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Work for a credit card company and once told a guy that no one will print up a credit card, mail it to them, let them use it for months just to have them call the number on the back to steal the card number. If you’re not comfortable calling the number on the card, start paying in gold or shiny buttons already.


Lmaoo those calls are so funny 😂 I just go to the outro and ask “thank you for calling is there anything else I can be of assistance with today.” If they want me to help them, then they have to help me. And I get waaaaay to many calls to even care about helping them or not. You don’t want to provide the ONLY THING I ask for? Then call back and get another agent lmao


Worked for health insurance and had a customer asking about his family which is insured with him. He asked me how I know about his wife and children. Me: uhm, they are insured on your account. Of course I can see their info. Him: that's not ok Lol...how do these people get up every morning without assistance? Or they expect a refund which needs to be authorized by customer. Customer: I'm not comfortable with that. Anyone could enter my account then. No...no one can enter your account and why should a big famous insurance steal your pennies....


Ouch. I worked in a telecom/ISP faults line, and occasionally had people refuse to give more info than the phone number. Always a bloody nightmare


Yes customer I completely agree giving a random person your cc number over the phone can be dangerous. Be that as it may it is the way the company has setup our system to pull up your account. As you know you are calling a number you are familiar with to a company you do business with and our company has vetted me and trained me to assist you. May I have that card number now or your existing itinerary number.




I’m like…welll…feel free to google the number and..call back…again ? It’s crazy


Careful with that. I had to instruct my employees whenever we googled a number and provided it to a customer that we had googled it. Seems scammers have gotten the highest results for the customer service number to some businesses.


Same thing when they call about charges they don’t recognize but they don’t actually have an account with us and then they don’t want to provide their card number to help us find the charges? Like we’ve just got a magic ball we can shake that will find the charges for them. Then they get mad when we tell them to call their bank to dispute the charges that can’t be located any other way


Yeah, no. Your systems are defective. Almost certainly not PCI compliant. A report to your bank will get your merchant account restricted in an instant.


I work for one of the largest banks in the world. I can assure you we are PCI compliant.