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We all know the end of space contains all the cut content and is simply a textureless box where God's and the narrator's npc model reside.




The universe is really an npc with a universe-shaped head


Probably T-posing


So that means there is also a dev room with every item?


>We all know the end of space contains all the cut content and is simply a textureless box where God's and the narrator's npc model reside. [No?](https://youtu.be/86J-bffNGEE?feature=shared)


Huh... its all red.


So we'll find a coconut floating over there? Gotcha


Isn’t the theory that the universe is everlasting expanding?


it does but this is also a comic so im guessing they go the same speed as expansion of universe


They would have to go faster than the expansion of the universe to hit any sort of end.


im talking after they arrived they gotta match their speed


as i understand there is something could be a reverse for all of that


Let me ask you this then: Expanding inside of what?


Nothingness, yes, absolute nothingness. Mater is slowly (many milions of km a second) being diluted and spreading out in the endless expance of nothingness


if nothingness is endless, then that means any distance in it must exist right? So technically there is a distance trillion trillion light years away from here? Now how do we know whats there? How do we know its nothing? How about trillion light years further?


We don't, but we physically can never interact with things that far anyways, so it is effectively nothing.


He did WHAT in his cup?


I don’t know man, I’m not smart enough to answer those kinda questions. Nothingness I guess


Yes. But that doesn't preclude the option of it having an edge. If you run water through a hose onto the ground, the puddle is expanding, but still has a defined edge. Currently, there is no proof whether the universe has a hard edge or not. I think the current prevailing theory is it doesn't, I want to say it is thought to perhaps be toroidal, shaped like a donut. You never really find an edge, if you pick a direction and keep going you will eventually find yourself back where you started. But, again, it's not settled, it could go either way.


Depends on what theory you follow. The proposed ones currently say that it could expand forever or it will eventually collapse onto itself.


Funny you upload this after the new Doctor Who episode


So now we know the *real* reason >!the captain was ejected!<.


Ikr I had the exact same thought


Hey, this almost completely describes the most recent Doctor Who episodes setup, first broadcast 12 hours ago. Eery!


You might as well visit the Restaurant at the End of the Universe while you're there.


The restaurant at the end of the universe is at the end of *time* not space


I have an older GPS.


I don't know man it seems to be catching up pretty fast


"I'm astounded by this discovery!" "Hi, Astounded. I'm Dad."


Calm down, no edgy jokes on this sub!


Last night's Doctor Who


You know what I'll never understand? An edge to the universe If you get to the edge of the universe, what makes everything you see NOT a part of the universe? Wouldn't it just be the universe? Like how would the universe not be technically infinite


Because the universe has stuff in it, matter or antimatter, energy, doesnt matter. Everywhere there is something. But beyond the edge, nothing, no matter, no anti matter, no energy.


Usually when we talk about the universe, we talk about the observable universe. Due to the speed of light and how it's expanded over time since the big bang there's a limit to how far we can see or how far back in time we see. however it doesn't stop there. Probably got the number wrong but I think measurements have shown that the actual universe must be at least 520 times bigger than the observable universe due to how flat we've been able to measure it so far.


My tired brain and eyes thought the astronauts were skeletons. No clue why. Great comic regardless, I love puns.


["Captain, can I ask you a question? Did your heart stop? Because mine did.](https://youtu.be/86J-bffNGEE?si=ICC3eDhLWhC87kDJ)


I laughed harder than i should have, i didn't see the second punchline coming and im ashamed, it was pretty obvious. Sigh.


Aren’t you galax-to-xie the end of the universe


Correction; dedicated his life to \*two\* puns.