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as far as society goes, yes we tall women (i’m 6ft) are not often ppl’s ideal partner body wise. also finding pants fucking sucks. but other than that i think we have the same issues as tall men edit: i’d argue dating a tall woman is more accepted nowadays than it used to be by far


My ex wanted me to stand in a hole for our wedding photos. I refused and he was pissy about it every time he looked at the photos. Our marriage was even shorter than he was.




The marriage only lasted about a year. I had been having some second thoughts in the weeks leading up to the actual wedding because he'd been doing some things that I thought were out of character, but were actually his true character shining through. Example: he deliberately swooped in and took a parking spot that another car had been clearly waiting for, then laughed about how they were too slow.Needing me to stand in a hole turned into a metaphor for our whole marriage. I was young and I know now that I should have called it off when I started having doubts. Money had been spent, RSVPs were in, etc. and I thought I would be an asshole if I called it off. Once the wedding was done and the guests had all gone home, he was controlling and hated being outshone, ergo my height was a constant annoyance for him. I guess he thought he could get past it but he just could not. ETA: My husband now of 17 years has no issues with the fact that my arm must go on top when we are arm in arm and even loves it when I wear heels. We play a drinking game at parties ... every time someone mentions our respective heights, we click our glasses together and take a drink, and we both are highly amused at what a big deal it is for people. I'm about 6'4 with 6 inch heels and when I wear them, it makes the drinking game more fun for us. It's like trolling people who think height is a big deal.


This is so sad, I’m sorry to hear about that homie. Hope life treating you better.




I’m a taller guy (6’3”) and I never understood the stigma on tall women, that’s ideal for me lol. I like legs so guess that also plays into it.


my bf is the same way! we're the same height but my legs are a good 65% of my body and he's obsessed with them🥰


I am not that tall (6'1") but darn I wish for a tall girlfriend 🤦🏾‍♂. Sadly in my country average women is just 5'1"


Which country?


probably indian lol. just from the average height.


India 🤷🏾‍♂️


Tall for someone who grew up Indian. I as an Indian grew up in Canada and my parents are short. Well, it is easier to find tall women in Canada than India. I happen prefer tall women too.


From one 6'1" Indian guy to another, I feel you bro


Not that tall?? 🤨


This community has made me feel that 6'7" is tall -tall? I hope that makes sense?


For some men finding pants is a struggle too


i don't doubt that it is! i just think pants for women tend to only focus on the petite and avg height range. also, a lot of women's pants don't have inseam measurements. makes it harder for all women tbh. whereas i've never seen a pair of men's pants without them and i think a lot men up to like 6'4 or so don't struggle finding pants(source: tall family, could totally be wrong)


yea its definitely harder for women. i wear like a 34x40-42 so finding pants is hell. i recommend learning how to sew them yourself thats what im trying to learn


I hear that. I’m slender and tall and these days mostly get used pants on eBay that have already been washed and pre-shrunk and include measurements. My nephew has it even worse - 26X38. Worst part is, he’s still growing. Every pair of pants the poor kid has are high waters.


For fucking real! Big & Tall is more like big *or* tall. I resort to the Internet for clothes so when I find something that fits I tend to buy a a lot of it


I had the exact opposite experience. I was a lanky teenager and the sales guy was like "It's big *and* tall, not big *or* tall". Never went back since


The pants part is so realllll because tell me why i had to buy an XXL for skinny jeans when I'm just a Large


What height related issue do 6ft men have ?




Tall women are gods gift to this feeble planet.




This. If you get a tall girl, you’re getting more woman. Bang for buck if you will.


I’d say yeah tall men have it easier than tall women but on the flip side short women have it easier than short men.


Agreed, also I think it’s probably easier to be a tall woman than it is to be a short man.


Yeah, I'm not tall considering this subreddit. I'm 6'2"M. I looked up height percentile data, and I was pretty sure roughly what the equivalents were but I verified. If we say tall = bad for women and short = bad for men in a symmetrical manner, then we'd be saying 5'10" women struggle as hard as 5'2" men in dating. Those are equivalent percentiles on the top and bottom for men and women. Obviously no way of proving this because we can't run an experiment where they're equally attractive and the sexes get asymmetrical levels of attention anyway. But in my opinion... no fucking way is a 5'10" woman struggling as hard as 5'2" male. Hell, I'm talking to a girl who is 5'10" rn.


I like your take on it but idc enough to verify numbers or critique, imma just say its a good perspective for it


>then we'd be saying 5'10" women struggle as hard as 5'2" men in dating. in conclusion, they should just date each other 😁


I guess that depends to what extreme and in what conditions


Depends on what you consider short and tall. A 5'9 woman would have it easier than a 5'4 man but a 5'9 man would have it easier than a 6'0 woman.


I’d say it depends on what kind of heights we’re talking about, because society is really, really unkind to women who don’t fit into the narrow window of ‘standard’ beauty.


Yeah no. It definitely is much worse for short man that tall woman. The amount of jokes and stigma they get it’s not even close. It really is messed up how harshly they get treated.


I definitely agree that short men don’t deserve harsh treatment for their height, but do you think that tall women aren’t also subject to jokes and stigma and harassment as well? Or that it’s vastly less than what short men endure?


Oh no , there’s definitely some stigma and jokes against tall woman as well. I just think that it’s even worse when you’re a short man. On social media it’s extremely common to see jokes at the expense of short man. You don’t really see it that much with tall woman


I know this is definitely bias and I don’t mean to discount the suffering of women, but I’ve always seen society be the meanest by faaarrrr to short men. Do you agree? I’m curious to hear your experiences




Of course adults don't ridicule short mens face to face, and in real life (not typically). But the discrimination manifests in childhood bullying, lower salaries, lower likelihood of leadership positions, more difficulty dating, online jokes, lack of respect socially, and high suicide rates.


Thanks! That makes a lot of sense!


Thanks for sharing your own perspective!


That's because you dismiss women's thoughts, feelings and lived experiences as real. There's multiple posts from women about how difficult it is to be an outlier but you are not accepting them as valid. Height does not negate male privilege btw.


_"I know this is definitely bias and I don’t mean to discount the suffering of women"_ - totally sounds like dismissal to me _"Do you agree? I’m curious to hear your experiences"_ - how dare he ask for a women's opinion in order to expand his stance, the dick. So dismissive eh You're being an asshole just to be an asshole.




1-Sexual desirability to some men is not really an example proving society isn’t unkind to women. Yes, I am very aware some men will fetishize my height. Some men will also harass me because of it—whether because they really like it, or because they really hate it. That doesn’t mean society as a whole treats tall women well. It just means that some guys see me as fuckable because of an immutable trait. Sexual desirability is not the only thing that matters. Just because some men have a thing for tall women, doesn’t negate any of the other prejudices that tall women face. 2–And yes, the same can be said for short men. I personally know a few women who prefer short men. A lot of women don’t actually care about height, and the studies I’ve seen trying to prove otherwise are usually either flawed and don’t account for very large factors (like women who aren’t on dating apps, or the large number of women who don’t even use the height filters for their searches). I personally don’t have a preference for the height of people I date, and I can’t think of a single woman I know who would automatically disqualify a guy she liked just because of height. There’s definitely women like that out there—but I think it’s grossly exaggerated to claim that it’s all women. I’m not saying that short men don’t face prejudice. I acknowledge and sympathize with that. Just wanted to point out that viability as a sexual prospect is not the only metric to measure that prejudice with.


In that instance it honestly kinda depends on straight up attractiveness. It's probably easier to be a short attractive man than a tall ugly woman. If both are attractive, then yeah it might be better for tall women


Eh, sure, but that is what we'd call a "confounding variable." It also likely is easier to be a short man who is filthy rich than a tall woman who is in poverty. When you introduce that external factor, it removes the validity of the comparison.


iirc 23% of men would be open to date a taller women against 4% of women who would be open to date a shorter man, plus men rate women higher than women rate men (regardless of how attractive they actually are).


You'd be wrong, the patriarchy is real yo


In regards with dating.


Only for dating though (but not always as they’re guys who like tall women too). Its not like being a short woman will positively impact the way people perceive us when we’re in a management role. And things are made for the average male height/size.


The flipside of that is that it feels like short women get away with some stuff because of that small, cutesy "vibe" they give off. I've got 4 cousins between 4'10-5'1 who've had that experience. I've also got a taller sister who's a little salty because of that, she feels like they get away with things she couldn't because of their height. I'm not trying to paint a greater narrative though. I've heard many, _many_ complaints from them too. And I hadn't even considered struggling in management roles, that's a new one to me.


I love my height, 5’11”. You just have to find the men who think tall women are sexy. They’re out there :)


Agree! At 5’10 and I don’t want to be shorter. I love the presence my height gives me.


Tall fella saying holla at yer boi 😁


This made me laugh 🤣. So cute.


I personally love tall women but some guys don’t, I think the biggest dating issue arises from tall women having less and less men to pick from if they want a taller partner. Add that men might feel intimidated for whatever reason and it adds some difficulty


Neighbourhood aunties(the ones that believe in arranged marriages): how will you find a guy so tall here? theres no choice at all. me: smiling me in my head: BITCH STHU, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS. IM BOOKING MY TICKETS TO NETHERLANDS. GOOD RIDDANCE!!!


I am a man who thinks tall women are sexy.


But you're also tall. See, I'm a short guy and I'm into tall women. I feel like it's not as accepted even seems creepy


5’ 10.5” boy here. Shorter than you. I wouldn’t have a problem with it, in fact I love it!


As a 6’2” woman, my BIGGEST gripe in regards to my height is how men seem to act entitled to my height when they meet me. Like my interactions truly feel like “you have the height/power I am meant to have”. And I am tired of it tbh


"If I was your height I'd be in the NBA"


Or “I’d have made Varsity” & my personal favorite, “that girl would have gone to prom with me”…. Like idk what these dudes want me to do… it’s not my fault I have 2 tall parents & got the genes to match 🤷🏽‍♀️


Why are they whining to you as if you’re their mum😭


Dude I have no clue, but between hearing it as a 13 year old and now at 30… I AM SICK OF IT.


FUCK ALL THAT NOISE. We get it too. The notion that if you're not playing basketball, you're a waste of flesh. Sorry, but I'm a computer nerd, and enjoy other athletic activities.


Lol that is cringe


Omg really?! That’s terrible


Yep, it’s annoying as hell.


If it makes you feel any better, they do that with men too. I'm 6'6 and have had that interaction dozens of times...


Ah okay, I didn’t think men would come after other men like that. I have to ask my dad about it, he’s your height.


Yeah, it might even be worse for tall men (though I don't know your situation, so who knows). In my experience, being both big AND tall (I'm 6'6 and like 285lbs, so I'm like an NFL lineman) I get a LOT of men who basically want to try to fight me to prove that they are better than me and "don't deserve my size/height" or some variation of that. My wife jokingly calls it wanting to "climb the mountain". What's even worse is that they get even more offended when I don't really engage and just walk away, but it happens ALL. THE. TIME. Well, okay, I'm in my 40s and don't go out to bars and shit, so it doesn't happen as often as it used to, but still, whenever I go to almost anywhere with alcohol and a crowd, I get hassled by some 5'9 guy who thinks he's tough and would rule the world "if only he was taller".


Ah, okay. I didn’t even think it would lead to them trying to fight you. My experience ranges from negging to game-hunter type flirting (me being a tall woman I guess means mountain to be conquered to them because sex?).


> me being a tall woman I guess means mountain to be conquered to them because sex? Yeah, and also I'd guess because tall women usually have a very strong preference for men the same height or taller than them, so for a guy shorter than them to get with you must be a huge confidence boost for them. And the fighting thing is annoying for me because it's pretty lose-lose. If I fight them and win, then I'm a big guy picking on a little guy and if I lose, then I got beat by a little guy and I look bad that way. That's why just walking away is my go-to move. Even when I was younger. If someone made the first move, I'd finish a fight and not feel bad about it, but I never started them because it looks bad either way.


This is a thing??


I’ve seen it… now mind you, it may have a racial undertone ( I am a Black woman) but I’m convinced it’s just my height.


I’ve definitely experienced it as a white woman as well, but I guess that doesn’t really mean your experience isn’t also compounded by race too. I wonder if that’s how they see tall men and just project the same insecurity onto tall women, or if it’s made worse by the fact that they think women aren’t supposed to be able to compete with them (read: exist in the same space as their insecure selves, while happening to be taller).


It's insecurity, same thing happens with men who date women that make more money. Lots of men just can't handle it. They say they like it but six months in they are whining about you wearing heels to make then look even smaller.


EXACTLY, I’ve literally dumped 3 dudes over the heels commentary alone. And it always happens around the 3-6 month mark.


Oh god it always comes down to heels, doesn’t it? Either it turns out they’re secretly insecure and you putting on heels and being even taller brings it out of them—or you put on heels and quickly find out they’ve got some Amazon fetish they’ve been hiding and they want you to domme them. I love heels, but they always make the mask come off, one way or another…


My male experience is that it is quite uncommon to meet a woman taller than me, and I see men taller than me routinely. I had to get accustomed to taller men, but taller women trigger some hard-to-parse visceral response (which is probably contributed to by testosterone, competitiveness) which I can liken to wariness. OP's suggestion that the woman has taken my spot is an interesting angle.


Black women already have good strength of presence, and we already know that height exacerbates this, so he's just wishing he had that aura you already got. Tell em height won't make an average man great XD


Yea thats bad, you deserve better


Absolutely, I'm 6'2 and dating is miserable. Once they realise they are shorter, which they often are, they get insecure and so far most often take it out on me. Which is a no go. Bye. Finding pants is miserable. Random shorter men sometimes comes up to me on the street demanding to know what biological gender I have. If I decide I can take the confrontation I say the truth, which is that I'm a cis female. People do love to sort people into boxes so they can sleep easy at night. And lastly it was hell when I was a teenager, and sometimes now as well as an adult, to not be insecure. Especially if you are most comfortable dressing androgynously, but still identify as a woman. Because in many ways, society's idea of a woman is very slim, no pun intended. And just like the part above, people expect you to adhere to it. I'm prouder of my height now, I don't mind wearing a slight heel to my boots and such, but I'm not confident all the time. Sometimes I want to wear clothes so large you can't see me and only walk in shadow.


Being lesbian almost feels like cheating a bit because there is basically no stigma against tall women in lesbian dating, it's actually seen as attractive by many. But then again that comes with its own dating struggles, but at least I don't have to deal with insecure men as much. Finding fitting clothes is still a real pain though


I definitely get hit on a lot more by other women then I do by men. It would be easier if I were into girls but alas


I'm 5'15" but anytime I see a tall woman I'm still enamored with their natural beauty and amazingly long legs, add heels into the mix and its instant super model for me.


5'15" is 6'3", right?


Lol please explain 5’15 😭 What does it mean


6'3. 6ft = 72 inches or 5'12. He just added 3 more inches to that.


as a tall woman, I have no desire to be small. I take space in a world that doesn’t want me taking space. If other people don’t like it, oh well ….


Imbue me with your confidence!




This is where I am now. Took me a while to get here though.


This is common knowledge around these parts i’m quite sure


The only thing I dislike about being tall is that when you walk into a room, everyone can see you. I stopped wearing bright colors for this reason. I get tired of people looking at me.


I'm a tall (5'9) bi girl and I think tall girls are the prettiest, because many look like models and dolls. But it's still awkward and kinda sad because not everyone thinks this way, especially average/short guys who get intimidated by our heights


Men see a tall woman and just assume “she would never be interested in me”. We do the same thing with flawlessly beautiful women. The exception to that rule are the trophy hunters looking for another notch on his belt.




I would have to agree with you. More stigma being a taller woman.


True, getting misgendered… men being too intimidated to speak to you or over compensating when approaching you (tree-climbers)


I adore tall women. Il spare you the details.


Yeah, insecure men are intimidated by you. Also, it blows my mind that women under 6'2 are considered tall.


Well it makes sense. The average woman is shorter than the man. So a 6’/183cm woman is less common than a 183cm man. Same for 155cm woman is more common than a 155cm man. The average height for women is about 5’4/163cm so a woman is beginning to be a tall woman at around 170cm. In other words, a 180cm woman is almost 20cm taller than the average woman, thats tall.


I'm 6'7", so a 6 foot tall woman still *feels* short to me.


I’m not tall but this sub is recommended to me a bit. I’ve noticed that Reddit seems to LOVE tall women but from what I’ve observed it doesn’t translate the same in real life. One of my BFF’s is somewhat tall, like 5’8 and she would always get comments about her height. People used to call her big foot, tall bastard etc and it was mainly guys saying stuff like that but if there was some silly boy beef girls would disparage her height too. I’ve had comments about my height like shortie, midget etc but it’s never felt as mean spirited as things people would say to her. Granted she didn’t realllly struggle with finding someone, but I remember she had a situationship with this guy throughout college and he made a pros/cons list about her and one the cons was she was too tall. It’s probably equivalent to short men, it’s fine for the most part but their height will be the first thing people attack if they need to


It is harder my wife is 6’3’ and she gets unwanted attention. She also talks about how much harder it was growing up to find clothing. There seem to be more options now


💯 My son is 5’11” in 7th grade and has never had anyone give him a hard time. Meanwhile, a neighbor has a daughter in 6th grade that is 5’8” and she has been bullied by girls mercilessly. She was even jumped after school a couple weeks ago. But just remember, Taylor Swift is 5’11” so you are just an an inch and like a dozen platinum records from world domination.


Nah I love tall women WAY more than short girls.


As a 6’2 dude I’ve never liked the PeTiTe ideal even when I wasn’t at my full height it just felt so uncomfortable on a daily basis to picture My gf is 5’9 & it’s perfection to walk with her without having to angle my neck downwards to talk to her like I do with most of my friends/family


As a short man, I have to agree. There's a reason why the term 'shorties' refers to women. I've never heard it used about men. Maybe children. But not men.


As a tall woman, I’m happy with my height


I dont know if its a matter of easier or not...cause everything has its limits. Like, for a guy, being 6'+ is seen as a desirable trait in a guy generally speaking, from dating to social standing etc. But when they get into "holy crap, youre insanely tall!" it gets into more gawk and stare like hes in a circus territory. The same goes for women...a woman who is 5'8 can say shes tall, and its attractive cause shes still shorter than the average man, and definitely well within being able to fit in any space for average sized people in general...shes taller than average but not really tall, so ts acceptable and desirable. But when youre taller than pretty much every woman and most men you come across, the desireablility factor drops like a rock. But yeah...the world is made for whatever is average in your region...the further you get from that, the harder it is to function within those boundaries for everything from clothes to fitting in spaces to how people see and talk or want to be involved with you. And it gets to a point where you go from tall and attractive to freakish and not taken seriously (or at least feeling that way from the negative reactions from others)




As soon as someone exceeds the 6'0 there will be space problems. At least where i live. I am 6'2 (f) and whenever i take a long train ride or busride i arrive with knee and backpain. Not finding clothes is hard for everyone who isn't average in any form.


Yes, plus tall people can have different proportions. My legs are basically the same length as my brother's, even though he's 6'4 and I'm 6'1. So even though I'm not that tall compared to tall men, I never fit into seats properly on public transport.


Exactly. I don’t think most people can being to comprehend what it’s like being perpetually uncomfortable (at best, it often leads to outright pain)


Social stigma? I’m a tall woman, I have no idea what stigma you mean.




Men who are “scared” of women at eye level are clowns though. Strength has nothing to do with height and a man is still a man, and stronger than a woman, at any height. I personally find it super hot to be able to look at a man at eye level, it’s 🔥…Some people just don’t know what they are missing…


I see your point about tall women not fitting the “petite” ideal. However, at a certain height, you start encountering new problems regardless of your gender. Neither a 5’10” man nor a 5’10” woman encounter the same degree of difficulty fitting into public spaces as someone my height, for example. Tall and very tall men are more likely to experience problems with leg room, doorframes, etc., than tall and very tall women, because the latter almost always fit within the “average to slightly tall” range for men (not always, of course).


While definitely the problems get worse the further one gets from average, its not so much a matter of, arguing whether being extremely tall is problematic vs tall, as much as its trying to function in an environment built with the average person in mind. Everyone outside of that average, tall or short, will face unique issues. People of average height are not facing any issues with their height at all because everything from clothes, to structures to social expectations revolves around the average / standard / norm. That someone who is tall is frustrated with the problems they face from it, doesnt take away from it that you also face problems from being extremely tall.


it’s more of a societal problem for woman and physical problem for men when tall


My son is 6'6" and there are definitely diminishing returns. My prob as a 5'10.5" woman is that men feel entitled to tell me how much they hate my height and how gross it makes me. There is a certain type of man who just can't wait to tell me that genetically I was supposed to be a man, something "went wrong" with me in the womb, or misgender me on purpose because I make them uncomfortable. It mostly happened in my 20's. Now in my 40's I am mostly invisible to men, so it has decreased a lot. But good golly...it is not like I could help how tall I turned out to be.


Even as a lesbian, i’m tall enough that I feel awkward with anyone shorter than 5’3 or 5’4. In my mind that’s pretty short but 5’4 is supposedly the average height for women, so 😭 I prefer to date someone around my height


Those petite women are rude as hell. I'm a short guy and the only women that give me crap about my size are those women. I've never had a single tall woman say anything about my height or size but petite women love to claim their love for big ass guys and make me feel like crap so im with you on that. Being a tall man will always be easier. In society we always hear how tall men are better but this is never directed toward tall women as well, quite the opposite as you stated. It's always kinda strange how even gigantic men on here are with women like well below 5'5. I'm sure all of us guys under 6'0 would appreciate a tall woman who doesn't need a guy to tower.over her when a 5'0 woman demands no guys under 6'0. Such a crazy world.


"World isnt made for tall girls" - but you are still in normal human ranges. World (doors etc) is made for you.


As a leg man,I appreciate tall ,long legged women🔥


As a tall guy (6'6), you are 100% correct as far as dating/relationships go, but in just about every other respect being tall is pretty equal with the caveat that a tall woman still usually fits in spaces. I bang my head on things and have to pay a ton of extra money for exit row or higher class seats on planes or trains and bigger cars just to fit. My wife, who is 6' seems to not have any of those problems. So yeah, tall men have it better in dating, but otherwise it's kind of a wash. The clothes suck for both of us, though it's maybe slightly worse for women if you're tall and thin as no one seems to really carry those clothes for women (and for men it sucks if, like me, you are both big AND tall).


I’m 5’5” man and my ex wife was 5’10”. Things didn’t work out for many reasons but for the years we were together I do remember enjoying giving the heteronormative standard couple portrait the middle finger.


It's true. In both cases the cause is insecure men.


I was about to say "no shit". 😅 But I think I get what you mean. There are still some privileges that come with being tall regardless. Like being taken more seriously, not being seen as an easy target for some kinds of crimes, being able to reach everything... But those are all privileges that tall men have too. They just have more privileges on top of that. They are not seen as awkward for being tall, it's just seen as attractive.


Bro stated a truism like it was a hot take


I’m also 5’10”. I just distract by wearing short dresses. lol


I think even without height,men have it easier. But yes you are correct


The world isn't made for anyone at this point tbh. Even as a tall man the dating world specifically is still basically an impossible hell hole.


In some ways anyone outside the average height is going to have a harder time - but 5ft 10 for a woman I wouldn't really say is that tall. Above average yes, but only a few inches above average depending where you are in the world. A tall person (e.g. 6ft 5) has issues that someone of 5ft 10 (regardless of sex) wouldn't have - mainly physical issues like not being able to fit into seats on a plane, lack of legroom, cars not being big enough to accomodate us properly, doorways not always tall enough, beds not long enough for us to fit on, kitchen counters and desks being too low - and more. You can't get away from this! But in terms of "height being a plus" for men, quite possibly, but I feel that only works up to 6ft 3 or 6ft 4 - beyond that you are deemed a bit freaky... But overall, enjoy your height and enjoy life!


I actually think that women have it a lot easier being tall in most ways because most tall women aren’t even 6 feet tall so they don’t have to worry about being cramped in small seats, hitting their heads off street signs, sitting at tables that are uncomfortably low, having difficulty with leverages in the gym working out etc The world is generally built for people between the sizes of 5 foot to a little over 6 foot. A guy who is 5 inches above average USA height would be almost 6’3” where things really start to inconvenience them. Imagine being 6’5+ and I bet things would really start to suck. That’s close to exceeding height limits on some roller coasters A woman 5 inches above average height would be around 5’10” which is just around an average man’s height. Most things will still accompany the average man’s height size even with a woman


6'0 woman here. It is true that short guys tend to be less interested and clothes shopping is extremely difficult. On the flip side when we do find the right clothes, we look absolutely killer. A well dressed fit tall gal will always turn every head in the room. Also, the attraction issue is only for short guys for me -- tall guys flirt like crazy, and I prefer them anyway. Dunno if this is the same for other vertically endowed girls. Worst part by far is the braindead short guys who think it is OK to bully tall girls. Every tall girl I know has been accused by absolute numbskulls of being transgender soley for being tall, or been called amazon girls, etc. Misogyny and transphobia are braindead enough, but these guys are such insecure snowflakes they assume any tall cis gal or any gal that isn't a 5'2 porn star is transgender or some kind of genetic freak and is therefore OK to bully. The defemenating bullying is bad enough for those of us who are cis girls -- I imagine it is even worse for trans girls. For me I have had this happen 4 times, exclusively in walmart. They are rare but very upsetting to encounter. Vastly outmumbered by positive interactions though.


I think men just generally have it easier lmao


From a dating/partner perspective yeah being a tall guy is easier. From a life perspective though being 5’10” means everything works well for you. Where as those of us that are 6’3”+ have to deal with daily issues when it comes to using almost everything.


I agree, I am 6'4" and I feel my height is a plus overall but I know a girl who is 6' and for her it is a definite demerit (according to her of course)


I hardly see any tall women in my late 20s age range.


It's cause we die at 25.


There's a lid for every pot. My ideal woman is 5'10 at the shortest, and if you wear heels that's a SUPER big turn on. 6'4 here.


I hate to break it to you, but your average man doesn't care about height. Your average man would date someone taller than him. It's women that obsess over height for some reason.


I‘m 5‘11“. My grandmother was the same height and she was one of the most badass woman I ever met. I was always the tall girl in school, but I never felt awkward. The only people to ever give me shit about my height were and are some (not all) short men. But I don‘t care.


Idk, I’m 6’4” and the last few women I’ve dated have been 5’10” or 5’11”. My current gf is 5’11” and I love it. There’s nothing more satisfying than cuddling someone equal to your size. More and more I feel like men that date shorter women have a predatory complex. 6ish” difference is fine, but when it gets into the 1’+ realm, from behind you might think it’s father/daughter.


I would definitely agree; most of the issues with being a tall man come from the physical inconveniences of being tall, whereas women have that PLUS social issues. I was bullied horribly for my height as a teen, and even as an adult it’s massively affected my romantic life. It’s definitely got easier but it’s been a bitch at times.


Don't stress about it. I'm 6'2" and I find women who are 5'9" absolutely stunning. A fit 5'10" woman will grab my attention significantly more than that same woman if she was 5'3 Good looking tall women will literally have me looking like Jim Carrey from The Mask


But it can go the other way too right ? I mean, women have it easier being short than men lol but I understand what you're trying to say. Tall women are like goddesses tho, wear any damn cloth and you look like a runaway model on the go! Being the tallest in the room must feel incredible


Being a short woman only benefits the dating bit of life. The world is designed for someone who’s 5’7-6’/170-183cm. So someone her height is quite suitable if you exclude the dating aspect. Also being a short woman doesnt have any positive impact when in a management role. Whereas for a tall man in a management role, their height can have a good impact


If tall women didn't exist with who are we tall guys supposed to be with ?


Yes, socially, tall men tend to have it easier and short women tend to have it easier. That doesn't mean you cannot find yourself surrounded by incredible people - we generally have the power to choose who to be around.


Yeah they do. I’m 5’10.5 and have dated multiple 5’10 women though and actually find them more attractive than short girls. The 5’10 girls appreciate that I say I’m 5’10 rather than 6ft haha


As a tall man sadly, I think you’re right. There are too many restrictions that society puts on women for tall women to have it easier than tall men. 


I saw this chick once who was 6'7 and she was beautiful beautiful


Short have it the worst , I think ...


I'm (31M) your height and live in Australia. The fashion here for women your height is easily accessible and affordable. Would you really rather be short? I'd rather be a 5'10" woman than a 5'10" man, because you would be considered tall yet I'm considered short.


I’m 6’3” F and of course everything we do is so much harder. I don’t like shopping bc I can’t find anything that fits me that I would want to wear, my friends always talk about boys and dating but for me that reminds me that I’m taller than most boys which is just weird for me and them, I have always made friends easily bc of my height but then the friends sort of give up when everything else is boring for them. So yeah being tall as a woman is hard, but on the plus side I am intimidating so people always grant me what I want bc they feel like I’m gonna start a war. Also I get to be incredibly unique and love my life in my own world without drama, worrying about what other people say, and without lacking confidence. So I know it may suck at times but the positives exceed the negatives by a lot.


Idk who started that whole petite nonsense but I am very much team tall women


Full agree. I'm a giant male and I'm pretty universally respected just from the get go. It's mine to screw up but I walk into a room and I see a shift. People are intrigued and/or instinctually frightened. People also gift me with intelligence I don't necessarily have. Most women gravitate to my type socially. I'm not saying I'm irresistible or anything conceited like that. Just that societally, I feel like there's a lot working in my favor before I open my mouth. I'm a walking checkbox. However, I see a lot of tall women are treated like Sweet Dee from IASIP unless they're super models or professional athletes. And I hate to say it but it seems like the taller the woman, the more triggering they are for short guys. Not the kings, mind you. But I just mention it to bring up the difference because short girls don't hate my guts and I don't hate short girls. Whereas the short guy/tall girl relationship needs to be felt out and can be fraught. I don't know. I'm just conscious of a 'tall man privilege' that doesn't seem to extend as universally to women which is a shame. I hope I didn't just offend the heck out of everyone.


5’10 is a short man in todays world lol


Well yeah, and women have out easier being short than men.


This sub is just becoming a place of complaints... folks we don't have it hard. People literally look up to us


One of the few voices of reason here.


Even being 5'11 you're the tall one of the short people!


I mean the modelling industry is full tall women. A more apt comparison as far as living up to societal standards of appearance short men have both of those categories beaten


Tall until a certain point, you can’t be over 6ft as a female model unless you lie about your height. Because most male models are 6’2” at the tallest.


I'd argue that tall women are accepted, but small men are not.


Tall men is a breeze it’s very nice, tall woman is equivalent to short guy not 1:1 ofcourse but faces some of the same hardships. Being a tall guy is legit such a privelege, only wish I was 6’5 lol.


How did you just now reach this conclusion? Where are you from?


All my tall friends who are like 6’5 and above have a habit dating short chicks… I have no idea why they are into them… like think of your children!!!


Ladies in this thread - tall ones only - would you date a guy a few inches shorter than you? Please be honest




Hmm….the world isn’t made for tall people period. But yes, tall women most likely have it harder than tall men. I have a date with a woman that’s 5’11 this weekend. I’ll ask her about it. 😅


I am exactly between 5’8” / 5’9”. I have found this to be a good height as a woman (maybe one inch shorter would be ideal). But overall I would take this height over being shorter.


Societally, absolutely. But physically, “the world isn’t made for us” applies much more to tall men because at 5’11, you’re not far north of the average *human* so doorways, seats, beds, etc, all still accommodate you. And it’s probably less of a pain to learn to stoop and be physically uncomfortable than the weird discrimination and alienation some tall women go through, but it’s also more consistent (plane seats ain’t getting any bigger unless you pay more, you might find social circles that aren’t stupid and rude about your height). Plus, there’s the silver lining that your height can be an easy litmus test for whether someone is a dirt bag. Rooting out a dating prospect’s crippling insecurity can sometimes take forever, but you’ll often see it right off the bat lmao It’s the same way short men have it harder socially than short women, but short women often can’t do basic things like find a safe seating position in a car, see over their dash board, reach high shelves, etc, whereas short men are fine because they’re still approximately average adults. I was super bummed at 15 when I realized I was going to be too tall to join the military for submarines to get a degree in nuclear science without going into debt, and few women actually get cut off from opportunities like men do with pretty low cutoffs at 6’2 and 6’4 for many assignments within the military. But then again, fuck the military industrial complex anyways lmao


Thank you for stating what short women (around 160cm and below) struggle with. Its hard when things are built too big for you. I wish people didn’t just look at it from a dating lens.


I mean, like... Yeah. Height is viewed as a masculine trait, so it's considered a positive trait for men and a negative trait for women. That said, some of us love tall women, so you're in more or less the same boat as short men.


And no one loves short men


Heights is kinda associated with masculinity, so ig socially speaking men have a ball being tall. Tall girls are only rlly accepted if we look like runway models


Lady I'm a 5"8 man we know. You guys literally go for height in dating all the time Jesus. Tall women are awesome tho don't feel bad.


Being a tall attractive slim/fit woman is a plus for most guys. If you’re anything but that it’s a minus.


i’m that and it still not ok lol


I’ve never had an issue. Skirts, dresses look great. I get compliments on my legs. I’ve never not had dates. The only downside, I suppose, is that a lot of guys are my height instead of taller.


Taylor Swift is 5’11! I always try to remember this every time I feel insecure about my height, or that I’m not womanly enough or whatnot.


In other news, being short is easier for women than men, and the sky is blue.


You're not tall, you're 5'10. So yeah you're soo short, gotta be at least 6'2. There you feel like you fit the 'petite' ideal yet? XD This reply is obviously some tongue in cheek.


I agree, tall women aren’t seen as ideal for shallow reasons by shallow people. Fun fact, I had a crush on a woman taller than me and I’m 6 feet exactly. She said her dad didn’t want anyone dating her who was shorter. Years later I come to find she’s dating a guy half my height. Short kings and tall queens can make it!