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Bob Mortimer's Biography is an absolute delight


I really liked his work of fiction, The Satsuma Complex. He and Sally Phillips narrate the audiobook!


Oooh I've been wanting to read it + been wanting to try audiobooks out, and this is a GREAT sell...


Narration makes all the difference with my ability to enjoy an audiobook. Bob and Sally do a cracking job.


Really recommend the audiobook too. It's like an extended version of WILTY.


As a non-meat eater, I found it to contain a couple of very graphic parts about chickens I wish I could have skipped. Little warning for anyone else... Great book otherwise!




Added my upvote to restore some order and sanity. Imagine downvoting someone who *doesn’t* want to read about what I assume are chickens dying or getting injured in graphic detail.


Ah yes, the broom and the hole.


I just finished this a couple weeks ago. Five stars, absolutely beautiful.


I’ve read a few. But Katy Wix’s Delicacy is high on my list after Fern’s.


Second Katy Wix's Delicacy. It's perfection, to me.


For me, already ticked off are Dara O'Briain's Tickling the English Joe Lycett's Parsnips, Buttered Sara Pascoe's Animals Rob Beckett's A Class Act Sarah Millican's How to be Champion Richard Osman's The Thursday Murder Club (the first two) I have a couple more on my Kindle, the ones from Josh and Frankie Boyle. I also have Glutton by Ed Gamble on my shelf.


I read Frankie’s last year, it’s very Frankie. It’s odd and you can feel his bite with every page for better or worse


Frankie's early books are not for the faint of heart. I think you really miss his voice in the delivery, and those self deprecating, naughty little giggles. Was so glad to see the giggle getting lots of exposure in his stint on TM


Meantime is the one I read


My Shit Life So far was the one I read. I didn't finish Work! Consume! Die! What's Meantime like? Would you recommend?


Came here with almost the exact same list. Tickling the English is an excellent read.




Alan Davies' book "Just Ignore Him" is a great book, though not a funny one or an easy read. Upsetting but really well written


Read that on holiday a few years back and it absolutely floored me. So incredibly well written but completely heart-breaking in places. Very brave of him to be as honest as he was and to put that out there must’ve been one hell of a decision for him.


I've read all the Thursday Murder Club books (Richard Osman) and they are FANTASTIC. Highly recommend. The first one starts oddly but it's from the POV of a fairly naive character, get through that, and the rest of the books are witty, funny, fast-moving, fantastic characters. I've also gotten about halfway through James Acaster's "Classic Scrapes," it's so-so, entertaining enough but the thing about James is what's funny is his delivery, you know? Not so much just the words.


James reads the audio book version, if you want the delivery.


It's also based on a series he did during Josh Widdicombe's xfm radio show, and you can find a long compilation of them on YouTube. Having listened to the audio book, seen him discuss some on panel shows, and listened to the radio bit, the radio is my favorite.


Also loved Richard’s books!! And I’ve read a few of James’ books and couldn’t recommend them enough. Classic Scrapes is laugh out loud funny.


I'll keep going on it then! Thanks for the recommendation!


I also listened to the audiobook, which is available on Spotify and James reads. If you want his delivery, bingo!


Ohhhh great idea, I have no idea why I didn't think of that. (I am SIMPLE haha)


I have come to love that naive character more with each new book.


I agree, I think he really rounded her out and gave her more dimension and character, although my favorite will always be Elizabeth!


Is that Joyce? I love her POV


Yes, she's a great character! I just know that when I first started the series I thought "ohh this isn't that interesting" and actually had to pick it up a second time before I got past the opening, so I just wanted to mention it. I think the characters of Elizabeth and the psychiatrist add so much more to the stories, and then Joyce's daughter, and all the other characters as well.


I read the satsuma complex by Bob Mortimer not that long ago. I thought it was really entertaining as a read. I believe he’s bringing out a sequel soon too


Avocado Hotel!


Mark Watson has released several novels and an autobiography of sorts, very enjoyable.


Eleven is my favourite. I got it signed when I saw him at the fringe last year. Contacts is good too.


I've read one from 2007 where he's trying to be more eco-friendly, and ends up attending a seminar with Al Gore!


Phil Wang - Sidesplitter Funny book, his background is really interesting and the final chapter is really moving when he talks about his family.


Read Fern’s book, currently reading the third Thursday Murder Club book.


I really enjoyed the audiobook, which she narrates in her delightful accent.


My wife hasn’t finished the book and I recommended the audiobook first that reason.I’d enjoy her reading a phone book.


To add a couple I haven’t seen mentioned: Romesh’s books are great, recommend the audiobook versions You mentioned Sara Pascoe’s Animals, also check out Sex Money Power, and her fiction work Weirdo The Incomplete Tim Key


Animal, and Sex Power Money


What’s your goal here? I saw you elsewhere comment ‘Animal*’ when somebody had made the same mistake. You think if somebody typed into google ‘Sara Pascoe animals’ it wouldn’t come up with the book? Or the same question for her other book? Clearly not trying to ensure people find the material so why the need to correct simple mistakes like this? It doesn’t benefit the reader or the person who posted the comment


The comment was wrong in both titles, and they offered a (helpful, accurate) correction. Doesn’t seem to deserve this response from you. Both Sara’s books are excellent, btw


Richard Osmans’ novels are a delight!


Yeah, I've read loads. S1: both Romesh's, both Frank's, josh's Watching Neighbours twice a Day S2: Katherine's The Audacity, Jon's It's Not You It's Me S3: rob's A Class Act, Sara's Animals, maybe three of Dave's S5: several of Mark's novels, and I have his autobiography ready to go on my kindle S7: phil's Sidesplitter, James' Perfect Sound Whatever S9: David's Time For Bed, Whatever Love Means and Jews Don't Count (and I bought one of his kids books for my niece at Xmas) S10: Richard's Talking Cock, The Problem With Men and How Not To Grow Up S14: Dara's Tickling The English, Sarah's How To Be Champion, and I have Fern's on my TBR S15: Mae's Can Everyone Please Calm Down Out of all those I'd say Phil wang's was a favourite, and josh's is great if you grew up in the 90s!


The audiobook for Ed Gamble’s Glutton is really good, and has bonus content with Nish Kumar at the end.


Thursday Murder Club and Bob’s autobiography And Away are highlights for me. I’m fascinated by the casting for the Thursday Murder Club film (Helen Mirren, Pierce Brosnan, and Ben Kingsley, with the fourth yet to be revealed), and hope that’ll be as entertaining as the books are.


Oh, Helen Mirren and Ben Kingsley are great casting choices!


I really liked Ed’s book, Glutton 😁 Edit: oh and Bridget’s book, A Book For Her was excellent


Katy Wix’s memoir Delicacy is heartbreakingly beautiful, a must read


I just bought For Richer For Poorer by Victoria Coren Mitchell but haven't read it yet.


It's really good, I highly recommend you get into it.


Just finished Glutton by Ed Gamble today! Great fun. Also really enjoyed Sex Power Money by Sara Pascoe


I have read the two Tim Key books "He used thought as a wife" and "Here we go again round the mulberry bush" and they were both absolutely brilliant, probably different from the others on the list but worth every penny still


I bought Tim Key's lockdown book and really enjoyed the first half then promptly forgot about it....this thread is a good reminder to finish it actually.


The Holy Vible by John Robins (and Elis James) Very funny book based on their podcast


Just finished Thursday Murder Club from Richard Osman. Fun read, it's a mystery where the "detectives" are residents of a retirement community.


Dave Gorman's books are a good time!


Dara’s tickling the English, Sarah Millican’s How to be champion (really great), Sue Perkins’ book, all of Richard Osman’s, Victoria Coren Mitchell’s poker book, and I am slowly working on Ed Gamble’s book.


If you want pure joy go with Bob Mortimer’s biog but I’d strongly suggest the audiobook for the full Mortmerian experience. If you’re looking for something profound and moving, ‘Just Ignore Him’ by Alan Davies is an incredibly heart-breaking read. Intelligent, insightful and funny when it needs to be.


James's Classic Scrapes is very on brand for him. If you're a fan it's a must read. Also loved his Perfect Sound book, but I'm a huge music nerd. His latest - the social media parody - I wouldn't bother. Bob's 2 books, one a novel and one a memoir, both are great. Ed's "Glutton" I really didn't think had much to say. Also didn't find it funny. It's quite unlike his time on the show. Fern's book is fantastic, as you noted. Alan Davies's 'Just Ignore Him' is a devastating read. I wasn't a huge Lou Sanders fan but read her book. Some incredibly moving passages in that too. Overall I wasn't a massive fan, but perhaps someone more of a fan would enjoy the humour more. Some horridly sad moments though. Richard Osman's novels are fun, engaging, light reads.


I own a signed copy of James Acaster's Classic Scrapes. Not read it. This is due to the audiobook having been read out by the man himself and is therefore better than the printed word.


I read Jon Richardson’s book, but don’t recommend, unfortch.


That one "It's Not You It's Me" ? That's disappointing.


Yep, that’s the one. Honestly I think it could be a culture issue, and your mileage may vary. I’m an American Anglophile, so sometimes self-deprecating humor can be too much. In my opinion, the schtick of the book is “I’m a sad pathetic weasel of a man with a terrible voice, and nothing to offer”. And as an American it’s I think “Great so why should I go see you or read this book?” I do find him funny or else I wouldn’t have paid my money for this book! I guess I couldn’t quite enjoy spending my time reading a book where the author felt like he was a waste of time.


Huh. I liked his book, I found it relatable.


Im glad it worked for you!


Phil Wang - Sidesplitter is worth a read! Can second Parsnips, buttered by Joe Lycett


Bridget Christie's A Book For Her is a great read, and a real insight into the madness behind her madness


I actually really want to read more of their memoirs!  LOVED Fern Brady’s Strong Female Character and Katy Wix’s Delicacy. I’ve also read (via audiobook that she reads) Katherine Ryan’s Audacity which I enjoyed, and listened to Mar Martin’s Can Everybody Please Calm Down (which I believe is a series of comedy sets/talks she did spliced together) which was also good.  I have Sarah Millican’s How To Be Champion, which I have next on my list. I tried reading James Acaster’s classic scrapes a long time ago but I just didn’t like the pacing. Might give it another go though. 


I just listned to the audio book of Glutton: The Multi-Course Life of a Very Greedy Boy by Ed Gamble and it was great but fair warning it will make you hungry lol


Kathy Wix, Delicacy: A memoir about cake and death. The audiobook is so good


I’m reading Fern Brady’s book, as well; she has had some real •••• in her life. I find her book funny, fascinating, captivating, at times horrifying, real. I love her honesty, and all the things she has learned about herself, how she functions, how other people function. She is amazing and I was so glad to read in her recent AMA that she wants to write more books!


I enjoyed Lou's book


I've only read books by the spouse of a contestant. They were good though.


Is Jon's Deep Clean series worth a read? :)


I've read Command by Al Murray. For those who don't know, he's massively interested in the Second World War and hosts a podcast (We Have Ways of Making You Talk) and writes books as a historian.


Fern Brady and Lou Sanders books are excellent. Also just finished Ed Gamble's and loved it. Very fun and I think he's a lot better about being sincere than he says he is; the stuff where he talks about weight loss/body dysmorphia type issues and living with a chronic condition were especially great.


Have listened to Josh Widdecombes, Rob Becket's, Bob Mortimer, Ed Gambles, Chris Ramsey (and Rosie) which were all a great laugh. Highlights for me were Bob's autobiography and Robs


I’ve read Fern’s book, Rob Beckett’s, and Rob and Josh’s Parenting Hell book, all of which I loved.


Currently reading Strong Female Character. It is fantastic. I also recommend Dara’s Tickling The English.


I've read Fern's, Dara's, Katy's, James' (*Classic Scrapes* and *Perfect Sound Whatever*), and listened to Sarah's. As an autistic person, Fern's book was really enjoyable.


I recently finished The Satsuma Complex by Bob Mortimer and it was really good, it was fun, I definitely recommend


I enjoyed James Acaster’s Perfect Sound Whatever! And Thursday Murder Club.


Only Fern’s, but since it was so good I’m considering reading some of the others…


James Acaster Classic scrapes is funny


I read James Acaster's social media book and it was pretty funny but a little overlong. I might just be unused to reading comedy


I liked James Acaster's Guide to Quitting Social Media. It was weird, but very much a James Acaster kind of weird.