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If he just did his driveway he would be blowing dust and leaves onto your driveway Is he getting rid of what he blew off your driveway


That’s the thing, no. He just blows all the shit halfway up our drive and leaves it


Well there is your answer.


If you really want to get back at him and have video proof, then you always get him on trespassing.


Maybe he is trying to avoid the appearance that he's just blown all his leaves into your side, so he takes care of the part closest to the road, but then he knows it's a bit invasive to come too far up the drive, so he stops half way. So he's trying to help but doing it ineffectively. I used to do similar with our elderly neighbour both with leaf blowing and pressure washing. My work would leave debris on her side, so it's only polite to minimise whatever ends up next door. Some days I had all the time in the world and would end up doing her whole front yard for her, other times I was pushed for time and just did a token amount so that the net/total mess on her side was at the very least no worse than it was before I started!


Did you find out how she felt about that? 😊


Could well be your gardeners are blowing the stuff on his lawn, so he is returning the favour


It is absolutely this. Our former neighbour used to have a Jim's Mowing come twice a month and the dudes would explode a grass and shrub bomb in their front yard and there would be grass and shrubs everywhere on our lawn/fence. One time around 5ish meters away there was a gras splodge that flew up and hit the front of our house from them edging the footpath. They moved a few years back and it stopped. If I was OP I would casually just ask him if the Gardners are causing any issues and go from there.


Time to get your own blower


Fuck, sounds like you need to run out with a blower and have a blower war


Then how is he being nice? lol


Well it is a leaves blower


He's making a buffer. Doesn't give a toss about your driveway but doesn't want leaves blowing back onto his. It's weird without a neighbourly relationship. But he's probably just really introverted.


We have gone out to say hello etc when we first moved in and a couple of times since. Yknow, trying to be neighbourly. He just wasn’t interested I guess


Over half the population is like this. You only interact if they are your next-door neighbour or work colleague. And even then, calling it an interaction is a bit of an overstatement. They are just living life with as little in-person human contact they can possibly get away with. There's a survivors bias for knowing more gregarious people. They are the Elanor Rigbys of the world.


Eleanor Rigby Blowing the leaves up the drive But then stops halfway Nothing to say


Plus this is r /sydney.


My dad used to start his lawnmower up at 5am on a Sunday and mow the strip alongside a neighbour’s bedroom, because they had a rooster. Our next house he had craned in fully grown giant bamboo because the neighbours dared to build a second level. If nothing else he was an interesting bunch of guys.


I'm on your dad's side for both of these


Is he accidentally blowing leaves onto your property when he's cleaning his driveway? Once they're on your side his only options are to go on your drive or to leave them, and I think the first option is preferable.


Probably has no idea how irritating it is. Get a driveway gate or learn to live with it I guess (I'm excluding the option of telling him "don't come into our driveway" because it doesnt seem conducive to a good neighbourly relationship).


My dad used to weed and weed spray the neighbors front yard to their driveway because the weeds used to come over to our property. Is it possible he is either clearing stuff that comes onto his yard or clearing stuff he has blown onto yours while clearing his own? I don't think it's intimidation or anything like that just normal either practical or trying to be courteous if he has made a mess on your lot.


He just blows the leaves further away from his property, so not just any little wind can undo his work for his property.


My take on this is he probably thinks your to blame for the mess in his yard so he is trying to make a point by blowing it half way up your driveway like, you see this crap, this is your crap.


He doesn't want leaves from your property blowing onto his. Dw about it


What suburb? Sounds like my neighbour. He's a handy-guy.


He just wanna blow


He's probably expecting your gardener to pickup what he CBF picking up.


Depends which way the air is. I have a leaf blower,can push the leaves or suck it into a bag and I go to my neighbours driveways to cleanup the mess I made. You sure he isn't cleaning it up and not just dumping leaves on your property


TIL /u/purlsandbeans's next door neighbour is also my next door neighbour.


Sweep it into a dustpan and put it in his letterbox