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Doesnt Branson own a cruise ship company?


I’m sure he flies economy


In his own airline.


Wearing his own satire.


He flies a smaller jet inside a bigger jet and the smaller jet is electric. He leases the bigger jet from Taylor Swift. It's not easy saving the planet.


A small jet inside a larger jet and that inside a larger jet. So it’s a Matryoshka plane?


The turducken of planes.


Turducken Airlines.


The guy who started his own airline so he could fly private? That guy?


And a pet space rocket project?


He also has his own island which has no natural resources on it. So it gets daily shipping/flights to bring food and water to the paradise island.


But you and I should reuse our single use plastic sporks.


Yeah, so he's conveniently diluting the justified outage people should feel towards climate inaction with flavor-of-the-day fearmongering about AI.


There’s no fear mongering. AI has already begun to be used for nefarious means, from scamming to creating deepfakes of people. In my home country numerous people have already killed themselves because of appearing in deepfakes.


I struggle to see how it belongs in the same threat category as climate change, something that is objectively causing Earth's 7th mass extinction and could wipe out humanity within a century without unprecedented societal reorganization.


He has to send his message to Wall Street. They're the ones doing Absolutely Nothing.


Part owns, and part owns three airlines.


says the man that owns 4 cruise liners and hundreds of airliners


To be fair he spent a lot of money on hot air balloons too


I’m sure he was disappointed that they didn’t stay afloat with his nonstop blathering.


Funny that you mention that, he crashed once for real while setting a record for the longest distance flown as well: "In 1987, at the age of 36, Branson crossed the Atlantic Ocean in a hot air balloon. He made the trip in the company of a Swede, Per Lindstrand, who was the balloon’s designer. The ‘Virgin Atlantic Flyer’ was the first ever hot air balloon to successfully complete the Atlantic crossing, during which it achieved speeds of more than 130mph. The balloon was also the biggest that had ever flown, with a total volume of 2.3m cubic feet. An unexpected ending There was a dramatic end to the journey when Branson and Lindstrand had no option but to leap from their balloon into the sea after low cloud forced them to descend short of their Scottish landing site. This occurred after their balloon had briefly touched the ground in Northern Ireland before gaining altitude again, only to sink down to the waves, dragging the pair through the water at 100mph. Both adventurers managed to survive their leap, although Branson, who was the last one left on board, believed that his co-pilot had not made it to safety. In fact, Lindstrand spent over two hours in the sea before being rescued by the Royal Navy. He and Branson were then reunited in the helicopter that flew them to a nearby hospital ... In 1991, Branson and Lindstrand successfully crossed the Pacific Ocean in a hot air balloon, setting a distance record of 6,700 miles - from Japan to Canada." https://www.wickersworld.co.uk/the-ballooning-exploits-of-richard-branson/


That’s actually really cool. Doesn’t make him less a blowhard, but that’s still really, really cool.


He's one of those huh?


Yeah, one of those from Epstein’s island…


No I mean... Flying balloons? What is this 1850?


Yup, 1850. Where hot air balloon pilots and child predators are pretty normalized. This guy just happens to be both.


So because of those things, he’s wrong about this? He may be a hypocrite but he’s not wrong here


Arsonist calls for better fire safety regulations


“It really shouldn’t be this easy!”


The hypocrisy implies that he doesn’t actually care and is doing this for some other reason


We’ve got to stop being so divisive or we’re never going to progress. People are flawed, and when people do bad things, we rightly point them out. But just because someone does things we don’t agree with, it doesn’t mean they are incapable of doing good things - and we should credit people when they do, just as we discredit them when they do bad. If we can’t get there we’re never going to get anywhere


That still doesn’t make it wrong though, does it? Giving to charity for a tax break still results in charities receiving money.


Giving to charity is different because like you said the charity is receiving money. In this case he just signed a letter telling other people to take action. But looking at other stories he at least talks about making efforts to reduce his own carbon emissions so I was wrong either way


Sometimes hypocrites are hypocrites despite caring.


He is not wrong, he just want us peasants to foot the bill for the climate change he more than anyone is contributing to


Point taken, but I doubt Virgin Atlantic owns hundreds of planes, they have very few routes


You have a shit ton of money you asshole. You do something about it!


He already donates billions to fight climate change. But the act of one is not enough to change something so monumental. That’s why he’s talking about it. Would you rather him say nothing? You’d call him an asshole for that too, I bet.


I’d take him more seriously if he didn’t pledge like $3 billion which he didn’t deliver on, and subsequently went into industries which contribute no small amount to climate change.


Tax write off


What if we trick AI and climate catastrophe into attacking each other


“Hey, AI, I heard that climate catastrophe was talking mad shit on you. I’m just wondering if you’re going to let that stand.”


This made me laugh




Let bro/sis cook.


Maybe Richard could switch to paper straws with the rest of us.


Go metal baby. If you’re hardcore sustainable; go bamboo.


Oppenheimer’s grandson? You’ve convinced me.


He had some explosive arguments though. Seriously, he’s the bomb. If only the world wasn’t so split on the whole topic. We should be more akin to a nuclear family. We need to radiate unity. I’ll see myself out






And irradiate clarity unity.


Ahh yes the Rich telling everyone else it's their duty to fix this lmao.


Climate catastrophe? Bloke owns an airline??


Urging who? We don’t have any money 😂 you guys have the money and the power!


branson should be pleading in a fucking mirror instead


You probably can’t stop climate catastrophe without AI. And you can’t stop AI at all.


Can’t stop, addicted to the shindig.


Chop top, he says I’m going to win big.


Choose not a life of imitation


Distant cousin to the reservation


Defunct, the pistol that you pay for


A better label would be Atmospheric Carbon Poisoning Can you stop poisoning something? Yup!


What if AI is a part of the climate change solution? We humans sure can’t figure it out.


We figured it out. We need to reduce the amount of oil & gas we pull out of the ground and burn. What the US has done to improve the climate is to increase oil & gas production to the highest levels ever last year.


We haven’t figured it out, because we aren’t going to do that. Until something comes along that lets us carry on with our present lifestyle, but doesn’t wreck the planet, we’re burning hydrocarbons. That’s how it is. Enter AI. Maybe we, aided by AI, can design a commercial fusion reactor in 10-15 years, then it’s only 10 more to build them.


Oh, we've figured it out. We understand we need CO2 scrubbers, and we can deploy [bubbles in space](https://senseable.mit.edu/space-bubbles/) to block out the sun, etc. The solutions aren't complicated. We're not fixing things because the solutions are expensive, we can't get nations to work together, and we don't want to be inconvenienced.


AI could be the most effective tool to tackle the climate crisis. All these guys do is obfuscate the matter further with all this unsubstantiated, opinion based narratives. Honestly, what has Rich Brannie here ever done for humanity that wasn't first beneficial to him and his full head of hair?


I'm not against what they are for but it's quite obvious that the AI train left without Branson so now he's mad. Also, this is like the third time I see 'Oppenheimer's grandson' thinks this or says that... who cares? Who is he?


Stop going on epstien's flights richard


If you stop AI, it's just the most stupid thing todo by so many reasons. Russia and China will continue with it and will destroy us economically and also based in war terms. Let alone all the good things we cab do with it.


This dickhead could single-handedly do more for the climate than some climate focused nonprofits, if he chose to or cared to. It’s a fucking joke for anybody with this much wealth to urge others to act. You act, motherfucker. You’re the one with the means to act.




"Guy who doesn't know anything about AI has an opinion on AI."


Alexa what is a hypocrite?


Why? Let's let AI cause a nuclear apocalypse and then we ain't gotta worry about climate change any longer. Easy peasy oh god all my skin melted off. Job's done. 


alternate title: "guy who made billions causing the climate catastrophe says everyone else needs to fix it"


They’re just afraid that AI will blame them for everything.


Everything Branson touches turns to shit, so we simply need to put him in charge of OpenAI and the threat will be averted


You mean the guy that started an airline and wants to make space tourism a thing?


Lol I just did sound for Oppenheimers grandson. Seems like a cool guy. Wants to make nuclear something we appreciate and harvest not something we fear. It’s the only clean energy solution that will be more effective than all reusable combined


So annoying when people who contribute significantly more to the worlds problems say things like this Hey idiot. If you did this it would be worth more than if 1k of us normies doing it


Well richard. You could get a few of your friends to fix the underlying issues in countries still burning coal, etc but you won’t give your money away


Says ~~the dude~~ one of the dudes who flies people to “space” for fun?


Mate didn’t you fly to the moon on a lark


Another classic team-up Branson and Grandson


[AI for Good](https://aiforgood.itu.int/) is accelerating the UN sustainable development goals. Honestly, I don’t think climate catastrophe can be averted WITHOUT AI.


AI is inevitable, embrace it or get left behind. Honestly I feel like a conspiracy therapist, but it’s clearly the next step in human efficiency and could be a great equalizer for those with limited means. Of course it should be heavily regulated and tested, an impossible task for the current geezers in government, but with proper access and control it’s going to revolutionize media, marketing, trading, banking, etc etc. The possibilities are endless. It’s pretty exciting once you stop being afraid, which is why the negative propaganda is so suspect to me.


This reminds me, I need to fire my conspiracy therapist.


If you do that then the lizard people will win


> with limited means ... I really glad I am at the tail end of my IT career and not the beginning. AI is going to screw things up for the upcoming youths. From IT to medicine and all stops in between, things are going to change dramatically, the lower end folks are feeling it now


Skilled work is being rendered meaningless and destroying thousands of people’s lives all because shareholders are addicted to squeezing our economy for all its worth. They don’t care if it ruins peoples entire careers and lives. It’s is another tool that is going to whittle down this class war to just us vs the wealthy few. That’s all it is doing, rendering entire careers meaningless. You have no fucking idea how demoralizing, humiliating, and crushing this is going to be. Every programmer involved in this ai shit is complicit in the destruction of copyright protection and IP protection, and worst, it’s all fucking built on stolen information, stolen art, and you and the rest of us get nothing in return but cheap, mediocre garbage.


>Skilled work is being rendered meaningless and destroying thousands of people’s lives all because shareholders are addicted to squeezing our economy for all its worth. Good grief, consumers are also driving the demand for AI because they want more and cheaper stuff. We don't want to pay $5k for a graphic artist when we can pay $20 for Mid Journey. We don't want teenagers screwing up our McD's orders, we want robots that do it right every time. Some of you are incapable of understanding that you're equally complicit. You don't want to pay $3k for an Xbox built by people. You want a $500 Xbox that was built by machines.


Having used it for school and work I’d encourage everyone to try it. It’s not as robust or powerful and scary as it seems. I love it takes out the tedious portions of writing. Accuracy sucks, and keep in mind it can’t use IP (god bless American IP, might save our butts)


You're talking about a chatbot, quite different from the AI being referred to here.


Funny how we’ve just decided to ignore Branson being associated with Epstein.


Does Branson not know what a mirror is. He himself is contributing a ridiculous amount to climate change.


Doesn’t he fly in a private jet? Suggabigone.


The Frankie Boyle response is needed again.


They’re not wrong, but probably already too late.


Maybe Richard Branson should start funding the campaigns of progressive candidates that actually want to do something about the crisis in the first place.


AI is humanities only hope for the future


He owns a jet company and countless boats. WTF? Dude. NOBODY is remembering you for being any king of warrior for the environment.


Depends. He's probably in the position to have a massive impact wherever he focuses his resources. So in the end who knows. May make the jets and boats seem like a piss in the ocean.


lol shut up boomer


AI as a tool to help society: AWESOME AI as a tool to replace Society: NOT AWESOME if people got confused


I hope AI replaces actors, models and singers. Then celeb culture would die.


lets hesr out some geezers. worked fine the last century..yikes


Man dumb rich and needing attention. I’m sure these kids are gonna be ok.


The Butlerian Jihad draws near.


Richard: you and your friends ARE the climate catastrophe. Try to make it about “overpopulation” or a bunch of poor people all you want, you own a goddamn cruise line


Waiting for the South Park episode where man bear pig keeps being fed by the rich then his “exhaust” produces methane but the rich people get to keep doing whatever they want as the poors keep being annihilated by man bear pig.


Wasn’t he on the Epstein list


Stop AI? How about provide support and transportation to those migrating because their home is no longer inhabitable.


Let’s make horizon zero dawn happen!


A little late to the party lads


You have billions use them? Pay your taxes even!


Why hasn’t humanity learned that once a monkey is out of the bottle you can’t get it back in?


Lol. No.


News (like this) is intended to push down bad stories by social signaling. He’s just overcompensating because his name popped up on Epstein’s list. Tons of super rich people did not show up on that list… but his did.


Is Branson done flirting with being evil?


These are confusing times


It’s not a contradiction if he’s only asking other people to stop contributing to climate change.


I read this as Branson and Oppenheimer's grandson not Branson + Oppenheimer's grandson 😂


Man, celebrities are a parody of themselves, saying the right incantations to their progressive congregations … but not giving up the yachts and private jets.


It’s too late. Climate has changed. He could have done something about it, but instead built space rockets


I really wish these ignorant millionaires would focus on enlightenment in stead of having rocket races.


Can't close Pandora's box


We never learn from films!


Coming soon: Virgin Atmospheric Scrubbers©️


Fuck off Branson. You disgusting self promoting hypocrite.


Thanks so much……


…but only those things?


Urge them with your money! Lobbying/bribes works wonders, it’s actually pretty surprising how little money, it takes for people to be swayed by.


He knows what’s causing climate change and it ain’t us.


If AI is so dangerous, why don’t they just, you know, pull the plug?


I hate when he’s right.


Did anyone here read the actual article? Branson was addressing world leaders, the people who need to be addressed. I understand being anti rich but pick your fucking targets better, people


Why I’m not surprised that Richard, who lost a great opportunity in AI for the first time in his life, wants it regulated and super regulated?


Ooh he urged! That settles it then 🙄


Climate change first, please.


Isn’t this the guy that sends wealthy people into orbit for a hefty ticket price. 😂 “stop climate change”…. Unless you wanna pay 100k+ to burn rocket fuel into the atmosphere.




I don’t think America is capable of changing in regards to climate. The corps and wealthy people make far too much money to put environmental issues or others first. Not to mention the subject is so polarizing to people. Take a look at landfills and abandoned old cement areas and it’s clear to see that humans scar the earth and create issues. I’m a huge fan in regards to the belief that Mother Earth is a living being and we’re sucking all the oil and nutrients from her. Also things just go in cycles so eventually that harsh winter will come again and the poles will shift. Probably not in my Life but definitely my descendants Life.


Idk. Maybe Richard Branson could cool off with his rocket ship company, his airline, his private jet usage, etc. paper straws too!


A little too late for that buddy lol. Pandora’s box has already been opened


Who gives a fuck what this guy thinks?


Everyone knows AI has been since the very beginning the instrumental factor of climate change….nothing to do with humans at all


Stop firing rockets into space. Plant trees




Yea stop AI it might ruin his top end


Rich guys worried their piggy banks gonna break. Needs people to care.


Maybe they will cancel each other out.


You mean this asshat with virgin air and his own spaceship is bitching about global warming?


AI is only scary because its new