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A nice tip as well, take away the stairs and replace them with something you can use and make a building you can just ascend through the levels. Honestly doesn’t take any more time and gives a lot more room


Can you get rid of the rooms?


Yeah if you leave a room outside of the ropes, Granteson will store it away for you.


first floor get rid of the square rooms and just have grass floors.. saves 3 rooms you can use for the rest of the house


The optimation ‘I turned my house into a storage warehouse’ would be to just put 5 of each weapon room down and use ascend or rocket shields to get up there


Unfortunately you can only buy 3 of each weapon room


Damn I wasn’t looking, thought it was 15 like everything else💀


Consider also: art gallery


Interesting. Maybe two bow, two shield and two art rooms. But keep three sword rooms. Can you get multiple art rooms?


I mean, I have two. For my two favorite pictures. Then again I also tried building a nice looking house as well. I wish I could recolor the outside


I wish I could make the top look more like a roof.


I put the garden and pool on the roof and made it like a little roof top thing, worked noce


Yes, this. FFS, why can't we paint it at least?


Master Kohga and Cece, amiright?


yeah but you can always pull up the picture album from your iPhone. It’s like a portable gallery


I was thinking of building something like this, but to be honest there aren't that many shields and bows I want to keep, It'll probably be just the champions and amiibo stuff, so 1 bow, 1 shield 3 sword is enough for everything


We could have all of this and more if they would give a hexagonal room.


It would be nice if we could display our clothes


I love this idea!! There are so many pieces I never wear, but I have to have them.


I’d do this but there are so few unique bows/shields to display anyway


No longer concerned about saving weapons imo now that all weapons can be reobtained, i had fun with a triforce house


>all weapons can be reobtained Sorry, how?


If its a unique item, there is someone in the world who will sell it to you or craft it. There are people related to the main quests, depths, and hateno that do this, not to spoil too much. This game is also better about not erasing old items as your hidden level goes up, in botw you could level out of red lynels and base lynel gear would be gone. Pretty sure i havent seen that yet. The only thing you can miss are two very short boss fights for the conpendium, and you can buy the images later i believe.


Thanks - thanks helpful. I was concerned I was breaking rare weapons. Really appreciate the time you took to write your response!


No problem! That being said, this is only for items i found so far, amiibo weapons and armor, hylian shield, etc. Id still double check on edge cases, like for example i haven't found the kite shield yet and id hate to find out thats in limited supply like botw


Good to know. Thanks!


tbh yea but i like the prayer room kitchen and bedroom 😂


Why do you need that many bow slots?


Duped my 5 shot lynel bow a few times before updating to the new version 1.1.2 (that fixes the dupe glitch). Please dont judge ;)


Ah. I reserve these for the unique weapons.


Anyone know how to destroy brightblooms? I have one stuck in the middle of my house.


Edit the house by initiating building again. Place the room with the brightbloom outside the rope. Granteson will put it in storage for you when you say you are done. Begin building again and get the room out of storage. It should no longer have the brigntbloom on it.


Nah man it isn't in my building. It's UNDER it.


There's no way that ground floor fits in the little roped square


You'd be surprised how much can fit.


My house is already two squares (+ two regular rooms) wide and it has no room for another one, I went to investigate. The design simply doesn't work My guess is that OP hasn't actually tried this in game yet


You are correct, I tried the similar layout and it cannot fit three square rooms plus two rooms to bookend them.


Try diagonally: https://imgur.com/a/1k5nin5


I did— did that work for you?


Yup this works. I have the entrance on the side so it is actually needs a little less space than this max fit image.


Fits diagonally: https://imgur.com/a/1k5nin5


My house is 2 squares, then a triangle, then a shield room and it all fits. You just have to angle the house.


There quite literally is no space for a third square even if you do put it diagonally, I don't know what to tell you Edit: Oopsies


Fits for me: https://imgur.com/a/1k5nin5


Interesting! I could've sworn it would fit. That's unfortunate then.


Its the max fit: https://imgur.com/a/1k5nin5


I made my house very similar to this, specifically so I could fit all the unique weapons in it, you just gotta fiddle with it a bit.


You can just add one of the rooms on the first floor to the second floor.


It fits diagonally


Yup: https://imgur.com/a/1k5nin5


Its the max fit: https://imgur.com/a/1k5nin5


Mine consists of a triforce platform with a bed, kitchen, and gallery, supported by three different pillars of weapon, shield, and bow rooms. Only way to get to the top is with ascend and there’s a nice atrium going all the way back down where I can access all of my equipment Iron-Man style.


Do you think you can share some pictures? That sounds kinda cool and I really want to test it out!


I'd love to see your house layout.


My layout is different but full enclosed using the exact same rooms


yall gonna get attack by the yiga with those designs.


Uh, maybe I'm blind, but isn't this 16 rooms?


Stairs Up and Stairs Down are two halves of the same room


Oh right! That makes sense


If anything this just makes me realize I should make a small armory separate from the main house


I like my cozy little house I built but good idea


Yeah, but where are you gonna put up your giant mural of our true goddess, Purah?


You could get rid of all of the square rooms to make a more open space.