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The celtic squiggly thing is rough looking, and I fear that raven is going to be all black with no detail in a few years time, but as long you like it that's all that counts!




Yeah that's fair, it's not perfect but I actually don't mind that it has flaws, even if you look the Celtic Knot doesn't fit nicely and some of the trees are a bit smudgy, but I think it's great either way.


Well in my motto for tattoos is, "get more, harder to see imperfections" lol.


Agreed, the more you get the less you’ll see. I forget about some of mine until random people point them out.


IDK, getting more and better done tattoos made the early shitty ones worse to me.


Meh, don’t beat em up. Memories:


Well see your mistake was getting better ones.


I guess that would work lol, I do intend on getting more but probably somewhere else


Smudgy/messy on heavily shaded work is a-okay I think. A ton of mine are like that because it's kind of an imperfect way of doing art to begin with. The trees and bird look amazing to my eyes, but I do agree that celtic knot could use a touch-up. Nothing insane, just some re-lining or maybe internal shading to help visually straighten it out.


Absolutely on the knot, it bothered me a bit at the shop but I still like it a lot, the bird is great and I love it's little toesies lol. Also the tree design is sick but the left side needs to be touched a bit


Don't worry about anyone saying the bird is gonna lose detail or whatever. What'll happen is it'll all soften a bit and be even sicker.


Idk. This doesn’t stand out as “wow that’s a bad piece” to me. Maybe Some flaws but it looks like you got what you wanted. Looks good from my house


Yeah it's not the absolute worst most horrible thing like it feels like people are trying to say, of course it's not flawless but it's still a nice tattoo








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Glad that you like it, OP because ultimately thats all that matters. But its not a well done tattoo. Very dark, the trees are questionable and the raven is off centre and will become a black blob in no time. I’d recommend if you want to continue with this one to get another (better) artist.


I'll take your advice for a better artist, I do intend to get more tattoos.


Did they not use a stencil? They really should have for at least the Celtic part of the tattoo. Go to a different artist, wait until youre 18 if you have to, and make sure they use stencils for highly detailed or tricky designs. The idea and the concept of the tattoo is cool. The execution of the tattoo and the fact that "artist" will tattoo a minor are not good things.




Norse, Celtic, I don't honestly care if I was wrong on it because the entire point still stands. The tattoo is poor and the artist is bad.


check out their social, they seem addicted to drawing circles poorly for some reason. it's definitely norse, though. this is a valknut, it's an ancient norse symbol. you're probably getting it mixed up with the celtic, christian trinity knot.


I probably am, what I find curious though is at the time of my posting someone else called it Celtic and the op replied to them, not correcting them, nobody corrected it at all. So I guess OP also doesn't know what they got tattooed on their body. I will make note of it being Norse for the future, though.


yeah, i make a point to know the names of all these little symbols and filigrees and such, and try to educate people who are getting them as tattoos. whatever it is, it's some Northern White People type beats. ya kinda just gotta assume and hope that no one's thinking about the deeper meaning, cos the people who *are* intentionally, willfully getting these symbols are often white supremacists.


I try to do that same thing, albeit with different topics than yourself, but I do understand and appreciate where you're coming from with wanting to educate on it. Yes, I know what you mean. Some of these tattoos are "innocent" because they like vikings and just wanted a cool Viking symbol. Other times though... It's sending a message. Regardless I'm not saying OP is one of the latter, just that I know what you mean.


I didn't correct them because I'm not really bothered, I do know and this isn't even the same symbol in the reference I specifically asked for this one.


the surrounding knots do give a celtic vibe. but yeah, that's definitely a valknut, not a triquetra like they're probably mistaking it for.


Well, that’s certainly big and black


That’s what she/he/they said?


It'll be bigger when I start making it a sleeve 😁


Glad you like it, and I think it’s sick conceptually, but I might go to a different artist to finish the sleeve off.


That's fair, it's just difficult because where I live like 2 people will do minors so it's him or the other guy until I'm 18


There are so many reasons to wait until you are 18 (and get a better artist) that I don’t even know where to begin.


I understand that, I've had the lecture and I get it.


You clearly didn't "get it", cause you were impatient and got what could have been a great tattoo by a poor artist. It's worth waiting for things that last forever.


17 year old doesn’t have ability to delay gratification… gets advice to wait, still gets tattoo, tattoo is crappy. Tale as old as time.


Found one of only 2 artists in his area that will tattoo children but he definitely, 100% "gets it". The fact he had to go looking for such an artist is all you need to know.


Yep. I wanted tattoos so desperately since I was like 14 and even when I was 18 my parents wouldn’t let me (still lived in their house at the time). My cousin is BLASTED and she told me if I really want it, then I should wait. Thank god I listened to her, because I would’ve had a portrait of a ship that said “Loose Lips Sink Ships” on my thigh 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Now I’m heavily tatted 15 years later after researching my artist and really making sure I’m set on a design. It’s 100% worth the wait. I feel like a minor doesn’t have the capacity to make a full on decision on something that’s permanent on your body. Plus, our likes and dislikes are constantly changing.


then why'd you do it, dummy?


Because I've been thinking about it for a long while and even with everything bad about them, especially this young. decided I want a tattoo


yeah but you could've waited a year and gotten literally any other artist - hell, you could've asked your mom to drive you an hour away to a better artist - did this guy even use a stencil? shit's crooked af


every single person i know who got tattoos under 18 got shitty tattoos who regret them. you are no exception. right now you think you are, but in 7-10 years you’ll realize, and worse you’ll also realize that all these people on the internet were right


Maybe you are right, I'll deal with that when it comes to that.


Not trying to lecture you further but I got tattoos before I was 18, and went to artists I knew would do underage. I wish I’d waited because I’m embarrassed of what I have now, and you might well feel the same later in life. Some of them are taking valuable space, and I’ve got to decide how/if they can be covered. Wait until you’re 18 and you’ll be able to choose any artist and get some really nice work done. Even if your tastes change in years to come at least you’ll know your work was done well.


That is true, I'll remember that for next time


I just hope those places are clean, I guess


There's probably a good reason for that. If I was able to get tattoos when I was a minor, I would REALLY be regretting it now. It's best just to wait.


Thanks for posting the artist and shop so people know to avoid!


Doing God's work 🙏


Looks really rough. Doesn't sound like a reputable shop if they tattoo minors anyway.


Do not trust artists who will tattoo minors. Period. Full stop. Don’t do it.


I learned that the hard way about 16 years ago 😂


Future Black-out


Yikes on bikes


I’m not sure which is worse - the underage kid getting white supremacy symbols tattooed poorly on him, or the artist agreeing to tattoo white supremacy symbols poorly on an underage kid


yeahhh….. is OP a white supremacist or just naive?


I want to hope that OP is just a naive kid that wanted an “Odin”/Norse themed sleeve (vague celtic knot imagery, norse symbols, evergreen trees and ravens) and picked a symbol that corresponded to that theme because it looked cool. He’s young and impressionable, the fault is on the tattooer that agreed to tattoo the symbol on an underage kid.


Lession Time: What symbol is white supremacists and why? I'm assuming it's the 3 triangles?


The three triangles interlocked are called a Valknot. It is a Viking/Norse symbol that was appropriated by white supremacists like many other symbols of Norse heritage. This [source](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/valknot) suggests that the symbol should be analyzed within context and hate should not automatically be assumed, which is true, but any tattoo artist worth their salt wouldn’t tattoo a symbol like that on principle, regardless of intention.


This is really bad.


Take it back for a refund


Okay this one is actually funny


Lines are bad


What lines ?


If you decide to extend this tattoo and stay with this theme, be very careful about what symbols you use. The valknut has been appropriated by white supremacy groups and so have many other Norse symbols. While the valknut on its own may not get you any judgement, people will be less likely to give the benefit of the doubt if you have multiple tattoos associated with white supremacy. Be careful and stay safe, OP


I sure will, thank you for the heads up! I've just been going with a Nordic theme, I'm getting another Raven in my shoulder to have both of Odin's Ravens


This'll be a great candidate for a blackout once you're 18, OP! Don't add anything, just save your money. There's an awesome blackout artist that sometimes posts his work here. He goes by @sbgtattoo on Instagram.


note to self: do not get tattoos in fucking cornwall, ontario - what the fuck?? bro, just drive to a real city, this shit is *jacked* - i cannot imagine looking at "Locey's Kustom"'s social media and making a conscious decision to go there... not a single tattoo for *years* posted without glaring errors.


I can't find them on Eastern Ontarios health units disclosure page so it seems they are not inspected by public health either.


Man if you really hate it that much you can just move on, you don't gotta comment 4 times


bro YOU could'a 'moved on' down to new york for this piece and then you wouldn't have to sweat it


We have amazing artists in Canada. Kid just decided to go with a terrible shop in the middle of nowhere.


Nah I couldn't have but that would've been nice


why wasn't that an option, actually? i know you mentioned you're a minor, but at least where i'm at in the US minors get work done with parental permission pretty easily. guess i dunno what it's like further north. some cities and areas just aren't good for tattoos, TBH. fwiw i don't hate this as a piece, i'm just very critical of application errors on the sub. the only people who are gonna be this nitpicky irl are other artists. like, genuinely, don't let me get you down on it, and sorry for being so negative towards you personally


It's alright, I kinda understood that. And yeah I know the guy definitely made a few errors lol but it doesn't make me hate it, I really do like the tattoo a lot. The reason I can't go stateside is I lack a passport or anything so I can't head south


Dude, there are good tattoo artists in Ottawa and *amazing* tattoo artists in Montreal. Both are just over an hour drive from Cornwall, and neither require international travel.


oh yeah, i forgot about international borders lol.


Lmao but yeah, I definitely learned from my decision but I still love the tattoo


Fucking 9/11. My dad told me you used to be able to go to Canada no problem without a passport before that


The Valknut is a symbol commonly appropriated by Neo-Nazis. FYI


I see three triangles and I can’t help but think “Delta delta delta, can I help ya help ya help ya?”


I've got a feeling OP is fully aware of that.


Why's that?


Yeah another commenter let me know


Hate to be that guy but the concentric triangles is fbi’s list of symbols for child pedo’s


It’s also a white supremacist hate symbol recognized by the [ADL](https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/valknot) :(


Well isn't that fun 😮‍💨


Mhmm pretzels! :]


So yummy 😋


I’ve seen that on Pinterest a long time ago.




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might wanna get that symbol blacked out asap or someone might kick your ass one day about it


As an ornithologically inclined person the raven alone is irritable to me.


Hello! This is the first tattoo I've ever gotten, I really like the way it looks, hope y'all do too.


it'S ok buddy we mostly all regret our first


Just got my first blasted over! Much better! 🙌


Got my first laserez and covered up 😂


I probably will eventually but not yet


I have the same tattoo at the same position haha! The design is a big rough but be proud of your first tattoo :) how was the pain for the wrist ?


I know my Ex BF has a very similar tattoo so that's not surprising that someone else does. It was not great on the wrist lol, my mother wanted me to use numbing but I listened to my dad and didn't.


I like the crows little feets


So do I!


I love how people are down voting my comments where I'm not even being defensive, that's really cool 👍


I think that at a quick glance, and with no knowledge of any of the symbols, it looks pretty cool and I appreciate what you’re going for.


It's honestly not bad. The circles rough but it looks good. People in tattoo subs are just generally fucking assholes.


I guess so, it's whatever If they want to be assholes they can be 🤷🏻


Odin's work!


Dating red flag: tattoos of Greek/Roman gods, Christian imagery, medieval crap, anything tattooed on the Qanon Shaman


I'm very happy with my girlfriend thank you very much 😊


Some of yall are taking the berating against OP way too far. None of yall are his parents. Just tell him the tattoo sucks and he should have waited longer and move on. No need to repeatedly drill it into his head. He accepted the risk of getting a poorly done tattoo, it ended up being poorly done, and that’s it. I don’t get the point of literally insulting the guy.


The triangles have something of the German Football Association‘s logo…


It's pretty close lol


I’ve gotten a few tats from John. I’ve loved them and I’ve gotten work from different artists. The issue w John is he’s a hit n miss and probably goes too dark lacking or hindering detail. He’s decent but theirs better out there


I've noticed that looking at some of his other work, I really like this one but I've seen some turn at like shit


Yeah bro like I said when his game is good he’s good but he’s a hit miss artist. Check out Simon at olde tyme tattoo in Cornwall next time he’s consistent


Alright I'll definitely check him out, thanks man 👍


beautiful bro well done


Looks cool. These bug boys on here are just talking shit cause it has spooky white people symbols haha


I don't care either way lol, I'm eventually gonna continue the whole arm Nordic and get Odin's other raven on my shoulder. Only thing that matters is if I like it


Those lines look very crooked, a touchup in like a year should be worth it.