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The message says "As you will no doubt be aware, the plans for development of the outlying regions of the Galaxy require the building of a hyperspatial express route through your star system, and regrettably your planet is one of those scheduled for demolition. The process will take slightly less than two of your Earth minutes."


Where’s my towel?


You're worrying about your towel, I don't even have my fish


Fish? I'm more concerned about my lack of brain smashing drink


gimme my pan-galactic gargle blaster!!!!!


Want some gynnantonix


One last visit to Eccentricca Galmbits it is then.


You have been notified! Plans were available for review. Missed that? Oh well.


*Those humans are really selfish... They don't even want to move their planet for the good of the entire galactic community...*


*Bloody apathetic planet. I have no sympathy at all…*


Which reminds me... please allow me to recite *An Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning...*




There's no point in getting all upset about it.


lol, get a towel


Eminent domain.


i guess its wow.


Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!! This world has received your message. I am a pacifist of this world. It is the luck of your civilization that I am the first to receive your message. I am warning you: Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!! There are tens of millions of stars in your direction. As long as you do not answer, this world will not be able to ascertain the source of your transmission. But if you do answer, the source will be located right away. Your planet will be invaded. Your world will be conquered! Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!!


Bad news, we answered: https://www.space.com/17151-alien-wow-signal-response.html


Good news, they won’t receive our answer for another 17,000 years.


Nobody else seems to get this reference from 3 Body Problem. Such a good show!


Such a good book trilogy! The show is good but I'd encourage everyone to read the books. They've kept the spirit of the story and some characters, but there are big differences. Plus, you get to know what happens next.


This entire thread is a reference to that show lol


I keep seeing hitchhikers guide references, which is also totally fine by me


The Virgin Trisolarans: Can only escape their shithole homeworld via slower-than-light travel and conquest of Earth, >!attempt and fail to conquer!< Earth for basic survival, have to rely on >!remote-controlled protons!< and human simps to drive people to suicide The Chad Vogons: escaped their shithole homeworld via hyperspace travel, casually destroy Earth in order to build a hyperspace bypass, can drive people to suicide simply using their dogshit poetry.


Dammit I need to give it a try again. I keep falling asleep


I’d highly encourage you to read the original books!


It's also sort of in an episode of bobs burgers.




Yes I, too, just started watching “3 Body Problem” and am enjoying it very much. Don’t care if this is viral marketing.


Few anomalies in astronomy remain as mysterious as the “Wow!” signal from 1977. The powerful and unusual radio signal lasted 72 seconds. Astronomers quickly ruled-out the possibility that it was caused by a terrestrial broadcast or a passing satellite, and despite repeated searches of the same sector of sky, the WOW! https://www.astronomy.com/science/sun-like-star-ruled-out-as-source-of-mysterious-wow-signal/


The 1977 Wow! signal is really tantalizing, but if aliens were able to broadcast such a signal it seems really unlikely that they would only do it once.


Well, it could be a random moving pattern and thry are waiting to see if there is a sikilar response. Cover more area rather than stick longer on a single spot for repeated broadcast.


Could be, but surely smart aliens would realize how much more convincing their signal would be if they repeated it. A 72-second signal is interesting, but an exact duplicate of a complex signal repeated days or weeks apart would be unambiguously artificial. It's like singing a musical note vs saying "Hello... Hello"


Well if it really was an alien signal, there *is* a possibility that there's a group of laughing aliens out there somewhere, taking bets on how long we'll wonder what it was and how long we'll search for it


That would imply we're in some alien tv show. How would they know what we are doing with the signal when they are who knows how many light years away.




People are dicks. Aliens can be probably too. I'm certain an alien could laugh his alien ass off just thinking about how mind puzzled any potential living creature would be if they received his weird alien ass radio signal and couldn't understand or locate it. Just like that dick who pointed a laser pointer in my apartment for a couple seconds and then never again. Or the dude who flew a drone up to my 13 story high apartment and vanished forever again. In neither case have I been in a TV show lmao


Kinda takes fun out of it. If you don't know anyone heard your signal how can you laugh about it. Somewhere 100 light years away: "We have no idea if there really is life there but if there is they may find out and maybe clueless about it... in 100 years that is." buahahaa Yap yap. The dude pointing the laser to your apartment can see your movement in the apartment and laugh about it. He'll be moron but he'll be laughing about it "I bet he doesn't know where its coming from" hahaha I don't see how I can apply the laser pointer logic in galactic distances without them being already around. Thus I jokingly said the alien tv show since they had to be here to observe to get any joke out of it.


> I don't see how I can apply the laser pointer logic in galactic distances without them being already around. From the direction the laser came, he just aimlessly pointed the laser on a highrise apartment from another lower building from about 2 o clock from the window direction, while I was on the computer at 5 o clock behind a wall. Too lazy to upload an image for this, but unless I went to the window there was no movement he could have seen. Didn't want a laser pointed in my eyes so I never checked the window. So yes, that guy just pointed a laser in an apartment and got no reaction. He still (probably) had fun pointing a laser on a highrise apartment even though I didn't franatically looked out the window with a spatula screaming "damn kids". Similarly, the alien might just send weird radio laser points around hoping someone is behind the wall and saw his radio signal.


A sophon would let them instantly be able to see everything that's happening on Earth instantaneously.


It wouldn't imply that.


Idk man. If there is intelligent life out there, I'd bet on it being dark forest, rather than happy, helpful aliens.


When I think of alien life I like to think of something similar to our deep sea creatures on earth. Those are bizarre and alien looking. Very unlikely there are humanoid like aliens out there but I'd say likely some life forms exist in vastness of space whether inteligent or not.


I like to picture aliens in a tuxedo T-shirt because it says I want to be formal, but I'm here to party.


They're also hella predatory.


Probably a bunch of Golgafrinchans pranking from a booth in The Restaurant at the End of the Universe.


Maybe they do repeat it every 50 years, or some other long period of time, figuring if a civilization didn't catch it, they probably need some time to advance their technology. Broadcasting the signal to people 500 years ago wouldn't have done any good, after all.  There's no reason to assume an alien civilization exists on similar time scales to us, maybe those being live 10000 years, or have had a stable civilization for millions of years.  By the universe's scale, our entire 10k year human civilization is a tiny blip. We've been able to detect radio waves for less than 150 years, and been listening for them in space less than that. It very easily could be repeating, we just haven't heard a second beep.


Oooh maybe the wow signal WAS the second broadcast...


With signals travelling at light speed, those aliens and their entire culture would have vanished before they received a reply.


..... Do radio signals travel at light speed? (I'm not being snarky I just really thought they traveled at the speed of sound and I'm realizing that I don't know very much for certain about radio signals)


Yes, the radio signals are a form of light, just not in our visible spectrum.




I really thought saying, "an exact duplicate of a complex signal" would be enough, but yes you're right, most natural phenomena are cyclical and repetitive, that's very true.


What if they are repeating it every 50 years?


Hello…..Is there anybody out there?


> but surely smart aliens would realize how much more convincing their signal would be if they repeated it [*Hmmm*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arecibo_message)


Who’s to say our familiar time scales would be relevant to whomever is sending the signal?


Maybe it was a signal, just not intended for us. Maybe someone set the antenna focus WAY too tight and blasted us with a burst of power that was intended for a quadrant of their local sky. The error was picked up within a minute of testing and the rig shut down. They have been broadcasting normally ever since, just 10000 times fainter in our direction so we haven’t been able to pick it up again.


I’m imagining on their planet they have a hollywood movie starring alien Matt Daemon who plays a scientist who valiantly fought to get that signal sent to call for help to save their dying world. But corrupt politicians too proud to admit to their people that the world was indeed dying send their police to stop him before it could be transmitted again. In the ending scene he stares up through the haze of their poisoned atmosphere knowing that pride had doomed his world but finding peace that he did his best.


Is this a real movie lol?


On that planet, possibly! Except some would call it a theatrical documentary rather than a movie.


Alien Minnie Driver and alien Winona Ryder awkwardly show up at the same time and get in a space cat fight.


They never did it again because the San-Ti already wiped them out.


Heh, the San-ti are your *best* case scenario


Once on what time scale? There is nothing that says they remotely act like us. They likely will have next to zero in common even if they can use radio. We can really only guess at what the purpose was. A good direction to think is that of a cuttlefishs purpose for doing stuff. That has more in common with us than the hypothetical aliens do, what ever they're up to it's going to be...well truly alien.




You have to think of not just a cuttlefish but a cuttlefish that has figured out how to broadcast interstellar signals. This cuttlefish would be at least as smart as we are, and if they wanted a message to be understood they would try to make it easy to understand. They would know about universal concepts that don't depend on the recipient's culture or physical form - such as binary counting and atomic structures - things any life form able to build radios would know about - which would demonstrate that the signal was artificial, and provide a starting point to help translate the message. We did this on the messages attached to the Voyager probes.


Except we know that they would be intelligent and capable of reaching conclusions similiar to ours since they have radio technology.


The WOW! Signal, while being radio frequencies, didn't contain any information, I think if you analyze the entropy (that's something a little above my head to give a meaningful explanation) of the signal it's pretty clear. It's strange but it's incredibly likely it's natural in occurrence.


Unless it was a distress signal....................


“Quiet earth *they*’ll hear us” - last transmission


They read "three body problem" and listened to the warning reply instead of sending a second message.


It could have been an accident, a broadcast accidentally shot in the wrong direction


It actually is in range of possibility, that one guy said it would be a cool thing to tell aliens about their existance, but another one "arguemented" "shut up, bitch!".


You're assuming they're not messing with us.


Unless they were expecting an answer, and when they didn’t get one, did what we often do and just assumed our part of the sky was empty.


Even if Aliens had the tech to find other species on other planets I doubt we would look civilized, we toil our life away for 3 thousand billionaires to pay for shelter and food we could build and take ourselves without giving up 85% of our life in exchange, seems pretty primitive to me.


Well did we ever try sending a signal back to the area we received from?


Unless it was a dying planets last effort to tell the universe they existed.


Hasn't every deliberate signal/message we've sent into space only been transmitted once?


Good question - what did your research tell you?


Na, they were like "on second thought, we should probably leave those assholes alone" and turned it off. Or, for the horror version : the senders got a response in the form of a Tryanid like invasion. Realistic version: probably cockroach aliens exist and nothing else.... Maybe those sweet tiny bear thingies forgot the name (tirdagrad?)


If it was aliens, we were most likely not the recipient, we just happened to be in the trajectory of the signal.


Good assumption, since it would be difficult to impossible for anybody out there to pick up unintentional transmissions from Earth. I like the principle of Galaxy Quest where the aliens watched the show and thought it was real, but a civilization that could accomplish that could probably send us an easily decipherable encyclopedia if they wanted to. I actually think aliens who really wanted to let others know they existed and had the ability to send powerful enough signals would also be able to create a carefully structured signal that made it fairly simple for an unknown culture to figure out how to decode. There are mathematical patterns anyone capable of building radios would notice.


It’s like when your dog found a pizza crust in a bush so they check that bush extra hard every time they pass it


This is an amazing analogy


[Wiki entry](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wow!_signal)


I was a student at Ohio State, and got to visit inside the Big Ear while it still existed (mid-90's). Got some up-close pictures inside and out, but my fav is [this one](https://i.imgur.com/UD5RzeI.jpg) of the emergency equipment in place in case they found another WOW signal. (Just above the to the right of the word SETI.)


The Wow! what? Don't leave me hanging like that.




They got him. He knew too much


Hol up! I thought they spent like 10 years pouring over the data and discovered that someone had popped the microwave door open before the timer went off, and that's what the signal was. Was that a different signal?


No that was in the 90s I think








With his faithful sidekick, alien Michael cera


The signal most likely originated a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. That reminds me, Star Wars also came out in 1977, and changed cinema forever. Coincidence? I think not!


So, we know what sector of the sky it came from.


Did they ruled out pigeon shit? Always seems to be the issue....


“Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space.”


“The universe is big. It’s vast and complicated and ridiculous. And sometimes, very rarely, impossible things just happen and we call them miracles.”


Like fucking magnets




Magents prove the Bible!


If the colour red proves the bible, what do magnets prove then?




Each magnet has a smaller magnet inside it.


I’m betting at least 42 people don’t get this reference.


Perhaps I'm old and tired, but I always think that the chances of finding out what really is going on are so absurdly remote that the only thing to do is to say hang the sense of it and just keep yourself occupied.


Don't panic!


Im currently on life, the universe, and everything, love the series


Got it, thanks to this, lol


My teacher is playing a ep Everytime we have extra time lol


If the sun was the size of a hydrogen atom, sun being 109 times the size of Earth, you'd have to travel over 3 meters to get to Alpha Centauri's hydrogen atom.


There's a huge possibility of hundreds of planets like Earth, which living organisms just like us or different but they are there. Maybe they also think, they are the only ones in world, maybe they know about us too, but don't want to let us know. They might be more primitive. I refuse to believe that our solar system is the only one being able to sustain life. If big bang is real, and universe's entropy is constantly increasing, and our solar system is just so small compared to even out milky way galaxy, there are aliens fr.


Not even peanuts ,it’s hair strands to space


Outer Space <- It’s in the name


"Space is desease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."


I thought ut was officialy stated that it was some random pulsar/quazar signal a few thoursand of parsecs from milky way


A pulsar is a proposed explanation, but so far nothing has been widely accepted as a convincing explanation, and astronomers are still investigating it. In 2017 somebody published a paper "proving" that [a comet was the source](https://phys.org/news/2017-06-wow-mystery-space.html), but [that explanation has since been disputed](https://www.reddit.com/r/Andromeda321/comments/6gal8v/no_the_wow_signal_was_probably_not_caused_by/)


For a thing that doesn't transmit sound, space is actually loud as shit


Radio waves can pass through vacuums. It’s that we have the technology to turn those radio waves into sound.


No sound, just a whole lot of light.


Well, Earth is also in space so it came from Earth. Checkmate atheists


Some alien kid using their equivalent of a ham radio starter kit just randomly dialling earths frequency, ripping out a 72 second fart into the mic and then moving on and never thinking about it again.


For sure we know, check Three Body Problem


Just here for the "uranus"-jokes...


Voyager 1 was screaming for help


Bros smarter than albert einstein


I'm now inspired to watch x-files :) cheers


Netflix has a show ive been enjoying called '3 Body Problem'.


Wont regret it


The truth is out there!


*watches "Home" episode* "Let's see what else there is to binge watch."


“We’ve been trying to reach you about your extended warranty”


One theory is that it came from a microwave oven. I'm not kidding, there has been at least one more such instance like that since then.




The microwave incident was at Parkes in Australia https://theconversation.com/how-we-found-the-source-of-the-mystery-signals-at-the-dish-41523


That's the one I meant!


Aliens laughing their sox off.




"We noticed that your current spacecraft don't follow the new guidelines voted in the galactic assembly. Please try to remediate this issue or you could face economics sanctions."


The first Star Wars movie came out that year. Coincidence? I think not


Wow, if you know you know


It was translated a few years back it said "Stop signaling, stop signaling. You will be found. Danger danger"


It came from space, bro


It was from an asteroid with insane radiation iirc


Sent from my stinky butt


And we sent it. It was an order signal for pizza (yes, we have those). It was a mistake, the signal went to the wrong place.


From the microwave when making popcorn maby


Why did I read “Alan Feldstein” as “Alien Federation” 😂


From the environment probably


"Don't you know what's in space? *Everything*"


It was a response from the San-Ti


We just picked up their last 72 seconds. Their planet sploded after that.


me also dont know


Everything's in space, Morty


Wow! What a cool fact.


Space. It came from space


That's a pretty short song.


And what is he wrong about?


"I wonder if they'll reply to my message, about my request for episodes of single female lawyer " Lrrrr ruler of the planet Omicron Persei 8




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We are trying to reach you about your planet’s extended warranty 😀


Ok well that like trowing a ball over a wall and sayinge it came from the "air"


I've seen the "3 body's problem" and the possibility of a alien communicating to us is terrifying


Pretty sure it was a microwave


As if space is a place. Space is nothing.


r/angryupvote :|


"You are bugs!"


I don’t remeber what it was but they know where it’s from I think it was those suns who orbit eachother closely


I don't know guys. Has someone checked on Vera's mom yet?




Who is this 'we' you're talking about Kemo Sabe?


True! This single was also mentioned in the Netflix show "3 body problem"


Microwave in the lunchroom?


And it said: "Stay down there. We don't want you up here."


That comment is true there


I both hate and love that reply at the same time


Tbh, this whole story with a radio signal is hella bs to me. The "aliens" theory is extremely hilarious. probably some random waves at best. If it even happened.


The translation read, " Disregard first message."


The wow signal. Yes, we all remember


12.800.000 meters, 1 second


By the time your response arrive them it will be ages in future.

