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I drive all over Sydney for work and the two most common things motorists don’t do are 1. Fail to indicate 2. Fail to recognise a solid lane line Use your fukn indicator and only merge when the lane line is broken 😡


Double negatives bro


This man has it figured out, checkmate highway patrol


Can you add 3. Drive slowly in the right lane?


again with the right lane. You probably don't even know the road rules regarding lane usage


Nah I have no idea, you don't move over when going slower than others? Like anytime? On your bike, going for a run? Oh wait I'm on reddit lol, you probably don't get outside.


majority of roads are 60 or 70km/h therefore you can drive in the right lane.


Legality and politeness are different


lol what sort of statement is that?


[On a road where there's a 'Keep left unless overtaking' sign or a speed limit of more than 80km/h, you must not drive in the right lane](https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/roads-safety-and-rules/sharing-road-overtaking-and-merging/overtaking-safely#toc-keep-left-unless-overtaking)


Yeah I know the rule, doesn't mean you shouldn't move over if going slower than the cars behind you though. Goes for more than just driving.


Always the white utes. The other day, I saw a white Ute indicate and then wait a few seconds before merging, and it was honestly the most miraculous thing I’d seen all week.


This is so incredible I’m struggling to believe it.


It's always a white Hilux...


Now’s just being greedy. I want to add the black raptors


And Navaras




But he missed the turn off


Some lady nearly killed my on my motorbike there doing exactly this.


I know this bend well, and this is a common sight. He's literally just come off a km long, 3 lane bridge, and is about to enter another kms long 3 lane clearway. Apart from a tiny section of 2 lane decision making as the left lane peels off, this whole section of road is easy to navigate. Dickhead decides that this tight uphill right-hander with unbroken lines is the best place to demonstrate his stupidity. Sadly, I've seen it many times.


This bend is so fun to flog it around late at night haha, and the turn-off left down Sylvania way too. But yeah, ute had literally miles to pick a better lane there is actually no reason why he needed to do that


Regardless of the right lane/>80kph argument, the Ego Chariot was not indicating and crossing an unbroken line. Clearly dickish behaviour.


OP should have gave some constructive feedback about their driving. I'm sure they would have taken it well.


Ahhh I see that RAM-rancour has morphed into Hi-Lux hatred. Seriously, “Ego-chariot” ?


It's not just Hi-Lux. Add, Ranger, RAM and any of the other big utes now being called trucks. I didn't invent the term, however, Ego Chariot fits best.


Forrests v trees 🌲? You put all utility vehicles in the same category as Dodge RAMs, and say some Childish insult applies to all of them.😂 You may as well say something sensible - like all tradies and rural people have massively inflated egos. What a dick contribution.


It's not all utility vehicles, it's all big cars that give the driver this "fuck you I'm bigger, get out of my way" mentality, and all the ego-chriots above fit this bill. I'll even add Range Rovers and land cruisers to this mix.


If the shoe fits.


It surely does.👌


Not gunna lie I rarely see people in any utility vehicle drive normally. Same with Taxis, maybe it's just people who drive for a living have no patience? Either way they deserve the ridicule they get.


The only reason he's not giving you the finger for occupying his lane is because it rains.


Oh, Southbound over Tom Uglys. Great spot for cunty drivers.


Dang was hoping it was an under cover cop and the lights were gonna start flashing when he did that. Disappointed


I'm shocked that some micropenis driving a Big-Ute would be an inconsiderate asshole.


This bend always feels dodgy to me coming over Tom Uglys.


Wanker in a dual cab ute? Check.


If you weren't in that lane it wouldn't have happened.


And if he wanted to go right at the next intersection? It's not a motorway.


Unless it is over 90km/h or signposted, they are allowed in the right lane.


Actually it's >80. But since we obviously don't have anything other than increments of 10, it's functionally greater or equal to 90


If the driver was in the left lane, and the two right lanes were taken, the wanker in the ute would still cut him off over an unbroken white line without indicating


You have to allow for the emotional support vehicles. It's how you know there's a wanker nearby.


lol weak from op. What are you doing in the right lane?


why can't OP occupy the right lane?


What is wrong being in the right hand lane there, might want to turn right at the next intersection. It's not a freeway.


All that space and still couldn’t stay in their own lane smh (I hate driving on that road during peak).


It's always the bends south of Tom Ugly's... 🙃


Yes. This doesn’t happen in other cities, and is therefore good content for this sub.


Good Ol Hilux..


And there’s you hogging the right hand lane as well. Very Sydney.


That’s a 70 zone. And the left hand lane must turn at the lights.


So how fast were you going?


I’m not OP, and there is no requirement to stay left in NSW unless [it’s a 90 zone, or specifically signposted.](https://www.nsw.gov.au/driving-boating-and-transport/roads-safety-and-rules/sharing-road-overtaking-and-merging/overtaking-safely#:~:text=On%20a%20road%20where%20there's,making%20a%20U%2Dturn) This is neither “above 80”, nor posted as “Keep left”. **Edit:** interpretation is “above 80”


Unless it's *more than* 80, which means in practice it doesn't kick in until you're in a *90* zone since we don't have 85 as a speed limit option in NSW.


Whilst the above link is an interpretation, [the law is pretty clear - ROAD RULES 2014 - REG 130](http://www5.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_reg/rr2014104/s130.html) - so spot on. Posted speed limit must be “over 80”


Yeah it is and says "over 80" ie 90 given there are no speed zones in between 80 and 90.


Now there's someone pedantic who's actually read the rules too.


Not sure why you got downvoted, I took you to mean I was that rare pedant whose pedantry was not completely unfounded, which was alright by me!


I meant it in a good way, lots of people don't realise it's worded that way.


It’s still a dick move to sit in the right hand lane driving slow regardless of what the speed limit is. It’s just basic awareness


OP is on a wet road, on a bend, at midnight. We don’t know the exact speed, but judging by the car on the left OP is doing about the same, car in front doesn’t seem to be going much faster. “Driving to the conditions”. The speed limit is 70, but there’s a 45 sign for trucks. Yes, OP isn’t a truck, but there’s no excuse for the Ute here. If he wanted to go faster he could, he didn’t need to swerve onto OP.


Drive to the conditions on the left if you want. Also the Ute is hardly swerving. It’s just overtaking as normal. He probably could have used an indicator


Ute crossed an unbroken line, on a long bend, without an indicator and did not leave a safe distance. He totally could have waited, but he didn’t. It was deliberately a dick move Drive to the conditions only in one lane? Fuck right off with that. Your actions impact other road users. But I take it you only care about yourself and getting to your destination fast rather than in one piece


Probably could have used an indicator? What are you on about? The car has clearly crossed over an unbroken white line without indicating. They are clearly in the wrong regardless of the speed argument.


I think one thing people are missing is that there is nowhere to turn right for the next ~1km, it's not like the ute had to get back into the right lane to make a turn asap. If the Tesla was blocking him doing something then I'd be on the utes side but knowing the area, yeah the ute did that for no reason. That being said, I see driving like this lit every day it's hardly "posting dashcam on r/Sydney" material


Do you suggest they turn right from the left lane? Is this Melbourne?


There’s no right turn for a while, but that’s not the point. There is no requirement to keep left in this situation, and it still doesn’t justify the ute.


What right turn?


Bit hard to see in that view, but there could be a right turn. Either way it's dangerous to overtake that close to someone, especially on a curve.


Was doing 65ish, on a curve that is very prone to accidents and wet road. Regardless, he didn’t even have anyone in front of him on the middle lane


Yeh that black car was in front of him. You can see it on the video. Old mate was planning ahead. You were doing 65 in a 70 zone late at night when people are more prone to being annoyed that there’s someone in their way. On a scale of terrible things he could have done on the road, this is pretty minor


idk if you know this but it's also illegal to speed in the right lane.


It’s a 70. OP is not doing 70


it's a speed LIMIT, not a recommendation. Plus, it's clearly raining, and OP is driving to the conditions


You're going to tell me that it's actually more dangerous to go 60 on a 70kph curve at night than it is to cut somebody off on a 70kph curve at night?


That's not a motorway?


So? It might not be the rule but it's annoying AF. That road is 70 and they're doing what looks to be 40-50. Not defending the Hilux but OP is causing traffic issues behind them


I take you thinking I’m doing 40 when I’m doing 65 as a compliment of how good I drive xx


70 is the limit for ideal conditions - do those look like ideal conditions?


He's in a Tesla though, so exempt? /s


He crossed a solid line and didn’t indicate. That trumps “hogging the right lane.”


you see, you are part of the problem


It's a 70 zone, and in that place (just after Tom Ugly's bridge in Sylvania) if you had just come out of the intersection before, you wouldn't have enough time to get over to the left lane anyway before the unbroken lines in the corner.


Nooooo I wanna speed! Don't hog my right lane if you're not gunna do 40 over the limit! Fucking useless non ute driving pricks in their telsas/Audi's/Mercs, stay outta my lane!


You sure are a contentious people.. “sydneysiders ruined sydney!”