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Your eyes were being monitored and were not watching the ad. You are required to watch the ad before watching the video you requested.




Delete this before they get ideas lol


Curious if there is an opportunity here for blind people to wear glasses where AI could map surroundings on a tactile board that the wearer would hold in their hand. Essentially interpret the surroundings and map items and objects appropriately.


It could even recognize acquaintances or see money and tell the denomination.


*** high school acquaintance detected *** *** initiate conversation mode yes/no? *** *** you have selected ‘no.’ To maintain plausible deniability, turn 15 degrees to your left and maintain current walking speed ***


That’s what neuralink are doing with blindsight https://gearmusk.com/2024/03/21/neuralink-has-successfully-monkeys-blindsight/


The year is 2025. Your AI glasses deliver a shock behind your ears as you make a leering “DAMNNN” face at a woman it has detected is not your wife. Your social credit score reduces by 500 points


Your next sci-fi read should be [“Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom” by Cory Doctorow](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Down_and_Out_in_the_Magic_Kingdom).


But I don’t want to be recorded, tracked ,and analyzed in public. Why would anyone accept this Big Brother bullshit?


And all that data will be hoarded and traded so they can spam you with ads. Welcome to the future.


Why isn't this article talking about privacy concerns? Eye focus and emotion tracking. Dystopian advertising wet dream. Maybe in a pair of specs today but likely to be room wide very soon.


I think you did not read the article? Like half of it is about privacy concerns, but logically it compare it to other systems that use cameras.


What ever the academics built it for it is going to be subverted. Low cost and power, attention and emotion detection. I have worked for well meaning startups and watched a technology be utilised by customers in ways that weren't envisioned, some not so ethical. VR isn't going to make this money this tied to AI, in the malls and workplace a Panopticon game changer.


I briefly (weeks) worked on a project that intended to do that in retail spaces. Who is this person? What are they looking at? How can we monetize it?


Because not everyone assumes technology is driving us towards a scenerio of a bad cyberpunk dystopian novel? Especially where there is no evidence of that?


Social credit system and the cameras and other tech that run it


Thanks for posting this. > GazeTrak does not yet work as well as the leading eye-tracking technology, which relies on cameras, but the new device is proof of concept that audio signals are also effective. Actually, you don't need Vision Pro accuracy for eye tracking to be useful. I have a repetitive strain injury (tendinitis), so I use a free software called GazePointer (sourceforge/net/projects/gazepointer - used by researchers, but free for noncommercial use) to turn my webcam into an eye tracker. I use it along with Alt Controller (free accessibility software) to make large customizable buttons on a second and third monitor that execute actions when a cursor hovers (dwell) over the buttons for a period of time. This allows me to read hands-free. Page Down button on one monitor, and Ctrl + Page Down (Go to next tab) button on the other monitor. GazePointer isn’t accurate, but I compensate with the large buttons. (Even if you don't have a disability or eye tracking, using your hands to move the mouse only a few pixels in and out of a Page Down button provides a low strain alternative if you want to give yourself a break from finger scrolling)


As long as it is in the hands of sociopathic billionaires that is pretty much the direction we are travelling in.


Please provide *evidence* of which sociopathic billionaire this technoloy is in the hands of? *Instead of evidence I'm being downvoted. Thank you for proving my point for me.


The list of evidence is very nebulous and requires a shit ton of typing. You're being disingenuous and that's why you're being down voted. Maybe we should put this technology on you to prove it.


Just because it’s not currently in the hands of a billionaire doesn’t mean the tech won’t be. Think of phones advertising after conversations, companies selling user data to companies to utilize. If the tech has the ability to make money and understand their clients more it will be used as such. I don’t think this comes down to billionaire “sociopaths” but rather boardrooms whose sole interest is the bottom dollar and investors. I believe the tech runs two paths. Market towards helping the unfortunate or the tech is recognized early and spread widely to consumers for mass cash. Both end with it going to the mass market


We live in a world where half the populace votes based on facebook memes. That shit doesn't sound dystopian enough to you? What more would it take?


Now I kind of want to though? I feel like advertisers' customers should know that their ads make me actively hate their products.


Oh good. Please strap that shit to my face.


It may track gaze, but does it track gays?


Nice, but I wonder what's the frequency and precision of the capture. Also, no way to capture pupil dilation or to use the data to recreate the face for teleconferencing. Nice innovation and it's exciting to see sonar being this small and used in diverse products, but I would not bet on hardware makers to use this system.


OP has obviously bought a little stock




Technically sweet.


Not hot dog.


If you really want tech taking over your entire being, if you think things are messed up now, then let them really take over your emotional centers


This is getting too fucking weird


They’ve had this for years. This is the peasant version.


Japan must be happy


AI is gonna learn how to scare us....


Gaze or gays?


Yeah but can it TRACK THIS FIST?!


It looks like a zonaite device from zelda


:Also repels vaginas


If that’s how an item works so what? If you know that’s how an item works and you still buy the item and then complain you lost your privacy as a result — well I’d say buyer is the problem. I’m truly not sure how a pair of smart glasses that you WEAR ON YOUR EYES can operate without tracking eye and head movements. Any ideas?


Companies can force us to wear them if we work for the company. Governments can force you to work for companies by withholding unemployment benefits if you reject a job.


I'm sorry... what are you babbling about?


I’m going to resurrect my Second Life account for this
