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That's unacceptable. I'm calling Biden right now so he can move up that dryer order. 👁👁


While you've got him on the line, can you ask him to have that street light at the corner of my block rotated a few degrees, it's shining into my bedroom.


Also let him know Texas is just too hot in general if he could just do something about that right quick.


Ya know, he's president of the whole United States. While he's solving the issue of installing air conditioners in those southern states.... because southerners deserve comfort too. He's also stuck with trying to warm Alaska up without greatly increasing fossil fuel usage. It's difficult being responsible for the weather.


If only he'd put some effort into a weather exchange program where the south could donate a couple degrees of summer heat to be held until Alaska wants to borrow it in the winter. We have plenty of extra degrees we could donate. Plus heat makes us grouchy.


That sounds an awful lot like sharing. And sharing is socialism.


The trick is to cover all the socialism up with mentions of an oil pipeline and the word "bailout" so nobody notices the socialism. The more words you can cram into the name, the less obvious it'll be. Bonus points for self referencing Murrica and throwing in something about a bald eagle. Bury it in some patriotic sounding words and hardly anyone will see the socialism!


Sounds more like Marxism. Groucho Marx has a lot to answer for.


Eh. Marx had some descent idea’s he just forgot that some people are greedy and power hungry by nature and will try to take advantage. Modern “communism” doesn’t actually follow Marxism anymore. Not that I think Marxism is the answer either. There must always be a balance between socialism and Individualism.


Hey, wait, that's what heat pumps do. So we just need to make a really big heat pump between Texas and Alaska! It's crazy, up here in Maine for some reason the GOP has decided that heat pumps are on their hit list, I get all kinds of misinformation about how inefficient and terrible they are from people who've never had them.


Since when does the GOP care about inefficiency? I mean, heat pumps are highly efficient but since when does the GOP care? Inefficiency just mean selling more fossil fuels at this point.


Since our electricity prices are high and we have one of the lowest average incomes in the country. It's especially the heat side they're going on about, they refuse to believe that even with a high electricity cost, a heat pump is still cheaper per btu than heating oil or propane. Plus, heat pumps are new and save energy, therefore they're green, therefore they're socialist.


He could have used a “magic” sharpie ( Trump used one )


As a guy who works with street lighting, those are actual calls my boss gets. We do try to help those people, but we can only do so much before it affects the light on the street.


Don’t do that! I’m making a killing with the OnlyFans! đŸ˜±


And could you kindly ask Biden to Trump up a few more alleged pre-election charges against Barron Von Shitzinpants. /s


Wait, what?  I thought he was the Director of the Department Of Medium - To - Large Appliances?  DirDOMTLA; if you would. 


I get youre joking, but if it is a problem, and the light pole is jacked up, a call to your city/town representative would be the best option.


Hell no, tell Biden to **delay** that dryer till election day, make *you* think twice about not voting for him!


Sorry sir, democrats first.


Wow! I will take this opportunity to respond to clueless people that blame Biden for everything. Corporations set their prices on whatever they sell, not Biden.! Joe is busy. If people want to throw a vote away, move to Russia. I hear Russia is very Russia this time of year. For Democracy Vote Blue.


It's actually Hunter that does the deliveries. Unfortunately, his court appearance has created a backlog. >!Laptops are no problem though.!<


Oh, yeah? Well, I just got off the phone and that dryer is now delayed until August!!! đŸ€Ș


I had a woman call in about her daughter’s electricity being shut off. I told her I couldn’t give her any info. When callers would go off, I get overly polite. I was raised to say sir and ma’am, so every time the lady paused, I would say, “I’m very sorry ma’am.” Her: You’re from the south aren’t you? Me: Yes ma’am, I’m from Southern California, born and raised. Her: Quit ma’aming me! Me: Yes ma’am. Sorry ma’am. My maternal grandparents were from Mississippi. My paternal grandparents were from Liverpool.đŸ€·đŸŒâ€â™€ïž


I've had a customer tell me "My name is [I don't even remember], not 'ma'am'. If you keep calling me that, we're going to have a problem." I was raised all my life to be polite which included "Sir" and "Ma'am" if you didn't have a personal relationship with whomever you're speaking to. I don't know how to unlearn that. đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


Switch to “sir”?


Or "comrade".


I just start in with "okay buddy"


What reaction does that get you? 😂


I don't care, I don't give them time. All of my regular customers at my job get called buddy, and that goes from age 18 all the way up to 80 lol. Nobody seems to mind but I do try to treat everyone exactly the same.


Just like one should. Whenever I call support for something I always keep in mind that I'm the one who needs help with something so be nice. Also I imagine the caller before me could possibly have been super rude so be extra nice and if support seems off then that might be why. When I had to call insurance for the 4th over something that should've been am easy fix I realize that it's a new person I'm speaking to and they can't be faulted for the others not having done their job properly. Admittedly though, when I was calling the third time i was getting drunk while on the phone because I was so done with it, and kinda just having a laugh of it. The fourth time I couldn't because I was at work 😅 It's not hard being kind. You might make someone's day better if you are. You'll most likely will ruin someone's day if you aren't. And we're all here just the same.


If I have to call 3+ times over the same issue, I'm not an ass but I am more firm about explaining what I need that person to do. It's almost always regarding healthcare in my case, though, so you often have to be a little pushy anyway.


It’s more acceptable these days!


“Yeth, mawthter
” is always appropriate.


And listen as their heads explode.


I tend to call ladies I think are older as Mrs. Last Name or Ms. Last Name, because that's what I was taught to do and I think it's polite. (I also do it if I can't pronounce their first names.) But I still get my head bitten off by crabby bitches for whom nothing is ever good enough. Also have lived in the south, and can't break the habit. If someone says their name is Dr. So-and-So, they're getting First Name only. They're invariably some quack or a "pastor" and think they can lord a title over me. Wrong.


We had a guy who kept calling in to complain about this and complain about that constantly throwing the Doctor pronoun about and how busy he was. Someone googled him. He was a doctor alright, phD in economics


Yep- had a lady demand I call her Doctor. Sure, doesn’t bother me lol but that made her more mad. She couldn’t figure out how to renew her account. Said her time was much too valuable to do herself. Turns out she worked at a salon with no doctor credentials..


That’s when you switch to either “Ace” or “Toots”.


I'm disabled and I once had a caregiver who asked to call me kid. I assumed it was because I was in my early 30s and she was in her late 50s. I later learned she called all her clients kid so she didn't have to worry about messing up people's names. The little old ladies in their nineties would giggle at the idea of being called kid and then agree. Still if they're offended at being called sir or ma'am they probably aren't going to be amenable when you reply "whatever you say kid."


Just say, “oh sorry Sir, I didn’t realise you now identify as a man”.


Had a slightly similar situation. I was a police officer and got called into the supervisors office mid shift about a complaint. I had written a citation earlier to a man for speeding. The Sgt told me the guy drove to the station and wanted to file an official complaint because I called him Sir repeatedly during the stop. So I was therefore advised and admonished to not call me Sir during traffic stops. I accepted my admonishment and left, with both of us confused about the issue.


One time I had a caller who hated being called ma’am because apparently that word is associated with a billygoat


As someone who had raised a lot of goats over the years, I feel fully qualified to assure you that the goats don’t care what you call them. 🐐


Did your paternal parents know the Beatles? 😎


Born and raised in SoCal family is from there too. I guess i was just raised with proper manners because i Sir/Ma’am people too.


I find that a lot of the time it ain't out of true respect but out of habit when I say "Sir" or "Ma'am". It was just how I was raised.


I always love the ones that yell at you from their lifted pickup across the street. Dude I don't care who you voted for, I'm getting a pizza 😂 I think some people just like being angry


It gives them a sense of purpose and something to focus on in their otherwise empty, shitty, meaningless life that will never amount to anything, and they know it. When you're mad at something or someone else you don't have to look at yourself and un-fuck your dumpster fire life/job/relationships etc.


I’m writing a strongly worded email to Biden to tell him to put a rush on her dryer


This customer sounds more like they use a messenger pigeon 😆


Who do you think writes the messages for them?


Do they ever give him praise whenever something goes *right*? "Biden lowered the delay from three weeks, to two days. Isn't he wonderful? What have you *thanked* Joe Biden for today, sir?"


omg OP please phone them back when you have an update on their dryer and credit anything positive about it to Biden 😂😂 “ i have good news sir! Present Biden informs me that your dryer will be delivered on tuesday!”


Oh I'm sure Biden is sitting in the oval office ordering all dryers 😂


Poring over the voter rolls, looking for someone who voted for Trump *and* recently purchased a dryer, so that he can call and have their order delayed by a few days.


The image this put in my mind is sending me


I don’t know why he’s blaming Biden when it’s obviously all Obama’s fault.


Wait, it could be Hillary's emails. GAAAAH


He needed the dryer for his tan suit


Years ago I heard something similar about Obama and told them the White House has a website they can write to and ask about their issue. I am sure that the president is delaying your credit card in the mail Ron.


Yes and trump immediately shut it down. No way he wanted Joe Pubic being able to complain directly to the White House
 and the MAGA cultists applauded.


I think the first clue you must be a Biden voter for him was that you were empathetic, jokes on him though, all call center employees are only empathetic because of call monitoring
.. On the plus side I’m guessing he may be soon getting a bunch of junk mail including mailers from Planned Parenthood and the ACLU


The amount of times I have wanted to snap back but couldn't because I like being able to afford food... *"WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DO WITHOUT A DISHWASHER FOR A WHOLE WEEK?!"* *"Grab a sponge and some Palmolive?"*


Maybe it will Dawn on them.


ask president Biden to come and do them for you


People feel the same way about medications that are on backorder. Yes, it is Biden's fault that Mounjaro and Wegovy are on backorder.


Jesus Christ, if I have to take one more pissy pharmacy call about Mounjaro/Wegovy/Ozempic....


It's coz actual words came out of your mouth that gave you away. Trump voters just grunt and spit on the floor.


And then drag their knuckles through it.


>"You sound like a Biden voter by the way you talk" In clear, coherent sentences??


Just tell them they’ve got the wrong number. They need to call 202-456-1414. (Apparently, the White House now also has 202-456-1111 as the primary number.)


>What dumbfounded me was how he clocked me as a "Biden voter" just by the "way I talk". The fuck does that even mean? You used complete sentences, and words of more than two syllables.


I'm in Canada, and work in the agricultural supply line. *I hear the same damn shit all the time.* We don't have your fertilizer because the government is shit? Of course that's the reason. Not because a) our purchasing team may not have ordered enough, since most of them are fairly new b) we actually have something very similar and cheaper by a different distributor or c) the global market is screwed still and your fertilizer is on a ship waiting to be received into the United States for our supplier, who will then ground ship it to us and the reason for this delay probably has something to do with available manpower all the way down to production... It's exhausting. If Biden/Trudeau COULD fix these issues though, you'd better believe we'd have them on speed dial.


Oh yes, the brain trust that thinks the current POTUS is responsible for the last decade of crap including a worldwide pandemic that killed millions. And that he has control over chip makers in other countries or their supplies. These are Trump voters.


>These are Trump voters. And they're just Biden their time.


Hey, I'm a home care aide. I got to a house a little late. Before the client opened the door I heard his grown son yelling at the top of his voice to him. I mean screaming. The son was mad that I was late and he told me to go away. I said cool, but I'm going to report you for verbal abuse. He called me a liberal. And cussed me out. Holy s***, I mean if that's all it takes to be a flaming liberal, I'm proud of it. We are actually required to report physical, sexual, emotional, mental, or financial abuse. We are obligated.


I love the "We can't take care of our people" argument from the same demographic for sending money to Ukraine like it's the first time the US sent money or "goods" to foreign countries.


Ask them why we keep sending money to Israel and watch the mental gymnastics floor show.


Oh, that wasn't Joe, that was me. Joe was doing inventory in the fixtures section for Dave. Peace!


Under Obama a customer called in very upset that his service call was delayed for hours due to the fact that the Presidential Motorcade parked in his area for a photo opportunity. He wanted and demanded free service, money for his anguish for having to wait. It was the only thing I could think of to say. "Sir, there isn't much that I can do for you however let me give you this phone number. It is the presidential service line and you should be able to file a grievance with them about this whole thing."


“Well excuse me for not wanting a fucking cheeto running the country”


Its cos you spoke politely, logically and were reasonable. Obviously a Biden voter.


What sucks the most is people like this are allowed to vote and *breed!* 🙃


Boo. You're right. And they figured out how to use the internet and probably have jobs. Someone pays them and they could be responsible for someone elses life. Just bottles the mind really.


I can not STAND when customers search for ways to bring politics into the conversation. They always go from politics to religion to wild inappropriateness. Every time! Like please I explained the answer to your question, I do not care to chat about if this that I’m not allowed to talk about! Even if I agree with what they are saying I can’t agree! Or disagree! Stop putting people in call centers in that situation!


The only place any of that belongs is on a first date!!! /s


I had someone on my local Facebook group blame Biden for the price of happy meals going up đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž


Maybe when you speak politely and sound intelligent and respectful they assume you support president Biden


If you used proper English, grammar and diction, you're probably not a trump voter. The fact he could clearly understand you meant you voted for Biden.


You probably used proper grammar and pronunciation. “Roun’ here in Murica we don’t be talkin’ like that ya hear?” Thing is I’m not kidding, there is a huge educational gap between red/blue states


Requested Delivery Date: July 23rd 2042


Educated, and having manners. Just guessing here.


We're you polite and articulate? That's how he knew.


Rotfflmmfgdao why do people always bring politics up. Like it has everything to do with anything. Dorks.


It's Bush's fault! Well, thanks Obama. Orange Man bad, you know?


I do miss the days of "Thanks, Obama"


You don’t talk like a hick, I take it?


Ugh, people are so ridiculous. As an aside, I was in a grumpy mood and this thread is making me laugh! Thanks Reddit!


How about "I'm sorry that your chosen presidential candidate is too mentally ill to deal with real, national issues, so he has time to worry about the delivery of random voters' home appliances. I bet if he tweeted about this delay, the manufacturer would expedite your order!" as a response? Don't you wish you could fire back with something like that?


Wait..... I thought we were still blaming Obama for everything? Did I miss a memo?


report this to Soros , this is what he paid you for.


I'm amazed that some people have actually made it to be old. I have people call me up and scream at me because I'm supposed to be able to have UPS and FedEx call them before the delivery and give a 4 hour delivery window of when their item is going to be delivered. Have these people never had anything shipped to their house before? Or I get "Amazon" does it. Well we aren't Amazon so buy from them if it's so inconvenient for you. And these are people in their 50's+ saying this. How did they even make it to 50 acting like a jerk cause they don't get what they want when they want it and it's always an emergency and they need it NOW. Go to the store and purchase the item you lazy POS. I hate most people and I can't stand dumb people.


Joe Biden stole my refrigerator


Ha! These people fan girling over the US president are insane. I would never vote for that orange piece of shit, but I work at a shipping company and had to create a label the other day that included "Biden For President" in the shipping address. It was not for 1600 Pennsylvania Ave Washington, DC, but Delaware. I DESPISE how much Trump and his cult has turned what used to be one of the most powerful/respected positions in the world, into a damn high school president election and popularity contest,. Which of course, turned everyone against each other. Biden sucks too and we have no good choices, because neither of them will probably make it to the end of a second term. Like, this shit is disgusting and can we stop letting capitalism corrupt something we still maintained at least a tiny bit of control over?


I do not miss these dayssssss


You’re a Biden voter because you were polite and answered his call with the correct information. Next time the old fart calls tell him he’ll get his dryer when he gets his dryer because no one wants to work anymore, then hang up.


It means you sound educated.


You’re obviously a Biden voter because you sound smart and educated. :)


You are obviously a Biden voter since you spoke in complete, grammatically correct sentences.


In some ways this sounds funny, but in other ways, not. Sounds like he had an obsession with Biden and blamed Biden for everything wrong or even inconvenient in his life. Hopefully, someone is keeping a watch on this guy. Obsessions can become dangerous if the person acts on them.