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Questions for your instructor, those.


Did you get injured before your belt testing or during? If during and you could finish or had already done enough to show competency for promotion, that's one thing. During the warm-up is another. Talk to your instructor. Either way, in most schools, you're only recommended for testing if you're ready. Talk to your instructor. Before the testing? Talk to your instructor. I sense a theme here. Rest and happy recovery!


i got my injury a few days before, and thank you!


That's a question for your instructor of course, but any credible professional will give you a makeup test. But it also depends on where you are and how often people test at your school. As well as how quick your recovery is going to be . If you were just barely ready to test in the first place and they test every 3 months, maybe just do it next time.


That's a question for your instructor. If you were injured at testing, and had demonstrated proficiency on enough required materials to be promoted I'd bump you up. If you were injured before testing but could power through it I'd allow you to test and consider your injury while grading you. If you were injured bad enough where you couldn't test and it happen before testing, I'd have you wait until the next test (we test monthly) but for black belt tests that happen every 3 or 4 months I'd make an exception and give you a special make up test.


Noone here can answer that, but if you do have to wait its no big deal. Just take the couple months or however long it is and concentrate on helping lower rank folks and on having the best test you can next time.