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The instructor or the assistant instructor usually walks around during drills or while performing taekwondo forms.  They will correct everything thing from where to point your feet in various stances, hand placement, even the decibel sound levels of hi yas. This is how I learned proper feet placement during my youth. I hope this helps.


Thank this helps a lot (:


Walking stance = 1 shoulder width wide, and 1 shoulder width long. Literally the same as if she were taking a step while walking


What I tell people when I teach, is take painters tape and lay out two railroad like tracks at the appropriate width. Then mark out the step lengths and practice. Can be used for all 3 basic stances (front/rear/middle) since those stance lengths should all be the same.


Join in. There’s simply no way for you assist in coaching your child if you don’t know what you’re doing.


you can just use the measure app on IPhone if you happen to own one. It's really helpful and easy to use.


This should really come from working with the instructor and repetition. A walking stance has one foot length between the heel of the front foot and the toe of the back foot.


Thank you, that makes me feel better . Just wasn’t sure if theirs anything I can do to help.