At some point in time, kids realise this and say they are drinking dinosaur pee.


Well yeah I’m not slow, it’s pretty obvious what you meant, but dinosaur piss would still be worth probably billions regardless


Is it an option to sell it back to the jeweller you got it from for less of a discount than a pawnshop would give you?


unfortunately not.


Keep it If you find someone worth giving it to, you win If you find nobody worth giving it to, reflect on how much more it would cost to give it to someone undeserving Fuck anyone that says don't give someone a second hand diamond. Diamonds are dirty to begin with and there's no reason to support the cartel twice.


Just wait until the new fiance finds out that she got the ring rejected by the previous girl. It’s not about it being secondhand, it’s about it being intended for his previous girl.


Hmmm, so the ring is forever tarnished because it was offered to another? I'm not liking the overlap of consumerism and puritanical religiosity here


The ring is forever tarnished for you. If you sell it to someone else, they can use it without a problem.


Ok deal Is swapping rings ok or is it mostly spending a fresh wad of money that matters


It’s about not giving that exact same physical item. The ring was meant to have been selected with someone in mind.


Being sentimental about status symbols is a mixture of concepts I cannot yet get my tiny mind around Give me time It will make sense eventually


Engagement rings are very sentimental things. I think everyone has sentimental value in something they own, even if it's a coffee mug they use most mornings.


ring has to be pure and new just like the dress and the betrothed okay /s (inherited ring is ok though apparently)


Agreed. The whole BS of "oh the ring was for someone else!" is a lie made up by jewellers who want you to double dip again.


If you don't eat this chicken, I will kill another chicken!


Imagine being this superficial. It's a $12K ring and people get hung up that it was for someone else? Get over yourself seriously lol. They should be grateful they are getting anything at all really. Especially in this economy.


Imagine not understanding why this isn’t about “being superficial”. The fact that they paid $12k for the ring has nothing to do with it.


>Fuck anyone that says don't give someone a second hand diamond. Diamonds are dirty to begin with and there's no reason to support the cartel twice. There’s a difference between giving someone a secondhand diamond and giving someone a diamond you tried to give your ex girlfriend 😅 I don’t know a single woman who would be okay with that. I promise that most women would rather you spend $1000 on a cheaper ring than give her a $12K one you used to propose to someone else.


How would she know?


That’s a pretty big secret to keep? A normal healthy relationship would have one conversation like “hey babe I proposed to a girl in the past, I thought she was the one but I was tricked. I can see myself spending the rest of my life with you, would using the same diamond bother you?” Using it without asking is preeeetty dumb.


Why are we mentioning the comparative monetary value again, my head is going to explode The value is about 30% of what you pay immediately when it comes out of the shop, but the contribution to the world's suffering, questionable business practices and addiction to status symbols remains as 100% Can we compromise and get one of the classic Ruby's or emeralds or sapphires that were popular before the relatively recent diamond cartel captured the world's imagination through film and song? I know the answer it's ok, I have had this conversation before...


I literally quoted the part of your comment I was replying to, it was part of my explanation. And I agree about the horrible industry, but lab diamonds exist!! A lot of my friends have done lab diamonds, it’s more popular with the new generation who are more conscious but like the look and durability of diamonds. Lab diamonds are biologically the same and also 1/3rd of the price and are a far better option than regifting the same diamond as you suggested.


Keep it as a memento. I still have one after 14 years in some drawer. Reminds me how lucky I was after all and how much money I ended up saving.


You'd keep a $12k ring as a reminder of how much money you saved?


Surely you've heard of ebay, the world's largest marketplace? If it's like new, sell it there, and you can probably get 75 to 90 percent of its value or something maybe. There's also etsy. Just need to be careful with shipping if it's not a local pick up, as basic loss insurance wouldn't cut it on an item of that value. It's a tough one, and people saying keep it for the right girl maybe don't understand the way women work. Many wouldn't like to have a ring that was bought for another girl, even an expensive one like that. Even if you don't tell her, you'll still know, probably bad mojo, or bad luck or something. Defintely not an easy thing to sell via gumtree or marketplace etc, you could genuinely be murdered for an item that expensive, probably best to get payment ahead of delivery. There's also a website I can't remember the name of that's like ebay, but just for rich people and luxury items, maybe you can try there. Good luck man.


A diamond is only ever going to sell for max about 30% what you paid for it. And that’s going to a reputable jeweller. The metal should sell for whatever the metal value is at the current time, more or less (if it’s pure enough). Another option is to have it reset as a pendant or something.


Yep, diamonds are a century old scam, they're very common and close to worthless and only propped up by artificial scarcity. And artificial demand from having been marketed since early Hollywood as the definitional engagement ring stone - and 2nd hand ones carry bad juju or aren't specially unique enough for anyone's special unique partnership. This article is over 40 years old and people still think diamonds have a resale value? https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1982/02/have-you-ever-tried-to-sell-a-diamond/304575/


My wife worked for a jeweller - this is the answer. Both the stone and the metal have intrinsic value and that value is fairly well understood based on diamond characteristics and metal price. It will be less than the ring itself because labour went into making it. Best you can do is find someone who wants a ring like yours and will then pay you for some of the labour, but as you mentioned finding a serious buyer can be hard.


That 30% is only if OP didn’t pay a ridiculous markup to begin with. May find it’s even worse than that.


And retail jewellery has some obscene markups, particularly when it comes to diamonds. Years ago I worked with a retail jewellery chain, paid $500 for ring with 1ct of pretty average diamonds, ticket price in store was over $2k


Im of no help in regards to the ring, but that's just fucked mate. Im sorry that happened to you and if you need anyone to have a chat too, let me know


<3 im good but thank you for offering.


Hey, im trying to propose as well. Whats the size and how much are you willing to sell it for?


You dodged a bullet at least mate. Could you try to sell the diamond with the certs to a jeweller and then try to get the weight cost of the metal? If it's a common diamond shape with good specs I'd try to keep the listings up on gumtree and marketplace if you don't need the money. It'll take a while to sell but a savvy buyer might come along in a few months.


Roughly 4 months ago you posted about the tough rental market and being unable to move out of your parents place. Now you’re spending $12k on a ring for a woman that is living a double life. Something doesn’t add up here.


Plus who proposes without having a conversation first about whether that is a possibility that both want?


Maybe they did. She doesn't seem like a trustworthy person, could have lied about a future


Too wild right


Hate to burst your bubble but no one will give you a good price. Can you get a refund?


Ex cashiea buyer here. The model is to buy something for half the price you want to sell it for, and sell it for half the retail price. That means we would offer 25% of the retail value. But with jewellery it's even worse, as you need to remove the emotional value of the item.


If you're willing to consider a pawn shop, why not try cross-checking the dozens of shops that'll give you a free quote when searching "sell diamond ring". There's some in the CBD, one in Neutral Bay etc. Would be worth running around a bit for that cost. You'll get a decent price if it's over 1 carat. Less so if otherwise.


>Explains why she never wanted me over her place. Also explains why you were looking for secluded parking spots.


yeah that and to mediate, i even tried to hire a van to have more space.


If you have all certs, it would eventually sell but for nowhere near jeweller price, even on marketplace lol


I have a jeweler friend who buys 2nd hand he’s in the dymocks building in the cbd. By the way my husband proposed with a ring that he had previously had a similar experience with; along with the proviso that I didn’t have to accept it or could have it remodeled. I was happy to have it and the story actually makes me chuckle. Why are some women so stuck up about this. Shit happens.


I'm so sorry to hear your story. I'm not sure if auction houses can do anything but worth giving them a buzz. There maybe a lot more out there, but here are two I know of. Bargain Hunt Auctions at Thornleigh [https://www.bargainhunt.com.au/](https://www.bargainhunt.com.au/) Lawsons [https://www.lawsons.com.au/](https://www.lawsons.com.au/) My other suggestion is to speak to another jeweller, maybe one that has a certified jeweller in store. They may not pay what you paid but may give you what the diamond and platinum are valued from wholesalers.


thank you


I wish you all the best. And hope Miss Right is around the corner.


If you have the certificates/valuation from jewellers or insurance for replacement cost etc have you considered using an online auction site e.g Lloyd’s or similar? Yes there are commissions to pay, but you might find if it goes into the right auction you’ll get more than you would from a pawnbroker and you could always discuss a reserve with them to guarantee a minimum amount if it sells?


Can we have the long version of the story?


I imagine it isn’t very long - guy prone to rash decisions and one month dating or something. Who proposes with a $12k ring to without haven’t seen the other persons house? 


I am pretty pragmatic we were together to 2 years. She always made excuses about either moving , her house being messing , moving in with her parents etc anyways when you are wearing rose tinted glasses all the red flags look like normal flags.


Damn. That’s rough.


Damn. That’s a name I haven’t see for a while.


Ahoj old boy! What news from yonder? I literally had a dream last week you were doing internet videos! 


Haha. I have been doing a few internet videos of late as a matter of fact. Hope all is well with you!


Diamond dealers in the city , shop around. If it’s quality you should find a buyer. I would not attempt to sell privately, sounds very very risky.


>CashCONvertors Sounds like you have a pretty good idea of the answer already.


yeah i had issues with them in the past to get a loan but not sure how they do with jewelry.


Their entire business model is based on exploiting those without the wherewithal to go elsewhere. You'd be far better served going to a proper jeweller.


42 years ago The Atlantic wrote about how hard it is to sell used jewellery with a diamond in it. Nothing much has changed in my view. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/1982/02/have-you-ever-tried-to-sell-a-diamond/304575/


Sorry to hear man that is horrible. Hopefully the other guy knows what she was doing and he isn't kept in the dark he needs to know also she sounds horrible. Sadly you won't get much return for it and you'll get low balled. eBay or other sellers might not pay as well but you might have to count your losses and put it all behind you slowly.it will take time


Take it back to the shop you bought it from. See what they say.


Terrible advice: break your window, file police report, claim it on insurance. Moderate advice: take to jewellers to see for you on consignment. Best advice: ask who you purchased from if they refund (even at partial value).


I think there’s a life lesson here about discussing marriage before buying the ring… Pawn shops will offer you micro-cents on the dollar. You’re better off trying to privately sell it to someone.


What’s the details of the stone. I’m looking for something to place in a necklace for myself.


I will take “Things that did not happen” for $1000 please Alex.


Won’t the jewellery shop you bought it from take it back? My understanding is, if the ring is bought for the proposal and the proposee say no, if it’s still in its box and hasn’t been worn then it can be taken back to the shop for a refund


A prime example of what a sham the diamond market is...


Keep it and use it for a Prince Albert.... a shiny and sparkly Prince Albert.


Get it remade into something for yourself. Keep it for the next one (but don't ever tell her). Give it to your daughter on her 21st (but don't ever tell her). Give it to your son for his proposal to his girl (but don't ever tell him). Other than that, you'll be flushing around 70% of your 12k down the shitter.


Sell it on etsy? A lot of good jewellery is sold there.


Ooft dude that sucks. Maybe you could sell it to a jeweller?


Only if it's stolen.


When you feel like you're over what happened, and you definitely eventually will, dramatically cast it into the sea. Smile when you do so, because you dodged a massive bullet that would have cost you way more than 12k as well as your sanity.


A pawn shop will give you gold value and value of the stone which most of the time is not as much as you think it would be. My dad was a pawnbroker for over 30 years and this was what he always told me.


Not sure if it's still there, but there's used to be an antique and jewellery store near Miranda that used to take on consignments. If you're in no rush, you could always consign it to them to sell maybe?


Maybe try eBay? You may have better luck if you specify no pick up so you need to send it in the post (insured and registered obviously) and using only a secure payment method. At that price I hope you have a GIA certificate or you’re not going to get much of the purchase price at all


youll hear 'uh.. nah.. no one buys those anymore, best i can do is 20 bucks' ... and theyll sell it for 15k


>Vivid Tekno train is shit I didn't need to hear this And that other stuff sounds shite, too. Sorry to hear it. I hope it becomes just a good story sometime down the track.


That was a really random insertion into it!!


the nights events tainted the experience.


Ahh makes sense. Sorry for all the shitty experiences.


Tell her husband. She deserves hell.




I'm sorry you've been through all this but I have to ask >Vivid Tekno train is shit What's bad about it? It looked like a pretty awesome idea tbh.


the nights events tainted the experience.


I am deeply sorry that you met such a shitty piece of work. The only thing I can offer is a reminder that you dodged a fucking missile. Things will get better, even if they are impossibly shit right now.


How about keep the stone and sell the ring instead? You can customize your ring with the original stone later and I assume you have the diamond's certificate right? Platinum isn't that expensive so you won't so its better off than selling the whole thing and buy again. Plus you can also consider white gold as well, we chose white gold as platinum is a bit too soft compared to white gold Take care mate and all the best you will bounce back!


Keep it for the right woman (it was never your ex’s and she didn’t wear it after all). Also never, ever, tell your future wife of where the ring came from.


Yep. Or reset it for her.


Or hold it forever, give it to a future child. Say it was handed down to you or an item you on impulse but never got to use.


Ok ill plan to do a bit of a venture across the CBD and parra to see if there is any pawnbrokers willing to give me fair price.


Travel the world and use it as a barter item to get out of a hairy situation.


normally the jeweler will buy it back from you. obviously you won't get back what you paid but they will give you a better rate than cash converters. 


Bank it as the down payment on what would've been a future divorce settlement.


What is your beef with the Tekno Train? Genuine question. Personally, I’d hold the ring for the next one, unless you can’t detach your emotions from the ring. But I’m sure you’ve already considered that.


You could take it to another jeweller and sell it. Still losing money but nowhere near the Cashconverters price. Alternatively, ask a jeweller to remodel it into a necklace or something and gift it to someone else in your life.


keep it for a bit, get it remodelled or find a jeweller who makes unique one off designs who might buy it from you to re-birth into something cool and new (on their dime or yours, up to you). turn it into an epic signet ring to remind yourself to not ask someone to marry you whose house you've never even set foot in okay x p.s. marriage is a scam


Save it for the next girl


Try an auction house in Sydney, like Lawsons who regularly have jewellery auctions.


There are specialty jewellers that buy diamonds and gold at current prices, even try some bullion places they’ll steer you in the right direction


There are diamond buyers in around Sydney. I went to a few of them when I tried to sell the ring. Most of them are in CBD. Just Google Diamond Buyer Sydney. I went to around 3 of them within CBD.


Either keep it for the next one or find a jeweller who will sell on consignment (taking maybe 30%).


As a rule most pawn shops will generally give you 1/3 of 80% of the original value. So if it was $100, you’d be looking at $26


Next time go to Thailand to look for a ring and while you're there you might find a wife. Got the engagement ring there at a really good price and we got our wedding rings made out of one larger thicker ring. All up they look great, are functional, we got them together and they have sentimental value. All for a tiny fraction of what you paid. I used to be a gemstone dealer and the markup on this shit is mind boggling.


Sorry bloke but to have made your escape good and almost caved in to a 10k ring over a decade ago, which totally didn't align with ya know saving for a house. Diamonds are often over priced and hold little resale value. I went through all that VSS clarity colour cut carats BS research back in the day. Couple of grams of platinum at melt price not worth much either.  I understand that unless it's a significant stone, you won't be getting what you paid for. Maybe keep it for the next girl just have it resized? Jokes. Definitely don't take it to cash con rorters or a pawn shop unless you are ready for a haircut and just want to forget about it or under a squeeze. Persevere with private sale, just don't reply to scammers time wasters. I sold an item in 3 days, I ain't nobody got time for that nonsense ;) Edit: I can't find the vid but Producer Michael has a good short EP when he's in a shop and guys explain all that and synthetic. This isn't it but the dude is a Chad anyway. https://youtu.be/bxhg0tSDQHk?si=ONLY0r_ZQQJFbPot


Got the receipt? Just get a refund if it's brand new... im guessing most jewellers have come across similar situations...


tried , wont refund because they had to resize it and i had some engraving done.


Oh well bugger, that would definitely stop a refund.. best of luck my dude, in this endeavour and future love endeavours!


Damn mate, bitches you can't bloody trust them.


Man can I ask how you couldn’t tell she had kids? The body changes a lot…


no offences but thats not how women's body work.


The nipples get darker though?