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This is why there is a running joke in the industry about why so many tattooers have their back outlined but not finished lol.


Absolutely brutal I can completely see why cos it knocked me off my feet šŸ˜­


Iā€™m a novice but sounds like a BIG win to me. You endured your personal hellacious spot for 2.5 hours and recovered enough to ā€œsqueeze inā€ another? Big win, friend. Please share with us when finished so we can celebrate with you (or, if youā€™ve met Jesus as you say, designate a friend to cue us so we can honor you). šŸ˜‰


Hahaaa well actually yes I did feel accomplished at the fact I let him at me to do the other one, but I just HAD to come away with something today considering I had booked and paid for the session! My Stevie is pretty beautiful as well so Iā€™m chuffed to bits, sheā€™s more a line work-y one holding a tambourine above her head but very pretty all the same! I will absolutely come back and update with a pic when the spine is finished, cos itā€™s going to be my favourite one by a mile itā€™s so pretty and feminine so I know it will be worth it eventually!


Sometimes the process smacks ya around a little. No shame in that. The session I did yesterday was color pack in a chrysanthemum on my inner arm. I was checking my watch to see how we were progressing time wise and cursing to myself when I saw only five minutes had passed. It was not fun. I cope by having fast paced music (heavy metal for me) playing in one earbud while I'm getting tattooed.


Update: Turns out Iā€™ve got Covid. Iā€™m not weak. šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m just unwell and my body is run down so obviously couldnā€™t tolerate the pain as well as usual! I thought my skin felt overly sensitive this morning as well should have listened to my instinct! (I wouldnā€™t usually be arsed about Covid in case anyone is wondering, but we test for work still so itā€™s just popped up a big thick double line on my routine weekly testing!)


yup, that'll do it


This was me today as well hahaha. Ordering myself to just get through the next 5 mins, listen to 3 more songs, just one more rose and you can have a break. Itā€™s like a pure mental willpower isnā€™t it šŸ˜‚ itā€™s amazing what your body will actually let you do to it if your will is strong enough! I usually sit on my phone the entire time messaging my mates because Iā€™m more focused then on what Iā€™m typing than the pain but today wasnā€™t possible because of the position I was having to sit and lay in which wasnā€™t helpful.


Back was super painful for me too, which I was not expecting. Worse than my stomach, somehow.


I didnā€™t expect it, I thought maybe quite uncomfortable in certain areas but it was definitely 9/10, it was completely unbearable. I am grateful I have only one spine so I could never be tempted to go back do it again when the pain becomes a distant memory like I did with my other shin šŸ˜‚


Just wait if youā€™re ever feeling like getting your tail bone tattooed. 0/10.


I will never touch my back again when this is finished donā€™t worry. Legit felt my brain vibrating šŸ˜‚