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Mate, I've got pneumonia. Absolutely floored me on Saturday. Just leaving the hospital now with an arm full of prescriptions.


I’m 50. A mate of mine got pneumonia which developed into sepsis. He was in ICU for a week. At one stage they thought he was going into organ failure (kidneys). This all happened within a few days. He’s 45. Fit generally. Non smoker. Scary stuff. On the mend now.


I nearly went into renal failure at 24 with bacterial Pneumonia. I was coughing orange as if I had legionella but they said I tested clear. They still kept me in isolation and every doc/nurse who saw me was in a full hazmat suit. Pneumonia is an absolute killer, thank God for antibiotics. Shame they're completely useless against viral Pneumonia - as in the kind caused by covid 19.


Coughing orange sounds horrendous. You must really know something is seriously wrong when that occurs.


Started with the squirts. Waking up 10 times a night to go. Couldn't eat anything even when I struggled down a piece of toast I'd throw it up. Room-mates at the time telling me to go to the doctors because I looked like death but just pushed through. Eventually couldnt drink half a powerade without spewing. Day 6 or so It began to hurt to breathe. I somehow decided to monitor my symptoms but over the night it got worse and worse. Went to the doctor that morning and he said to get an xray just to be sure it's not Pneumonia, even though it probably wouldn't be. By the time I got my xray and sat back down the guy ran out and told me to get to the hospital ASAP because of how bad it was. By the time I got there and into the 2nd stage room, past the triage, I was screaming in pain every time I took a breathe. Complete and total agony, people looking at me like I was dying. Finally they got me a double dose of endone and I was at that hospital for over a week from that point. Moral of the story get to the bloody doctors so you can get on antibiotics before it ever gets half that bad. They never actually figured out what it was funnily enough, but the type of orange sputum I was producing was completely alien. And a very very strange symptom.


Mate. Glad you are here to tell the story. It’s crazy how fragile our bodies are.


I skipped pneumonia completely and went straight to pleurisy and pericarditis, and ICU. Some random virus probably, in 2017. People being blasé about Covid in 2020 looked very naive to me.


Yeah I'm on the end of the pneumonia one. Buggered me up :(


How long did yours last?


Still recovering but had a fever for 5-6 days. My kid had a fever for 4-5 days. My wife had it for a night and seems fine now. I'm obviously the man child lol


Haha, i feel ya mate, I had a nasty fever on the weekend, hot sweats, just sitting on the lounge watching tv and the room would suddenly feel 15 degrees hotter, then cold nasty shiverings. I went to the hospital on Monday and they pumped me with IV antibiotics, and tonight I just have a slight cough.


Yeah I should have done that earlier... 'manning it up' is a rort lol


2 weeks ago I was floored with influenza a, couldn’t get out of bed for a week. The body aches were incredible. I’ll probably be stuck with this cough for the winter now too.


There is a lot going around, including Covid. I was sick with a cold about a month ago, and a few months before that I had Covid pretty bad. Maybe do a RAT. I hope you feel better soon.


There is covid, RSV and pneumonia and people are getting a combo. People hate this one simple trick: wear a mask in crowded spaces.


No help if the person infecting you is a tiny person who lives in your home. Every.single.time


>a tiny person who lives in your home I've seen these horror films


The horror is yawing and said tiny person lunging and coughing into your open mouth. 😵


Germ magnets.


That's what the aerosol disinfectant is for if for some reason, that doesn't work a pressure washer should do the job. There is no such thing as overkill this flu season. /s "You know the drill Tammy cover your face so I can spray you down"


It is a big help if you care about not spreading it to others...


And they recover so much faster than us too :(


Damn their good immune systems. I only get better when I actually rest and not even WFH which where I feel the rub. So I’ll try and work some short days and ready and watch TV and nap whilst the spawn is away during the day


Yeah that's one of the downsides I think to WFH. Id be too sick to go into the office. But I still try WFH and just stay sick for way longer than I should


What about at an office where the temp is a nice stuffy 24-25 degrees during winter with what seems like no air flow. They really need to ease on the office mandates during this season sigh


You can still wear a mask 😷 even it is not required in public places.


I caught a flight to/from Sydney on Friday/Saturday and didn't even think about masks, but I sure as fuck wish the group of friends/family with a hacking cough on their way to Thailand cancelled their trip. Selfish pricks.


I have it mildly at the moment (itchy, sore throat and running nose so far) the only reason I believe it isn't any worse is because I had an awful case of flu just two months ago and it lasted three weeks. Can't believe I've got it again.


That sounds more like a cold, RSV or COVID. Very very rare to have a "light" case of the flu and for the only symptoms to be respiratory. Flu usually knocks you on your complete ass, comes on super suddenly, spikes a fever with such extreme fatigue that you might not be able to walk from couch to bed for days, and rarely involves upper respiratory symptoms. Much more likely and common to have one episode of the flu every few years but you can get colds/etc monthly, if not more frequently.


Maybe it's a me thing, but I drink a lot of water regularly and haven't had a fever or heavy headache for a year even despite getting COVID or the RSV. Just the respiratory symptoms such as blocked nose or dry/itchy throat, very little sore throat that lasts a week. Yes it means I need to go to the bathroom a few times when sleeping but at least I don't have that fever that knocks me about in nightmares.


> COVID-19 activity remains stable at high levels. Influenza activity continues to increase and is now at a high level, with the number of presentations to emergency departments increasing and the number of influenza notifications also increasing. Test positivity for influenza, which is a key indicator of activity, has increased to 15.6%. RSV activity, though still high is slowly declining. Pertussis and pneumonia continue to be unseasonably high in school aged children. [Source.](https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/reports.aspx)


3 weeks in . 1 week hard cough as a nice reminder .


I had Covid at the start of the month. Terrible sore throat for 4 days, then sort of resolved. But I can't get rid of some sort of mucus-y feeling in the back of my throat causing me to constantly need to clear it. It's starting to feel a bit scratchy from the clearing. Nasal wash sometimes gives me a bit of relief but is not working any more.


It has been 2 days since one of these posts. I was thinking that everybody was miraculously cured!


And pretty much exactly a year since the last time these posts started coming up. I wonder if there's a pattern....


I work in healthcare. It's worse than usual this season. Coworker of mine said he's done more chest xrays for kids this year than he had in all the previous years combined.


I am at the tail end of Flu - A. My wife and son are in the middle of it. The symptoms you have lasted about 4 days for me, and so far about 5 for my wife. It appears to have escalated to Pneumonia for my wife according to the doctors, there is medication she has been prescribed but it is on the B level of safety during pregnancy and it's not a risk we want to take, but totally her decision.


I've been wheezing and coughing for the past 2 months. Had a few tests done which were all negative. Puffer seems to help a bit but it's still lingering around.


Go get this checked out. My SIL had a lingering cough after covid and I told her to go and it was laryngitis.


Bloody  return to Office mandates. For 3 years at winter time didn't get sick at all. Had a cold and the flu now since start of may


Yeah, I also think office morale ends up being ridiculously down the gurgler too. We're all just trading getting sick, being understaffed, and since it's been going for the past few months now, we're all pretty weary


Yup, our morale is in the toilet right now too. Amplified by some WFRs recently too. Boomer pizza parties are not going to cheer folks up


Yeah, everyone is sick an annoyed. And the upper management think the answer is we need to come in more


been absolutely wrecked with it since the weekend. Close to losing my voice at present


I've been sick for 3 weeks now. I've never been this sick before. Antibiotics helped but I'm still left with a horrible cough and pretty debilitating fatigue. I've been to the doctor twice and they said they've never seen anything like this year's cold and flu season. He said so many patients are dealing with post viral cough and fatigue which is lasting for months


I'm suffering through long tail cough of RSV because several coworkers showed up to work drop dead sick. I wear a mask but can't really avoid it when in an office with sick people sitting at the desk across from you 8 hours straight.


Up here on the GC and onto my 6th day fkn knocked out and taking Clarithromycin. Have done all the swabs and waiting for results but it's brutal.


I had bronchitis a few weeks ago and just got hit with the flu. Fuck's sake.


I'm just exhausted and drained. Have a nagging cough that just won't go away.


Yeah man. I’m sick for the third time this winter, and I’m someone who rarely gets sick (and I’m out in the public often).


I had Influenza A a few weeks ago. The cough took 2.5 weeks to resolve.


I tested positive. Did you get a tickle cough at the end? I usually get them for colds and I fucking hate them...


Yeah I had the tickle cough. Okay when I don't talk, but my job involves talking to clients all day..


Had it two weeks ago, floored by it. Better now except I’ve still got sore ribs from all the coughing.


Yep. Influenza A. Been in bed for 5 days. Never sweat so much in my life nor felt like I was going to die from coughing before. This flu is worse than when I got Covid


My brother and his family got floored two weeks ago (well he managed to not get it) with something.. started with the youngest kid then sister in law got it and then the eldest caught it (past few yrs she'd gotten away with not having a single cold and hasn't caught COVID yet!). As for me, I ended up getting COVID but I nearly didn't know it was it because I had mild food poisoning and the symptoms were about what I expected (chills and fever for one night then fine the next day). It wasn't until I decided to do a RAT (because I started having the sniffles on the second day) that confirmed it as the spicy cough. Luckily I was ok by the fourth day and was clear by the sixth day.


Yes. I work in customer service and after the conversation with a customer then they said “I hope you don’t get sick” and then a few days later I got a really congested sinus and sore throat throat.


There's so much shit going around.


Started to feel slight muscle aches on Monday evening and within 24 hours it completely knocked me on my ass. Migraine, sinus congestion, runny nose, chills, dry cough, zero appetite or energy. Also insanely thirsty for the first 24 hours, like no matter how much water I drank, my throat still felt horribly dry. Hope everyone else who is sick is able to stay home and feel better soon!


Influenza A is no joke. We also have dangerous variants of RSV and Covid circulating right now in high numbers. Vaccinate, wear a mask, distance. The advice never changes but people forget


This is why I continue to wear a mask, because no one's learnt a damn thing and is all too happy to spread their shit around. Good luck everyone!


Influenza A is a thing and it's going around, seems to knock diff people about differently


I tested positive and my doc didn't fuck around at all, immediately gave me antivirals and called up my brother and gave him some too. I didn't even know doctors did that for flu!


It absolutely wrecked me for most of last week. Started off as the slightest of sore throats, ended with uncontrollable shivering. 0/10.


I can highly reccomend the flu shot this year, we got ours about a month or so back and haven’t caught shit even with a kid in daycare, catching light rail twice daily and a few social events at busy leagues clubs on the weekends.


Mate, I got the flu AND covid shots via work, and I still came down with something that’s laid me out for weeks.


RSV is going around. I was laid low for two and a half weeks. One night I was having trouble breathing, scary!


I've just been out for a week and a bit with the flu. I had my flu shot 2 weeks prior to getting sick. It would have been earlier, but the provider kept cancelling as all their staff kept calling in sick. Yeah, I think this season has been pretty rotten.


I have to get it every year as a health student. This year I feel sooo happy I had it.


Yep, I got my flu shot a few weeks ago and I haven't been sick with anything except gastro a couple of weeks ago. I get the flu shot every year religiously...i had the flu when I was a teenager, and I never want to get it again.


Yep, it got me for nearly 5 weeks. This week is the first week I am starting to feel semi ok again. It is AWFUL.


My toddler is in hospital with pneumonia at the moment


Seen a lot of referrals for potential pneumonia in kids and a fair amount were positive. Despite what some Redditors are saying, this is absolutely not normal, even for winter. I hope your little one gets better quickly.


Thanks, she’s getting a bit better! Yes the nurses said that as well, that it is unusual.


No flu or COVID but got a bad case of tonsil infection last week. Fever, 3/10 pains when gulping. No fun. Hope you recover well


Sore throat Monday night. Blocked nose and sinus tues and wed. Sucks


It’s so bad, I’m unable to sleep as well. Both nostrils are blocked. Got up at 3am and started to work again as I just couldn’t breathe through my nose. Took a 30 min nap on my office chair in the afternoon, that’s about it. It’s night again…not sure if I would be able to sleep tonight either. Zyrtec/Nasonex aren’t working.


Reporting for duty. Throat like razor blades, coughed up blood so off for more swabs and an xray tomorrow


Influenza A is currently kicking the right shit out of me. I'm an immunocompromised 29year old that wasn't beaten about this much by covid.


Everyone at work seems to be falling like flies right now. People on the train sneezing and coughing or walking around, and not covering their mouths or using tissues like we all just forgot what happened not long ago. I haven’t had anything yet but I’m constantly washing my hands and using hand sanitizers


My wife and kid both had walking pneumonia recently. Never heard of it before.


Not me, but I know of a few people who are sick at the moment, some quite badly. Seems that the flu and maybe COVID are going around.


Who else was at supanova over the weekend?


Two people in my line at the post office, from the sounds of things.


I had 39 degree fever for the last 3 days. Have never been so sick in my life


I’m 13 days in. Still hawking up stuff every morning and afternoon. Surviving on codral. I’m scared of catching the next thing going around.


Monday / Tuesday - really sore throat , temps, no appetite, weird stomach (upset but not crazy) nothing crazy Today - sneezing and croaky voice and a little cough, bad stomach, no appetite….bam COVID positive See what day 4 brings 🤡


Had my turn last week. Now I'm just battling the lingering cough.


Yessss. I work in a school and the kids keep turning up sick. A few kids - and adults - have a day or two away, come back for another couple, realise they are still unwell and then have more days off. A lot of people will go overseas for these July school holidays and they will come back with a batch of *new* viruses to share around.


Unpopular opinion: not every sickness is the flu. The flu can kill, and quite intense.


Yes, our whole house has Influenza A. Not fun


Absolutely terrible.Son had flu vaccination 8 weeks ago and pathology came back yesterday positive for influenza A


Get your flu jabs! I get mine for free, but even when it cost me, it was the easiest $20 to spend. $20 or the flu - easy choice. It takes like 5 minutes to book and 15 minutes to go get it.


I think it’s more like you get the flu AND you have a better chance to avoid hospital for $20. That’s worth it.


The flu shot prevents illness in up to 60% of recipients and massively reduces the chance of severe illness for those who do still get infected. Of course, the shot only targets the major strains going around, so if you're unlucky to get another strain, it may not be as effective - but again, it will probably reduce the full effects of the flu. It's a no brainer really.


We had a baby 3 weeks ago yesterday. Got sick on the day and just recovering from getting sick again week 2. Bunch of colleagues got influenza and covid and a bunch of family also crook. Seems to be going around.


Who’s going to post this in a weeks time? I’ll start “hey guys is everyone else so sick recently” “God why are there so many sick people around!” “Ugh the amount of coughing I saw on the train today, like wtf people” Winter = respiratory infections. Every single year. This is not new




me and like 4 other people I know have it as well


Generally the flu is pretty bad, as in type A influenza. Type B isn’t as common and doesn’t affect most people. Half the time when people say they have the flu they really just have the common cold virus.


Make sure you get your flu shot if you already haven’t this year!


I'm into my third week of rhinovirus. Swabbed PCR positive for it over two weeks ago. Re-swabbed this weekend because thought I might have something new as I feel just as bad... Yep, still rhinovirus!


Yep! My whole body is aching and I have this incredibly stubborn dry cough that’s making it hard to breathe comfortably.


I work in a pharmacy and after several false starts I have succumbed to *something*. I had walking pneumonia 10 years ago and I'm wondering if its happenening again...


Holy shit yes. I just had a night that seemed to last a week. Fever dreams with a cast of thousands. Sore all over. Not going anywhere today.


I caught covid. Had fevers for few days. Got better but now coughing Mum got covid and now she has metapneumovirus. Seems like it's going around..