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We’ve seen this similar contract for high end, exotic cars. The Ford GT for example had all owners sign a contract that they cannot resell the car for X amount of years, so the first used Ford GT didn’t go on the market until like 2-3 years after, but it sold for a ridiculous amount for what the owner bought for. It’s usually just limited run vehicles like that, with MSRPs in the half million+ range. Why anyone would agree a trash can from Tesla would qualify for the same treatment is beyond me. Tesla can’t make a single good product, and their cars are rapidly depreciating in value. No one should accept a contract like this from Tesla. The cyber truck will be worth less than half its MSRP off the lot with how shitty and unwanted it is now.


Which is funny because 3rd gen GT still sells for stupid amounts of money


Every Gen of Ford GT/40 still sell for stupid amounts of money.


With all the hype surrounding the gen 2 GT you’d think they would be more expensive than a 3rd gen and boy is that not the case. 3rd gen cars are regularly 1mil+ meanwhile 05-06 GT are regularly half that. (I know a lot of people consider the ecoboost GT a 2nd gen but I am considering the Le Mans era GT a 1st gen, 05-06 a 2ng gen and ecoboost GT a 3rd gen)


Well the 05-06 had ~4K produced and was $150Kish MSRP and the ecoboost was like 1.3K produced at a starting of $400K and I heard some were optioned up to like $750K. So I can see why the ecoboost is still so expensive. Can’t lie though, I would have a very difficult time choosing if I could only have 1. Edit: to be clear someone would have to give me one, can’t afford such things.


Oh I hear you. I love discussing rich people cars when I only make $50k a year lol


Aside from the production numbers & initial sales price, the 05-06 GTs were supercars, while the Ecoboosts were hypercars. It's like comparing a Porsche 911 GT2 with a 918... the GTs aren't related at all, other than the names.


Both were marketed as Le Mans winning inspired road cars, albeit the 05-06 is based on the car from like 40 years prior, whereas the 3rd gen is based on the Le Mans car of its same era I mostly agree otherwise though but a lot of people don’t look beyond the name


While I think you are right for the majority of GT’s, the real $$$$$$$$ cars are going to be the Heritage editions/Gulf Livery. I think eventually you’ll see the 05-06 HE/Gulf cars outpace a “run of the mill” ecoboost. But an HE/Gulf ecoboost will be more than an 05-06.


At least at BaT I don’t think they’ve ever seen a 7 figure 05-06




I addressed that already. https://www.reddit.com/r/technews/s/D5KjhTIjTU




What if he sells it in parts? I guess there are some Cyberjunk owners who are in desperate need.


He could literally list out all the parts and say “selling separately or all together. some disassembly required.”


I like the way you think.


The way to stop this in a contract is a five word clause fragment that I know, and I am neither a lawyer nor am I lawyer adjacent, in whole or in part. Not defending Tesla, just insulting the people who signed that dumb shit


Fanboys, lined up around the block for... Wang Cars!!


John Cena got busted for not waiting on the Ford GT. Not sure what his "punishment" was. AFAIK they'll just blacklist you for future purchases.


That's what Ferrari does - you are black listed from all future purchases. But tesla would have to have some new models in the pipeline for that to be a threat.


They can't just lease the car for 99 years?


Stainless steel* trashcan


In essence, automakers will do this in an effort to deter resellers from buying the car, just to immediately list it for sale far above the manufacturer’s price. To a lesser extent, it also can deter people who buy cars solely as a method of investment from buying the vehicle, as they would have to wait a few years before they can make their money back. Basically, they want the people who buy the car to buy it because it’s a great vehicle, not just a way to make money. Cars were meant to be driven, and enthusiast cars are made to be driven by enthusiasts.


We need to start applying the same logic to housing. "Buy this 2/2 in Orlando for $180k because it's a nice place to live, not just a way to make money".


That’s actually a really good idea.


No one buys a car as an investment and sells it in a couple years.


I believe it's Ferrari or Lamborghini that also does stuff like that.


Porsche too




Doesn’t matter. Contract still stands whether it’s art or a refrigerator


You don't seem interested in facts


Have a look at the cyber truck and you have answered your own question


It’s about avoiding scalping, which was a fear at the beginning. I’m holding a reservation and you better believe I measured my parking spot.


It'll be billed as a $50,000 customer service fee. And I bet the next owner will end up having to pay it to get any kind of service. Like pay to play, but pay to douche.


contractual agreement.


Still not an actual “fine” - a private company can’t do that. The charge they want him to pay will be very hard to actually enforce. This guy can ignore it essentially


Yeah, this happens all the time with Ferrari, McLaren, etc customers. What usually happens is that person is no longer allowed to buy their cars. Still worth it for some people to make the quick cash - these cars appreciate instantly and very quickly thereafter in the instance of the limited production versions.


Well if the guy is wisening up and wants to sell his refrigerator, he likely doesn’t want to buy another Tesla


I wonder if you can get interest only or balloon payment loans on those. Though I know maintenance on those is frequent and astronomical all by itself. No fun having a car like that if it only hangs out in your garage.


It’s like owning a yacht basically. If you can’t afford to buy two, you can’t afford to buy one.


The most they’ll be able to do is cut him off as a customer and blacklist him, but if he doesn’t care he should just sell it.


Cut the car off from updates, connectivity, and service - making the car worthless


Seems to me like that’s an issue for the new buyer not the seller. At that point I’d be curious to see what kind of legal ramifications that would have that a company can just brick a car being sold secondhand. Pretty sure it goes against some laws.


Ok, but what's the downside?


Private company can sue for breach of contract and you have no recourse because you actually violated the contract lol


If it's a contractual agreement then yes, extra fees can be agreed on (or call it a "fine" if you want). It's very common for example with restocking fees if a retail customer wants to return goods to a distributor -- they'll get a refund but also have to pay a 15% restocking fee/fine.


When you sign a contract with clearly stated liquidated damages, it's very easy to enforce..might be tougher to collect. But the facts are not in dispute.


HOA style contracts when he bought the car. Ferrari has been doing the same thing for many decades. They can literally take your car if you don’t follow the rules lol


Good God, educate yourself before commenting


Reddit: companies need to keep their products from being bought by scalpers and resold at gouged prices! Tesla: *takes measures to do just that until production meets demand.* Reddit: what the fuck?!


Reddit: "fuck scalpers" Also reddit: "fuck you for putting clauses in your contract to stop scalpers"


Sell a $50,000 pen with free tesla. Problem solved


Well soon these Tesla truck owners won't have to worry about their contract banning resale because they'll have to give it away to find any takers.


The pen is a better deal than the tesla truck


Probably last longer. And rust free.


Why buy any car with such dumb terms. I’d tell Tesla to fuck off. It’s private property so he can sell it. End of.


Contractual agreement. They will be sued.


Imagine buying something with that type of contract attached to it.


The term seems unenforceable in court. Typically courts don't favor terms preventing alienation of property.


Still cost you money to go to court, though I guess you could counter sue on contingency. But I could be totally wrong. Still cost you time though.


No, money down!


Yeah seems like the thing that would take weeks and lots of money most people can’t put up with those requirements..


Like an HOA.


What do you expect from someone dumb enough to buy a giant truck that the never verified could fit in their garage.


Read the article. He had a garage when he ordered it. Now he doesn't.


I mean either way he’s a dumbass. I’m not sure what your point is, he preordered it, he could have measured his spot before he paid it in full and took delivery of it and canceled the pre-order if it didn’t fit. Or if he bought the new place after buying the car he could have measured the parking spot before getting the new place. Really don’t see any way he’s not an idiot.


It’s to prevent a bunch of orders from resellers. It’s common on high end cars to protect their brand as well. This situation will get handled the guy admits he was dumb and it’s his fault he just immediately went online thinking it would get noticed and sent to the right person. Not the best way to go about it imo. Dudes kinda dumb these cars are high demand he can rent it out and make money.


I bet if he asked Tesla if he could sell it for cost no premium on top, Tesla would approve the sale without the charge.


It’s his property - he can do what he pleases with it. It’s not a subscription


He can. But he also agreed that if he sells it without permission, he needs to pay $50k. He voluntarily agreed to it. Nobody forced him. He can sell it all he wants. Tesla isn’t blocking the sale.


Spoiler Alert. He’s going through a divorce.


I would also divorce someone that made the decision to buy a refrigerator on wheels


A $100k refrigerator on wheels, no less


I wonder if he was divorced because he bought a cybertruck?


Imagine going through all this for a car that looks like scrap metal. Looks like those sheet metal houses people use in favelas.


Looks like the cornucopia from the hunger games


Isn’t it funny how the people who yell about freedom loudest are the ones trying to strip it from other people


This is so ubiquitous that it makes me wonder if it has always been the case. Then *that* makes me wonder about the revolutionary war.


Considering the Boston tea party happened not due to “taxation without representation” but due to a smuggler getting cut out of his income flow. You’re likely on to something


“all” men are created equal.


“ I talk of freedom, you talk of the flag” -Live, Throwing Copper


Are you SURE that wasn’t Andre Agassi?




You’re not wrong, what I was commenting on is more that there is a limitation in the first place.


Lol if it were $5000 it wouldn't discourage scalpers at all. You realize if you want to be driving a Cybertruck next week and you don't have a reservation you're looking at a $40k premium, right? And that's down from around $100k.


Finally saw one in the wild this week. What an eyesore!!!


I saw my first one a few weeks ago. It looks like a big toy car. It’s huge and clunky and so so ugly.


It’s tiny though. At least when compared to pickup trucks.


There’s a lot of them in Suffolk County, Long Island. I saw three.


I saw one awhile back, and that was my first thought, "What an ugly ass vehicle."


I’d dump someone too if they brought home one of these ugly things.


I hope to god the other automakers don’t try to adopt this kind of business model…. Everything is subscription based and none of it transfers with the owner or the car. Oh you want auto-drive? You have to subscribe to that. Oh sold your Tesla, sorry the new owner will have to subscribe to auto drive. Oh you bought a new Tesla? Oh you’ll have to subscribe to auto drive again. And the shitty quality I’ve seen is just as bad. The cover comes off the gas pedal. It’s ok we will drill a hole in it and put a pop rivet through to hold it in place. Wtf? that’s some diy, yankee ingenuity fix right there, not something I’d expect from a high end automaker. Smh


Tesla high end? Excuse me but Hahahhahahahhaa


lol…. Maybe I should have said overly priced




When he reserved the truck he had a house, but when he got the truck he had an apartment


So instead of just losing his deposit, he bought it knowing it wouldn't fit. 🤔


The preorder fee was only $100 mind you.


Correct. "Lose $100 or lose 100k" hmmm 🤔


Refundable deposit.




Yeah, X


looks like the Aztec


Lmao could you imagine giving money to Telsa?


If it caught fire, the insurance company would buy it, no?


They treat their customers like garbage and their service department seems suited for customers with a degradation and humiliation kink.


I’m assuming they don’t want people selling them so quickly because it’s a bad look for the brand. I’m sure it’s much better than having a publicized dispute about it.


Someone traded their diarrhea cyberTruck for a Mercedes to the Scottsdale dealership I wonder if they tried to fine them


Pretty common with any high end or over valued/hard to find vehicle. He literally signed an agreement to not sell it in the first year… “reminded him that he signed a Tesla Vehicle Order Agreement which states if a Cybertruck owner sells the EV during the first year, they can be fined $50,000 and be banned from buying future Teslas.”




He signed an agreement that he wouldn’t sell in the first year, just like many people do with these types of purchases 🤷🏿‍♀️ “reminded him that he signed a Tesla Vehicle Order Agreement which states if a Cybertruck owner sells the EV during the first year, they can be fined $50,000 and be banned from buying future Teslas. According to Business Insider”




Irrelevant. He signed a contract.


If the customer is in California, he should read Business & Professions Code section 16600.




I banned myself from ever buying a Tesla.


Wow good one


Measure twice, cut once? I mean who buys a car then get surprised when it doesn’t fit in a spot, garage, etc?


Got divorced. Had to move. Does not fit new parking space


Ahh. That is a very good point. I retract my previous statement


Partner say the truck and said byeeeeee


I thought the same thing.


Tesla is FUBAR…… and I drive one!!!!


Once upon a time I would have considered a tesla. Now never


The windshield wiper on that thing is ridiculous! Curious how much a replacement costs.


$75 to replace just the blade or $165 to replace the entire arm and blade.


It was so that people couldn’t resell them for ridiculous amounts of money.


There are many of these for sale right now on offer up


99% of the vehicles for sale on OfferUp are phishing posts.


Buy a clown car, expect it to be filled with clowns…. And litigation.


If you can afford to play, then you can afford to pay.


I still can't believe this article gets kicked around.  Fuck Elmo, but this dude should have fixing measured his car. Plus he is still sucking Elmo's dick.


Tesla customer service: “hello? Yeah fuck you and the problems you have with our truck.”


Seems they should’ve verified the truck fit in the garage, or maybe not sign a purchase contract that forbids them from selling the car. Also, eff Tesla


He knew the terms, like everyone knew the terms and at that price you’d think he could at least make the payment so he works a job that supports this thjng meaning he has some brain cells? It’s like saying I can’t pay my loan cause the car doesn’t fit in the parking spot. Well who was responsible for knowing that? The car manufacturer?? No you Mr guy entering a contract agreement.


Did you bother to read the article at all? When he reserved the car, he had a house. But now he lives in an apartment after a divorce. >it’s like saying I can’t pay my loan cause the car doesn’t fit in the parking spot What does that even mean lol?


So lose the deposit, don't proceed with a 100k purchase knowing it won't fit.


The deposit on the CT was $100. He bought a $100k truck rather than lose $100. It's farcical to imply he can't have walked away from it.


Oh no if only he had been told of this rule before he bought the truck 👎


Corporate chuckleheads at it again! Tell your friends, not to fall for their BS! Read the fine print. Boycott any business that does this. Escape crapitalism. r/SolarPunk


Land of the free


He signed a contract agreeing to these conditions at the time of purchase.


It’s really has gotten that way hasn’t it. Sad.


Contacts have existed since before the this country existed..


That said you couldn’t sell a car you bought. No sir. That’s some new BS


Shouldn’t be legal. If I buy it I should own it as in have dominion over it. I would never buy a Tesla. I can do what the hell ever I please to my truck.


It isn't just Tesla, they weren't even the first to have this kind of anti-flipping clause..


Never said it was just there the ones were talking about right now. There the ones who are threatening a customer over it. Teslas a trash company we’ve seen time and time again. Morally bankrupt.


Ford sued John Cena in 2017 and he settled for an undisclosed sum..


Sounds like John Cenas problem. Would sign that contract for love nor money. Unamerican if you ask me. Should be outlawed. You sure do have a hard on for Tesla’s PR there buddy.


"Customer signs contract promising to not sell cybertruck until after 1 year of ownership. Customer wants out of contract because he doesn't want to park in the street" is how I read it. Telsa isn't threatening anyone. The customer knew about this stipulation and signed the contract.


Ok but nobody has a gun to Tesla’s head threatening them if they don’t enforce this part of the contract. Just because you have the ability to be a fuck doesn’t mean you should be a dick


Why would Tesla put this in their contracts and not enforce it? That would be stupid and pointless. Buyers remorse laws gave him 3 days after delivery to return it for a full refund...


Why is this aricle calling it a "pickup"? Its just a large car. Its not even an SUV. It has shit for storage space.


Because it has a bed?


What are el caminos?


Somehow I doubt this contract is actually enforceable.


It's absolutely enforceable and actually common with higher end cars (like $200k.plus). The most common result is the company being unwilling to sell to you in the future.


Yeah I know people who have purchased cars with these agreements and resold them, violating the agreement with no repercussions.


The most normal repercussion is not being allowed to buy any more cars from that vendor And that is pretty common These guys count on the resell gravy train


I’m aware, but the enforceability of an actual fine is completely different. This is why very limited production cars are often available only for lease and not purchase (eg Lexus LFA) because these agreements are completely toothless.


Why wouldn't it be enforceable if it's clearly stated in the contract? I once purchased a house with a no resell clause for a year. Absolutely enforceable. Consult your attorney


Contracts are only valid if all of the clauses are legal. US property law has broad protections for the rights of a property owner, and these supercede any clauses in a private contract. Again, this is why producers of very exclusive vehicles don’t offer them for sale at all and make them only available as a lease. Ferrari and Lexus are known for doing this for their exclusive models - I know the former “owner” of an LFA and current “owner” of a Ferrari SF90. You literally cannot buy them because they use leases only, because they found that their no-resale clauses were not enforceable.


McClaren certainly has contracts of this sort and they sell. I have a friend with several


Right, I can sign a contract with you saying that I’m buying your kidney for $25k (which is illegal). It doesn’t mean I can enforce it.


Don’t eff with the Mormons. They love the fine print lol


Yeah cause religion is relevant here... Btw in a Hollywood star can't get away with it, he won't either. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a21622751/the-flip-that-flopped-john-cena-and-ford-settle-gt-resale-lawsuit/


I wonder why he separated from his wife 🤷🏽‍♂️


I don’t understand if there are thousands of unsold cyber trucks why would anyone buy a used one? This only makes sense if there was a shortage.


The current surplus is the model Y not the Cybertruck, there is still a waiting list for the Cybertruck.


Well tesla is laying off 2700 Texas plant workers so the demand has to be less than predicted. It maybe a marketing ploy to make the waitlist seem 4 years and then deliver the order in the three to six month build time. I believe they also cut customer service staff so the cyber trucks in the lots maybe just undelivered orders waiting for the short staff to process the delivery.


Facts. But Tesla assumed there would be a shortage when they wrote the contract language. That’s the only reason


this seems poorly thought out. I know US consumer protections are shit but they're not *that* shit


Um he signed a contract, Ford sued John cena for reselling his Mustang for a profit before the contractual 24 months had passed.. Tesla uses the same contract clause. GM has also done this.


Facts. The only difference is Tesla is the cult of personality running Tesla.


per the customer: "Making me keep a truck that does not fit my circumstances appears to be unfair and not at all the spirit of the no sale language in the contract" but go off and defend the corpos, they'll certainly remember that.


Again he agreed to these conditions when he signed the legal contract. He had 3 days for buyers remorse. It's his problem now..