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I tend to like everybody on TM! When I do a rewatch, though, I do that find that I usually appreciate certain contestants even more than I did originally. Joe Lycett and Katy Wix are the main examples that come to mind—both absolutely hilarious, but a bit more understated than others on their series.


Joe and Alex's secret handshake challenge is one of my all time favorites


Somehow, I was a bit put off by Ed Gamble the first time! I think I took moments like "Sorry, the communication really helped" a little more seriously than he meant them; on a rewatch, with the benefit of hindsight, I was able to appreciate his bits as bits.


I can see that he could come across a bit abrasive, for sure.


I was also put off by him from the season.. maybe his obvious need to win? But listening to Off Menu has really warmed me to him so I'm excited to rewatch his series.


I also was a bit iffy on the first watch, but then the podcast (and off menu) helped me get to know him a bit better and the second time around I felt like I totally understood what was happening for him.


Katy Wix. Definitely not bad, but season 9 has such a strong cast that I was constantly distracted by the others. Rewatching it made me appreciate how funny she is (and what an amazing series in general it is).


"Are you being bullied?" is genuinely one of my favorite moments.


Yeah, absolutely. It was definitely the trigger to watch it again and pay more attention lol


Join our cult?


My favorite is still Rose and Ed arguing about the defunct things. "that's crazy!" "that's LANGUAGE!!"


I honestly forgot that Katy was even in S9 after watching it the first time. She's so subdued in her tasks, and didn't have any major successes or failures. I think her absence for a few episodes didn't help either. I'm rewatching it currently, and she's amazing.


100% agree, first time I watched it I found her to be a complete black hole whenever her tasks came up or she was the focus on the studio. It definitely didn’t help my opinion of her that she was out for a couple episodes and I felt like the show had more rhythm. On a rewatch I feel like she might be my favorite of the season. While I still think she got a little overshadowed by how bombastic everyone else is, she picked her spots and killed it 9/10 times.


Guy Williams. I appreciated him so much more on a second viewing of TMNZ.


So you’re now ready for a song and a song about Libya?


Great, now I'm going to have this stuck in my head all day


I almost stopped watching because of him. I found him so annoying, yet his brother it’s the opposite! Season 2 of NZ was incredibly funny!


Guy Williams’s schtick started being kinda funny, then got tiring, then looped right back around to being hilarious. Love him.


Honestly kinda feel bad at how he came across. His comedy is usually focused on taking the piss out of douchebags like his set on [misogyny in comedy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thFEvuURfjw&t=221s) where his obnoxious frustration makes more sense. On Taskmaster, a show stylised as it is with good vibes and everyone gets along, his persona makes him seem like the actual douchebag character itself rather than satire. I think he comes across better on Guy Mont-Spelling Bee.


Iain Stirling. I found his irritability a lot funnier the second time round once I knew what to expect. I didn't dislike him the first time round, or think he went too far, as I know some people do, but I didn't love him either. I actually really enjoyed his presence in the studio the second time. Also, OP, I will fight you. Sophie Duker is amazing.


Glad someone else said it. Sophie is a GOAT imo, loved her from episode 1.




This is a direct quote from LAH from COC3


Sorry, your post has been removed for violating Rule 1 - Be nice: Do not attack others, their work or appearance including fellow members of the sub, comedians and celebrities. Negative opinions are fine, but please keep it respectful and constructive. No harassment. No sexist, homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racist, fat phobic, ableist, objectifying, or body shaming posts of any kind. No overtly sexual content. Some cursing is OK but don't make it personal. Even though sexual innuendo may be part of the show do not cross the line beyond what was said in the episode. We do not want negative posts. Ex: Worst contestants, Worst Tasks, Least liked, Least wanted, etc...




Agreed on Iain Sterling - never hated him but I find competitive people hard to stomach and he clearly was 😬 but I’ve softened to him a little on rewatch (partly because I know to expect his “worst” moments and going in knowing he’s competitive makes me go “huh, it’s less bad than I remember” when I actually watched it). On my most recent (perhaps fifth) rewatch, I noticed that during the dreaded bath task, he actually turned to Lou in the studio and apologised before Greg even brought his behaviour up - and you could see on his face how ashamed he felt as he said it. Really made me feel it had been a “rage of the moment” thing and he really did hate having to watch it back.


He was definitely better than I remembered on rewatch. I think the Bath task just sticks out. But he was competitive but actually took his punches and was still funny.


Well, like I said, I liked her better on the second run. Agreed on Iain Stirling.


I wasnt a super big fan of Ian for a long time after I watched series 8 because of how he had acted during the team tasks. But then he talked on the podcast how after each team task was over the three just went to the green room and it was as if nothing crazy had happened that I was able to accept him better. Knowing they werent bothered by things when they were done was a comfort.


Judi Love! I found her a bit irritating the first time round but I love her now! The second time round I really appreciated her humour and some of her moments like “sister queen don’t do it” and “is there a duck on my face” made me cackle


I'd only seen her on a few panel shows, and I went in expecting to be irritated by her, and what do you know? She's funny as hell.


Yeah, I fully agree on Judi. Also, as someone currently on a rewatch of S13, it amuses me how often Greg praises Judi’s bullshitting … despite it never working.


Judi, for me, was the funniest person who's ever been on. I never thought anyone would make me laugh more than Bob Mortimer, but "how can I kill you with your own shoes?" absolutely decimated me


Oh my goodness she really annoyed me the first time (although even then I did feel sorry for her not winning that episode).  But the second time round I noticed how much she made Alex laugh and that told me she was fine.  If the people she's working with aren't annoyed by her approach, who am I to disagree?


Picnic Girl. I didn’t have anything against her the first time either but somehow she didn’t stand out for me the way did on a repeat watch. Such a strong line up, that one!


"I'M picnic girl?!" she looks so outraged 😂


I enjoyed her incredulity at Charlotte’s inauguration photos and the deranged safety announcement.


If you haven't, check out her Off Menu episode. She absolutely shines on it!


Jo Brand. I couldn't stand her "idgaf" approach, I thought she was even downplaying the show, but it all grown on me during the rewatch. Especially her dynamic with David was hilarious


Susan Wokoma from Season 16 - I liked her the first time round, but Julian Clary, Lucy Beaumont, and Sam Campbell were so hilarious that she was overshadowed a bit on my first viewing. I feel like I'm picking on Sue Perkins here - and she was great too, but Season 16 was an extremely funny cast.


Mark Watson. He does that nervous, stammery British thing that often gets on my nerves. Early Hugh Grant being a prime example.


If it helps, it seems like that's just how he is versus an act. He's less jittery but still a bit like it in NMJ.


Yeah its definitely just how he is


Bridget Christie! For some reason she got on my nerves the first time I watched series 13, but the second time I thought she was great 😄


I can certainly see her being annoying to some; I think she's great, but I completely understand why some people wouldn't.


That’s exactly how I feel about Iain Stirling - I love him, but I fully understand why a lot of people find him irritating!


I wasn’t a big fan of Rhod Gilbert the first time through, but on a recent second viewing I felt much more in tune with his sense of humor.


Rhod is chaotic in the best way.


This really annoyed me when binging the show the first time. I appreciate him much more on rewatch when just picking single episodes at a time.


Opposite for me , every re-watch I get increasingly more irritated with Munya and his privileged BS . It's just grating


I wouldn't use the word dislike but i had never heard of Lou Saunders on series 8 before...i fell in love with her first time watching her and fell even more in love with her on the rewatch! she's so chaotic she's brilliant!!


"Will he notice me if I'm a bin?" changed everything for me.


Josh Widdecombe


Small and nasally.


I don't know what was going on, but Chris Ramsey (I know... NO WAY, right?) wasn't clicking at all. Going through again found him absolutely delightful. Maybe it was the contrast against everyone else's personalities that series.


Knowing that Russel regretted the transition glasses made me warm to him. I thought he was just being a bit ott showbiz, wearing sunglasses to complete tasks


Are the people on series 8 better on rewatch? They’re the one group I never fully gelled with


Aw, this makes me sad cause I love season 8 - Joe Thomas is one of my faves. He had a great moment in episode 10 that is so funny purely because you’ve seen how soft and forgiving he is in the previous nine episodes before that and then he whips that speech out 😂


I am in no way wanting to take that away from anyone who enjoys the season and am just glad you enjoyed it when I didn't. I didn't even really hate it just never really gelled with them compared to other seasons. And I might rewatch it at some point and change my mind so you never know.


Some are, some aren't....


About what I expected


I REALLY gelled with Shoë the second time around! Joe is like looking in a mirror for me.


I thought it was, I rewatched all the rest of them a few times and kept skipping that one, because I didn't remember liking it, but then I finally rewatched it and it definitely wasn't as bad as I remembered, there's a couple of cringe moments, but it's not really that bad


I've found it does get better with each rewatch.  I know the cringe moments are there so they're less awful than seeing them the first time through, and that means I can sort of mostly ignore them and enjoy everything else.


This is season I find doesn't hold up. Other seasons hold up just as good or better on rewatch, except for 8. Not that's it's bad, mind you, just doesn't get better like others. So if it wasn't for you, move on. That said, I didn't really like 6 on 1st watch except for Liza, but husband did so we re watched and I like it better each time. 


Phil Wang. I didn’t like his haggling shtick. I got over it.


That was irritating to me, too. I think when you mix him with Rhod and James, his nerdy humor didn't hit like it would without their absolute chaos and carnage. I still wonder if there was a story behind James not saying "Hey Alex" for most of the series.


I always thought the James not saying "Hey Alex" was a reaction to Alice Levine in series 6, he'd found her bit funny. I also wonder if it was a way of getting into taskmaster mode for him, ignoring Alex as a distraction. But who knows, maybe there is something else...


I just found an interview (by complete accident) where James said Alex was "not a great guy" and that he never backed him up in the studio. [Source](https://www.chortle.co.uk/interviews/2018/08/27/41105/im_struggling_for_good_things_to_say_about_alex_horne)


Yeah, with that interview though I think James is promoting the show as it was back then, when it was still establishing itself and Alex and Greg were more in character than they seem to be now, so James is playing to that. But that's my take. I think the characters have slipped somewhat since then. But I'm prepared to be wrong, I like to believe the best of people.


Aren't the tasks for the next series filmed before the previous series airs? James probably couldn't have reacted to Alice's greetings because he wouldn't have seen them.


Yeah it's a fair point. Don't know whether James would have been shown in advance, been in studio recordings or if either Alex, Greg, Alice or a.n. other had mentioned it. I'd imagine it wouldn't have been hard for him to have known about it, but yeah I don't have proof.


Daisy - I thought she was mean but now I just think she’s funny and sarcastic


Ivo Graham. Found some of his bits unfunny the first time around, but definitely enjoyed him more the second time. Loved every second of him and Frankie as a team!


Their team was unexpectedly lovely.


Rhod Gilbert irritated the hell out of me at first and was the first contestant I outwardly disliked—it took three, maybe four episodes for me to come around and then eventually appreciate him.


He's an acquired taste!


I haven't rewatched series 17 yet, but I think I'll like John Robbins a lot more the second time through. I'm always unfairly prejudiced against contestants who seem like they're running away with it early on.