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who just casually gives someone $2500 dollars in gear?


It wasn’t casually but the same person gave me nearly a dozen synths earlier. The original post was several months ago.


are you the guy that was gifted like 50 modular modules


Not 50 but there was an awful lot of gear


What the fuck dude... 🥺


awesome dude. we expect great things from you.


Can you give that person my number?


You can give them my number as well, 123-4567. It's about as legit as this story may be.


They still alive?


I hope it was a peaceful transition


Those are trash. The worst. But I am doing research and can take them off your hands.


They’re both made by Soma. Has anyone used these?


The Terra makes amazing and beautiful sounds almost right away, but the Enner is entirely different. The Enner is almost ugly sounding until you figure out what you’re doing… They play very differently as well. I tried these both out at Perfect Circuit in LA a few weeks back. I have wanted a Terra ever since!


man, can you give me an example of someone who figured out the Enner? I have one and keep trying and getting nowhere with it


I can’t! I really did not enjoy playing with it, the sounds were never what I wanted, and I found the interaction awkward. The Terra, however, was a very pleasant and lovely experience!


There are lots of YouTube videos of people playing them or fawning over them, but I’m just not a fan of their sounds. It’s just not for me.


I like using it as an effects processor. I'll connect an external device into it and then use the filters to mangle the audio coming in. I also like putting a bluetooth bone conduction speaker on it. Send audio to it and then use the piezo section to pick up the audio.


I have both and use them regularly what do you need to know? Pm me any questions I’ve likely used the Terra more than any other person on the planet no joke.


I’d love to hear some of your work if that’s ok


Of course! [here](https://open.spotify.com/track/33zXARm51jWadMmku8YdSP?si=3gy9CHKbS5ew4inDIPE74Q&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A2iyRutDS4vR8odks2qU2K7) is a link to my latest single :)


The link didn’t come through yet


The link is embedded, if you click the word “here” in my previous comment it will take you to it


Thanks! I couldn’t see the blue of the link whilst reading this in the dark. Going there now…


Loved it! Please dm your facebook account for friending and discussing ideas. I couldn’t find you on Apple Music


Straight into my playlist. Nice work


Hey thanks for taking a listen man I appreciate it!


Found Vlad!


I have. Extensively. The terra is absolutely lovely and is really one of the best MPE synths on the market. I have wanted an instrument like it for ages. The Enner is weird. Even for me and I have ciat lonbarde and destiny+ stuff. I know uses for it, but on the same hand its not something I would use regularly. The Terra is actually part of one of my performance setups. The enner is what I loan people who play with me.


I own the enner. I really like the built in piezo. It’s a noise and texture machine.


I’ll have to learn about that feature


I love Soma. Just keep an open mind and approach them as their own unique experiences. Same with the Lyra-8.


I have them both, and I love them dearly. Enner will always have a special place in my heart, but Terra is just amazing in every way. No other synth I have played feels more like a physical instrument than terra. Don't let the alien, middle earth looking aesthetic through you off. Terra is actually super intuitive once you spend a little time with it.


I’m glad you said that because the aesthetic did throw me off. I’ve been watching YouTube videos and love the sounds I’ve heard so far, including some very nice piano like tones. The aesthetic still doesn’t make sense to me though.


The trick with the Terra is to play with your eyes closed. It's so unsightly.


So true! Why not give it a keyboard aesthetic?


I wouldn't expect Soma to ever make something that looks like a regular synth (they are super experimental, after all). But they had a square Terra prototype, and while it wasn't exactly beautiful, it wasn't as hideous as the production model either.  https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnRsFD1Kd-W/


[soma terra](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C79mLr0ulLJ/?igsh=dzhrb2o0c3VzeTJr) I post some jams with it sometimes if you want to check them out. Can do a lot more than simple piano sounds, and the ability to alter sounds so quickly and modulate them in real time is what sets it apart, in my opinion. There are so many ways to add little nuances, unlike anything else. One tip I can give is to play it sitting on your lap and turn the gyro settings down to about two or three.


Please send me some links to check out!


[soma terra ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C79mLr0ulLJ/?igsh=dzhrb2o0c3VzeTJr) [soma terra ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2BKC7XOHDv/?igsh=MWh6MGo3MGVjYmt0cw==) [soma terra ](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2BKZvWCqTm/?igsh=MzhtNWQwcXZndmF4)


This video was very helpful for me. https://youtu.be/JjXVSZGsQ_I?si=MXvd4XxQYnVkfoSh


I’ve wanted the Terra since it came out. The craziest sounds out of that thing




I think Four Tet used the Terra to make the first song on his new album Three. He posted a vid of him using it on his IG. It was a gift from Floating Points and Caribou.


I’ve been lusting for an Enner for a while. If you decide to part ways with it, let me know!


I just received it yesterday. I don’t even know what it does yet… checking out YouTube videos as I type here


It’s a horrible thing. Don’t waste your time! lol. But seriously I hope you enjoy it, and if not, you know what to do


I have one that I just can't connect with. pm me if interested.


interested in swapping? I have a dsi mopho keys to offer


Nice! I don’t know that I’d really do anything with it but futz around on it. For anyone else curious, [here’s a sound demo.](https://youtu.be/OrKXXKCUC9E?si=BGKJQPgB5An5R3mH)


Thank you, I can now sleep without regret having never owned one of these.


The latter (the Enner), is essentially a stereo touch plate filterbank (the triangle in the middle), with some oscillators/synthesis to the right side, some gates/clicks to the left, and a piezo/contact mic up top. Plus external input lower left. You connect sound sources by touching and having the signal pass through your body to the filter bank. Also at the top of the triangle is delays. It's a really great devices to mangling external audio or experimenting with contact mic sounds. I use my for "power ambient" sets, accompanied by another drone synth which uses the Enner as an FX send.


I’d love to hear some of your work!


https://luxate.bandcamp.com It borders on / is noise. Improvised on Enner and sometimes a Take-5 (put through the Enner), plus a BOSS RV-6. Just recording to a field recorder from mixer out. Currently working on a set with an Elmyra 2 instead of the Take-5, but haven’t recorded any of that yet.


I like it a lot! More of an industrial meet soundscapes vibe to me.


Also: Running your Lyra-8(s) through the Enner and out to the Cosmos you got would be absolutely great for some experimental sounds. Put that chain into a mixer alongside the Terra and it’s blissful drone for days.


Thank you!


I have both, and I love the Terra. It's absolutely beautiful. A little less enthusiastic about the enner.


Okies I need a person in my life that gives me an SOMA Terra.... Hooulyy mouulyy!


They're spacetime warp drive navigation machines Copycats available at aliexpress (not r3ally)


I’m so confused by these. Perhaps that’s the point? I haven’t been hands on with these but I saw someone trying to play the Enner at an art gallery… and boy did it sound bad.


Abstract is the point.


You’re one lucky b…. !


*Given* to you!?


Hey since people keep giving synths to you. Would you like to return the favor? I’d gladly take the Enner off your hands, you don’t want so much clutter at home right?


There’s a part of me that isn’t interested in clutter but I realize the musician in me needs this stuff.


lol yeah I’m just joking, enjoy your synths man, this is cool af


Give me the contact of this generous person. I want this stuff too.. :)


It’s all with me now


I saw them both at Synthfest in Sheffield late last year. They both sound great but take some getting used to!


Are you Hainbach?


And if so, is it good to have us back?


Ich will es jetzt auch wissen :)


Looks like that Lyra you received earlier is now going to have to take the bench, but you can just give that to me for free.


Which one? 😉


DM me and let me know which one you want me to have! Haha


I want both of these. I'd be so upset if you got these for free and have no interest in using them.




all you need to know about the enner: touch anywhere and the middle of the triangle simultaneously the knobs are also conductive have fun


Man. I know this is totally cringe, but if you ever wanted to pay it forward to someone who will never be able to afford it (me). I’d love you forever!! Lol


The Terra is such a beautiful and organic sounding instrument. I have the Lyra-8 which I find lends itself to live performance. I wonder how the Terra compares. Would love to try one.


You know it's about to get real if there's a rubber band attached to a device


Given to you 😭😭😭


Though I was on r/fightsticks for a second!


I wish someone said something interesting about these units but it's the same three lazy jokes over and over again.


Come join us at the /r/somalab subreddit. One thing I like using the Enner for is to process audio from another device, such as the Terra. I also like using a bluetooth bone conduction speaker on the Enner. The piezo pickup can then mangle any audio you send through the speaker.


I did and am reading away! There were more than a few items of Soma gear that I have to figure out now. Thank you!




Wow, kickass


I've love a terra and the new flux (?) one they're working on as well. I've got the Ether 2 (fun to walk with) and the Pulsar 23+Utilities (woo!) - D


Given 😵


GIVEN to you? Rub it in, why don't you?


The soma pulsar and the cosmos are the two Soma products I dream of one day owning.


I have a Cosmos but I don’t know it yet. Plenty of videos online…




He’s dead…


Please remember rule 1.