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Yep we know we are living through it…


To OP's credit, they're probably doing some mix of the following: * Warding off people from out of state who have been told Tampa is a utopia * Validating other affected residents' concerns * ^collecting ^^free ^^^karma ^^^^because ^^^^^everyone ^^^^^^always ^^^^^^^upvotes ^^^^^^^^these


I’ll take the third option for 200 Alex lol. I’ve all but tried to put a billboard up 75 saying please don’t move to Hillsborough County..Orlando is not that far


>I’ve all but tried to put a billboard up 75 saying please don’t move to Hillsborough County..Orlando is not that far If anything that's a motivating factor for people. "Orlando is not that far."


If they’ve been on 4 it’s not.


I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that people don't drive local highways at a random sample of times of day and year before moving somewhere. If Google says it can theoretically be an hour, that's what a lot of people are going to go with.


If op had credit. He wouldn't be talking about rental prices


My credit score was over 800 when I was denied for a mortgage. Obviously, even asking for one means my score should go down. Is that the credit system you're referring to?


Welp. Credit without income makes Credit pretty irrelevant. Last house I bought 4 years ago. My credit score was like 660. I then bought the interest rate down to 2.6%


House prices 4 years ago aren't even close to where they are now? Same for rent prices. That's like the whole point of the post?


So unless you currently like 22yo or something. Sorry about your luck sleeping on purchasing 4 years ago. Ain't nobody to blame but self. But on a side note. Florida top of the pack with rent prices going down like 4%. Blahahahaha.


I had income at the time. Granted it was Florida Deputy Sheriff pay after only ~10 years so about $26/hr, but it was income. Your point is moot.


How much was the amount you were asking for?


I don't remember; it was a starter home in Brandon before everyone decided Brandon was CoViD Mecca thanks to DeSantis. Somewhere around $100,000-$200,000.


https://preview.redd.it/w303ue699w0d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7481742b3b7d9982cd7d0e6a5ee694a028f38707 Here Ya Go


Bro, we know


Wages are miserable all over the state.  My husband is studying/training to be an armed security guard. Pay is like $18/hr. I’m not doing it anymore but my bring home from slinging subs at Subway was $15/hr.  Anything under $20/hr isn’t livable. 


Really anything under $30 isn’t.


For reference and perspective, that 'minimum' wage which would typically be given to people bagging groceries or taking fast food orders would be nearly $10,000 (20%) more a year than I made after graduating from college with an advanced degree and taking a *good* aerospace engineering job in this area ~15ish years ago. The value of the dollar and the state of our economy are absolutely fucked.


It’s almost like printing 5 trillion dollars out of nowhere to hand out for free and billions more for foreign aid has negative effects. Im sure it’s only transitory though


The foreign aid comes back to the US in the way of jobs and arms sales. We give Ukraine old stock. We replenish our old stock with new. That keeps people working in the US and the money here. As a percentage the US has never given as much free no strings attached foreign aid money as people think. There is always a string attached. Now to the money. It was 4 trillion in money and incentives in 2020 alone with 2.8 trillion going to corporations. That was Trump. Then another 1.9 trillion in 2021. That was Biden. Of that money 430 billion was direct cash. The rest was sent to the Vet Affairs, Healthcare, Housing, Jobs programs, Farm aid, Local government etc... But yeah. Printing trillions really screwed the country. If only there had been some kind of leadership in 2019 when COVID19 was breaking out before it got here.


This guy foreign trades. Especially with the arms stock, most of it is stuff we would be junking/recycling. A state dependent on our industry now is a loyal customer/state dependent on our arms industry in the future.


Sell M4s for cheap/free and you got customers for 5.56 for life. This extends even further with jets lol


It's cool though because the ultra wealthy got their tax breaks. Most of that 5 trillion is tax breaks for the rich and mega corporations, and surely it's gonna trickle down any moment now.


I think our main issue in this area is that local and federal government haven’t cracked down on investment real estate practices and we haven’t adjusted our zoning practices in 30 years. [Science Vs](https://open.spotify.com/episode/56rGgl7ujOV2Z2TGX6EyuV?si=eWiYu6jvRpSrEXwiEx6lQQ&context=spotify%3Ashow%3A5lY4b5PGOvMuOYOjOVEcb9) did an awesome episode on the housing markets around the world.


This. I did some research on the Pinellas county property appraisers website. Investment LLC's own something like 45,000 single family homes. That's at least half of the single family homes in the county. Pair that with the apartment conglomerates, and here we are with rents sky rocketing.


Unchecked capitalism and greedflation driven by corporations is the real problem.


Even 30/hr is barely making it. Especially if you have kids or if you are the sole provider. Rent alone will eat up half of your monthly pay.


18 bucks an hour to carry a firearm and be willing to get in a gunfight with someone? That’s crazy


That’s why you just don’t get in a gunfight. You just observe and report my friend.


Exactly and there’s a few job that want to pay $20 for entry level, a lot retailers are still paying $12/h how people can live with those wages?


I make 15.80 and my husband makes 20 and we still can't make it.


My hospital pays pharmacy techs $16/hr. You can bag groceries at Publix for $14/hr and have a job that's 1/5th the stress.


Wawa starts at $16 plus a little bit depending what shift you choose. I'd take the less stress job.


That's why myself and my hubby work 2 jobs each.


Been the pattern for a while… The people who said “rent Instead of buy, market will crash”. Since 2020 have been stuck the worst unfortunately


I'd almost rather have rented. My housing payment was supposed to be about half of what it is now thanks for insurance rates rising. And I owe debt on a roof, HVAC, and water heater now.


Yeah, that's why we bite the heads off of everyone who comes into this sub asking for moving advice. *and if you don't or actually give out advice for free, you're part of the problem...


News of the obvious, tonight at 11.


Which is sad. Which is why my 25 year old college graduate is still living at home. $45k per year is sadly no longer liveable. I made $19k at my first job and had a one bedroom apartment on Gandy and a new car. We celebrate Midtown, GasWorx and Water Street, but the average Tampanian can't afford to live there.


It's less affordable (rent vs wages) than San Francisco.


Born and raised in the Tampa area +40 years. Couldn't afford it anymore. Breaks my heart.


Don't worry, it'll eventually trickle down I promise. Just keep cutting the taxes for the folks who live here 4 months a year.  They will buy up all the new homes and rent them back to Florida citizens at 1.1x the mortgage payment. 


The sky is blue




A reporter on the ground.


Sound like fake news.


This isn’t just a Tampa problem fyi.


Well Governor Duchesantis sued the state to get rent control laws taken off the ballot last November..


Tampa has an identity crisis, prices itself as if it offers the same conveniences as NYC and others but it’s not even close


Yes I’m fucking miserable here.


Keep voting Republican. That will probably help somehow. Also, yes, politics has a lot to do with your wage, Florida. Before you rubes have to ask.


This is meant to be as neutral of a comment possible to simply say L/R parties aren’t the issue. So with that, isn’t, California and New York predominantly democrat? They’re leading the way in unaffordable living in the country. Again, I’m not arguing your point - my POV is politicians are out for the corporations and not the people, unfortunately. Just wanted to toss out my .02c ✌️


California is actually leading the way currently in wages increasing more than rent. Another person just posted a graph showing that data too


Maybe the other 20% difference is paid in their state taxes


Maybe they’re still winning compared to Florida…


If winning is having drug addicts around $1,000,000 800sq ft shacks. The problem is institutional, not D/R. Cope.


Bro...who do you think makes up the institution? It sounds like you have beef with the wealth class but don't know how to articulate it. Now, I'll be clear, if that's what your trying to say, I agree. But making folks down on their luck suffer on the street won't fight the wealth class. You're just falling into their trap.


Bro...who do you think makes up the institution? It sounds like you have beef with the wealth class but don't know how to articulate it. Now, I'll be clear, if that's what you're trying to say, I agree. But making folks down on their luck suffer on the street won't fight the wealth class. You're just falling into their trap.


This is the truth. It’s corporations that are the problem. Politicians are just corporate legal arms to make sure they continue to grow in power.


Your first mistake is thinking America has a left and a rifht wing. We have a far-right wing in the Republicans and a center-right group in the Democrats. You can ask folks from any other modern industrialized country and they'll tell you the same. The working class of America is taken advantage of because we allow it. We refuse to make labor a political platform and we say, "Well they're all the same" when nothing magically changes. My comment is not neutral because unlike our politicians I'm not afraid to actually say things. Your two cents is worthless. Be angry if you must.


Idk if you’ve been to these other countries, but they are almost all the exact same, nobody is just living and affording life right now anywhere on avg


No shit, homeboy. The world is on fire with climate disaster and fascism. It's kind of a problem. Welcome to it, bud.


The EU is fighting the climate disaster so well... That our energy bills literally took over the average salaries in the winter months.


Dude, do you think I look at the EU as a model? Y'all fucked yourselves up so bad so often that the entire world is still dealing with it. You may have a few good insights, which is more than we have I'll grant you. But that's about it.


what is ur solution 🗿


His solution is to complain on Reddit and tell people they are dumb




The leftist we need should be pro worker, requiring better benefits for current and retired workers. The leftist we have are pro LGBT, illegals, and things that alienate what would be a left majority.


You act like corporate sponsored bullshit and neoliberalism are leftist. If you think that then you probably only know enough about any of this to be taken advantage of. Leftism is people. It is your community. It is all of us. An injury to one is an injury to all, but you would leave your marginalized brothers, sisters, and all others behind. That's called cowardice, child. You don't have the sense for this.


Who advocated NAFTA? Who else assists in global homogeneity? Who else replaces "high cost" domestic labor with an international reserve pool of laborers? Who else encourages people to die of drug overdoses? Who else swapped class for identity? But sure man, keep voting.


I'll give that a slightly larger majority oppose NAFTA than support it. It's not as big a gap as you're implying. Everything else sounds awfully modern conservative.


Canada, the modern utopia awaits.


You sound very immature, mate.


No, really, Canada is using MAiD to trashbin people and you'll sing its praises as it defies conventional morality. I'm really sure if you vote for the cop turned politician in the FL Ds things will just clear up, right?


How does anything i say equate to corporate sponsored bs? This is exactly the problem. It’s not pro LGBT or trans then you are the enemy. I want a better future for all and you will have that with someone not trump and a congress not on trumps side. You can whine all you want but the majority of people do not want their kids into weird stuff and just want them to go to school, make some friends, and go to college.


Being pro LGBTQ or trans just means you're fine with them existing, mate. That's all they want to do and you guys feel threatened over it. You can never explain why without outright lies or religious bigotry. The concept that you think folks existing is a threat to chidlren is sickening, mate.


But it’s more important to ensure we have well represented people then qualified people in key roles


I think you made the mistake, there is far left and far right. It's a bell curve and majority fall in the middle. Center right 🤣 from your ending comment it sounds like you're far left. Unwilling to view anyone else's opinion, have a discussion, and "be angry" remark.


You're not very familair with Overton Window, are you? *Also, y'all notice that laugh track? Crazy that y'all need a sitcom device to be amusing.


Yes, it's a similar graph like a bell curve showing 2 extremes and what falls in the middle, your point? E/ your comments show your just an arrogant twat looking for keyboard battles, sorry your parents didnt love you enough. Enjoy your night roaming reddit being the WARRIOR you are 😉


Nah man. That's not what it is. Overton window refers to the tendency of the middle of that graph you're talking about to be moved over time, due to one side having outsized political power and representation. If there were an ACTUAL far left party in America, there would be the balance you talk about. But decades of right wing extremist propaganda describing anything short of public executions for shoplifting as "extreme leftwing," Marxist, and/or UNPATRIOTIC^TM, 3rd way corporate democrats constantly bending over in the name of compromise, and the vast, vast majority of mainstream national and local news outlets being controlled by the the same couple of people with a clear pro-capital agenda, the center point of that bell curve has moved decidedly hard and VERY far to the right. This is very well documented and you can look up any number of sources online.


Ahh, so you don't get it. Neat.


Then why did you make your initial comment about voting republican?


Because in the choice between milquetoast yesmen and Christian nationalist would be genociders, I'll take the ones not actively trying to encourage suffering and death. America has become a death cult. The last 5 years have shown all of us that and if you don't believe it then you've ignored the evidence that your eyes and sense have provided you. I don't care if you don't like reality. It is what it is, as they say.


What does any of that have to do with high rents and how voting republicans makes it worse!?


Dude, I'm not here to help you figure out how to analyze patterns. If you can't understand how those two things are connected you're in for a life of being exploited. You have only my pity.


You can’t help me tie my shoelaces. Shut up while grown folks are talking.


Oh, you don't have the stones to stop that from happening, mate.


Nobody is impressed or fooled by you kid.


You can’t help me tie my shoelaces. Shut up while grown folks are talking.


You're so clever you had to repeat this twice? Seems subpar to me. The day you grow the stones to make me stop, then you may try.


Last word


Center right would be like the Nordic model. We have a fascist friendly right wing party and a fascist right wing party. With either one, there's really no difference in the things that matter: the day to day lives of paycheck employees. We desperately need to organize some sort of employee solidarity and demand the change that our electoral system won't allow. We desperately need people to wake up to the owner/working class dynamic that's playing out, where the harder we work, the further into our trap we dig. >The average price of wage-labour is the minimum wage, i.e., that quantum of the means of subsistence which is absolutely requisite to keep the labourer in bare existence as a labourer. What, therefore, the wage-labourer appropriates by means of his labour, merely suffices to prolong and reproduce a bare existence. [full](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/index.htm) > The more we, the workers, produce, the more productive power there is for someone else to own and control. We produce someone else’s power over us. He uses what we have produced in order to wield his power over us. The more we produce, the more they have and the less we have. [full](https://www.yorku.ca/horowitz/courses/lectures/35_marx_alienation.html)


Great points, take an upvote. I should stress to you though that I'm no tanky. I gave up on trying to convince these folks, mate. All of us will suffer this shit for the rest of our lives. Maybe if we talk enough in every capacity folks will start caring in time for it to matter to their kids. But this is America.


Don't give up :c Talk and talk and open a discourse until you find a comrade. Turn 2 into 4 into 10 into 20.... then organize with those comrades. know what i mean🤔😉 at the very least, [rock de fak out.](https://youtu.be/bCJ6_aSiBms?si=qic4ofSGp3NwUGWG&t=101) edit- https://youtu.be/DKyRRO_UDow?si=TRhb6UcshTBjHNLC


Mate, there are other; better folks you can be encouraging than me. Telling me to talk more is asinine because you've responded to me enough to know I do that regularly. Also, due to the fact that your preaching to the choir, it seems a bit condescending. But maybe that's what you're going for. Either way, this is just me telling you one person to another, I bear no ill will and want you to keep encouraging others. They'll need it.


I replied to you, but I'm talking to them.


Fair enough. I appreciate your style, many tactics are needed and I do agree with what you've said. I should be clear on that.


So NY and California are doing amazing? Right? Lmao they are the least affordable places


Yes. The 5th largest economy in the world is doing just fine. Meanwhile in South Alabama our taxes are low...... But..... Schools? Roads? Industry? Agriculture?


Typical chud take. It'd be nice if you lot weren't so emotionally reactionary. "Someone's criticizing things I believe. I'd better blather on about states that I think are leftist without knowing what the fuck I'm talking about!" I just assume that's your process but there may be a few different steps in there. Either way, we all end up here, wirh you chuds laughing at your own words. Which, why do you guys need to your own laugh track?


So tell him why he’s wrong please. Many of us are dying to know.


He asked "So NY and California are doing amazing?" Homeboy, that's never been a strong point. California has the 5th largest economy in the world, NY was basically the purge through most of its lifespan due to corruption. And again, you guys pretend these are leftist places without even considering scope or scale. There's more conservatives in either of those places than there are in Florida. Bottom line, I don't care if you or he are right or wrong on a take so simple that Ben Stiller would perform for a bunch of Cambodian drug farmers. You all seem to have the minds of children.


> take so simple that Ben Stiller would perform for a bunch of Cambodian drug farmers. That's pretty great and I'm now taking it with me


>And again, you guys pretend these are leftist places without even considering scope or scale. There's more conservatives in either of those places than there are in Florida. Somebody doesn’t know how statistics and ratios work. >Bottom line, I don't care if you or he are right or wrong on a take so simple that Ben Stiller would perform for a bunch of Cambodian drug farmers. I guess that’s you admitting you’re wrong? >You all seem to have the minds of children. Homie, only one here talking like they are in high school is you.


Then go somewhere and cry about it, mate. What you're really mad about is getting those comforting lies in your head challenged, but hey if you want to vote for the party of child exploitation, heat death, genocide, and blatant corruption, you go right ahead homie. It's your kids that suffer under it.


It’s almost like printing 5 trillion dollars out of nowhere to hand out for free and billions more for foreign aid has negative effects. Im sure it’s only transitory though


Yeah, the PPP giveaway should've never happened. Rampant fraud from everyone involved.


It'd be nice if one chud could say something that's not just some of their current leader's shit dribbling out of their mouth and down their chin. Try an original thought for once, child.


It is a nationwide problem. With the three problems at the root. Devalued dollar, corporate ownership of housing to make investment returns for shareholders REIT, builders slowed down after 2009 because of the excess inventory that was sitting empty. I have had this argument with a RE agent flak I know since 2021 when this started off. He kept saying low inventory and Florida has been undervalued for decades. Typical NAR BS they are taught to spew. He would not give an inch when I explained we didn't hatch a few million more humans who all of the sudden had cash to pay houses in full in 2021 and 22. That this was wall street buying up the excess inventory and creating artificial scarcity. Well it happened. Go look at any small town and the value of the homes now vs 2020. They went up between 30% and 40%. That small town in GA or Iowa was not undervalued for decades nor did more people move there. We will either enter stagflation or large layoffs when consumption slows to just necessities. Don't look to any politician to fix it because they can't. Regardless of what they say.


Just saw this article popping up in my Linked In feed and surprisingly yesterday only I had the lease renewal letter So now the I would have to pay more but my salary is still the same !!


This is a nationwide issue, but it is hitting tampa and st petersburg particularly hard.


I'm a CNA in fl working for 2 home health care agencies. At one I make 15 and hour the other I make 16.50 and hour. My mother inlaw is a manager at McDonald's she told me when ever I wanted I could come work for her making 18 an hour. What kinda crap is that.


The problem is inflation. Prices need to come down. Money printing needs to stop. Giving our taxpayer money to foreign countries needs to stop. Manufacturing needs brought back to US. And whatever is manufactured needs protected with tariffs from foreign imports. The solution is not raising wages, that causes companies to raise prices. Think about this logically.


My rent went up 60% in that time period, but my wages sure didn’t go up that much


It’s like this everywhere bro. We’re cooked.


🎶 Why wait when you can eat yourself alive to day. - Forkboy , lard.


Construction is doing well. Lots of options so companies have to pay for the right people.


Not gonna argue with that but I don’t think thatt everybody is built to work on construction specially here on Summer


I've worked outside during the summer, I promise it's not for the weak.


Yes blue collar work is on the rise at the moment


No it isnt. I am in construction and wages are getting lower , hours longer , Just because there is "more work" doesnt mean there are more openenings. Every year you have thousands of New high school grads and immigrants willing to take low wages . essentially lowering the wages and oversaturating the market. I am an electrician in tampa of 5 years and only make 21$ hour


Gotta go with the trend


My wage is comparable and slightly above previous wage in Raleigh. Same as my wife.


Anyone know what a house goes for on Fairview Heights area? I grew up there early 80’s to early 90’s. Just curious. Is it still a decent area?


No shit


Cant hardly even get homeowners insurance . Citzens is droppobg people all over !


Mods, can we pin this post?


Stack ur nuts.


No fucking way really? Dang


Check out what Hawaii and New York are doing to help the rental crisis. They are capping and/or ending Airbnb. During COVID, corporations and people bought up MAJORITY of by-owner long term rentals. Hence, the Airbnb Effect. DeSantis loves those tourist tax dollars, but doesn't care about locals pushed out of their homes. We are forced to commercial apartments who have fully taken advantage of the lack of inventory, now doubling in price.


I actually built a website because of rising rents to help tenants evaluate landlords and negotiate rents. It's like a Glassdoor for Rents so tenants can see the Rent History of an address or Apartment property to see a landlords pricing tactics. The site does rely on user submissions so I appreciate anyone who adds their rent history to the site and/or shares it around since it can be more useful to tenants the more people that contribute to it. The site is [rentzed.com](http://rentzed.com) (USA only for now) and has submissions for over 3,400 addresses.


don't comment on the grammar don't comment on the grammar don't comment on the grammar


I for the life of me, will never understand how people can live anywhere on earth and choose to live in Tampa. Most of it’s dirty and run down, so many asshole people live there seriously. Seems like no one has manners. It’s hot and smelly, expensive, wages suck, and it’s not conveniently located close to jack shit other than st.pete. It’s chock full of New Yorkers that couldn’t make it in NY, so they moved down and spend their life bitching about everything. Tampa nearly sucked the soul out of me. So glad I left that shit hole.


The cool part here is that with red states cracking down on women, lgbt, unions, freedom of speech, etc., the one good thing they have going on is cheaper housing, because they don't legally prohibit building new apartment buildings in their cities like blue states do. Except for Florida. In Florida, we have both the red state drawbacks *and* NIMBYs who want to keep housing prices high so they can afford to tip the nursing home workers and keep the elder abuse to a minimum.


lol its just cracking down on liberal women, not women in general




Brought to you by Don and Ron


"The gap between wage growth and rent increases was widest in large cities, including Atlanta; Charlotte, North Carolina; and Miami, Phoenix and Tampa. " - I didn't know North Carolina was a city.




This problem did not just start 4 years ago.


Was curious & the following are what ChatGPT returned as the top 5 industries of FL. Really the prospects here are not great in terms of earning potential. And another demerit with pricing of jobs in this geo being so much lower based on historic market data. Seems to me like we are in a perfect storm kind of situation with all that has happened in the past few years without market outlook for local workers in their prime to grow into Florida's economy is diverse, with several key sectors driving its income. Here are the top five sectors: 1. **Tourism**: Florida is one of the top tourist destinations in the U.S., famous for its beaches, theme parks (like Walt Disney World and Universal Studios), and cruise lines. Tourism significantly contributes to the state's revenue through hotel stays, entertainment, and dining. 2. **Agriculture**: The state is a major agricultural producer, with citrus fruits (particularly oranges), sugarcane, and vegetables being some of its primary products. Florida is also known for its fishing industry, contributing to its agricultural earnings. 3. **International Trade**: Due to its strategic location with extensive Atlantic and Gulf coastlines, Florida is a key hub for trade, especially with Latin America and the Caribbean. Miami and other ports facilitate a substantial amount of the state's import and export activities. 4. **Real Estate**: With a growing population and a booming tourist industry, real estate is a major component of Florida's economy. The development of residential, commercial, and vacation properties continues to thrive. 5. **Finance and Insurance**: Florida hosts several major banks, insurance companies, and financial services firms, particularly in cities like Miami, which is considered a banking hub, especially for international banking with Latin America.


Hmmmm....Where are our ambulance chasers on this list?


Thanks for posting a bunch of useless AI spam facts. So enlightening to learn that real estate is a booming industry in Florida.